Gu Yaner nodded. She didn't know if she could see Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. Now, she didn't want to go back to Rong Qingya to play. She didn't like facing Ke Hezhe like that. Looking at him looking at her cold eyes, her heart was very cold.

Looking back, why did she and he have to go so far.

But Lu Yu found an empty one and came, "Gu Yaner, the bride asks you to come over. You are her shield. If you don't go again, she will come over with the bridegroom's official to invite people."

"No." before Gu Yaner answered, Ke Hexi answered coldly.

"But the bride..." Lu Yu also said, while Ke Hexi immediately interrupted him, "if I don't go, I won't go."

"He Xi, I'm fine. I'll help deal with it again. If you have any news about Xiaoyu, tell me immediately." Gu Yaner struggled to stand up. She had to face Ke Hezhe and Rong Qingya, because Xiaodan was still in Rong Qingya's hands.

"Yan'er, you've drunk too much. You can't drink any more." Ke Hexi grabbed her and said, "what's the matter? I'll tell Qingya." he has felt Gu Yan'er's fear of Rong Qingya, but he hasn't found out what it is, but he doesn't like it. Qingya has got Ke Hezhe, hasn't he? Why should she torture Gu Yaner.

"He Xi, you let go, I volunteered to go." she also wants to go for Xiaodan.

"Sit down." Ke Hexi ordered her for the first time. At the same time, he stood up and pressed her and sat back in the chair. "I'll tell Qingya that you're not her servant." he said, and really walked to Rong Qingya.

"He Xi..." Gu Yan'er wanted to catch up with her, but Ke hechen stopped her. "Miss Gu, women have women's way of doing things, and men have men's way of doing things. If you and He Xi are still friends, you should believe that he will handle everything."

She believed, but she didn't want Ke Hexi to get involved in this mess. It was so chaotic that she couldn't even figure it out. How could she implicate Ke Hexi? But he walked fast. She was stopped by Ke hechen. Ke Hexi had quickly come to Rong Qingya's side. He called the bride and seemed to be whispering something to her.

Not far or near, Gu Yaner saw Rong Qingya's gradually dignified look, and then gently nodded. Ke Hexi turned back, smiled and said to her, "Yan'er, you don't have to go. I said you drank too much wine and are drinking sober tea. You can't help her block the cup anymore."

"He Xi, thank you." this time, Ke He Xi solved the siege for her.

Maybe Gu Yaner was waiting for Xiaoyu's news after seeing that she was safe and quiet. Therefore, after paying more than half of the guests' wine, the master of ceremonies announced that the wedding ceremony would continue.

With his humorous opening remarks, the emcee soon provoked the atmosphere of the scene and brought the wedding to a small climax.

"Next, let's go to the next ceremony, worship heaven and earth, worship the high hall, and worship the husband and wife." as soon as the master of ceremonies announced that Bu had finished, there was warm applause in the hall. Everyone was looking forward to it. This is the most important link in every wedding ceremony. As long as the three worship ends, in a sense, both men and women will really become husband and wife.

Ke Hezhe and Rong Qingya have faced their relatives and friends under the stage, "one worship heaven and earth, one bow, two bows, three bows."

Gu Yaner didn't look up. She just looked at the liquid of iced tea in her hand. Her heart was as painful as a knife. She really didn't want to see the scene in front of her. Ke Hezhe was going to marry Rong Qingya.

Then she has no hope.

In the eyes, some are wet. Can anyone tell her what she wants to do?

What she didn't want, she didn't want Ke Hezhe to marry Rong Qingya, but she just couldn't fight Rong Qingya. If Xiaodan and Xiaoyu hadn't disappeared, she would have rushed forward to stop what was about to happen. But now, in fact, even Ke Hezhe sent it to Rong Qingya herself.

She can't stop Rong Qingya.

"Two obeisances to the high hall." there was another shouting. At this time, Ke Hezhe and Rong Qingya must be facing their mothers and ready to salute. After this level, the husband and wife will worship each other. As long as they worship, all the procedures in the ceremony will be officially completed.

Heartbeat, sudden acceleration.

"Yan'er, do you still think of Xiaoyu's Xiaodan?" her unhappiness Ke Hexi has seen in her eyes. Sometimes, he really wants to be happy or unhappy for her.

But he always couldn't guess her heart and didn't know what she was thinking. She said that she already had another love, so there was no hope between them.

But he thought that as long as she was single, he still had hope.

"He Xi, I want to go out." she wants to go out and breathe. She can't stand the festive and peaceful atmosphere in the hall. It should be her bridegroom, but now she is about to become another woman's husband.

"I'll go with you." Ke Hexi stood up to accompany her out, but at this time, his mobile phone rang again.

"He Xi, pick it up." listening to the bell, Gu Yaner suddenly came to the spirit. It must be Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. What she feels must be theirs.

Seeing Gu Yaner in such a hurry, Ke Hexi pressed the hands-free button on her mobile phone, so Xiaoyu Tongzhi's voice in the microphone soon came, "godfather, I want mommy to answer the phone."

"Come on, mommy and Godfather are listening." the reply was very fast. Although there was some noise in the hall, Gu Yaner and Ke Hexi could hear what Xiaoyu was talking about.

"Mommy, are you there?" Xiaoyu shouted loudly on the phone.

"Xiaoyu, Mommy is here." Gu Yaner responded. When she heard her son's voice, her tears' wow 'came down.

"Mommy, Xiaodan is by my side, Mommy, we want Daddy, Mommy, we don't want daddy to marry aunt Rong..."

Gu Yaner heard it, Ke Hexi heard it, and even Ke hechen opposite them heard it.

Gu Yaner's lips were wriggling. She said in a trembling voice, "Xiaoyu, you let Xiaodan talk. Mommy wants to hear her voice."

"Mommy, I'm Xiaodan. Xiaodan misses you."

Sure enough, it was her daughter's voice.

I can't say a word. The tears in my eyes flow quickly because of surprise, but with tears is laughter, the real smile.

"Mommy, you talk. We don't want daddy to get married. Go and stop him. Go, Mommy, I heard on the phone that I want husband and wife to say goodbye..."

Xiaoyu shouted loudly. His cry woke Gu Yaner. When she looked up in front of the stage, it was the master of ceremonies who asked Ke Hezhe and Rong Qingya to stand face to face to prepare for the couple's worship.


Xiaodan is fine.

Xiaodan is safe.

Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are in Ke Hexi's hands.

Well, she's not going to let the wedding continue.

Why did you give Ke Hezhe to such a vicious woman?

Even if she doesn't marry Ke Hezhe, she doesn't want Ke Hezhe to marry Rong Qingya. Absolutely not.

"Well, the two people should take a small step forward, husband and wife. Naturally, they should be closer. Well, that's it. When you're ready, the husband and wife bow to each other..."

"Wait a minute." before the master of ceremonies finished shouting, Gu Yaner shouted to the stage in her loudest voice in the hall.

Her voice was not very loud, but it was magically heard by Ke Hezhe on the stage.

Turning around, his eyes shot at her, and all the emptiness was replaced by a few expectations.

"Miss, what do you mean?" the emcee was a little confused. He didn't understand what Gu Yaner was going to do.

It was quiet. For a moment, the hall was very quiet. It seemed that even the sound of the needle landing could be heard.

Gu Yaner became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Yan'er." the two brothers called together.

She couldn't hear anything. She just walked to the stage step by step. Tears were still flowing. She was so wronged.

Think of the slap she slapped him, how ruthless she was at that moment.

"Yan'er, what are you going to do?" Ke Hezhe finally spoke. His eyes twinkled. He seemed to have read something from Gu Yan'er.

A hand, gently handed out, that direction is his direction, she did not hesitate.

In fact, love never needs hesitation, but only a heart, a sincere heart.

Give him her hand.

Just, after she hurt him like that, would he still catch her hand?

The clear eyes looked at him. At this moment, after removing all the disguises, the heart was so relaxed.

Whatever the result, it's easy.

The children are all right.

She had no time to ask and see the children, but as long as they were all right, as long as they were in the hands of Ke Hexi's people, they would be safe.

Now, she absolutely forbids Ke Hezhe and Rong Qingya to continue to marry. Rong Qingya is such a vicious woman. She doesn't deserve Ke Hezhe, so she wants to stop them.

"Miss, what are you going to do?" so many people were present, but her hand was quietly handed to Ke Hezhe. Even if it was a little far away, anyone could see that the direction of the hand was to hand it to Ke Hezhe.

Rong Qingya's face suddenly changed. She didn't know where Xiaodan and Xiaoyu were. But if Gu Yaner dared to stop her wedding with Ke Hezhe, it would prove that Gu Yaner had news of the children.

"He Zhe, there's something I want to tell you." ignoring everyone's eyes, Gu Yaner was so bold for the first time, but if she didn't show up and stop, the wedding ceremony would be over, and Rong Qingya would become Ke Hezhe's rightful wife.

This sudden change made Ke Hezhe look at Gu Yaner in confusion. At the bottom of his heart, he vaguely guessed that something must have happened. Otherwise, Gu Yaner would not change like this.

With Gu Yaner's voice, his steps moved slightly.

But this time, how many eyes were looking at him, and there was an uproar under the stage.

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