Because Gu Ran's head is a picture of Gu Yisheng bending his soft body and biting his tail, his concise summary sentence with a little questioning suddenly becomes a little softer.

Before she could answer the news, a bottle of ice beer slammed on the table on her left, splashing water on her clothes.

Jiang Yansheng raised his head and confronted a male employee whose face was red after drinking.

Seeing Jiang Yansheng looking at him, the male employee was excited. He called out a word that was not clear. Then he grinned his white teeth and clapped his hands and said, "Jiang Director Jiang, have a drink, too! Drink more and we won't have to change the plan tomorrow! Change I'm going to die

All the people sitting next to the male employees were shocked. One of them also pulled down the male employee's sleeve in panic, which led to a rude shake off. "Drag What are you doing with me? Do you still want the plan! Let's drink director Jiang down. I'll see who comes back! "

He said he opened a bottle of beer and Jiang Yansheng on the side of the heavy collision, "is a man, blow on the bottle!"

Jiang Yansheng said:

She squinted at each other. This person has a face of "Lao Tzu's intoxicated and unconscious, but she still remembers to remind director Jiang not to change the plan". She can't help but reflect in her heart. Is there something wrong with the delicacy of the employee's plan before?

Jiang Yansheng stopped for a long time. An Di opened his mouth and looked at it for a while. He took the beer and said with a smile, "director Jiang doesn't drink today. I'll accompany you to drink it."

Male employees stare as big as brass bells. He approached andI's face and looked at it for a while. He pushed andI with a very light force. He said with righteous words: "you can't do it! Women chirp, usually go upstairs a box of water can not move, this beer you You can't do it in one bite

Andi, who was questioned as "no way out":.... "

He laughs dangerously. Just about to show the colleague what it is to drink in one gulp, the beer in his hand is suddenly taken away.

"He told you not to drink, so you don't want to rob. You have to drink and get a new bottle by yourself."

Andi turns her head in shock and looks at Jiang Yansheng's encounter with the drunken male employee. She is full of cold beer and has a spicy mouth.

She puffed up the empty bottle and threw it in the garbage basket. She laughed at the male employee, "don't patronize me. Didn't you come to dinner today? Why are they all dead? "

Today, many staff members were silent, like a good look around her.

After watching Jiang Yansheng's feat, andI looked at her with a new look. "I didn't expect that. I didn't see you so fierce in the bar before. Didn't you pretend to be?"

Jiang Yansheng just held a bottle of breath, and now he is feeling a little queasy. She heard andI's query and stifled her way back. She pretended to be arrogant and kneaded her temple, "what's it? Muse is too messy. I just don't want to get drunk. "

Andi nodded vaguely, "then I'm not afraid to be drunk here?"

Jiang Yansheng's eyes are a little red. In fact, she can't drink very much, but she won't go mad after being drunk. According to the description of her friends, she should be very approachable, and even have a little sense of her own.

She gently pinched the back of Andi's hand and carelessly wiped her spicy lips. "It's OK. You know where my house is. Remember later Remember to send me back. "

Andi suddenly gave a strange cry. He raised the back of his red hand and asked, "why do you pinch so hard?"

Jiang Yansheng looked down at his fingers in a confused way. It seemed a little strange, "is it heavy? I just touched you. How could you Jump up? " She disdained to an Di raised a middle finger, "no wonder people just said you are weak, you look, can't even touch, this is not good, go back to practice more."

Within a few minutes, an Di, who was hit back and forth by the two men, was suffocating. He took Jiang Yansheng, who had fallen to his side. Tut tut two, "Jiang, you should not be, this bottle is drunk?"


Jiang Yansheng sneered. The moment she lifted her eyes, her aura was very strong. She really bluffed an di.

She stretched out a finger and swayed in front of Andi, "what's this?"


Jiang Yansheng's red eyes and tail brought a little ridicule. She shook her head and straightened an Di's head. Look at him with a kind of pity.

"You fart, this is two."

Seeing an Di closed his mouth, Jiang Yansheng angrily pulled an Di's collar, "is it two! Why don't you admit your mistake? Shrink your head, tortoise


He can't help but feel disgusted. It seems that Jiang Yansheng's behavior of not drinking more in the bar is very correct. The amount of alcohol is really small, and it's hard to walk.

Drunk Jiang Yansheng and an Di argued for a while and then sat quietly on the seat.

There was a lot of noise around. At first, there were a group of children employees and sporadic male employees in the office. Each of them had a light drink like a chicken, but three dozen beers had been served.The hard drinking people have no better place than Jiang Yansheng.

It took two hours to get a meal out.

Jiang Yansheng looks down at her mobile phone. The screen is bright and dark for a while. There are many news coming in, but she doesn't move. Just sit and look.

After watching for a while, Jono smiled at the anxious andI. "I think director Jiang is drunk. I don't drink much, so I can send her back."

Andi hesitated. "It doesn't matter. I don't drink much. You are a new employee. I don't know where Jiang she lives..."

"Mr. Naan knows where director Jiang lives?" Jono was surprised to cover his mouth. The voice was obviously a little high, but many people were drunk. No one put their words on their hearts. "I didn't mean it, but it was a bit surprised. No wonder Jiang just came in with Mr. an's shoulder. I thought the relationship between them must be very good..."

I don't know why, a good word from Jono's mouth has a different flavor.

"I don't know where the river lives, do you know?" said Ann di

"I used to be a university with director Jiang. My sister has a lot of knowledge. I can call someone to ask. It's too late. Mr. an still don't go at will..."

She had not finished her words, and suddenly felt a cold rising from her back.

A turn on the river Yansheng dark no bright eyes. She turned straight to the mouth and held it back.

Jiang Yansheng squints his eyes, and the white bright knuckle bends and knocks on the mobile phone screen.

"You're noisy."

She was not talking falsely. Although she was a little confused and confused, the woman seemed to have opened her mouth, and her head was like a bee in her head, which caused a headache.

Andi thought she was awake and asked in a low voice, "where is the home? I'll take you back. "

Jiang Yansheng heard that. Suddenly she was not happy. She looked up.

"Who are you?"

She pushed "gently" on the andI's chest, and she chuckled and nearly sat on the floor, pushing a man about one meter and eight. "Don't come here. I can go home myself. "

Jiang Yansheng felt that there were no dangerous people around her, and then he cut off her mobile phone, jumped out a voice phone at the same time, and she subconsciously answered it.

"Where are you?" The man's voice was a little cold, "why not return my news?"

Finally heard his familiar voice, Jiang Yansheng licked his lips.

"I'm not at home. Come and take me back."

Gu burning's voice settled down, he patiently asked again, "where are you?"

Jiang Yansheng frowns, she low urge, "come quickly."

The man sighed low, as if she could not, "is it drunk?"

The phone was taken away by a busy sweat siren, and he reported the barbecue address in fluent language he never had.

Next second, Jiang Yansheng pushed him down, tried to grab his mobile phone, and then he flipped over three plates on the table, crackling the white residue on the ground. Jiang Yansheng opened the bottle curiously when he saw a bottle of beer on the table.

The fire of Andi stopped the suicide.

He held Jiang Yansheng in his hands and kept her from moving. He could not help but scream and calmly shouted at Gu Yan Yan, who was on the other side of the phone: "take her away quickly! My God, every second she exists is just destruction! I'm going crazy! "

Gu ran back to a good phone and hung up.

"Who is this call to?" Jono heard a man's cool voice on the other end of the phone, and asked.

An Di subdues the living like a fish River Yansheng, and gives her a cold look. "What does it matter to you?"

He seems to have scattered the anger he received here in Jiang Yansheng on Jono. "If I remember correctly, you should not even check in for work in a day. Even the little intern who didn't even have a career, what qualifications would you point to boss at the top here? Why don't your eyes grow above your head? "

When the andI spoke, he was mixed with a very quick curly Italian, and he knew it was not a good word with his frown.

Giorgino held a breath and didn't reply.

A vast group of drunk and drunk people stood at the door of the barbecue shop, and the people who came to meet Jiang Yansheng have not arrived. No one else dare to disperse, stand and wait hard.

Not a moment outside the beginning of the patter began to rain, wet and cold.

"I will let go if you really want to sit," said the flute impatiently

A streamlined luxury Bentley drove the opposite way, threw the water flowers of his flutes at a very fast speed, and then stopped in front of a group of people.

An Di wring his eyebrows and scolding a sentence, he also touched the hand of Jiang Yansheng shoulder was suddenly opened."Give her to me."

The voice of the man walking forward is more somber than the cold rain.

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