As he walked along, he said, "fool, since you have provoked me, don't doubt me, otherwise, you shouldn't have provoked me. There are some things you don't want to let you know because you don't want to be unhappy. The more you know, the more confused you will be. On the contrary, if you don't know, you will be happy." he wanted to make her happy, but he hid this sentence in his heart and didn't say it.

Blinking her eyes, she understood, "Meng Xuan, but I feel heartache when I see it. It's really heartache." if you like a person, you can't help but want to dominate him. You don't want any other woman to share him with her anymore.

Two people walked into the room.

"Wait, Meng Xuan."

"What's the matter?" he didn't stop. Her stop didn't work for him.

"I don't allow you to enter ah Zhe's room, No." she begged him, trying to break free and slide down from him.

"Why not?" he asked. His voice was still hoarse, but there was an unspeakable smell on her face. It looked very confusing, which made her want to be with him.

"Meng Xuan, because of you, I'm sorry for ah Zhe, so please don't talk to me in the room where he once lived..." she stopped. He should understand when she said this.

"Why should you remember a dead man?" Meng Xuan didn't care. He not only stepped into her room, but even bent over and kissed her when he stepped in.

"Oh, no, you villain." her tears' brush 'came down. She was really sorry for ah Zhe. She had a new man, but she also brought this man into the world that once belonged to ah Zhe.

"From now on, I won't allow you to think about him." when the overbearing male voice sounded, he hugged her and walked to the bathroom.

"Oh, No." sobbed again. Everything in the room flashed in her mind, "Meng Xuan, let me go."

"Don't let go."

"Then I'll bite you." she threatened. She really didn't want him to hold her in the room that once belonged to Ke Hezhe.

"It's up to you." he was cold and uncompromising, kicking the bathroom door with one foot.

"Ah..." she bit down with a dull bite. She hated that he hugged her into the bathroom regardless of her feelings. At the moment, the man holding her was not Ke Hezhe, but he seemed to be the man in the room.

She bit and didn't mean to let go.

He let her bite, neither dodge nor push her away.

I don't know how long it was. She couldn't count how many drops of water splashed on her body.

He washed her and his body. The white liquid also dispersed quietly in the baptism of the water. There was a touch of red in the water. God, that was the place she had just bitten. It was bleeding.

The teeth, suddenly released, on his arm was a string of clear blood stained teeth.

Water, gently fall on it.

God, that must hurt.

But Meng Xuan continued to wash her body as if she didn't feel it. She forgot to be ashamed and to avoid his hand. She let him wash and look at her body, as if it were all taken for granted.

After washing, he took a bath towel and wiped her body while holding her out of the bathroom. Everything was so natural.

"Meng Xuan, ah zhe will hate me in the sky." she hung her head powerlessly and dared not look at Meng Xuan.

"Yan'er, can I call you that?" he asked in a low voice, with the smell of cup confusion in his voice.

She nodded, "Meng Xuan, do you think ah zhe will hate me?"

"Yan'er, no, if he really loves you, he wants you to have happiness instead of living in the sadness of missing him all the time, doesn't he?"

Listening to his serious words, Gu Yaner thought of his words again and again. What he said should be right.

In the past few months, she really had only sadness except sadness. She was not happy at all.

She even ignored the children because of ah Zhe's death.

"But Meng Xuan, I really think I'm sorry to be with you. Ah Zhe, Meng Xuan, what should I do?"

He rubbed her hair with a big hand, and then sat on the edge of the bed with her. As soon as he fell down, the two fell on the big bed in the room.

"Yan'er, I don't mind if you treat me as him. I only care if you are happy. This is the desire to love someone. What I want is that the person I love must be happy. That's enough."

On the bed, he looked at her. His dark pupils were full of seriousness. Behind him, outside the window, the sky was bright.

His blue eyes were full of tenderness. The expression was exactly the same as ah Zhe, which made Gu Yaner look crazy in an instant.

Even two different faces, even two different voices, even if his body is not similar to ah Zhe's, but at the moment, snuggling in his arms, she only feels warm and kind.

Gently close your eyes. The man around you is Meng Xuan and ah Zhe.

That person, what he wants is not her life, but endless humiliation to her. It seems that only when she is unhappy and she is unhappy, he will be happy and let her go.

"Meng Xuan, tell me who that person is?" since he can stop that person from sending her photos, it proves that he knows who that person is. He looks at him with burning eyes. This question has been held in her mind for several days. The reason why she didn't ask it is that she thought it would be inconvenient to say if he didn't want to say it, but now she can't help it, She really wants to know who that person is.

Meng Xuan's fingers stroked her face. The delicate texture of the smooth skin left him only a comfortable feeling.

After a slight pause, he said, "Yan'er, you can't provoke him, so it's good for you to know nothing. I'll settle it for you."

Gu Yaner shook her head. No, she must know whether she can afford it or not. Otherwise, she is unwilling. "Meng Xuan, just tell me who he is. Then, even if I know, I can act as if I don't know anything. In this way, I have a bottom in my heart."

"Yan'er, those are two people, but I only know one of them." after thinking about it, Meng Xuan said in a deep voice.

"One is good, tell me, tell me who he is?" Gu Yaner looked up at Meng Xuan with expectation.

"I said, you must promise me not to go to that person without permission, because you are not his opponent at all. If you don't promise, I won't say."

"OK, I promise you, you say." she looked at him without blinking. At the moment, her heart was very nervous. After waiting for the answer for more than four years, she was about to come out, which made her not excited.

Her heart jumped badly. She wanted to hear Meng Xuan's answer right away.

The hand on the waist increased its strength again. He hugged her tightly and made her body close to him. The strength seemed to embed her into his body. In his ear, his heartbeat was so wild and warm.

"Yan'er, the person threatening you is Wu Hongda, but those photos were sent to him by another person. The only condition of that person is to torture you and yan'ran as much as possible. Yan'er, if I guess right, you and yan'ran may be sisters."

She heard it. Every word fell into her ears. It was a little shocking, but it was more clear. In fact, she had guessed that it was Wu Hongda, but she didn't understand why he tortured himself and Wu Yanran.

"Meng Xuan, I want to meet Wu Yanran alone. Can you help me ask her out?" she can't understand the girl who looks almost the same as herself. She sucks ~ drugs. She is a doll in Wu Hongda's hand. She has long lost herself. When I think of this, I suddenly feel sorry for her. Wu Yanran is more pathetic than herself.

"Yan'er, it's not necessary."

"Meng Xuan, since you said we might be sisters, why can't I see her alone?" she was confused. Now she wholeheartedly wanted to have a good talk with Wu Yanran.

"Yan'er, her heart is only dominated by that thing. As long as someone gives her that thing, no matter who that person is or what that person asks her to do, she will accept it. The poison in her body is too deep. I heard that she has been sucking it for several years, so now she is a slave to that thing."

"Meng Xuan, what about you? Can you quit?" Gu Yaner couldn't help worrying about Meng Xuan when she heard Meng Xuan talking about the poison in Wu Yanran's body. He also smoked that thing, she knew.

Meng Xuan closed his eyes. His voice seemed to float from the distant sky. "In this world, as long as you want and have perseverance, there is nothing you can't do."

"Meng Xuan, then quit, OK? Don't let me worry about you." she was really worried about him. The longer she smoked it, the harder it was to quit.

"OK, but you have to give me some time."

Gu Yan'er nodded. She knew that quitting that thing would not happen overnight. It was urgent.

Looking at him, her breath brushed his face, and her finger fell on the scratch on his neck, "Meng Xuan, tell me, what's going on?"

Meng Xuan smiled and pinched her nose. "I have a handle on Ranran's hand, so I have to accompany her naturally."

"What handle?"

"What do you say?" he raised his eyebrows but smiled. His tone was relaxed, but Gu Yaner knew that it was impossible to deal with people in the Green Gang. In that man eating world, everything would change in an instant, and everything was impossible to prevent.

"Did she know that you helped me deal with those photos?" she asked cleverly.

Meng Xuan pinched her nose. "Yes, so sometimes it's necessary to play on the spot, girl. Are you still angry now?"

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