I like to see the sea because of its vastness and its vastness.

When she took off her shoes and stepped on the fine sand by the sea, there was only silence around except the rise and fall of the tide. Even the fishing boat on the dark side became a different scenery in her eyes.

I sat quietly for a long time, only listening to the sound of the sea to calm my disordered mood.

But after a long time, her heart was still slightly chaotic as before.

She was really afraid of being driven out by Aunt Qing after she stayed in that big house.

Everything is possible.

Many times, for the sake of the children, she would rather think about everything a little further and then a little further.

His legs have been numb. He raised his head and looked at the horizon. The sky has turned white. It's going to dawn and the sunrise is coming.

At sunrise, she thought of watching the sunrise with Ke Hezhe in the volcanic Geopark. There is also the sea.

That is, with the children, and only she with him.

But now she is alone.

Suddenly, she missed the past so much. The beautiful past was like a fairy tale. She always thought that those were just a fantasy in her memory and never happened.

The sea, gradually clear up, the line between water and sky, there is a Xiaguang rising quietly again.

The sun is coming out.

But this time, she was so lonely, alone waiting for the sunrise.

She buried the sand in her feet again and again. It was thin and soft. She liked the soft and greasy feeling when the sand brushed over her skin.

The sun was really about to rise. She sat alone in the night.

Come out.

The dazzling youth in that moment burst into tears in her eyes.

So beautiful, so beautiful that she doesn't want to miss it in the blink of an eye.

In fact, everything is beautiful, isn't it?

Is she wrong? She is always worried about gain and loss to worry about this and that.

She shouldn't have.

Many times, only mutual trust can make two people go further.

It was the sunrise that made her suddenly want to open everything. What mixed with tears was a smile and a happy smile. Unfortunately, Ke Hezhe was not with her. At this moment, he must be worried about her somewhere.

Finally, I took out my mobile phone. When I turned it on, it was not surprising that all the calls on it were from Ke Hezhe and Peijun.

Peijun, I'm fine. Don't read it.

She sent back a text message to Peijun, and her finger fell on Ke Hezhe's phone number. Where is he now?

After thinking and thinking, she finally pressed her finger. She wanted to listen to his voice and go with him to finish the next particularly difficult road of life.

Cell phone, connected.

"Ah Zhe, where are you?" she read softly, but her heart was a little excited.

She wanted to hear his voice. She wanted to hear him.

There was no response, but there was a figure on the fine sand. When he ran fast, he took her into his arms in an instant, and his arm gently wrapped around her waist, "fool, I've always been by your side."

"Ah zhe..." cried with joy, and the tears only surged more and more. "How did you know I would be here?"

He still put his arm around her shoulder and said with a gentle smile, "I have a good connection with you. I can be where you are." fool, he sent someone to protect her all the time, so of course, he soon knew where she was. However, when he found her, he kept her far away. He didn't want to quarrel with her, but just wanted to give her a space of her own.

It is said that a man is a kite, but now he thinks she is his kite, and he doesn't dare to be light or heavy when pulling the kite line, for fear that one will accidentally fly her away from him forever.

However, at the moment he waited for her call, he didn't wait any longer. He kept watching. In fact, he didn't hold it in his arms.

"Impossible, you tell me, how did you find me?" the smile mixed with tears and joy looked so contradictory, but it made him feel pity.

"Don't cry, I said, I will give you happiness, believe me."

She leaned in his arms, and her eyes turned to the sun between the sea and the sky again. It's so beautiful. It's beautiful. It's confusing. It's so beautiful that people don't want to blink.

His fingers rubbed the tears in the corners of her eyes, "Yan'er, hurt too many times and hurt her heart too many times. Therefore, this time, I choose to trust you, so you will trust me, won't you?"

She rubbed her chin against his wrist. "Ah Zhe, you don't mind training the army, do you?"

"HMM." he answered gently, but he was very worried. The man's bad nature, but he was soon relieved. Because she is his woman, always, because now she is sitting in his arms and let him hug.

"Ah Zhe, I owe him a lot. From the day I walked into your apartment, I abandoned him and one of his hearts. Therefore, I really owe him, ah Zhe, do you understand?" she said eagerly, for fear that there would be another chaos if I didn't explain clearly now.

As he said, too much hurt makes her heart more painful. She doesn't like the feeling of hurting each other anymore.

"Yan'er, I've asked a taxi to take him back to his residence. Are you relieved?" he smiled, and one hand had already held her hand.

She nodded with thousands of words in her heart, but now she couldn't say a word.

At this moment, she still feels like a dream.

"Ah Zhe, I want to go camping, just the two of us, okay?" she accentuated the tone of the next sentence. She just wants a world of two people, even if it's only a few days.

I remember that four people went camping together last time. As a result, Qingya fell down and none of them finished the camping. I don't know why. She really wants to go now. She wants to go camping alone with him. Children, forgive her. She just wants some time alone to get rid of her uneasiness. She doesn't want to leave them on purpose, She will give them a lot, but she also wants to give Ke Hezhe a lot. She thanks him for his trust at the moment and the warm feeling he brings to her at the moment.

"OK, how about the day after tomorrow?" Ke Hezhe thought a little and confirmed the time to her.

She nodded. "We'll start early the day after tomorrow, and then we'll come back early." although she hasn't gone yet, she's afraid she'll miss the children now.

"Fool, don't hurry back when you go out. It's really quiet to live in that mountain. It's an unspeakable enjoyment. I think you'll like it."

What he said made her yearn more, but when she thought of the children, she knew she couldn't go too long. "Ah Zhe, two days, otherwise, the children will miss you." in fact, she will miss the children.

"OK, just two days." he answered and rubbed her hair with thin lips slightly bent. "Yan'er, look, your hair is long. Can you comb it into a ponytail?" I still remember her appearance when combing the ponytail. It's a little playful and cute. The smell of the little woman can't be wiped off anyway.

"OK, I'll tie it up when I go back." my hands closed my hair. It really grew a lot. Now it's no longer short hair. Her long hair was cut because of him and kept because of him.

She returned to the old Gu Yan'er. She was no longer someone's double. She didn't have to hide her true identity anymore.

"Yan'er, you don't have to pay back the money without training the army."

"This..." she hesitated, "No."

"Very good. I'll pay off everything as long as you stay with me." he smiled and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, you bought me out for a million?"

"It's not a buyout, it's a hold up." he smiled, his lips falling down.

I just want to kiss her until the end of time.

It turns out that love can really change a person.

For her, his state of mind has completely changed, and even he can't see himself sometimes.

When they came home from the seaside, the children cheered to welcome their return, "Daddy, what did you do with Mommy? Did you go on a date?"

"Xiaodan, who goes on a date in the middle of the night? Mommy goes out only when she has something to do."

"Lie, Mommy, you see your face is red, and you say no."

"No." Gu Yaner almost wanted to take a mirror to look at her, but she knew she had been fooled by Xiaodan. "Mommy was in a hurry and blushed."

"Ashamed, mommy and daddy went on a date in the middle of the night."

"Xiaodan, why, don't you want daddy and mommy to date together?"

"No, I think, I think. In this way, daddy and Mommy will have deep feelings and will not be separated. Xiaoyu and I will always have daddy and Mommy."

"Yes, daddy and Mommy will always be by your side." Ke Hezhe now finds that not only Gu Yaner will worry about gain and loss, but also the children.

That's because he was absent in their world for too long, and he was too afraid of losing. Therefore, he was always uneasy in his heart, but this, only time can pacify everything.

Having arranged for the children, the two men once again prepared everything they needed for camping. Ke Hezhe finally set foot on the road to camping with Gu Yaner.

Happy to sit beside him, this time, no longer sitting in Ke Hexi's car.

Feeling his breath and his taste, it is clear that these two days are tired of being together, but it is still not enough, how not enough.

Her heart is always pounding, just like the girl with ~ spring. She looks at him quietly from time to time, as if he won't disappear until she sees it in her eyes.

"Yan'er, are you thinking about me?" he caught her eyes and asked her.

"No, I'm thinking about Xiaodan and Xiaoyu." I can't admit it. He's sitting next to her. She's still thinking about him.

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