Xiaoyu spits out his tongue. He wisely finds that Gu Yaner seems to be a little angry. He pulls Xiaodan's hand and goes, "Mommy, daddy, uncle Ke and the new aunt, let's go and play. Your adults can talk well." Xiaoyu said the same as a little adult, turned and ran. There are a lot of fun in the toy room over there, Godfather took them to the toy store and bought them in person.

That's a happy thing. Except for eating and sleeping, they are buried in toys. There are too many to play. So yesterday, they two recognized that godfather is actually their father. Otherwise, how could he be so good to them.

In the room, it was quiet again. The silence was really grinding. The grinding people's heart was not only panic, but also pain.

"He Xi, we arrived long ago. The guard said you weren't there, so we wandered in the garden for a while. As soon as we heard your driving back, he Zhe and I turned back to see you and Gu Yaner." Qingya smiled and broke the silence first, which finally relieved Gu Yaner.

He quietly raised his head and glanced at Ke Hezhe. Fortunately, he didn't look at her. Therefore, he didn't know that she looked at him. His face was still gloomy, as if someone owed him how much money.

Yes, she owes him $1.2 million.


The bottom of her heart sighed one after another. Now she can't wash herself when she jumps into the Yellow River.

"Why don't you call first? I'm so sorry to let you wait." Ke Hexi asked quite unexpectedly. He really didn't expect the arrival of Ke Hezhe and Qingya.

"Originally, we were going to your company to find you, but we had a phone call with aunt Stephen on the way. She said she just went to your company. She said that the secretary told her you were home, so we temporarily changed the direction of the car to come here."

I see, but it was such a coincidence that Gu Yaner and Ke Hezhe met again in such an embarrassing scene.

There must be something wrong with the two of them. Otherwise, Ke Hezhe can't appear here with Rong Qingya.

"Hehe, do you two have something important to tell me? Otherwise, he zhe will never take the initiative to see me. Speak quickly and don't spoil my appetite." faintly, in fact, Ke Hexi has guessed, but the guess is a guess after all. It can only be confirmed by hearing it.

Qingya pulled Ke Hezhe's sleeve. "Hezhe, tell me." she opened her handbag and took something.

Soon, two red invitations with gold letters were held in her white hand.

No more guessing. It was a wedding invitation. Even after a few steps, ancient Yan'er could see the big words on it clearly.

The head dropped lower, and in that moment, the heart seemed to be cut like a deep knife.

It hurts.

"Here you are, he Zhe." Qingya smiled happily. No matter what happened, at this moment, she would show her very happy side in front of Gu Yaner. She would not allow Gu Yaner to destroy her upcoming happiness.

Looking at Gu Yaner's annoying face, she forced out a smile. In this way, no one knows her true state of mind.

She hated as like as two peas, she hated Gu Yan's son for the first time to give khhh, and hated her face with Wu Yan. Five years ago, Wu ran defeated her. Now, she can never be defeated by Guyan.

Ke Hezhe accepted the invitation from Rong Qingya without expression, took it in his hand, glanced at it casually, and handed it to Ke Hexi, "second brother, this is my wedding invitation with Qingya. Please join us at that time."

Ke Hexi stood up, followed the invitation with one hand, but pounded on Ke Hezhe's shoulder with the other, "you boy, you got married earlier than my brother. You'll have to pay three drinks at the wedding banquet."

"He Xi, don't blame he Zhe. It's my idea. If it wasn't for... Because..." Qingya's hand touched her belly, and her face was soft, as if she loved her child very much. "He Xi, otherwise, you can find a woman who is worthy of her family now, and then we'll get married together." she smiled and teased Ke He Xi, trying to make the atmosphere easier.

"I think so. Unfortunately, I have to wait until the beauty's approval." Ke Hexi glanced at Gu Yan'er meaningfully.

Why did everyone leave the problem to her? She didn't want it at all.

But Ke Hexi didn't say her name clearly, which made it difficult for her to respond. She just sat quietly, hoping that this sitting conversation could end soon, otherwise, the meeting like the execution ground would suffocate her.

Without saying a word, he sat like a puppet. Fortunately, Ke Hexi thought she was uncomfortable, so he didn't ask anything.

What I heard was Ke Hexi's envious tone and some words of blessing.

Kehezhe is getting married.

Gu Yaner read the news again and again in her heart. He is getting married.

But the object of his marriage is not her, but Rong Qingya.

Bitter smile, how could she be with him?


As like as two peas, what she did not love, Wu Yanran had the same face as her.

This face hurt her badly.

The corners of her clothes have long been wrinkled. She is still wringing. It seems that wringing can vent her depression.

"Miss Gu, are you very uncomfortable?"

Ke Hezhe suddenly sent out this very abrupt sentence. Just now they were talking about his wedding, but in the twinkling of an eye, Ke Hezhe asked her such a sentence.

As like as two peas, what is the only thing wrong with her sorry for her is that she has not done anything wrong with her four eyes. She is wrong.

Whispered back to the past, didn't want Ke Hexi and Rong Qingya to see her discomfort, "Oh, it's OK, it's just a little uncomfortable. Just rest for a few days."

"That's good. When I get married, please invite Miss Gu to attend, Qingya. Otherwise, please ask Miss Gu to be your bridesmaid." his face has changed from gloomy to smiling, and he warmly suggested to Qingya, "anyway, you don't have any good friends in China."

Qingya hesitated for a moment, but immediately agreed with Ke Hezhe and said, "OK, what about the best man? Otherwise, please invite He Xi?"

"That's not good. He's my brother. He'll have to help me entertain guests and hold the scene. If he's the best man, he'll only have the task of drinking." Ke Hezhe directly refused without considering it. That attitude made Gu Yaner's heart jump. What's he, forbidding her to be with Ke Hexi?

But now she is not thanks to him. If his two children hadn't found Ke Hexi naughtily, she wouldn't have to suffer and play here at the moment.

It turns out that acting doesn't feel good.

She doesn't like it at all.

She bit her lip and didn't say a word. She just looked straight at Ke Hezhe. She wasn't afraid of him. She really had a clear conscience.

Ke Hexi has been focusing on the content of the invitation. He didn't notice the ups and downs between Ke Hezhe and Gu Yaner. As he looked at it, he said, "he Zhe, it's not fast. We're going to get married in another month. If you're busy, just say hello and I'll run for you."

"Second brother, I will." glancing at Gu Yaner again, Ke Hezhe stood up, "Qingya, the invitation has been sent. Let's not disturb second brother and Miss Gu. We don't have to order dresses. Let's order them first."

Standing up, Ke Hezhe pulled Rong Qingya to leave, which made Qingya feel uncomfortable. "He Zhe, sit for a while before you go."

"Then sit down and I'll go first." after that, Ke Hezhe shook Rong Qingya's arm and went straight to the door of the hall.

"He zhe..." Qingya hurriedly called him, and then turned to Ke Hexi with some embarrassment. "Hexi, let's go first. At that time, you and Miss Gu must attend together."

"Yes, he Zhe is stubborn, and you should bear him more." Ke Hexi advised Rong Qingya. In fact, even he didn't know how Ke Hezhe suddenly lost his temper.

"OK, He Xi, I'll go." from small to large, she has been used to calling Ke He Xi directly since Rong Qingya knew Ke He Xi. Therefore, she doesn't want to change it. Just shout as she is used to. When chasing Ke he Zhe, Rong Qingya thought of the fetus in her abdomen. It's Ke He Xi's child. Does she want to stay?

It's hard, but everything will wait until she gets married. This month is enough for her to think about.

Ke Hezhe rushed out of the villa. He didn't hate the two children. They were the children of his second brother. I don't know why. He suddenly didn't want to see the two children again.

No wonder the night before yesterday was not Gu Yaner's first time. It turned out that she had already had a relationship with her second brother

Even gave birth to his two children.

Fools can see how much the two children are like their second brother. They are so much alike.

Gu Yaner is really a flatterer. On the one hand, she has a hot fight with her second brother, but she pretends to have nothing to do with it. It seems that she must have had a secret quarrel with her second brother a few days ago. Otherwise, her second brother won't go to San Francisco in a rage, but she really has the ability. Once her second brother comes back, she calms her second brother's heart and makes her second brother's heart have her again.

Then she and herself

How could she play with their brothers.

Thinking about her body again is a burst of nausea.

He really wanted to say these words to his second brother, but he couldn't bear to say them after all because he looked very happy.

That 1.2 million is definitely not to save her children. Her children are good, but it can't be for her second brother.

To whom?

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