He gently rubbed her forehead with his short beard and recalled what she had just said, "you said that Qingya really fell down and pulled you down by the stream on purpose?"

"Yes." she didn't hesitate at all and didn't want to leave room for the woman any more.

Ke Hezhe was lost in thought. He believed Gu Yaner's words were true, because what could she not do for a woman who would persuade others to commit suicide to coerce her children into marriage?

Mother, they have let the family eat to death.

However, he really wondered why Rong Qingya wanted to kill the fetus in her own abdomen?

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it. He came for vacation and finally arranged everything for camping. He didn't want to waste this good time thinking about what he had and didn't have.

"Yan'er, no matter what happens again in the future, you should trust me, okay?" he asked them to trust each other, so that they can go further together, because they are husband and wife, real husband and wife.

"HMM." she answered lightly, and her body was still close to him. Her eyes were closed. All around was his smell, which made her feel at ease and didn't think about anything.

He held her for a long time. When his heart beat hard, he loosened her body and put her across the blanket. "Yan'er, have another pair of babies." in his burning eyes, his dumb voice rang in her ears with the smell of cup confusion.

That voice, as well as his eyes, made her tremble and her involuntary heartbeat.

His hand picked up a wine bottle that had been secretly prepared on one side, contained a mouthful of wine, and then leaned down to her lips. Whether she wanted it or not, that mouthful of wine went into her mouth.

It's slightly spicy and a little sweet. It's rice wine brewed in folk family workshops. It's light, but it's full of stamina.

"Woo, what?"

"Wine." he just wanted to add some fun. Sometimes, he thought she would still be nervous about what he had done to her. Maybe it was because he had given her too many bad memories, so she could not completely relax in front of him.

The wine gently flowed into her mouth. Soon, a hot feeling gushed out of her throat and abdomen, making her feel so comfortable close to his cold skin.

"Ah Zhe, you will never leave me again, will you?"

"HMM." he will persuade his mother to marry her and make her his rightful wife. He won't let Peijun's words come true. In this way, he won't see the children who worry about gain and loss with her again.

"Ah Zhe, it's very kind of you." she put her arms around his neck and looked up. She pecked on his face. Although it was just a dragonfly touch of water, it immediately lit all the flames in his body like a fire.

The flames of that moment made him want to start their romance this night.

"Look at me, Yan'er." his confused voice rang out again and stared at her long eyelashes like a fan. Those eyes that had been filled with clear words before were now misty with boundless fog because of that mouthful of wine. It was these eyes that made him deeply attracted by her when he saw her for the first time, but foolishly pulled her together with Wu Yanran.

She looked up at him. The familiar handsome face in front of her was once her nightmare, but now it really gave her tenderness. He was a devil and he was Satan, but at this moment, he brought her psychedelic beauty like an amorous magician. Just look at him. His eyes are her and her eyes are him.

His hand lifted the curtain of the tent and let the fire outside the tent set her clear. In his field of vision, he looked at her eyes. It was black as bright as grapes. His kiss fell and his lips kissed on her eyelids. It was a touch of pity and deep love. When he raised his face, all the gates on the two people were opened, and she was like a floating grass floating in the water, Love to dance with him.

When he looked at him emotionally, his low and hoarse voice remembered again, "Yan'er, I love you all my life."

That is a kind of commitment, regardless of whether a flower will bear fruit, but this commitment will never change. He must do it.

Time condensed in the fresh air in the mountains, and began to grow old. It was like that old song sounded again. No matter who is who's close lover, the word love is the most cherished aftertaste. He loved her and will always love her.

Only smelling the breath, he was satisfied with her, or his motionless body made her fit perfectly with him. For a long time, only the murmur of the brook not far away beat his heart, and his heart was still beating wildly.

It was like a pair of eyes, quietly witnessed this crazy and romantic night.

It belongs to bath, love, wine, and his crazy night with her.

No language, only breathing, turbid breathing.

She lay soft beside him and let him hold her and pat her on the back. He was used to the fire, so he didn't want to wake up like a dream. This is the mountain, only him and her.

Listening to insects and birds, everything is so beautiful.

"Yan'er, sleep." he will watch her and spend a beautiful night together.

When the breath gradually stabilized, when the lustful breath in the air gradually hid in the breeze blowing in outside the tent, she closed her eyes and gently fell asleep in the world only with him and her.

When he woke up, genius was slightly bright and his nose was itchy. When he opened his eyes, he knew that Ke Hezhe was doing something bad again. He was scratching the tip of her nose with a Dogtail grass.

"Get up, sluggard."

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the sky. "It's too early."

He pinched her face. "It's getting late. Get up quickly. Let's go to see the sunrise."

She suddenly woke up, "OK."

When she stretched out her hand, she was naked under the quilt. This light made her slightly ashamed and said, "go out and wait for me first."

"Why go out and wait?" he was reluctant.

"I want to get dressed."

"I'll help you put it on." when she took her clothes, she lifted the sheets on her body, causing her to scream, "ah..." and then subconsciously wanted to get the sheets back.

But the sheet was still taken away by him. The light in her eyes was the little kiss marks on her skin. Everywhere, it was so clear in front of her, "Yan'er, you can't escape anymore. You have already printed the imprint I branded on your body, and no one can get rid of it."

"Don't say, it's so sour." he laughed and teased him. He never thought that he would say such love words with his temperament. Although he loved to listen, it would make her blush and heartbeat. I didn't know how to face him.

"Don't laugh, get dressed quickly." he actually prepared her clothes, from underwear to coat, and put them next to the pillow. At this moment, he picked up a little cute to put on for her.

She hurriedly put it on. Otherwise, she was really afraid that his eyes would continue to fall on her naked body. Thinking about the Jiqing last night, she still blushed.

Holding hands, he walked out of the tent with his fingers clasped and went to the top of the mountain along the path between the mountains. He pulled her and ran, "the sun is coming out, come on, or it's too late."

Looking at his look like a big child, which she had never seen before, she ran desperately with him until she panted to the top of the mountain.

When he finally stopped, he saw the emerald mountains, the wind blowing trees and the fragrance of birds and flowers. When he took her hand and sat down in the grass, just right, a red sun in the sky broke free from the clouds and jumped onto a piece of blue.

This is different from the sunrise seen by the sea, but it is also beautiful. It makes people hold their breath.

Her head leaned on his shoulder, and the blush covered with running dyed her small face as red as rouge. No one spoke. It seemed that if she said it, it confused the full beauty.

This is the third time that two people watch the sunrise together, but it is enough for them to remember for a lifetime.

Sunrise, beautiful.

Sunrise is also the beginning of a new day.

They will be down-to-earth and seriously walk on the road of their life together.

Picking up dry firewood and mushrooms one after another, in fact, there are a lot of things to eat in the car. However, what they want most is the mushrooms and wild vegetables picked by two people together.

That day, in the mountains, holding hands wantonly and running happily together, always inadvertently looking back at each other. At a glance, it was a heartbeat.

Dream of making time stop, but time still passed that day and night.

When I was tidying up my things, I was so reluctant to give up.

It seems that he saw her reluctance. He smiled and said, "I'll take you camping when I have a chance."

She smiled and nodded and happily followed him into the car.

Watching him habitually throw his mobile phone in front of the steering wheel, she picked it up and turned on her own and his mobile phone one by one.

When Mou Guang unconsciously glanced at his mobile phone screen, missed calls flashed one by one, "ah Zhe, do you want to call back?"


"Oh." after putting down his, she opened her own again. There were many missed calls, including the phone number of their new house. "Ah Zhe, it was Xiaodan and Xiaoyu who called. I'll go back." in her heart, it must be the children.

"Go back, but don't say it for too long." he was still around him, thinking about the children, and he was jealous again.

She had long been used to his sour smell. She ignored his fingers and gently pressed the group of unfamiliar phone numbers. Soon, the phone was picked up, "madam, you finally answered the phone." her aunt's voice came eagerly.

"What's the matter?" Gu Yaner asked perplexedly. If it wasn't for something very special, aunt always rarely called her, but these two days, she seems to have called many times. She doesn't know what's important. Is it that Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are ill?

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