"Video, what video?"

"You slept at work yesterday and sat in front of the computer in a daze. Under such working conditions, the company really can't keep you. The company wants a real person to do things, not a simple vase." Xiao Li looked at her disdainfully. He had heard that the general manager personally transferred Gu Yaner to be the president's secretary, but men like it only for a while, I don't like it anymore. I won't even look at it. Mo Xiaoxue has personally handled the president's Affairs recently, which proves that Gu Yaner has no weight in the president's heart.

These people in the company don't have eyes. They know more or less.

I see. Gu Yaner is not defending. This time, it's her own fault. It's not Mo Xiaoxue's fault. Although Xiao Li's word "vase" embarrassed her, think carefully. Maybe people all over the company regard her as Ke Hexi's vase. She really can't stop the long public, but in fact, it's nominal.

OK, why do you care what others say? With an indifferent smile, she said, "I see. Then I'll go first."

Xiao Li looked at her and turned around and said, "I've arranged for the finance department to check your salary this month. You can leave after you get it."

"Thank you, I see." she paused. When Xiao Li finished, she continued her steps of leaving.

Looking at Gu Yaner's startled performance, Xiao Li was stunned, but immediately shook his head. It all meant the above. Moreover, Gu Yaner really violated the company's regulations.

Gu Yaner returned to the office. When she stepped in, Mo Xiaoxue thought Gu Yaner would make a big noise at herself, but she didn't. Gu Yaner sat down quietly and began to tidy up her things in an orderly manner. In fact, she didn't have anything. The office supplies on the desk belonged to the assets of the company, so, But in a few minutes she finished tidying up her things.

But a pile of data on the table made her scratch her head. These are to hand over with Mo Xiaoxue.

Pick up those materials, she calmly walked to Mo Xiaoxue, "Secretary Mo, I have finished some of these materials, and some have done half of them. I have posted notes on each of them to mark where they have been done. When you do it, just open my computer and have a look. Is there a problem?"

There was no trace of anger in her calm tone. Mo Xiaoxue was a little uncomfortable. "Gu Yaner, do you have a problem with me?" it was too calm to make people afraid. Mo Xiaoxue now hopes Gu Yaner can have a big quarrel with her.

"No, Secretary Mo, would you please tell me what you don't know about the work handover?" fortunately, she likes to record everything, so the handover becomes so simple that she doesn't have to sort out more things. In fact, good habits should be formed at ordinary times.

"No... no..." Mo Xiaoxue has provoked a stab in the head, but Gu Yaner is still calm as if nothing has happened. Everything is so natural, but this naturally makes Mo Xiaoxue's heart bristle. There is a feeling growing in her heart. Although Gu Yaner was forced to leave when the president was away, it seems that, She'll be back.

The feeling was so strong that she felt guilty. "Gu Yaner, you only blame yourself for not working hard."

"Yes, I see. If there's nothing else, I'll go."

"It's up to you." Mo Xiaoxue really didn't expect Gu Yaner to be so calm and unrepentant. To know the position of the president's secretary, how many female employees in the company are looking forward to it. This job can deal with the president in close proximity. This is a dream that every girl will dream of.

Gu Yaner left Coriolis. Although such departure was more like a farce, she breathed a sigh when she stepped out of Coriolis building.

Maybe she shouldn't have applied for Koch.

That man, he won't continue to check. He will always come out.

It just takes time.

Carrying a backpack, she was bored walking on the street. The sudden unexpected accident made her forget even the bank card number to send to Ke Hezhe and the 1.2 million thing.

In fact, it has nothing to do with her.

However, she apologized to Peijun once, and she wanted to repay him.

If that hadn't happened in those years, maybe she is the happiest little wife around Peijun now.

But God changed everything jokingly.

Walking slowly, there are so many people on the road. The sun is shining. She is slightly sweating, but she doesn't want to hold an umbrella. She doesn't like the feeling of walking on the road with an umbrella. Her skin is naturally white. Therefore, she looks healthier when she is tanned.

Ke Hezhe's cell phone called at this time. When she picked it up, she remembered that she had forgotten the business.

"He Zhe, I forgot to give you the card number."

"No," he said in a deep voice on the other side of the phone.

"Ah..." she panicked. "Have you changed your mind?"

"You forgot the agreement and signed it. I'll give it to you naturally."

He reminded her that he drank wine last night, and then did... With her, so they haven't signed any agreement at all.

"Well, I'll sign with you whenever you're free." she had done everything, so she had no reason to shrink back.

"I'm outside your office now. Why aren't you in your position?"

His words stunned her first, and then said with a relaxed smile: "nothing, I left."

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?" he asked naturally, slightly surprised.

"Morning." while talking on the phone, she looked at the surrounding scenery and figures. It turned out that it was about noon. It turned out that she had been wandering all morning.

Sometimes time is so fast, but sometimes it is so slow, slow, which makes people's heart disordered.

"Where are you? I took the project information of the villa and went to you, and then we signed the agreement." knowing that she was not in the company, he didn't ask her why she left, but suddenly wanted to see her.

She stood there and reported to him the beautiful buildings around her. Then she simply sat on the stone chair on the roadside and waited for him. Today, she must transfer the money to those usurers. She wants to see Peijun come back unharmed.

The weather is very muggy. Qi's short hair has been slightly wet with sweat. She silently looks at the endless traffic on the road. That is a scenery in front of her, and she is a scenery in the eyes of another person.

Ke Hezhe walked gently behind the stone chair. He smelled her breath, fresh and with a little sweat.

The two hands covered her eyes without warning, and quickly made Gu Yan'er's eyes black. The two hands broke to the hand covering her eyes. The taste of his body was so familiar, so she didn't even have to guess. She knew who he was, but a naughty smile, and then shouted: "help, help, the big gray wolf is coming."

Her lovely voice like a child made him laugh. It has not been so easy for a long time. Since Qingya and her mother came to s City, he has rarely had a peaceful day.

The finger moved down to the nest of her arm. He scratched her. "The big gray wolf wants to eat little red riding hood. Do you agree or disagree?"

"Hahaha..." she smiled wantonly, "spare your life, spare your life."

"Come on, do you agree or disagree."

"Tong... Ha ha, Tong... Agree..." she couldn't stop laughing and answered intermittently.

When he heard this, he smiled and released his hand, and then casually took her hand, "let's go and have dinner."

He was so strong that he pulled her to his car quickly. It turned out that he parked his car at the entrance of a small alley behind her. No wonder he could suddenly appear behind her without being found by her.

All the unhappiness went naturally in the laughter. She and he seemed to be old friends who had known each other for many years. She sat quietly in his car and let him drive her out of the alley.

"What do you eat?"


"Not good."

"But I want to eat."


"But I want to eat." he was stubborn, and she was even more stubborn.

"All right." he answered casually, but he regretted it when he finished. "I'll eat with you first, and then I'll eat something else." let him eat Ramen from the snack bar outside. He won't eat it even if he kills him, but he wants to eat noodles cooked by the women around him.

In that month of that year, the taste of the noodles cooked by that woman lingered in his memory and never disappeared.

Gu Yaner, who seldom dined outside, really wanted to eat northwest Ramen at this moment, but she didn't see half of the Ramen restaurant after driving for a long time. "Do you know where there is a ramen restaurant?" Ke Hezhe still asked her.

A ramen restaurant near his apartment suddenly appeared in her mind, so she said without thinking, "it seems that there is one near where you live. I saw it when you drove yesterday." once in those three months, she went to that one at noon to eat ramen. It tastes good. She always remembers it.

"Ha ha, you are careful." obviously I hate her, but when I am with her, I am inexplicably relaxed, which makes him like it.

"I like ramen, so I remember it at first sight." she hurriedly gave him a reasonable explanation for fear that he thought she knew the existence of the Ramen restaurant long ago.

The shop was as clean as before when they walked in together.

The waiter greeted her, but she was still the chubby waitress. Fortunately, Gu Yaner only came once, so she didn't remember Gu Yaner. "Do you want two bowls of noodles?"

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