The infusion was finally lost. In the gap waiting for the nurse to go through the discharge formalities for her, Gu Yaner opened the small book with anxiety.

Listening to the voice when the notebook was turned on, her heart beat wildly, and she had a hunch that there would be an email this time.

Sure enough, when she opened the mailbox with trembling hands, a new unread email immediately jumped out.

Gu Yaner, the time is less than three months. Do you want to expose your photos?

You are allowed to return to Ke Hezhe immediately until you are three months old.


Just two paragraphs.

Gu Yan'er stared at the two lines in amazement. She still didn't understand that the man's purpose was simply to let her stay with Ke Hezhe and had no other purpose?

She doesn't believe it.

She would be a fool if she believed it.

But no matter what she thinks, she can't think of what the man's purpose is for.

Now, one of the most embarrassing problems facing her is that she must go back to Ke Hezhe's side and his apartment.

I'm sorry.

The word that Ke Hezhe shouted was still ringing in his ears: get out.

She rolled away, but now she has to roll back humbly.



But after thinking about it, she still had to go back.

I've endured it for so long. Now, it's almost three months. If she gives up at this time, wouldn't she lose her wife and lose her soldiers.

Biting her teeth, her nails were deeply embedded in the meat. No matter how painful or sad, she had to go back.

Nothing in those photos can be disclosed.

The nurse has gone through the discharge formalities for her and turned back, "Miss Wu, here is the balance of the hospitalization deposit. These are the receipts. Dr. Zhang has prescribed some medicine for you. When you go back, you must eat them on time, otherwise, your wound..."

Gu Yaner heard the nurse's sigh. She smiled faintly. She was not afraid of leaving scars on her body. She was not afraid at all. As long as her photos didn't fall between the streets, it didn't matter what she did.

The body is not her own for a long time. Is there anything more embarrassing and sad than that?

For the first time, she had so much money in her hand, more than 8000, which was enough for her to spend for many days, but all the money belonged to Ke Hezhe, and she couldn't move.

I owe him more than 1000 medical expenses. In the future, she will pay him back when she finds a chance.

She likes money and she loves money, but she never covets money that doesn't belong to her.

She's not that kind of woman. She's just humble for her photos.

But Ke Hezhe didn't understand all this and didn't know who she was..

I don't know if Ke Hezhe will continue to humiliate her when she goes back. What if he keeps bringing women back?

Can you bear it?

Bear it, it's not a few days.

Three months. For the three-month deadline, she has been counting every minute like a year from now on.

Dragging her luggage, Gu Yaner covered yuexiong's mouth and took a taxi for the first time with Ke Hezhe's money. If her body crowded the bus again, she was afraid that yuexiong's mouth would be full of blood when she got off the bus.

Gu Yan'er sat in the taxi with a pale face and provoked the driver to look at her more. "Miss, you haven't recovered yet. Why don't you stay in the hospital for a few more days?"

She smiled. The driver was very kind and brought her family kindness. "I'm well. As long as I go home and keep it well for a few days, I'll be completely safe."

"Oh, the young lady should pay attention to rest."

"Thank you." she thanked, then stopped making a sound lazily, and looked at the scenery outside the window, stunned.

Finally, she had to go back again. When she reported the address of the apartment, her heart jumped.

She knew that humiliation and torture might still be waiting for her.

But she must be patient.

Drag your luggage to the elevator.

Familiar road, familiar everything.

After living for nearly three months, even the security guard of the apartment building looked particularly kind.

At the end of the corridor, the pot of cactus flowers are still fragrant and gorgeous.

Gu Yaner squatted down gently, and then didn't dare to bend at all. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would tear the wound on Yue Xiong's mouth accidentally.

Gu Yaner clumsily took out the key of the apartment from under the flowerpot.

Without his consent.

She's back.

When she opened the door, the living room was just like yesterday, but the table was messy. There were plates and bowls on the table when she left yesterday. However, they had all seen the bottom.

He ate, he ate.

So, what about the woman?

The thought of that beautiful and plump woman made her heart ache.

Gu Yaner slowly cleaned up the table. Then she went to the bedroom and lay down slowly. Even her clothes were lazy to change.

Moon Hungary mouth, very painful, very painful.

Although the wound gouged out by the dagger was not fatal, it gouged out the skin and flesh after all.

The luggage is still on the side of the gate. She doesn't have the strength to tidy it up. Or, wait until she's a little better.

I don't know if it was because she had been hanging bottles all morning. Gu Yaner fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

The time passed unconsciously from afternoon to dusk. She vaguely heard the phone ring in the living room, but she didn't want to move. Maybe the hourly worker was coming to tell Ke Hezhe that she was going to work. She remembered that he said that the worker would come back in a few days.

What a coincidence. It happened that when she came, the worker asked for leave, and it took three months.

Stuffy continue to sleep, the body is softer and colder, holding the quilt cover on the body, but still can't stop the cold.

It was dark, and there was only her shallow breathing sound in the room.

Curled up, even she didn't know whether she was awake or asleep.

The door seems to be open.

Footsteps came gently towards the bedroom.

She heard it. Is that kehezhe?

Listening to the sound, she was vaguely flustered. Her hand stroked the mouth of Yue Xiong, and a heart seemed to jump out.

How will she face him again?



After a dull noise, there was a scream, "he Zhe, whose luggage is this? I tripped over."

The woman's voice was sent to her ear. Gu Yaner suddenly woke up and suddenly recalled the picture when she came to the autumn the day before yesterday.

Biting her lips, Gu Yaner sat up with her hands on the bed. Her head was still heavy. She was very cold. She must have a fever.

But she knew she couldn't affect everything between Ke Hezhe and the woman in the room now.

Otherwise, he would brutally drive her away.

But she can't go.

She must endure and stay with him.

"Sorry, it's my luggage."

"Who are you?" the woman followed her voice into the bedroom, then reached out and pressed the light switch in the bedroom.

When the strong light suddenly stabbed Gu Yaner's eyes, she turned her face unaccustomed, and then tried to calm her tension. Then she whispered, "I'm a worker here."

"He Zhe, why do your workers want to sleep in your bed?" the woman's questioning voice floated over, beat Gu Yaner's body trembled, had to struggle down to the ground, and then walked to the door holding the wall.

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