Watching her enter the small kitchen in the lounge, his head doesn't hurt at all. He has a fever. He's very happy now.

Gu Yaner temporarily stayed in Ke Hexi's office to cook porridge and rice. He actually asked people to prepare even the ingredients. It was clear that she was waiting for her to cook for him.

It really made her scratch her head. He looked like a big child. It turned out that the apparent maturity was false. Thinking of everything he had to her, if she hadn't had Ke Hezhe in her heart, maybe she would be really moved.

It feels good to be liked.

It's better that she has been secretly in love with Ke Hezhe.

This world is so unfair. The people she likes don't like him, but the people she doesn't like treat her so well.

To lose a long infusion, there were five large and small bottles. The number made her laugh, but he was burning. She couldn't say anything more.

When the porridge was ready and cool, she took it to his bed for fear that he wanted her to feed it again. Therefore, she looked at his right hand without a needle and said, "He Xi, your hand is good. You should be able to eat porridge."

After all, his original plan was wrong. It seems that he can only eat by himself.

He has never been like this, but now he is very happy and doesn't regret doing so. Although there is no way for her to feed him, he is also happy to eat her porridge.

Gu Yaner sorted out the documents piled up like a hill on his desk, picked them out in a hurry, and then took them to the rest room to review them with him one by one before signing. At this time, he changed his appearance again. When she looked at the documents carefully, she told her that she couldn't believe what he had done before.

Time, go fast, in the twinkling of an eye is a day.

It was getting dark. She looked at her cell phone from time to time and thought that Ke Hezhe would call her, but she didn't. maybe he had an appointment with Qingya tonight. They were busy getting married.

Lonely thinking of this, she seems to be obsessed.

I don't want to.

Don't think about it.

She warned herself over and over again. Only then did she turn her mind to the children. She missed the children. "He Xi, I want to go back. You should go home and have a rest."

"No, there are still several urgent documents that haven't been processed. I have to work overtime." Ke Hexi said without raising his eyes. As long as he left, Gu Yaner will leave him. He really doesn't want to waste such a good opportunity to get along with her. Although the documents in his hand are like a light bulb, he can't help it now. He can only use the light bulb to complete his wishes.

"Let's go back after dealing with those urgent problems." she advised, but she was a little anxious. She wanted to go home. She was absent-minded and always distracted.


After accompanying Ke Hexi to deal with the most urgent documents, he sent him to the car, and then the driver drove him home. Ke Hexi was no longer willing. Gu Yaner made up her mind to go, and he couldn't stop her from leaving. After all, they were nothing in name.

Back home, her cell phone was always in my heart.

"Mommy, are you waiting for daddy's phone?" even the children can see that her eyes are staring at her cell phone from time to time.

Gu Yaner's face was hot and hurried to say, "who said, Mommy doesn't wait." in a hurry, she turned off her mobile phone directly. Anyway, Ke Hezhe won't call again so late.

She suddenly wanted to give herself a time to be alone, a time to get along with the children.

"Xiaodan, will you go to school tomorrow?"

"No, Mommy, tomorrow is Saturday."

"Where do you want to go?" she asked with a smile. She was too busy to accompany her children. She was really incompetent as a mother.

"Mommy, do you want to take us to daddy's house?" Xiaoyu's eyes lit up and asked her happily at once.

Gu Yan'er's face wrinkled, "they all said that it's not your father. If you talk nonsense, I'll spank you."

Xiaoyu vomited, then blinked and said, "Mommy, are you taking us to the playground?"

"Xiaodan, what do you say?" Gu Yaner asked Xiaodan instead of answering.

"OK, OK, I'm going to the playground. I haven't been to the playground for a long time. Mommy, I want to drive a bumper car, I want to take a train, I want to slide..." hula, she can't count all the things she wants to play.

"Xiaodan, we're all going to have our fourth birthday. You still want to take the train. It's only for babies and children. Are you born now?" Xiaoyu was so ashamed that Xiaodan chased him and hit him.

"Brother, you are a bad man."

"I don't have bad words on my face. I'm not a bad person."

"Bad people never write bad words on their faces, but bad people are bad people. Smelly Xiaoyu, you are bad people."

The two children soon twisted together. Gu Yaner watched the excitement. Although they were always noisy, such a picture did not affect her mood at all. The children's world was simple. In this way, it was normal.

That night, she never picked up her cell phone again, and the closed cell phone was put on the shelf by her.

Go to sleep. She can't always let herself live in a world with Ke Hezhe. She can't accept his cup anymore.

In this world, no one can live the same life without turning the mountain and the water.

Holding a pillow and holding it tightly in her arms, she finally fell asleep after a long time.

Wake up with your cell phone still on.

If she decides not to turn it on, she won't turn it on. Anyway, she can't wait for someone to call.

As soon as I pushed the door, two little guys were already ready for her to take them to the playground.

"Mommy, do you want to go now?"

"Go after breakfast, or you won't have the strength to play."

"Mommy, please eat. Xiaodan and I have finished eating long ago. You should hurry up." Xiaoyu pushed Gu Yaner to the table and urged her as she walked. In order to go to the playground quickly, he and Xiaodan got up early, just unwilling to wake up Mommy.

Gu Yan'er couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that she was a slacker. She didn't dare to pull the hind legs of the two little guys. After a few bites, she finished her meal, and then the three took a ride to the amusement park.

First play the cave, then play the pirate ship, and then send the two little guys into the maze. She finally has time to breathe. She sits on the lawn outside the maze, watching Xiaodan and Xiaoyu suddenly get into the maze and drill out and wave to her. They are really happy.

But she was not happy.

She picked a blade of grass, played with it in her hand, and then chewed it gently on her lips. The taste of the grass juice was fragrant into her nose, and the sweet and bitter juice was thick on the corner of her lips. Facing the bitter, she continued to chew the blade of grass without any feeling.

In a trance, the noise of the children came from his ears.

"Gu Xiaoyu, you are a wild seed."

"You curse, you're not a good boy, I'm not a wild seed, I have a father." Xiaoyu immediately yelled back. He hated others calling him a wild seed.

"Where's your daddy? I've never seen him pick you up from the kindergarten. Besides, your surname is Gu. You follow your mommy's surname. You don't have any Daddy at all." a strong little boy standing opposite Xiaoyu said proudly.

Xiaoyu's little fist became tighter and tighter. Gu Yaner hurriedly stood up. It was not the first time she had seen such a scene since the children were born. However, when she heard the extremely hurtful words that other children said to Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, she was really angry, but she was angry. The little boy was right, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu really have no daddy.

"Xiaoyu, come here, Mommy. Let's go boating."

"Not good." Xiaoyu didn't move. He looked at the little boy half a head higher than him. He wanted to fight and return his innocence. He clearly had a father.

"Xiaoyu, be obedient, come here." Gu Yaner walked quickly. When she shouted loudly, she faintly felt that Xiaoyu was going to hit someone, but she was really useless. She couldn't even control her own children. After calling for a long time, Xiaoyu still wanted to do it.

"Bang", Xiaoyu waved his fist, "I have a daddy. I'm not a wild seed. Tomorrow I'll let my daddy pick me up from the kindergarten. Hum, my daddy is kind to me." he yelled while playing. His little face was red. He was very angry.

The little boy across the street was suddenly beaten and immediately got angry. He covered his face and glared at Xiaoyu fiercely. "Wild species are like this, they can only fight and hum." then he punched Xiaoyu and said to other little boys around him, "who let him have no students and no one to teach."

Gu Yaner heard everything. The children were really poor, but what could she do? She ran over and grabbed Xiaoyu at once. "Xiaoyu, go, Mommy will take you to row. Don't pay attention to them."

Xiaodan cried loudly, "Mommy, we have a daddy, don't we? Tell them we have a daddy."

"Shut up." seeing the little boy's mother welcome him, if this continues, it will only make the situation worse. What's the use of quarreling? Alas, she still can't afford to give them a daddy.

Holding Xiaoyu in one hand and Xiaodan in the other, he walked like flying under his feet. He wished he could escape from the people around him all at once.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, "who said Xiaodan and Xiaoyu have no daddy? Come on, daddy hold you."

"Ah..." Gu Yaner subconsciously shouted. What's the situation and why is it him?

Here comes kohezhe.

I haven't seen him all day, one night and one morning

He suddenly appeared at the moment and said "Daddy holds you".

God, she didn't hear wrong. She stopped stunned. When she turned her head, Ke Hezhen was opening her arms to signal Xiaodan and Xiaoyu to go over, "come on, daddy, hold you."

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