"Find it for me quickly. Don't neglect anyone."

"Elder brother, do you want to call chenshao first and report the following in advance, otherwise people will run away. We really can't explain chenshao there."

"Look for it first. If we can't find it, we'll be scolded even if we find it. It's a bad thing. I don't want to be scolded by my mother after finishing the work. That's no need."

"What big brother said is, let's find it quickly."

Several people started the detailed search like casting a net. Gu Yaner began to rejoice. Fortunately, she had just not hid in the bush. Otherwise, she would have been found out by the way of searching people by these people.

Men, getting closer and closer to her, Gu Yaner began to hold her breath and don't think about anything. As long as she closed her eyes, she believed that God wouldn't push her out.

"Xiao Li, you go over there."

The boss pointed to another man, "you go here and never let her miss the net."

The vicious voice seemed as if she was a prisoner, but she didn't offend anyone. She just did herself obediently, but she didn't want to get into chenshao.

Tiger and another man have reached a place only five meters away from her. The wild grass in front of her covers her body tightly. She is waiting for them to bypass these boulders so that she can be safer. But suddenly, the boss said, "give me a closer look between those stones. Maybe she will hide there."

This sentence made Gu Yaner's heart beat harder.

Gu Yaner shrunk and pressed herself closer to the bottom of the stone. The moss slipped onto her legs and was cool. She couldn't care much. Now she was more hidden. As long as she didn't make a sound and there was no accident, she believed that it was difficult for the men to find her, because her position was a thin and narrow gap under the stone. In fact, the gap was really narrow, If she wasn't thin enough, she wouldn't get in.

A figure was close. Gu Yaner heard the man's footsteps in her ears. She was so nervous. Her nervous eyes stared at the man's legs, and then read again and again: go away, go away.

But the two legs were shaking in front of her. The man seemed to want to see this group of boulders through this place, but because of this, he didn't think that Gu Yaner was actually at his feet.

Holding her breath, Gu Yan'er didn't move.

She was waiting for a miracle to happen, waiting for herself to escape.

She has been a good girl since childhood. She is the kind of girl who never makes trouble. She believes that good people must be rewarded. She won't harm people. She also hopes that these people can let her go.

The man in front of him shook and shook. Finally, he reported to the people in the woods: "brother, there is no one here."

"Then you two go there and search carefully for me. You two go to the other side. You can't let go in any direction." the leader was a little anxious, so he stood in place and commanded.

His position is only ten meters away from Gu Yaner. Gu Yaner can't see his face, but can hear his voice and see his legs.

Heart, still flustered, as long as these people don't leave their position, she can't escape.

Several men were still searching hard, but no one found that she was not far away from them.

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Every sound seems to be delaying her heart.

Waiting for the chance to escape, but the chance is so slim.

"Brother, there's no one over there."

"Brother, there's no one here."

After about ten minutes, several men who didn't know where she was running began to worry, because they didn't know where they were going to chase now.

"Brother, call Chen Shao, otherwise, we can't find the girl. Our brothers can't afford to go. If Chen Shao comes, there will be hope."

"Yes, brother, Chen has few helicopters, and then brings his search wolf dog. The woman can't escape our palm even if she wants to escape. Brother, hurry up, otherwise, the longer time passes, the harder it is to find someone."

Several people are persuading the leading brother.

It seemed that he was making up his mind. Finally, the man who was called the boss took out his mobile phone and began to dial Chen Shao's mobile phone number.

This is the last thing Gu Yaner wants to hear. She can avoid several men in front of her, but she can't avoid the wolf dog.

What should I do?

What should I do?

I asked myself countless times. I just hope it will get dark soon. Maybe before Chen Shao comes, she can escape from these people again in the dark. But now, the sun just sets, and there is still a short time from the complete darkness.

She can only wait now.

"Chen Shao, the woman ran away when she got out of the car to urinate. Chen Shao, I deserve it. Now I'm going to use your wolf dog, otherwise we can't find her."

"..." Jing, it must be Chen Shao yelling at the boss on the phone.

"Yes... Yes... Yes... I know. We stand by and observe everything around us at any time. Chen Shao, you should be fast. Chen Shao only needs to find our SUV on the road, and then we can find us in the woods on the right side not far from the car."

The man reported Gu Yaner's escape direction to Wu Shaochen and hung up the phone. At this time, his anger pointed to Huzi and Xiao Li, "you two are squatting. Maybe you two are intentional. You two helped the woman escape."

"Brother, spare your life, not me."

"Eldest brother, it's not me. Who knows that Xiaoniu will sneak away. If I know she will sneak away, I'll watch her pee in person and respect her. She's just a woman." Xiao Li shouted, shouting injustice.

The dog bit the dog and quarreled again.

Gu Yaner listened and watched quietly. She can't do anything now.

Time, began to become slow, slow is to make her unbearable, people are so strange, the more they can't move, the more they want to move, so, lying under the boulder, she is only uncomfortable except uncomfortable.

The night is getting darker and darker.

But those people still stood in their original position, and no one dared to go away. Everyone was afraid that Chen Shao would annoy Chen Shao. Gu Yaner could not hear what they were saying. Her body lying under the boulder was numb. She tried to move, but it was still numb. The gap under the boulder was too narrow.

Suddenly, the roar of the helicopter came from the air, "woo..." Gu Yaner whispered. It seems that her escape plan is about to die, because she really can't fight the wolf dog that Chen Shao may bring.

The original silence in the forest suddenly became noisy because of the arrival of the helicopter. The gangway fell. Chen Shao, a wolf dog and several people quickly went down to the forest. Gu Yaner was completely desperate.

"A bunch of fools, where are the people?"

"Chen Shao, the woman suddenly disappeared around here."

"Put the wolf dog and search it for me." there were more people in front of her. Zhonggu Yaner knew she couldn't hide.

But in her heart, subconsciously, she still wanted to give herself another chance. Maybe the wolf dog's nose also failed.

Although this possibility is very small, she really doesn't want to fall into Wu Shaochen's hands.

Even if he gave her countless roses, she didn't like him.

Love is only one.

Love, just want your favorite one.

Wu Shaochen is not, never.

The barking of the dog was close at hand. It was so fast that her heart was gray.

Although she had long thought of the possibility of being caught, Gu Yaner still didn't believe it when the wolf dog stopped in front of her. She was finished and she couldn't escape.

"Chen Shao, people are here." a man lay on the ground with the wolf dog, and finally found Gu Yaner by the light of the flashlight. At this time, he was reporting to Wu Shaochen happily.

"Do you want to pull it out?" the man asked Wu Shaochen again.

"Don't move anyone. I don't want to come by myself." Wu Shaochen's pleasant male voice came. The woman really surprised him. You know, his men who were escorting her have never failed. Even those men who know kung fu can't escape their control, but Gu Yaner, a little woman, has disappeared from their eyes for so long, This can not help but show that the woman is very smart. Being smart makes him have another view on women for the first time. It turns out that women are not only used to play, but also can be used to appreciate.

Yes, he always remembered the picture when she wrote with both hands on the snow. The picture was so beautiful that he always remembered it.

Wu Shaochen walked quickly to Gu Yan'er's direction, "pull off the wolf dog." before the man arrived, he ordered in a deep voice.

Gu Yaner's body began to shake, but because she had been lying under the boulder for too long, her numb body couldn't move now.

With her eyes closed, she had to listen to fate.

One hand reached under the boulder, and the bright light stabbed her eyes. The pain also made her eyes close more tightly.

"Hehe, Gu Yaner, you're beginning to impress me. Come on, give me your hand. I have to keep such a smart woman around and enjoy it well. It's a pity to give it to others." Wu Shaochen didn't feel angry in his smiling voice, but Gu Yaner's ears were creepy.

She would rather Wu Shaochen didn't look up to her, then she had the hope of leaving him, but now, Wu Shaochen's words have shown how much he was interested in her.

Her hand had fallen on her, and she couldn't help shaking, "don't touch me." her teeth were shaking. In fact, she was not only afraid, but also cold. This was in the mountains. In addition, she had been lying on the wet ground for so long, and she was really cold now.

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