"What?" Even Gu Ran is startled by her sudden action. He doesn't step back or make any movement. He looks at what Jiang Yansheng wants to do next.

"Know I'm leaving, ready to leave some precious memories at the last moment?" Gu ran puts his angular chin on Jiang Yansheng's shoulder socket, and gently dallies for a few times. From a distance, he looks like two people in a warm general.

However, Jiang Yansheng's hand is not as free as Gu ran thought. Instead, she touches the wound between the man's thighs that has not been healed. The back of her hand just scrapes down Gu's wound through a layer of cloth.

He gasped.

Jiang Yansheng sneered scornfully. Obviously, the wound is not good. I pretended to be like that when I saw her just now. It's really sick.

Her graceful and slender neck is like a swan resting on Gu Ran's shoulder. Intimate in a man's ear said: "what do you want from me?"

From Jiang Yansheng's point of view, Gu Ran's face is not visible. He can only see his ear lobes that suddenly turn red. Like Mimosa, which will quickly close when touched, the red spreads very quickly.

"What's going on today?" Gu Ran's voice rings in Jiang Yansheng's ears, some dull and some hoarse, with a bit sexy. "You're not good at making love talk. It's no use to me."

Jiang Yansheng did not have the interest to pick eyebrows, her fingertips touched Gu Ran's ear, "since it's no use to you, what's the temperature like here?"

"Feel it and feel it hot."

She held the hand of Gu Ran's arm to slide down all the way, and stroked Gu Ran's strong chest naturally. Her voice on the tip of her tongue was very soft.

"I like you." When these three words came out of his mouth, Jiang Yansheng was surprised to find that this sentence, which had been stuck in his throat every time before, seemed not very difficult.

Even when she was in contact with mu Lianchen at the beginning, she seldom said this kind of words. In addition to the initial confession, she carefully calculated and found that it seemed that there was no such words.

But this kind of words, which are clearly like vows, can always be easily vomited out of Gu Ran's mouth.

Gu Ran is always talking to her.

It's really disturbing.

Jiang Yansheng stretched out a finger and gently pressed it on Gu Ran's thin lips. The other hand pinched Gu's injured leg with more strength.

Satisfied to see Gu ran just dyed a thin layer of red face, suddenly white, Jiang Yansheng laugh with a little light of the trick of the complacency.

"How about it? Why don't you talk? " Jiang Yansheng tilted his head and looked at him, "isn't this what you want to hear from me?"

She did a good job. She knew that Gu Ran's injury was not good, but she had to teach this conceited guy a lesson. So he just picked the farthest place from the wound and pinched it.

She hated people who failed her best in her life.

Therefore, one must be selfish, whether it is one's own body or emotion. Are the most important. Gu Ran's indifference provoked her indirectly.

"Yes, but it's not just that." Gu ran slowed down for a long time before he opened his mouth. He put half of his weight on Jiang Yansheng's shoulder with a weak posture.

The breath that spits out falls on the sensitive skin of Jiang Yansheng's back neck. She shakes her lower body coldly. The next second later, her neck is repeatedly licked with a kind of biting force. Gu Ran's words are vague, "say it again."

"What, say it again?"

Jiang Yansheng's face turned red. Her hand was placed between them because she had some distance from Gu ran. Now Gu ran comes up directly, and his body fits perfectly.

"I said that just now is just for fun. You often say that to me, but now you are just asking for trouble. " She raised her arm a little, and met the man in a place where he was hard to speak and even reacted.

She just pinched Gu Huo's wound just now because of punishment.

This level of pain should be enough to make people unforgettable and deeply alert, but Gu Ran's current state is something she never expected.

"Are you a fuckin 'man?" Jiang Yansheng's eyes widened fiercely, and she screamed in anger. She wanted to take her hand out, but she was almost unable to move by Gu Ran's overbearing power. She could only feel the hot temperature there silently.

Gu ran, holding a small piece of meat around her neck, smiles gently. "Why not a man?"

"Since it's a joke, it shouldn't matter to say it twice."

He took Jiang Yansheng's arm from behind with a posture of encirclement and confinement, and took Jiang Yansheng's hand to his wound with irresistible force.

Gu ran whispered in Jiang Yansheng's ear with a voice of exhortation: "pinch it again, and you repeat what you said just now."

Jiang Yansheng didn't know if he was going to smoke. In short, the temperature on his face was very hot, and both hands that he could use to fan were under the control of Gu Ran's hegemonism. She couldn't even turn her head when she was red.She gasped for breath. "Gu ran, do you like being abused?"

She didn't believe it. Gu ran didn't feel pain just now because of her great strength. Her face was still dark when she lifted it up.

This man, isn't there any hidden disease?

Gu ran encircles her strength, suddenly shrinks, as if he would like to tightly buckle people in the body, he presses people from behind. Jiang Yansheng was covered with a deep voice.

"Whatever you do, I like it."

Jiang Yansheng is embarrassed and shy for a moment. The courage to molest Gu ran just now is like a fragile balloon. Give Gu Burn's small action to gently prick, the gas inside, all of a sudden disappeared.

"It seems that Miss Jiang is not proficient enough in her love talk. It's better to exercise with me first than to be disgraceful outside. " Gu Ran's voice is smiling.

Jiang Yansheng couldn't help rolling his eyes. With her poor technique, didn't he flush and beat Gu burning just now? How did this man say these shameless words with a straight face?

"You let go." When Gu Ran's breath was approaching again, Jiang Yansheng couldn't bear to open his mouth. She was a little flustered and found an excuse, "didn't you say you were in a hurry to leave? Everything is packed up. Why is it blocked at the door now. Even if you don't care, I still have someone waiting. Yu Zhouzhou is still alone in the barber shop... "

Say what you say.

Jiang Yansheng has just mentioned Yu Zhouzhou's name. The next second, the ring of Yu Zhouzhou, which is the same as evocative, goes up and down, scaring her.

Gu ran makes a little effort to let her answer the phone.

Jiang Yansheng took a few breaths and calmed his heart which was about to jump out of his chest. Her hands are very serious grasp of the mobile phone, "why Zhouzhou?"

The voice at the other end of Yu Zhouzhou gave her a half dead anger, "you still mean to ask me what's wrong with me? Who swore to go back to me just now, that thing will come back in a moment? What time is it now? Don't say it's my hair. The barber has cut my next hair. I'll wait until you come back... "

Jiang Yansheng pressed the phone. He glared at Gu ran fiercely.

If Gu ran didn't make trouble here, she would have thrown all those rotten suits into the room opposite the door. How could it take so long.

Yu Zhouzhou at the other end even sensed Jiang Yansheng's desertion. She was a little discontented and exclaimed, "Yan Sheng, what are you going back to get? It's clear that nothing is lost. Have you been entangled by some goblin? I found out that all the residents in your apartment are very smart. Even the young man's face is as white as a radish... "

At this time, Jiang Yansheng was fighting with the "goblin" that Yu Zhouzhou said, "are you a snake? Can you stop pestering me like this, I can't breathe. "

Jiang Yansheng murmured dissatisfaction, Yu Zhouzhou's loud voice in the microphone was leaking.

Gu ran put his arms closer. "What young man?"

Jiang Yansheng's head was full of more than a dozen beats, but she didn't respond to what Gu ran was saying. She gritted her teeth and said, "don't you have long ears! Can't you hear me? "

Gu Ran's body aches.

"What did she say about the white boy?" Gu ran ignores what Jiang Yansheng is saying at all. His eyes are gloomy and aggressive.

Jiang Yansheng then responded. Gu ran also listened to Yu Zhouzhou's phone call and pushed his shoulder with a headache. "I don't know what she's talking about. I haven't seen it."

She left herself clean at once.

"I'll be right here." Jiang Yansheng put down this sentence and pressed the phone. He stepped on Gu Ran's foot fiercely. When he relaxed, he squatted down and escaped perfectly.

She managed to manage her neck which was almost torn by Gu ran. She said in a displeasure way: "since you are here, please clean up the room quickly. I'll go to Zhouzhou first. She's waiting for me."

Although the mouth of the rules and regulations under the command, but Jiang Yansheng on Gu burning dark eyes or inexplicable palpitation, she stepped back a few steps, quickly opened the door.

"I'll be back in a moment. You'll be quick."

She left this sentence and ran away without looking back.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, the mobile phone began to vibrate wildly. Jiang Yansheng did not see the display. He thought it was Yu Zhouzhou who was impatient. He called again to urge him. So he quickly picked it up and said with a perfunctory way: "it's coming soon. Don't worry."

There was a moment's silence at the other end of the phone, and a man's magnetic smile came. The familiar sound of scratching his ears made Jiang Yansheng stop his hasty pace.

"Why, I haven't opened my mouth yet. Miss Jiang knew I was going to make an appointment with you?"

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