Thinking, she stood up again, and then walked hard to the newspaper booth. Regardless of the strange eyes that came straight ~ around, Gu Yaner picked up the newspaper in Xiangzi and began to search for the report about Ke Hezhe in the newspaper.

Finally, she saw that it was not the front page headline of the newspaper, but a seemingly small piece of news in the corner of the newspaper.

Drug traffickers were found in a villa ten kilometers away from s city. Now, the whole villa has been destroyed. However, the two main drug traffickers accidentally escaped in the pursuit of the police. There were one death and three injuries in the police operation. At present, all the wounded are under custody in the provincial military District Hospital.

One death and three injuries.

Ke Hezhe was hurt. She knew it long ago.

Looking at the word "death", Gu Yaner's hand trembled again and again.

In the sun, tears poured out silently. When they fell, they only wet the large piece of type. That was her worry. In a moment, they moistened the whole newspaper, only boundless

Behind her, a figure quietly shrouded Gu Yan'er's thin body. There was no need for a wheelchair. Ke Hexi bent and grabbed Gu Yan'er. "Yan'er, why are you so stupid to run out by yourself? Look, the injury on your foot is bleeding again."

Hold her and go away. In her heart, she is loving. This woman always doesn't cherish herself. Just now, she frightened him.

I didn't want her to know, but now she knows.

Tears were still pouring out silently. Gu Yaner sobbed and couldn't say half a word.

Even if she had just died, she didn't regret it. She just wanted to know everything about ah Zhe, even those who didn't want to die.

Ke Hexi held her through the crowd and through the glass door of the inpatient department. There was always a water mist in her eyes, which made her vision very unclear. "He Xi, tell me, is he dead or alive?"

Ke Hexi frowned. This really made it difficult for him to answer, because his temper was that he would do it if he promised, but when he saw Gu Yaner's pale face, he couldn't bear it.

His fingers rubbed the tears in the corners of Gu Yaner's eyes. The tears had a salty taste, which made his heart very heavy. "Yaner, he wants you to wait for him with the children and wait for him to come back."

"Child? He knows I have his child?" Gu Yaner's face suddenly burst into tears because of this recognition.

"Well, I see." Ke Hexi said solemnly.

This answer proves that Ke Hezhe is still alive and must be alive. Then, as long as people are alive, it is better than anything. Gu Yaner was relieved, but she still couldn't help worrying, "He Xi, take me to see him now, OK? I'm fine, I'm really fine." she begged bitterly, She knew that it was difficult to see Ke Hezhe in her current status and condition, but as long as she couldn't see it, her heart couldn't stop to care about all of Ke Hezhe.

"I'll take you there when your foot injury and gunshot wound on your arm are cured. Otherwise, you can only stay in the hospital until now."

"He Xi, how can you be so cruel, let alone wait until my injury is all right, even if the line is removed, it will take seven days." how can she stand such a long time? She wants to see her ah Zhe.

"Yan'er, your injury is not good. If he sees it, he will only worry more about you."

"No, my injuries are minor. He won't worry about me, but he..."

Ke Hexi no longer spoke, but hugged her and walked into the elevator.

Seeing Ke Hexi's silence, Gu Yaner became more worried. "Hexi, you must have lied to me. Is his injury very serious?" her heart began to ache when she recalled the bloody man on the stretcher.

"It has been rescued. Don't worry."

"Will you let him talk to me for a while?" as long as she has a look or listen to his voice, she will be relieved.

Ke Hexi was speechless again. He didn't know what to say. He took Gu Yaner down the elevator and went straight to his ward. Before pushing the door, his eyes glared at the two security guards. One of them was stupid and wanted to show her some newspapers, but the other was avoided by her. It seems that the two security guards should be changed.

Put her on the bed, he said softly, "I'll ask the nurse to give you another infusion. After a while, the children will come."

"Xiaodan and Xiaoyu?" Gu Yaner's eyes lit up. Look at her. She is really an incompetent mother. When Ke Hexi mentioned it, she remembered the children.

"Well." Ke Hexi smiled, "I arranged for them to go to the hospital in an hour. At that time, the rest of your half bottle of infusion will be lost. You can't pull out the needle by force."

Gu Yaner nodded. Ke Hexi and the children are important. As long as he is still alive, that's good. She will always see him.

The quiet infusion was also reviewing herself, because she wanted to know Ke Hezhe's situation. She was really irrational just now. She was almost robbed by Wu Hongda. Now when she calmed down, Gu Yaner thought of the scenes that had happened before. Gu Yaner felt it necessary to see Chen sir, first because of the letter and second because of Ke Hezhe. Now, As long as Wu Hongda doesn't obey the law for one day, he will desperate to get the letter back from her, but she doesn't know what it is.

Although the letter was a means used by Ke Hezhe to intimidate Wu Hongda not to send her photos, she should at least know what kind of letter it was. Otherwise, if she really met Wu Hongda again, she wouldn't even prevaricate.

She doesn't understand or understand why Wu Hongda doesn't doubt Meng Xuan at all. Doesn't he know that Meng Xuan is an undercover?

Isn't that incredible?

With Wu Hongda's shrewdness and his experience in the road, he can't still know.

There may be only one possible answer, that is, Chen Sir always made Wu Hongda think that the letter was in her hand.

Is this to protect ah zhe?

Or, she is just a bait, a bait that can lure Wu Hongda to appear.

Now, recalling the rapid response of the hospital when the accident just happened, it seems that there has been prevention inside the hospital for a long time, but the security guard of the hospital really didn't expect Wu Hongda to escape from the staff channel of the hospital. Therefore, he lost his count and let Wu Hongda go again.

Hehe, is she bait?

If ah zhe was there, he would never allow such a thing to happen. He wouldn't let her make a bait. Gu Yaner's heart pounded again and couldn't calm down.

I really want to see Ke Hezhe immediately, but it's hard for her to leave secretly now.

Her eyes were burning tightly on the infusion. She had no choice but to wait.

The infusion needle was finally pulled out by the nurse. Looking at the time, Gu Yaner looked forward to the door of the ward. The children should be arriving soon.

"Mommy, I'm coming."

"Mommy, I'm here too."

The door of the ward was pushed open. Xiaodan and Xiaoyu ran in excitedly. They squeezed together and touched her hand. "Mommy, are you okay?" they looked at the gauze wrapped around her arms and feet. They were worried in their big eyes.

"It's okay. It'll be fine in a few days."

"Mommy, uncle Godfather said you went to see daddy the other day and said Daddy would come back in a few days, didn't you?"

"Well, yes." although she was not sure, looking at the children's expectant expressions, she just wanted to give them a positive answer that would not disappoint them.

"Mommy, we went to live with grandma these two days. Grandpa is very kind to us. Mommy, when you're good, go with us to live with Grandpa. Our home is not safe. Grandpa's home is safe. Mommy, OK?" Xiaodan shook her arm and advised.

"Xiaodan, who said that?"

"Uncle Godfather said it, and grandma Jane said so."

"Oh, then you two can stay at Grandpa's for a while and pick you up when Mommy is ready." look at yourself now. You really can't take care of Xiaodan and Xiaoyu anymore. Remembering that Wu Hongda and Wu Shaochen's father and son are still at large, Gu Yaner understands that Ke Hexi is right. Her home is really unsafe.

"Xiaodan, Xiaoyu, whose car did you take on the way? Who did you come with all the time?"

"Oh, it was grandma Shi's car. Grandma Shi took us to the gate of the hospital and left."

"Have you seen uncle these days?"

Xiaodan thought for a moment, then shook his head, "no, we have lived in Grandpa's house for two days and haven't seen uncle."

"Did you see Aunt Wu who looks like Mommy?"


It seems that something really happened to the Green Gang.

Ke hechen and Wu Yanran are all gone.

But why did Stephen send the children?

In fact, she wanted to tell Ke Hexi that Steven couldn't believe it now, but she didn't dare to say it out of thin air. Everything was just her guess.

The interpersonal relationship of the Ke family is now quite complex and chaotic.

"Mommy, you can't be naughty any more. Uncle Godfather said mommy was too naughty, so you accidentally hurt yourself. Xiaoyu, you can't be naughty any more."

"I see." Xiaoyu spits out his tongue, "true Russo."

"I'm not Russell. Mommy is an example. If you are naughty, you will one day lie on the hospital bed like mommy and can't go down like a puppet. That's what grandma Jane said."

It's grandma Zhen again. Gu Yaner feels a little strange. Isn't Ru Zhen ill?

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