Looking at Ke Hexi, looking at her eyes, Rong Qingya looked down at her slightly convex belly.

Child, maybe as long as Ke Hexi doesn't say it and keeps the child, she still has a glimmer of hope.

"He Zhe, if you don't let go of Gu Yaner, I'll kill your child with a knife."

Tiger poison doesn't eat children, but she will kill her children again for her own selfish desires.

Such a scene surprised everyone.

All the people are watching how Ke Hezhe will end.

Half of the wedding has turned into a sudden farce. At the moment, if Ke Hezhe grows up and leaves regardless of Rong Qingya and her fetus, he will become a thin man.

Yes, the child is innocent.

No matter how bad the mother is, it is the mother's fault. We can't blame the child.

Gu Yaner is also a mother. She knows a mother's heart and hand. She holds Ke Hezhe's hand tightly, and the palm is closer to the palm. She looks at Rong Qingya lightly, and then whispers to Ke Hezhe: "He Zhe, you grab the dagger in her hand. What she wants most now is to get your attachment. No matter what, no one can watch your child so miserable in front of others."

Ke Hezhe nodded. He understood that Gu Yaner was good for him, and he couldn't let Qingya and her fetus go to that step.

Slowly and reluctantly released Gu Yaner's hand, and Ke Hezhe walked to Rong Qingya step by step.

"Don't... don't come here..." Rong Qingya looked at Ke he zhejunyi's face getting closer and closer to her. Everything was so unreal. How could he come back to his side? He wouldn't.

"Qingya, look into my eyes. I hope you can live well and our children can live well." he is comforting Rong Qingya and thinks of Gu Yaner's generous request for him to come. As the child's father, he has no reason to ignore Rong Qingya's life or death.

"He Zhe, you save Qingya. She really loves you." Rong's mother has always been in an extremely nervous state. As long as Qingya can't grab the dagger in her hand, Qingya will be in danger at any time.

But in this world, the most important thing is such selfish love.

Selfish people resent.

Ke Hezhe nodded softly. "Don't worry, aunt. I won't ignore Qingya." he smiled and said that all this was his fault. He shouldn't have unreasonably promised to let Qingya get married.

But in this world, no matter men or women, they will be silly and irrational again and again when they encounter love.

"Ke Hezhe, if you come here again, I'll stab you in." when Rong Qingya said, the dagger had been sent to the lower abdomen slightly.

It was summer. Wearing only the wedding dress, she let the dagger pierce the thin cloth of the wedding dress in an instant. In an instant, a little red was moistened and dyed on her snow-white wedding dress, just like a beautiful flower, but it was so dazzling and shocking.

Ke Hezhe smiled gently, and his eyes were as soft as possible. Anyway, he didn't want to do anything. After all, Qingya's love for him has been waiting for six years.

But in this world, not every love will blossom and bear fruit.

Love is the best happiness, isn't it?

So he can only apologize.

"Qingya, remember when you were in Paris? You were happy and lovely at that time. You were the most beautiful little angel in my eyes. You were kind and smart. At that time, you were my pistachio..." I tried to recall their happiness together a long time ago. I just wanted to slowly remove Rong Qingya's guard so that she could release her hand holding the dagger.

"Don't... stop talking, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen, no matter how beautiful I am, you don't want me, six years, I've waited for you for six years, that's more than 2000 days and nights, Ke Hezhe, you'll regret being so cruel to me today." The hand holding the dagger was shaking all the time, and the bloody plum blossoms on the wedding dress were still dyed one after another, which made everyone tremble.

"Qingya, do you remember the big bunch of lavender I once gave you? I said, I like you, but love is not love. I gave you the bunch of flowers to let you find your own happiness. Qingya, I believe you can. In fact, you are beautiful and you are kind, aren't you?" Ke Hezhe continued his steps, his eyes were still soft, and his voice was soft. For fear that Rong Qingya's hand would be sent again, she turned herself into a corpse and two lives at the wedding scene in an instant.

This is the last thing he likes.

Anyway, it was his fault that he shouldn't have promised the wedding. Although she had said she was just playing a game with him, he now knew that Rong Qingya was not playing any game at all, but clearly entered the play.

"Qingya, give me your hand and I'll help you find happiness, okay?" his hand said and handed it to Qingya. His eyes stared at her for a moment. There was no blame or anger in his eyes. Now he has owned Gu Yan'er again. What else is he unhappy about.



The voices of Xiaodan and Xiaoyu suddenly came from the front door of the hall. The voice immediately attracted everyone's attention and made Rong Qingya subconsciously look at Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. At that moment, she ignored the dagger in her hand.

Taking advantage of the time difference of that moment, Ke Hezhe quickly took hold of Rong Qingya's wrist holding the dagger, and then wanted to take the dagger from her hand.

"Ah..." exclaimed, but it was too late.

Ke Hezhe's hand was so strong that Rong Qingya's pale hand dislocated. When the dagger fell to the ground, Rong's mother immediately hugged her daughter. Just now, she was frightened.

"Ke Hezhe, thank you." I didn't expect his daughter to treat Gu Yaner like that. Ke Hezhe could save her daughter so magnanimously. What else could she say? Nothing is more important than life. "Qingya, don't cry. You still have your mother and your father. Go. Your mother took you back to the wine shop. It was her mother's fault. My mother shouldn't agree to this wedding without love foundation." Rong's mother took Rong Qingya's hand and walked to the door of the hall.

Peng Qing didn't say anything, and she couldn't say anything anymore. Maybe it would be the best end if no one had anything to do.

Her eyes turned to the two children. Are those her grandchildren?



When she looked at them, the blood flowing in her body made her see that they were so lovely and liked by her.

"Xiaodan, are you okay?" Gu Yaner stretched out her arms, first hugged Xiaodan tightly, then loosened it, and then looked at Xiaodan carefully, from head to foot, from foot to head.

"Mommy, I'm fine. I'm fine." Xiaodan turned 360 degrees in front of Gu Yaner like a little princess.

Gu Yaner hugged Xiaodan again, and tears flowed out in an instant, and she also wantonly vented her happiness.

"Mommy, I want to hug too." Xiaoyu protested. Mommy only hugged her sister instead of him.

"Xiaoyu, come on, daddy." Ke Hezhe picked up Xiaoyu as soon as he bent over. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that Xiaodan's return should be Xiaoyu's credit.

Peng Qing has been looking at the two children.

Like, so like.

If they are not Ke Hexi's children, they must be he zhe's.

That's her granddaughter.

I really wanted to go over and hug two little guys, but her self-esteem and pride formed over the years finally made her not go over. The wedding became so like this that she had no face to stay any longer.

Turn around, she left, quietly left.

Many people in such a big hall left with her.

At this time, it's good to give everything to a family of four, and all the others are redundant.

Ke Hexi took a deep breath. He knew that Gu Yaner still owed him an explanation, but he was not in a hurry to know.

Let's go. After all, he is still the loser in the persistence and competition of love. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by his brother.

The step of leaving was so heavy that the heart began to have nothing to rely on.

Those who love cannot love, and a heart has no sustenance of love.

Hold, hold, don't loosen for a long time, as if once you loosen, the children will disappear again.

Before that, Gu Yaner was really scared.

Ke Hezhe walks into Gu Yaner with Xiaoyu in his arms, then puts Xiaoyu down and surrounds their mother and son with his long arm.

Anyway, in the future, he will protect them. He can't let her leave him foolishly anymore.

"Yan'er, let's go and go home." she was still crying. Xiaodan's skirt was wet. How could there be so many tears, but what he wanted to see now was her smile.

How nice her smile is.

After listening to his voice, Gu Yaner reluctantly released Xiaodan and looked around. There was only the mess of the table in the hall, and everyone left.

"He Zhe, where's He Xi?" she didn't have time to say thank you to He Xi. Why did he leave?

"Mommy, godfather is gone."

Yes, many people have left.

"Xiaodan, tell mommy, who took you?" finally had a chance. She was anxious to know the truth. She hated that person. He took Xiaodan all night. He kept himself awake all night.

"Mommy, I don't know who he is." Xiaodan blinked and said a little confused.

Gu Yan'er frowned, "Xiaodan, didn't you see him?"

"Mommy, he's very nice. He said he would take me to see daddy and give me sugar, so..."

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