When andI came out from Jiang Yansheng, she was keenly aware that the temperature of the office outside was several floors lower.

From this morning to the afternoon, Qiao Nuo, who was restless and restless, was quiet for several degrees. After an Di Yu Guang glanced at his eyes, he deeply understood what Jiang Yansheng meant by "heavy workload".

There were more than three times as many papers on Jono's desk as the other one she was with.

It is estimated that diligent, non-stop work to the end of the off-duty time point is not finished, if you can not finish, you can only work overtime.

He was distracted in the bottom of his heart to laugh at the woman's incapacity, the table was gently tapped, a half filled form on Andy's table.

"This is the welfare form that the director said everyone should fill in." The little girl with a warm smile smiles more when facing andI. She lowers her head and reaches a level with andI. "Mr. ANN, what you said just now when you met Jono was so handsome! I really, really adore you

She was slapped on the back. "Come on, lemon. Wake up and meet someone who loves one. Last time I said that you wanted to marry director Jiang Shuai. Now you put your ambition on andI? "

An Di squints her eyes and thinks for a while, and finally remembers the origin of the little girl in front of her and Jiang Yansheng. This is clearly the last time Jiang Yingxiong hugs the beauty.

He took out his ear and said, "I can't hear what I don't like to hear."

"I I don't like to hear them speak ill of director Jiang, but I still dare not stand up and quarrel with them. " Wu Ningling looks at andI's eyes.

"What kind of watch is this?" Take a look at the watch on the table. Andi turned over and over in a daze, and dryly read out a few bold characters in the title, "is the bonus and welfare table at the end of the month?"

Wu Ningling nodded seriously. "Yes, the director said that everyone should register. Mr. an should sign his name first. Half of the people didn't sign it."

Andi wondered, "no, Jiang Mingming told me that my bonus was deducted."

"The director said everyone in the office has a bonus." She carefully touched her face, smiling sweetly, "I just went in half an hour ago to ask, that's what the director told me."

To the mouth of the child to swallow back, andI suddenly laughed, he whispered a word in Italian, and then with a big wave of his hand, fluently and gracefully signed his English name.

"Is Mr. an swearing again?" asked Wu, holding the paper in his elbow

Andi laughed kindly, "no, I'm praising people."

He couldn't stay in his position. He couldn't bear to be in a good mood and ran to Jiang Yansheng's office. This time, he knocked on the door politely, but there was no response.

Well, since Jiang is dead, Mensao doesn't respond. He was kind enough to push the door himself.

Andi stepped into Jiang Yansheng's office with one foot and froze.

On the empty desk, there are still unfinished documents, but there is no trace of the person who should be sitting at the desk to deal with the documents.

He looked down at his watch with his mouth open, and there was still a full hour to go before work time.

I'm young.

This is Jiang. Skipping?


At 3 p.m., it was the first time that Jiang Yansheng saw the red sun hanging in the sky during his working day.

She looked at it and felt very dazzling. It seemed that even the dazzling light condemned her improper behavior.

Although Gu ran was sneered at on the phone, she really carried her bag according to Gu's statement. Come out of the company in good faith?

Jiang Yansheng blows the leather seat under the bottom of his buttocks like a vent of anger.

She turned back and glared at Gu Ran's straight profile, hoping to make him stare straight out of a hole.

After looking at it, her heart was still inexplicably fast. Jiang Yansheng was busy patting her heart. What's the matter? It seems that there is something wrong with it.

It's low blood sugar? This is what I bought before... " Gu ran concentrates on driving, but also divides the rest of the light on Jiang Yansheng. As soon as she frowns, he takes out a box of fudge and puts it in the palm of her hand.

"I'm not that old." With a cold face, Jiang Yansheng interrupts Gu Ran's concern, and the ice candy box in his palm is unexpectedly colorful.

It's hard to imagine that this thing actually exists in Gu Ran's completely cool style car.

Can we say that Gu Ran has a soft heart?

"You don't want to see what time it is. Which party starts after three? How old are you when I am! I am angry with you! Sooner or later, you will be angry and ill one day Jiang Yansheng holds the sugar bottle. She pinched it for a while, but still took one from it.

Sweet taste like soft waxy cotton, spread from the tip of the throat to all the limbs, but also magically calmed down her restlessness.It's not greasy sweet, but like the kind she ate at home when she was a child.

When contained in the mouth, it also brings some secret happiness.

"Not so early, of course." Gu ran chuckled, "I'll take you shopping."

Jiang Yansheng frowned, "what can I buy? I have money. You can buy it yourself. "

Because it was a weekday day, there were few cars on the street outside. Jiang Yansheng opened the drawer in front of him itchfully, trying to peep into Gu Ran's "maiden heart".

The light faintly shines into it. Jiang Yansheng also reaches out and touches it. He is stunned.

She didn't expect to take out some unopened exquisite ladies' cigarettes and two brand-new radish lipstick.

Jiang Yansheng, the brand of women's cigarette, is a little familiar. After the failure of her relationship with mu Lianchen, she learned to smoke and drink. She was in a terrible mood for nearly half a year. At that time, she liked to smoke this cigarette. When the clouds were around, she couldn't see all the scenes around her.

I don't see any bad people.

She frowned and turned the lipstick over. As like as two peas, she found the color coded identical.

In this way, can Gu Ran's co pilot seat be returned to another woman?

It left such a strong trace of life.

But these things are new

"I'll take you to buy a nice dress." Gu Ran's cold voice sounded in her ears, and did not awaken people from the daze.

Red light, car stopped.

Gu ran turns to see Jiang Yansheng in a daze at what he is grasping. He laughed and took the cigarette case out of her hand. "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yansheng pursed her lips. She wanted to tease Gu Ran's private life with a smile, but she found that the corners of her mouth could not be raised in any case. Had to cold face ice of ask a way: "you this is also pack a few women?"

Gu Burn's eyes are mingled with the smile of stars.

When Jiang Yansheng was so straightforward, he didn't hesitate at all. Instead, he frizzled her hair and said, "I'll keep you busy."

Jiang Yansheng's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She snatched the cigarette case from Gu Ran's hand and threw it back not very gently. "Lying doesn't make a draft."

"You use lipstick for women's cigarettes? I don't know what kind of remote hobby Mr. Gu is. It's really a little creepy. "

Gu ran smiles, "it's not for me."

"It's all for you."

Jiang Yansheng was silent for a moment. Gu Ran's answer was really beyond her expectation. She put her body back into the seat and said stiffly, "pull it down. I don't smoke."

Gu ran looked at her a little fluffy hair, the expression is pure and harmless, "you smoke."

His cool fingertips touched Xiajiang Yansheng's throat.

"Not good for the voice."

"These are all for a rainy day. Don't smoke in the future."

The sudden touch made Jiang Yansheng's neck stiff. The man's voice let her heart beat inexplicably missed a beat.

Jiang Yansheng looked at the tip of his shoes and silently curled his lips, "as if you knew me very well."

How could anyone understand her extreme, paranoid, irascible and dark side?

Gu ran looks like this.

It's really annoying.

Obviously, they have only known each other for less than a month.

Gu ran gently responds. He looks at Jiang Yansheng's dark eyes. Only the bottom has a little bit of falling light, "yes, I can only understand you, but I can't participate."

Jiang Yansheng looks up in doubt, but just misses Gu Burn's eyes. From her point of view, she can only see the man's angular chin.


However, she couldn't get rid of the car.

What's crazy about the day?

In the bottom of his heart, Jiang Yansheng is still quiet and gentle with a smile when he cries to chop Gu Ran's wrist.

"Mr. Gu." The glass door was opened by pressing on both sides of the attentive shop assistant.

Being led by Gu ran like a pet into a low-key and luxurious Gaoding dress shop, Jiang Yansheng subconsciously covers his substantial but not very substantial purse.

Every dress on display had a crystal tag on it.

The price is long and eye-catching.

She looked around quietly and deeply felt that a small dress with a slim waist might have hollowed her out.

Pulling Gu Ran's clothes, she whispered, "what are you doing here? It's still early. If you say so, I'll go straight home and change my dress. I have several sets. "

Gu burn micro hook lip corner, looking at Jiang Yansheng when the eyes twinkle people can not see through the heartache, "you have no white."

"I like you to wear white."

Jiang Yansheng was slightly stunned. She looked up at the man, subconsciously wanted to refuse, but looked at that pair of cool eyes, and couldn't say anything to her mouth.How did Gu ran know she didn't have a white dress?

It can't be a guess, can it?

Her eyes moved to Gu Ran's tight lips, and she suddenly thought of some fragmentary fragments, including his gentle kisses and his fiery licks

Ears quickly red, Jiang Yansheng light cough, "no need, I like black."

The warm breath poured down her neck.

"Just try it, will you?"

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