Now, she is facing a lot of problems.

"Yes, they all like children. Grandpa and my mother always want to have great grandchildren and grandchildren. Now, with two ready-made babies, they can't ignore them." after all, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are his children. How can they cut off their family affection.

"Ah Zhe, you'd better say hello first and wait until aunt Qing and grandpa agree." when she thought of going to see Mr. Ke and aunt Qing, she was a little flustered. Qingya is crazy every day. Aunt Qing's life will not be easy, and aunt Qing really can't accept her so soon.

"No, let's just go back." he didn't want to say hello first, so he asked Xiaodan and Xiaoyu to surprise them. There were two children. He believed they wouldn't embarrass Gu Yaner, and made an appointment in advance. I'm afraid they would turn him down at once. At that time, he won't have the chance to go back with Gu Yaner.

"Ah Zhe, it's impolite." she still objected. "In fact, I think it's good now. They're already together. Let time dilute everything. When hatred and resentment are weaker, they face each other. At that time, she will have a chance.

She doesn't care about fame. She just doesn't want Ke Hezhe to be caught in the middle.

"Nothing, that's also my home, isn't it? It's natural for me to take you back with the children." he smiled and said these calmly, as if going home was just as common to him, but she knew that he must make a great decision to make such a decision, because no one in his family recognized her existence.

And she hasn't decided whether to go or not.

She was afraid that if she met, there would be only violent storms, which no one wanted to be happy to see.

"Just promise me, or... Or..." he touched his chin as if thinking about how to make her give in.

"Otherwise, or you'll commit suicide, won't you?" she smiled. She lost again, lost to his request and expectation.

"Well, if you don't go, I'll die for you," he said solemnly to her with a restrained smile and a long face.

His tone and expression made her laugh, "you have the thickest skin. If you can commit suicide, I don't know how many people in the world will commit suicide."

"Yan'er, it's agreed, just this Friday, okay?" anyway, he will work hard with her.

"Ah Zhe, go and see Qingya." she knows that Qingya has always been bad and mentally poor, but the fetus in her abdomen is still there.

Ke Hezhe raised his hand and lifted Gu Yaner's broken hair on her forehead, and then carefully tied it behind her ear, "Yaner, aren't you angry that she treated you like that?"

"Qi, I'm very angry. You don't know that when Xiaodan disappeared, I even had the heart of death. However, I understand a mother's heart. Maybe she wanted to give her children a complete home, so she insisted on marrying you."

"Fool, you always think for others, can't you think for yourself? Xiaodan and Xiaoyu also need a complete home." pinch her nose. Now he just wants to give her a complete home.

"Ah Zhe, but she's pregnant with your flesh and blood. Anyway, go and see her." still advised, you can't be so excellent.

"OK, I'll see her when I'm free in a few days." he really didn't want to see Rong Qingya.

"What are you doing? Has there been any news about that?" I still remember the phone he answered that night, which seemed to say that there was news about something.

"Yan'er, don't meddle in those things. Just eat well and sleep well, and then help me take care of the children."

"Hey, you treat me like a pig again," she protested.

"No, I take you as my baby." take her shoulder and let her lean against his arms. He can feel secure when his body is close to his body.

He is still investigating that matter, and all of it may not take a few days. At that time, he will tell her all the truth.

"Let go of me. In a moment, the children come out and let them see."

"What's the matter? You're their mommy and I'm their daddy. It's natural for us to be in this position now." he continued to hug her.

"Ah Zhe, have you found any clues over Xiang hun?" she had told him about Xiang Hun for a long time, but he didn't ask her to resign. He just said, don't scare the snake.

After living here for a few days, even Xianghun was lazy to go. She really didn't want to go. She wanted to stay in this new home and watch the children and him. Even if she and he were really not accepted by the Ke family in the future, she and her Florist could feed herself and the children.

"Yan'er, go and do it for a few more days. When I deal with everything, you will leave and be a full-time child mother."

"Ah Zhe, do you think that person has anything to do with the Green Gang? If so, you should be careful." I was thinking and worried about Ke Hezhe's safety.

"I see, my wife." stole a incense and hugged her to get up.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to the bedroom."

"Hey, it's only 8:30 now, and the children haven't slept yet." she protested. She vaguely knew what he was going to do, because although she was across her clothes, she already felt that his place was standing quietly, and she couldn't stand his energy.

"Who said he was going to sleep?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"What are you going to do?" she was afraid of him for a long time. She was afraid that he might have sexual ~ interest at any time. She blushed when she thought of his tricks in bed, carpet and bathroom, but he said it was the most normal exercise between husband and wife, so she had to listen to him and be his person.

"Your mailbox, you said you wanted to tell me." I've been busy. I've been busy and forgot. Now when she mentioned the previous things, he remembered that he hasn't seen the emails she said.

"Ah Zhe, in fact, it's nothing." he said to see it, but she was a little embarrassed. Most of her photos were in the mailbox. She never deleted them, but kept them as clues and evidence to find the person.

"No, I want to see it." he hugged her and put his lips on her ears. "Why? Are you afraid I'll see your picture? Which part of you I haven't seen?"

He made her face redder. He stepped down and hurt his foot. Then he released her. Gu Yaner immediately ran to the stairs.

"Gu Yan'er..." Ke Hezhe chased her without pain.

"Daddy, come on, don't let mommy succeed." just as Xiaodan and Xiaoyu came out to watch TV, they coaxed after seeing this scene.

Gu Yaner runs faster. She can't wait to find a seam to drill in. Her two babies have been completely brainwashed by Ke Hezhe. No matter what, she is on his side, which makes her speechless.

She opened the door, locked the door immediately when she rushed in, and then leaned against the door to breathe heavily. Thinking about Ke Hezhe's words, her heart beat more and more.

"Yan'er, open the door." he chased over and knocked hard at the door.



Just lean against the door and listen to his voice outside the door, but listen, it's quiet outside the door.

She smiled. Xiaodan and Xiaoyu must have called him away. Regardless, she went to the computer in the corner of the bedroom. She had to carefully check her mailbox and delete the photos that made her ashamed to see people.

The new computer was originally placed in the study. Because she was lazy running between the study and the bedroom, he spoiled and moved the computer to the bedroom.

It's on.

surf the internet.

Enter the email address and password. At this moment, her heart trembled again. Thinking of all kinds of things in those years, her heart beat faster again.

Deliberately avoided the mail with a skull. What she was most afraid of was the mail. Looking at the address of the mail made her start to panic.

When the earliest and most original e-mails were opened, photos jumped in front of her. Each one belonged to her close-up. Delete it. She wanted to delete it all, but delete it all, which destroyed the evidence that the man coerced her.

Choosing one by one, I decided which one to delete and which not to delete.

After the decision, her finger fell down, but when she was about to delete it, she only felt her arm tight. Her arm had been grabbed by Ke Hezhe, "Yan'er, don't delete it." Ke Hezhe stared at the photos on the screen. The heroine in the photos was Gu Yan'er. She slept like a baby with her eyes closed. He knew it wasn't Wu Yanran.

But all this is not the key point. The key point is the angle and realistic feeling of those photos. Each one is just right. She captures her expression incisively and vividly. Looking at these photos only, he knows that the person who took the photos is definitely not an ordinary photographer. His shooting method is very old-fashioned and full of artistry. Moreover, What puzzles him even more is that these photos seem to have been slightly repaired.

"Yan'er, give me the mouse." he said eagerly with a little excitement.

"No, don't look." Gu Yan'er's face was red to her ears.

"Yan'er, look at these photos carefully. Look, the little mole on your ear is gone, and your hair is neat without any broken hair. Even your fingers are elegantly close together."

Ke Hezhe said more and more excitedly. Gu Yaner realized that he was looking at not only her in the photo, but also all the details in the photo.

"Ah Zhe, do you mean that the person who takes pictures for me is not only a photographer, but also deals with photos?" she was also surprised by this discovery. The more she knew, the narrower the scope of looking for that person.

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