"How could I go out with Jono?" Jiang Yansheng said sarcastically. She looked down at the drawer and looked at the scattered documents on the desk back and forth.

After confirming that no one came to make trouble this time, Jiang Yansheng asked curiously, "she didn't come to work today, did she ask for leave?"

Andi shrugged. "Of course not. It's bigger than you."

"At the beginning, the two interns who came in with her were so conscientious that they all scrambled to do anything in the office, which was not like her..." Andi curled her lips, some uncomfortable, "all day long, acting like an old man, I feel uncomfortable at the first sight of her."

"The bags she came to work with on her back that day were all Putian goods. I thought everyone could not see it? My God, the gold paint is almost half gone. Who can't see it? "

He asked in a low voice, covering his mouth with one hand. "As for Jono's performance, can't I pass my internship?"

Jiang Yansheng was very gentle with a smile. "Originally I was the same as you thought, but she seemed to have a little doubt about my statement that day. And I'm pretty sure I won't be fired at all. "

"She said she was tough backstage."

After hearing this, andI breathed out her nostrils and disdained, "and the backstage? If you are really rich, can you buy her bags and clothes? "

Jiang Yansheng tilted his head to look at her. It's a rare day for you to come to work today... "

She fiddled with the small calendar on her desk and read, "today is Friday, tomorrow is a weekend. I thought that according to your character, you can skip today's class and take a seven day long holiday directly? "

An Di gentle smile, a pair of gentle can let people drown, one of the eyes straight looking at Jiang Yansheng, "the boss also specially opened a bonus for me, how can I bear to skip work?"

Jiang Yansheng curled his lips. "I think you are worried about the prize money you get. There are no such things."

She narrowed her eyes and tried hard to recall the name of Andi's friend, "is it al, Al what, that handsome guy has returned home?"

Foreigners' names have always been arranged in no order. She only heard them once. It was a miracle to remember one or two of the three words.

An Di's eyebrows are twisted together, and he is very dissatisfied with Jiang Yansheng's casual attitude. He knocks on the table angrily, and even his deep eyebrow is full of complaints, "Alger, what a nice name, how can it come out of your mouth and become so cheap?"

"He was a famous photographer who won a big prize in Milan. Jiang, you said that he was an elite in the industry. He didn't even hear the name of Alger?" When talking about the glorious deeds of his friends, andI instantly felt proud.

Jiang Yansheng shook his head regretfully, "I don't know anything about photography. I'm really sorry."

She held out two fingers and moved andI's surreptitious hand to the edge of the thousand layers as she spoke, "don't touch it. I bought it. "

An Di murmured in a low voice, "stingy ghost, is not a thousand layers?"

If he wants to eat it, he will queue up to buy it tomorrow, and he will certainly be able to buy it.

When he thought of the time when he was still in Jiangcheng, he happily took people all the way to the company, but the clerk's apology told him that not only the thousand layers were gone, but also the most common buckwheat bread was sold out.

The business in Paris is really getting better and better.

Andi was a little frustrated and paralyzed on the stool.

Jiang Yansheng wiped the clean fork again slowly, and then ate a small piece of thousand layers with elegance. The taste was very good. She was more satisfied with the dejected look of Andi.

An oblique glance. "Although I don't know much about photography, I know something else."

She took a fork and confidently ordered andI. "That one named Alger, do you have any interest in others?"

As for andI's flamboyant appearance in the studio that day, if he really said nothing, he would not believe it.

Andi gentle smile, voice is very quiet, "this can not be said, after all, people are very straight, even if I stand naked in front of him, I would not give any reaction."

Jiang Yansheng nodded thoughtfully and suddenly said, "it's a secret love. I didn't expect that you still have this day?"

She scowled at andI. "Speaking of your excellent appearance, you can attract people in the bar. No wonder you haven't had a companion for such a long time. It turns out that you have something in mind."

"When did I attract the bees and butterflies?" Because Alger just left soon, andI's subconscious response to Jiang Yansheng's words was to look left and right to see if there was anyone around him.

He turned his face seriously, wringing his hands on his chest, "you can't talk nonsense."

Jiang Yansheng shrugged indifferently, "I don't know who it was at that time. It's really thrilling to see a bartender's phone call in exchange for a fierce competition. "Andi laughed two times. He played with his fingers carelessly. "Yes, speaking of the phone number of the little boy you gave me last time, I seem to have lost it by accident, and I haven't contacted him all the time."

"Is it? How can I remember... " Jiang Yansheng's dry memory like gears began to creak, and an Di, who was about to be irritated by ridicule, began to creak.

"Remember what you remember, you don't remember anything!" Andi's face turned red. "The bartender contacted me later."

"But when I asked him out, it felt different."

Jiang Yansheng cut a small piece of thousand layers of interest, "is it too easy to start?"

At the beginning, the bartender was Yu Zhouzhou's friend, so easily sold. I don't know if I will cry and scold them in the back.

Andi glanced at Jiang Yansheng with disdain, "you are so superficial. The reason why I was interested in the bartender at that time was that the lighting in the bar was so good. I'm a real Asian, but I can see that... "

"The shadow of Alger?" Jiang Yansheng picked his eyebrows and connected with an Di's next sentence naturally.

The blocked half a word can not go up and down andI breathed a breath, "you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb."

There was a pause. His voice went down a bar, "it's a little bit like it, but after the appointment, it's not like at all."

"After all, it's not the same person. How can you find another person's shadow in one person?" Andi laughed loudly, "if two people know each other well, it's not the same one."

His pupils are out of focus.

But after really seeing the bartender's face, it was like waking up from a dream.

That moment, to say there is no disappointment, false.

Bar is such a charming charm, can cover up many shortcomings, but also can suddenly add many non-existent advantages.

It's like a dream.

"Who do you know?" Jiang Yansheng was distracted for a moment, and suddenly asked, "if you want to get the love of each other, you should deliberately learn the behavior that the other party likes..."

Before she finished her words, she was interrupted by andI's laughter.

"Be a stand in? It's not ideal. "

"Who is willing to be a stand in all his life?" He shook his head sarcastically. Even if the so-called love is obtained by opportunism, when time goes by, people's greed will grow infinitely, and they will not only be satisfied with being just a stand in. "

The fork in Jiang Yansheng's hand drew a beautiful arc in the air. She didn't know what she thought of. She nodded slightly and said, "that's really pitiful."

Such a long time, it is estimated that even psychology will be distorted.

"Why do you eat so fast?" Andi is sad and ready to talk, Yu Guang sweeps to Jiang Yansheng's clean and empty desk. Eyes widened in shock.

Fortunately, he realized the good relationship between the superiors and subordinates in time.

Are you a pig He pushed it back intact with a smile of admiration.

Jiang Yansheng calmly accepted the exclamation, and cleaned up the box in front of the salivating andI. She put one hand on her waist with some worry, "yes, not only eat fast, but no matter how much you eat, you will not get fat. It's really annoying."

"I think you are keeping a good figure. Do you have the same trouble as me?"

An Di's grinding sound is particularly clear, "I'm really sorry, this kind of trouble I've never had since I was small."

Different from the diet of Asians, they are basically Western food and fast food products. They eat high calories and are unhealthy. People get fat quickly, just like balloons blown up. If they want to maintain a good and healthy body, they have to pay the corresponding price.

"I think you're in good shape?" Jiang Yansheng crooked his head and walked around andI.

It seems that the fake model has reached a height of 1.8 meters and excellent hardware conditions. AndI will not worry about it.

"I also have a gold membership card in the nearby fitness club. How do you think I keep fit?" Every word of Andi seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth. He would like to chew it and spread it out in front of Jiang Yansheng.

"It's too hard." Jiang Yansheng gently patted an Di on the shoulder, "no matter how hard you work, you can't be lazy in working hours. I remember it when you came in just now. It's almost an hour for gossiping, and it's all added to your overtime waiting."

She then pushed the screaming andI straight out of the office.

In a flash, before the image of spring breeze and rain has become a black face of selfless iron.


Because there was too much work accumulated in the morning, when Jiang Yansheng got out of the state of burying his head, his shoulder moved a little, and all of them made a sound of bone dislocation.

She gave a slight hiss and made two circles around her shoulder.The cell phone lying on the table suddenly lights up.

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