I don't know if it's worth it, but she agreed to Ke Hezhe's request just for Peijun.

Three months of bed warming tools, how humble it is.

Step by step, she walked back to Coriolis. Her footsteps were very heavy.

That afternoon, she did nothing. She was almost in a daze at the computer screen. Mo Xiaoxue secretly recorded her working state and decided to drive Gu Yaner away before the president came back.

Looking at Gu Yaner's back with a snickering smile, she can't be blamed. If you want to blame Gu Yaner, you can only blame Gu Yaner for not working hard.

Thinking of the president's face when she saw Gu Yan as a child, Mo Xiaoxue was very upset.

It's about to get off work, but Gu Yaner's first hope time pointer stops here. She doesn't want to get off work at all.

The finger rang.

It's the tone of a text message.

She doesn't want to see it.

Just let time tick by, my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

"Gu Yaner, after work, if you don't leave, I'll lock you in the office." Mo Xiaoxue is annoyed at her and wants to drive her away right now.

"Oh, I'll go now." Gu Yaner hurriedly picked up her backpack and her mobile phone, but it was so heavy that it hurt her heart.

His eyes slid across the mobile phone screen, which was Ke Hezhe's clear text message.

Time, let her go after work.

The location is the apartment where she has lived for three months.

Gu Yaner doesn't know how she left the company or how she got to the apartment. Anyway, she just arrived vaguely.

Everything is so familiar, and the flowers and plants in front of the apartment building seem to be the same as those in those years.

It was still one night. She came.

It's just that I changed my name and identity.

Doing the same thing.

"Mommy, just working overtime, isn't it?" Xiaodan asked with concern after listening to her voice.

"Well, just working overtime, Mommy will go back soon." after that, he allowed her to leave, so she can go back to sleep with the children and continue her work in Xianghu.

All of all, just changed this every night of a possible episode.

Only this episode, but not beautiful, and cruel let the heart only pain.

In the long corridor, she walked step by step. In front of the door, there was still a pot of cactus, but there were no flowers. Only the long thorn was publicized in her eyes and gave her a green ball.

Standing in front of the door, Gu Yaner took a deep breath again and again, but her raised hand fell down when she touched the door several times.

I don't know how long she stood. She didn't knock down the door until the person in the next room came out and looked at her with strange eyes.

But there was nothing to answer her except the echo of the knock at the door.

No one opened the door for her.

Again, there was no response.

Isn't he there?

Yes, he seldom came back so early in the past.

Gu Yaner curled up in front of the door. She looked at the pot of cactus. She could leave, but she knew she couldn't.

All the decisions come from Ke Hezhe. Now she is nothing but a tool to warm her bed.

Time, it's so slow.

An hour.

Two hours.

She still sat quietly in front of the door. No matter the disdainful eyes of the people passing by, she just hung her head and waited for him to come back quietly.

Bored, she pulled out the thorn on the cactus and pricked her finger. She wanted to wake herself up in this way.

Actually, she can call him.

But if he did it on purpose, what's the use of her calling?

It would only be the humiliation he gave her.

With one hand, subconsciously pushed the flowerpot. In my memory, the key of the apartment was placed under the flowerpot. I just don't know. Will there still be one now?

When the eyes looked over with the tilt of the flowerpot, a key was lying there quietly.

He put it.

Gu Yaner stared at the key and was stunned.

She understood at once what that meant.

Even hate, but he still subconsciously waiting for Wu Yanran to come back.

Yes, only this explanation can explain why the key is still under the flowerpot.

He likes Wu Yanran. He must be.

Love is deep, hate is deep.

I really want to pick up this key and walk into the apartment, but she stopped when her hand was half raised. She can't.

Because as long as she opened the door of the apartment with the key, it proved that she knew the secret of the key, but she was not Wu Yanran.

Everything is so chaotic that she can't figure it out.

The key kept changing in her eyes. The light in the corridor lined it as if calling her to pick it up with magic. Then she opened the door and went into the apartment.

It was like that night more than three years ago.

Behind him came the sound of low footsteps.

The sound made Gu Yaner put down the tilted flower pot at once.

When he restored his posture of leaning on the door with his knees, Ke Hezhe's tall figure has covered her around. "Why are you so early?" his voice seemed to laugh at her eagerness to climb up his bed.

Gu Yaner slowly looked up, and a smell of wine hit him. He drank.

Does he Miss Wu Yanran he hates?

She stood up slowly and whispered, "he Zhe, I've only been here for more than ten minutes." but she has been waiting for him in front of the door for more than two hours. She lied. She just wanted to keep her dignity,

"Really, have you eaten?" he took out the key and looked up and down at her with a pale face. It was also this look that made him frown. Her face was very bad.

"Yes." she ate the air, but she didn't want him to know that she didn't eat anything at night. She was hungry at the moment, but even if she really let her eat, she couldn't eat.

When his key was sent to the door, she turned aside to let him open the door, but his hand kept shaking. He couldn't open the door.

"He Zhe, give it to me." she reached out to him for the key. Otherwise, with his drunken hand, he wanted to open the door. Maybe he couldn't open it tomorrow morning.

One side of his arm was a ring. When he quickly put her in his arms, his breath brushed on her face and made her heart beat. At the same time, he bowed down and whispered in her ear, "in fact, the key is beside you, but why don't you know?"

Gu Yaner suddenly realized that it was another temptation. Fortunately, she didn't take the key under the flowerpot to open the door and enter the apartment.

Taking the key in his hand, Gu Yaner quickly opened the door of the apartment.

When I opened the door, everything in the apartment suddenly appeared.

It was as clean as she saw it for the first time. Moreover, every scene, object, table and chair were all the previous furnishings, even the pair of shoes she wore in front of the door.

Heart, suddenly tight, that feeling can't be said. She only knows that her throat is choked, which makes it difficult for her to even speak.

Ke Hezhe was still around her waist. He smiled and looked at her. "Is there a familiar feeling here? Do you like it?"

She is very familiar, familiar to her heartache, once here, he gave her a lot of tenderness.

It was those who conquered her heart and made her lose herself several times.

But it was also here that ended all her girl dreams.

From then on, she will no longer be happy.

Because he doesn't like her.

"He Zhe, let me help you to the bedroom." the wine on his body smells strong, but strangely makes her not hate it.

"No, I want to take a bath, and you also want to take a bath. Shall we take a bath together?"

Her face turned red. She didn't know how to face him because of her abstinence for too long. "He Zhe, you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk, I'm sober." he said, suddenly pulled her body, let her little face face face him, "you say, who are you?"

"Gu Yaner." she looked into his eyes and said seriously. She didn't want to be Wu Yanran's double anymore. Even if he thought she didn't want to do it, whatever he thought, she just wanted to tell him she was Gu Yaner.

"Really? Are you really called Gu Yaner?" his fingers gently raised her chin and asked her to slightly lift her small face and look at his handsome face. The breath he exhaled was on her face, and the faint smell of Cologne, or the card he had been using before.

She looked at him silently, with countless panic written in her eyes. She was afraid of such close contact with him. Now he was different from him in Paris. At that time, he just wanted to push her to Ke Hexi, but now he doesn't. He wants her.

His thin lips opened a slightly curved arc. He suddenly said in German: "yes, you are Gu Yaner. You can speak German, Japanese and English. You are not Wu Yanran, but I want to kiss you." as he said, his thin lips pressed down on her lips.

But his finger is still on her jaw, and the other hand is buckled to the back of her brain, so that she can only passively accept the kiss he is about to send down.

His face began to enlarge slowly. When the thin lips fell, the touch made her tremble involuntarily, and Gu Yaner closed her eyes.

She can't escape.

As if she had been confused by him, she could only feel another tenderness in his cold words passively and helplessly.

At first, only his two thin lips rubbed gently on her lips, again and again.

But gradually, his tongue joined his attack.

So, just in front of the door, when she just entered the room, he hugged her and kissed her. The familiar feeling made her tremble.

His tongue caught her lilac in the dance and made her dance with him.

"Ran'er..." he suddenly called in a trance.

This low and soft call was so harsh, "I'm Gu Yaner." she corrected him vaguely. Anyway, she just didn't like him to call her Ran'er. She was Gu Yaner. She was no longer Wu Yanran and never was.

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