He bought the tickets, then took Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, and sent them to the section of the bumper car.

The children happily chose the most beautiful car with a little rabbit and sat on it. Xiaoyu was a boy. Naturally, he turned the steering wheel, fastened his seat belt, and waited for the bell to ring to start his happy driving trip.

Ke Hezhe said hello to the children, but he was not willing to look away. The feeling brought to him by the two babies was too magical. He suddenly knew everything, so he still didn't believe he had two children so big.

The children went to drive happily. He turned around. Gu Yaner was still silly and confused.

He smiled, walked over calmly, and then brushed her light short hair with his fingers. In fact, it was not just her, but even he seemed as unreal as in a dream, but he had been to her flower shop and the hospital. He was sure that the two treasures were his.

He remembered that the last time they were in the forest, and he was so angry that he didn't take any pills for her afterwards.

All, that's what happened.

He took her to a tree. When he sat down with her slender waist, he leaned against the trunk and she leaned against him.

The wind was still blowing softly. The weather was a little muggy. He saw the fine beads of sweat between her temples, his thin lips fell, kissed her carefully, and then whispered in her ear, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Ah... What?"

"The children's business, and your business."

"You... What do you know?" she panicked. "What do you want to do? You can't take my child. You already have Qingya and your and Qingya's children."

She said a series of words like a frightened bird, and her heart had determined that he knew everything.

Luckily she couldn't see his face, otherwise she didn't know how to speak.

His lips were still rubbing against her hair. "Tonight, take the children to the apartment."

"No." she immediately refused, and then tried to break his arm. He was getting married, wasn't he?

She just carries the name of Xiao San alone. She doesn't want the children to enter the painful atmosphere. She wants to protect her children. She doesn't allow the children to be wronged. She glances at Xiaodan and Xiaoyu in the bumper car. Her heart is so chaotic.

His arm is more and more tight around her. "Don't move, I won't let you escape again. I'm so hard cheated by you, you have to compensate me." he stabbed and said impatiently.

"What? I didn't lie to you, you let me go." I can't guess his heart and what he wants to do. Anyway, she just can't think.

"You didn't steal grandpa's will, did you?"

"HMM." his voice was so gentle that it made her obedient.

"So, the woman who really stole the will in the video is Wu Yanran, not you, isn't it?" he asked again. He was sure he wouldn't be wrong, but he asked it unconsciously. Maybe, as long as he straightened out everything with her, she could be less flustered and know that he doesn't hate her anymore.

Like and love, it turns out that there is a feeling in an instant, and it is also an epiphany in an instant.

After he knew everything about her, he found that he wanted to see her so much.

He thought he really liked her.

When he reached the playground and saw the children and her again, his heart pounded for her in front of him.

He doesn't hate this feeling. On the contrary, he is so happy.

It was his happiest day in years.

Yes, when he yelled at her at the bus stop, she said it wasn't her.

But he had lost his mind at that time. He couldn't even think. He just decided that she stole grandpa's will, which made him unable to say anything clearly and forced him to leave Kirschner.

"He Zhe, what do you know?" she turned around, close to his face and asked him urgently.

"The children are mine. You are not Wu Yanran. You are Gu Yaner who has been with me for three months. You have been with me for three months under the name of Wu Yanran, haven't you?"

She was stunned. It seemed that he really knew everything.

What was silent began to wring the corners of his clothes again.

She didn't know how to answer him. What a mess.

"Say, don't lie to me, I want to hear you say yes." his fingers shuttle between her short hair and smell the fragrance on her body, which makes him so intoxicated.

"Will you take my child?" she didn't say yes, but first asked the fear in her heart.

"Good, no, that's our child, isn't it?" he coaxed her gently and wanted her to tell everything, because he still didn't understand some details. For example, why did she enter his apartment and accompany him for three months? He couldn't find out.

His "no" finally let her breathe a sigh of relief, nodded and bit her lips. Then she said, "yes."

He smiled with joy. The brilliant also infected her. He didn't seem angry and didn't want to take her child.

He turned her body, then picked up her face, "Why are you so stupid?"

"There's nothing." she was still confused and didn't understand what was going on with him.

"It's silly." he immediately hugged her and stuck her to his yuexiong mouth. He was so soft. He had thought of her for four years, but he always thought he was thinking of Wu Yanran, but the result was not.

In fact, he is more stupid and stupid than her.

But he couldn't admit it.

Love is like the tide. When it comes in an instant, it is so warm that he can't push it away.

Her head was close to his mouth. Although it was a little hot, it might make her clearly hear his heartbeat. It was so warm that her heart beat with him.

"Ah Zhe, you don't blame me, do you?" his move told her that he shouldn't blame her.

"No wonder." he was not willing. When he suddenly knew this, he had happily forgiven her for everything, "Yan'er, you didn't push Qingya, did you?"

"Well, no, I didn't push Qingya." he believed her. It's good. Only his sentence offset all the grievances he had brought her before.

She is so soft hearted.

Heart, so soft.

"Tell me, why don't you recognize me when you see me again?" this is his confusion. As long as he doesn't know the answer, his heart will panic. He wants to know.

"You say you don't like children, and you think I'm Wu Yanran." since he already knows a lot, she knows everything. Just as he warned her, she doesn't want to deceive him anymore.

It was to cover up those photos that it was difficult to tell who they were. Now, although the photos are still on hold, no one cares about them.

It's good for him to know. She doesn't have to play anymore.

As long as he doesn't take her children, she will be happy, really happy.

She was such a contented person.

Oh, he really didn't like children before, but when he saw Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, he couldn't say he liked them.

"Fool, why don't your children like it." his fingers brushed her hair. He was a big man, but he still felt like he was in a dream like her.

Her heart was secure and she leaned on him. It was a feeling she had never felt before. He believed in her. He seemed to like her and children. She never thought there would be such a change between her and him.

I don't want anything.

She was content at this moment.

This sudden feeling of happiness made her really forget all the humiliation he had given her before. He must not have intended it. He thought it was Wu Yanran.

In fact, the feeling of being kept in the dark is the most painful.

"Yan'er, I'm sorry." thinking of the money he dumped on her, he whispered an apology. In fact, from an old employee of Koch, he already knew that nothing had happened between her and his second brother. Everything was the wishful thinking of his second brother. He also mobilized all the forces he could mobilize to persuade her to go back to Koch.

When he knew this, he was also happy.

Love is selfish. When he thinks he doesn't love her, he can give her to his second brother, but now he doesn't want to. He wants to have her and their children.

Two people hug each other like no one else, and don't care about other people's surprised eyes.

In fact, happiness, happiness, sadness and sadness are all our own.

Why bother what others think and say.

He wanted to ask her why she came into his world, but she often turned off the topic without trace, chatted and forgot to go.

Well, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that he and she are now together.

It's so happy. It feels good to love.

At least, it's much better than hating.

"Mommy, how long will you be like this? We've been out of the bumper car for a long time. My brother doesn't allow me to quarrel with you, but I'm hungry, Mommy, I'm so hungry." Xiaodan stood in front of the two adults in a weak voice. She seemed a little embarrassed that she quarreled with them.

"Ah..." Gu Yan'er got up and looked at the sky. She found that it was already noon. She was filled with happiness and forgot everything.

"Xiaodan, why didn't you call Mommy earlier?" she asked apologetically. She was really bad.

"Didn't you say that my brother wouldn't let me."

Gu Yan'er glanced in the direction of Xiaoyu. He was looking at her from a distance. "Xiaodan, go call your brother and let's go to dinner together."

"Will daddy go with me?" Xiaodan is concerned about this. Although she is a little jealous that Daddy dominates Mommy, she is still happy. It's good to have daddy. This time it's not fake.

"Go, go together." Ke Hezhe also stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said to Xiaodan with a smile.

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