The light in the apartment corridor is very weak.

When the elevator opened the door, the white light lit up a little

JIANG Yansheng was dazzled and saw that the door of his home was not covered. He looked closely and found that there was a small opening.

Her step a lag, some of the dry brain quickly run up.

Now her apartment is supposed to be unoccupied, and she checked and closed the door again and again before leaving in the morning.

Is it a thief?

Jiang Yansheng was a little flustered. She put her hand on the door handle. Suddenly, a huge force came from inside and opened the door directly.

"Who..." Jiang yosheng's voice gradually weakened and her legs were unstable. She felt for the wolf spray in her small bag. But I couldn't find it by turning left and right.

With a click, a figure came out of the door.

The man is upright and upright, and his breath is cold. When he came out, he almost covered all the sight of Jiang Yansheng.

Jiang Yansheng raised his eyes at the same time, the elevator door closed.

The corridor suddenly turned dark.

The tip of the nose is the familiar tobacco, the clear male fragrance. Jiang Yansheng's heart slowly calms down, and she takes back the hand in the bag.

The back was pressed against the countertop at the edge of the corridor.

The cold wind of the night passed by my ears, causing uncontrollable shudders.

"Gu ran?" Jiang Yansheng tried to break away from the man's chest, but he was pressed back by the oppressive force. "Are you sick? Let me go. "

"Whose car did you come back from?"

Gu Ran's voice took a little chill, "don't say no, I saw it clearly by the window just now."

Jiang Yansheng's subconscious brain emptied, then sneered and pretended as if nothing had happened

Xiao chuyun's name is not what can't be said, but feel Gu burn shrouded in the body side of the breath.

Her mouth moved.

Still lying.

Gu ran obviously doesn't believe it. His straight body tilts over and his hands support the platform of the corridor. Jiang Yansheng is wrapped tightly, and there is no gap that can be escaped.

You can't see clearly in the dark, but your hearing and touch are much more sensitive.

Earlobe cold does not spread the moist feeling, the man attached to the ear low said: "I just walked how long, you are not good?"

His hand winds down her close fitting dress, stops at her waist and rubs back and forth, "who did you go out with?"

Jiang Yansheng can only hear his heart beating faster and faster, his face burning. She turned her face away. "I told you to find a valet."

With a hand around Gu Ran's neck, he pulled the man's body down. Jiang Yansheng slowed down for a moment, pressed down the red on his face, and shook Gu's lips in vain.

"Can't you smell me drinking? It's just a substitute driver. "

"But you Didn't you pack up and get out? Why are you still free... "

The next second, her chin is lifted by the man's long, powerful fingers.

Originally, it was just the ambiguous lips that were about to close together. Gu Ran's strength was very strong, with a kind of passion and ruthlessness that wanted to swallow her into his stomach.

Jiang Yansheng's eyes widened in panic. She wanted to speak, but she let the man's tongue break through the barrier flexibly. It was more violent and almost dizzy.

Stretch out his hand to push hard on the man's strong chest, how can't push open.

The cool breeze in the evening is gone, and all Jiang Yansheng's attention is burning on his lips.

It's like a hot ocean, drowning.

The moon is hazy.

Reflecting Gu Ran's sharp and angular outline, and a pair of dark and deep eyes, her intoxicated face is completely inside.

When the warmth of the lips left, Jiang Yansheng was still stimulated for a long time without slowing down.

She gasped, almost carrying it.

The cool hand is gently held by Gu burn. The sound of light metal percussion sounds.

Jiang Yansheng's pupil focused, "what do you take?"

Because of Gu Ran's action, her voice is still a little hoarse, with a kind of unspeakable sexiness.

"You like to run out so much." Gu Burn's eyes staring at her, gently and domineering smile, "of course, you have to find something to lock you up."

Jiang Yansheng was slightly stunned.

A cool thing fits the size. It's on her left middle finger.

A faint light shone on it.

It's a diamond ring.

Jiang Yansheng is excited by the cold. She throws her hand away, but Gu Ran's action has been perfectly finished.

"What do you mean?"

She rarely felt that way.

It's like the heart that was buried in the graveyard since childhood was dug out of the soil, and the dust on it is put in the sun.She made concessions to mulianchen, but only made things worse. Her heart was also entangled in more and more chains.

Gu ran, however, can disturb her mood by herself without unlocking the key.

After seeing her mother's failed and terrible marriage, she lost hope for marriage and even love.

And I never know what a heart movement is.

My mother once said to her, if one day you have a heart. Keep the secret.

People who put their sincerity naked on the surface will generally die miserably.

"Is this a one get one free product at the mall?" Jiang Yansheng laughs at no temperature and wants to change the topic.

She tried to take the ring off her finger.

The hand is suddenly covered by Gu.

"Yan Sheng..." Gu ran calls her name gently.

It's softer than what you call Gu Yisheng at home. He put his chin on Jiang Yansheng's shoulder socket.

Jiang Yansheng still kept holding up his hand, but did not dare to move.

She's so confused now.

"Stupid." When Gu ran laughs. The hair tickles the neck.

"This is an engagement ring for you."

"I still owe you a engagement banquet. Recently, the company has some problems. When I solve them, I will give them back to you. Wait for me."

Jiang Yansheng's subordinate consciousness wants to cover on the man's back, and is quietly taken back by her.

She chuckled.

"Gu ran, don't tell me that you love me?"

The short and crisp rhetorical question becomes a promise in Gu Ran's mouth.

He dropped a kiss on Jiang Yansheng's beautiful neck.

"I love you."

Jiang Yansheng was originally said as a joke. The words suddenly disappeared.

She heard her heart beat violently.

Short, even less than a month to get along with.

Can Gu ran say the word "love"?

Jiang Yansheng pushed Gu ran away. His eyes fell on him. He pretended to be calm and said, "do you know what you're talking about?"

Gu ran chuckled.

"I know better than anyone else."

Jiang Yansheng staggered his invisible sight and looked down at his hand. Still, he insisted on taking down the ring, "is this the ring you gave to Gu Yiyi, but they didn't accept it, so you..."

"No, it's tailor-made for you." Gu ran as like as two peas, and he took the same idea. Tap the inner ring of the ring with your fingertips.

Three English letters, JYS, are engraved on the tiny silver inner ring.

Jiang Yansheng's action was stopped.

It says, "it's my initials." Gu ran put it on the same position of his left hand in front of her face, "my name is engraved in your one."

"It's either for others or for you."

Jiang Yansheng was silent for a moment. Her eyes stayed on Gu Ran's face. "Have you come back to live from today?"

Gu Tan shook his head. "The company is still working overtime. I just came to see you."

Although Gu ran does not say, but she has probably known what happened to the company through Xiao chuyun.

"Gu ran, do you really know me? I'm selfish, extremely irritable and crazy. It's not what you think... "

"I know." Gu ran stares at her.

The three words made Jiang Yansheng's words stuck in his throat and couldn't go on.

She lifted her lips and said, "what you are doing now is really like a whim..."

Whether it's words or rings that pop up.

"The ring was made very early." Gu Ran's mobile phone suddenly began to vibrate. He frowned slightly and held Jiang Yansheng in his arms.

"Including meeting you, it wasn't a fluke from the beginning."

Gu Ran's appearance is like a dream.

Very fast.

When Jiang Yansheng regained consciousness, only the figure of the man's back was left downstairs. Her fingertips crossed the diamond on the ring, and every facet reflected a bright light.

She placed it on the so-called "tailor-made" ring, and with a little force, the ring moved.

The door behind him suddenly opened.

The dazzling orange light illuminates Jiang Yansheng in the dark.

She had just moved the ring and her hand shrank back.

Everything was like a huge cog rattling, and a god attached to her ear and said softly, "you can't escape."

Standing in the warm light like a God, Yu Zhouzhou is carrying a dripping garbage bag.

She "ah" a, scared back a few steps, almost sitting on the ground.

"Who are you?"

"It's me." Jiang Yansheng's voice is a little hoarse.After seeing clearly that the person standing at the door was Jiang Yansheng, Yu Zhouzhou clapped her chest in panic, then with one hand on his hips, he looked at her in surprise.

"Come back, why don't you come in? Did you forget your key? "

"I'm scared to stand at the door!"

She left the garbage outside the door. The cold wind was blowing and shivering. She jumped forward and grabbed Jiang Yansheng's wrist to bring her to the room.

"Have you forgotten that you are not living alone?" Yu Zhouzhou's mouth does not stop, "did not bring the key to knock on the door, I just looked at the clock, said how you have not come back."

Jiang Yansheng dropped his eyes and said, "um.".

When she looked back, Gu ran was no longer seen downstairs. The sky was dark and there were no stars.

She thought it might have been an illusion.

Even when Gu Ran's forehead was close to her, he saw the bright stars in his eyes.

It's not very bright, but it does.

If I see Gu ran again, she will open her eyes.

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