Under the shady grape trellis, the man's sleeping face is so clear, but it gives her the feeling of a dream. It seems not to be him, but it seems to be him.

He leaned down slowly. When his fingers fell on his face like seal cutting, the lukewarm temperature told her that it was him.

It's kehezhe.

He was on the roof, sleeping quietly.

The fragrance of grapes and purple and green everywhere, a really beautiful roof, a really beautiful place.

That beauty makes people feel relaxed and happy, and they are far away from the noise of the dust market. Autumn is coming, and there is a trace of coolness in the air.

When smelling the fragrance, there was a faint smell of wine lingering on the end of the nose.

Gu Yaner leaned down and gently pressed Ke Hezhe's breath. She knew he had drunk.

Looking for it carefully, he saw a bottle of Baijiu liquor close to his body on the side of his body. He thought he had drunk the whole bottle and then he passed away.

At this time, Ke Hezhe was sleeping without defense, but his expression showed a hint of pain from time to time. It seemed that he even dreamed of something he didn't like in his sleep.

Gu Yaner didn't have time to think about it. She searched him gently and carefully. Soon, she found the key to the safe in a pocket of Ke Hezhe.

Go to sleep. Everything will wait until she comes back from the reception room.

Gu Yaner took the key and left. Thinking of the guests still in the reception room and the manager of the trade department who entertained the guests, manager Fang must be very worried at the moment.

Running back to Ke Hexi's office, he hurried to the safe and said, "Xiao Chen, I've found Mr. Ke, so that the employees of the company don't have to look for it." looking again is a toss.

"Where is master Ke now?" Xiao Chen asked curiously with a bright eye.

"It's too late. I'll take the information to the reception room." Gu Yaner directly changed the topic. If he wants to sleep, let him sleep. It's strange not to sleep after drinking a whole bottle of wine. She'll settle with him after she's busy.

He's so busy that he's still in the mood to drink.

He quickly rushed to the reception room with the information. He was still slightly panting when he knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Gu Yaner pushed the door and entered. In the reception room was Mr. John and his three assistants. Manager Fang of the trade department sat opposite Mr. John and talked a little rigidly. Gu Yaner saluted Mr. John, went to manager Fang and sat on his side. Then, the information in her hand was gently put on the manager's leg under the table, The information is very light, but when manager Fang saw it, he suddenly smiled. There are the annual trade volume between this customer and Coriolis and the price of regular cooperation projects. These are extremely important reference data.

"Miss, may I have your name?" Mr. John said hello to Gu Yaner with a smile.

Gu Yaner smiled back, "I'm Gu Yaner."

"Gu Yaner..." John was lost in thought. It seemed that the name had provoked some of his memories, but only for a moment, John said excitedly, "I remember, Miss Gu, I really heard of you."

Gu Yaner pointed at her nose in disbelief. "Mr. John, have you really heard of me?"

"Yes," John said firmly, and his smile and expression became softer.

At this time, manager Fang was browsing the information he had just obtained, so Gu Yaner naturally cooperated very well to distract Mr. John's attention, so as to buy time for manager Fang to know more things and facilitate the exchange of cooperation matters between the two sides.

"Where did Mr. John hear my name?" did Ke Hezhe or Ke Hexi mention her to Mr. John? All she could think of was them.

"It's a friend of France, Miss Gu. Guess?" John blinked and looked at her expectantly.

"France?" her eyebrows turned. Gu Yaner smiled, "is it Mr. Bates?"

"Ha ha, yes, Miss Gu has a good memory and judgment. Yes, it's Mr. Bates. He said that Miss Gu is very good and has a personality. Although she has only worked together for a few days, he has a deep impression on him."

"Mr. Bates has gone too far. I didn't expect that Mr. John and Mr. Bates are also old friends."

"Hehe, there are occasional business contacts. I heard that Koch is going to build a branch in Europe. Miss Gu is fluent in German and English. Do you intend to develop abroad?"

"Well, not yet." in the past, she was reluctant to give up her two children and couldn't take Xiaodan and Xiaoyu abroad, but now she has another reluctant object, Ke Hezhe.

"By the way, how is your president's injury now?"

"Thanks to you, I have long been out of danger and my body is recovering steadily. I think I can be discharged in more than a week."

"That's good. I'll go and visit another day. At that time, I'll ask Miss Gu to be a guide."

"No problem." Gu Yaner smiled. When she calmly faced John and his assistant, she was thinking of Ke Hezhe in her heart.

Is he still asleep?

Thinking of his drinking, she couldn't help worrying that he wouldn't drink so much wine if he didn't have some trouble.

The meeting soon ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Gu Yaner and manager Fang personally sent Mr. John away from the Coriolis building and finally completed the task entrusted to her by Ke Hexi. Gu Yaner was relieved.

"Gu Yan'er, you move so fast. Where is the second young master now?" when John's car drove out of sight, manager Fang asked Gu Yan'er.

"Nothing. He's just a little uncomfortable, manager Fang. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. I still have some things to deal with."

"No, Miss Gu, please help yourself." manager Fang looked at Gu Yaner's expression with a slight sense of exploration. Gu Yaner knew that it was because of her current identity. She was Ke Hezhe's wife, but she stayed in the hospital to take care of Ke Hezi. How could all this be chaotic.

When she hurried to the top floor in Ke Hexi's exclusive elevator, she couldn't help but smell the smell of Ke Hezhe's full of wine.

Why on earth does Ke Hezhe drink?

As soon as the elevator stopped, she quietly ran to the stairs on the roof, eager to see him, trying to comfort his heart and her own heart.

Quietly came under the grape trellis. In the shade, he still slept uneasily. He held his hand gently, but he couldn't bear to wake him up.

I sat beside him quietly for a few days. Every time I saw him, I was in a hurry. He went to the hospital and let her look at him so seriously for a long time.

His eyelashes are really long. It's rare for a man to have such long eyelashes. When they move with his breath, they stir gently like a small fan. Looking at him, she makes her heart to settle accounts with him gradually weaken. She just wants to wait for him to wake up.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came and rustled the grape rack. A bunch of grapes touched her forehead. It was cool and moist with a sweet smell. She picked one and put it into her mouth. It was a little sour, but it was sweet after sour. It tasted good.

"Ran ran..." suddenly, when she was eating grapes, Ke Hezhe suddenly sent out the word "Ran Ran" in his mouth.

However, it was Wu Yanran's nickname. She had known it for a long time, but at the moment, when she heard it from Ke Hezhe's mouth, she felt so abrupt.

Holding his hand tightly, she involuntarily loosened it, the grapes in her mouth were no longer sweet, and her body retreated, as if she were a strange him in her eyes.

"However, don't go..." his big hand grabbed it randomly in the air with the cry.

Gu Yan'er wanted to go, but his hand was so accurate that he found her position and led her to his yuexiong mouth.


It's her, it's his.

However, the beating is so chaotic.

His hand had fallen on her waist, clasping her waist heavily and forbidding her to leave.

"Ran ran..." another call, soft, made her heart tremble.

She is so close to him.

She is familiar with his body. After so many skin blind dates, she knows his preferences and the little tricks he likes to play when exciting ~ feelings. But now, although he is around her, he brings her a strange feeling.

The strange made her don't know how to face him.

No, what she hated most was to be Wu Yanran's double. She didn't like to be someone else's double. She just wanted to be herself.

"Ah Zhe, wake up." she wanted to wake him up because she was Gu Yaner.

"However, don't make any noise." his hand still clung to her body, which made her unable to get rid of it for a moment.

Gu Yaner really couldn't bear it. She hugged her, but called the name of another woman. Even if that woman may have something to do with her, she didn't like him.

Lower her head, her lips gently moved to his ear, but then she shouted with all her strength, "Ke Hezhe, open your eyes and see who I am. I'm not your Ran Ran, I'm Gu Yan'er."

This voice is as loud as it needs to be. It also makes Ke Hezhe wake up with an exciting lattice. He rubbed his fingers and rubbed his eyes, and then looked at her in front of him, but he shouted subconsciously, "Ran Ran Ran..."

Gu Yan'er's eyes fell on Ke Hezhe's face without blinking. She said coldly word by word: "Ke Hezhe, I'm Gu Yan'er, I'm not yours."

"Yan'er?" Ke Hezhe finally woke up. "Are you Yan'er?"

His hand fell on the long hair she had just left. The straight tip of his hair brushed his face and itched. "Yan'er, I'm sorry, I dreamed. By the way, why are you here?"

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