"Well, Grandpa, drink water." Xiaoyu directly took Ke Hengnan's water cup on the table and handed it to him. On the other side, Xiaodan didn't show weakness. With his small hand, he picked up a cake on the plate and sent it to Ke Hengnan's lips. "Grandpa, you can eat another cake. If you eat it, you will have the strength to tell your story. I want to listen to a lot."

Gu Yan'er looked down from the stairs. Xiaodan's little hand didn't know whether it was clean or not, but Ke Hengnan bit the cake and ate it. "Well, it's delicious. Grandpa has the strength to talk after eating. You two are good. Sit on the sofa and listen to Grandpa. Otherwise, grandpa's neck will be broken by you."

Xiaoyu and Xiaodan immediately sat next to Ke Hengmian, one left and one right, just like two little bodyguards.

Gu Yaner stepped down the stairs, "Grandpa, good noon." her face was a little red. She thought that she and Ke Hengnan slept around the early morning, but the old man was mentally coaxing Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. She didn't get up until now.

Ke Hengnan looked up at Gu Yaner and said, "come and sit down."

Gu Yaner walked over. "Xiaodan, Xiaoyu, go outside and play. Don't always pester Grandpa. Be good."

"Mommy, we don't pester Grandpa. We just like to listen to him tell his own story. Grandpa's story is good."

Gu Yan'er smiled and said she didn't pester him. This is pestering. "You can't tell stories all the time. Just tell them for a while a day. Let Grandpa rest at other times. This is a good child."

"Oh, we know." Xiaoyu spits out his tongue. Although he is reluctant, he still runs to Xiaodan's side and takes her hand. "Xiaodan, let's go out to play."

"OK." the two little people went out to play happily.

Opposite Gu Yan'er, Ke Hengnan put away his previous kind expression to the two children, but said with a serious face: "Gu Yan'er, tell me about your life experience."

Suddenly, Gu Yaner was stunned and said, "Grandpa, I was adopted by my adoptive parents from the orphanage. Therefore, I don't know my real life experience."

Ke Hengnan nodded and said, "in the afternoon, go and have a DNA test. I think you may really be related to Yan Ran."

Gu Yaner had thought of this for a long time, but she didn't like Wu Yanran at all, "Grandpa, don't use it."

"Go, the child is also bitter. She has been adopted by Wu Hongda for more than 20 years. Now, she is entangled with drug addiction. Even if she wants to return to normal life, it is difficult." with a sigh, Ke Hengnan's eyes are full of kindness.

Looking at Ke Hengnan's kind eyes, Gu Yaner's heart couldn't help jumping. She always thought that Ke Hengnan didn't know anything. She even thought that Ke Hengnan didn't know about Wu Yanran's stealing the will, so she let Ke hechen get engaged to Wu Yanran. Now it seems that he knows everything.

"Grandpa, if Yanran is really related to me, do you know who our parents are?" she wants to know who her biological father and mother are. Although she hated them for abandoning her when she was a child, she always unconsciously wants to know who her parents are.

"Well, I'm not sure about that, but according to the way Wu Hongda treats you, I think you two should be the daughter of that woman."

It was the woman again. He mentioned the woman with Ke hechen at dawn, "Grandpa, who is that woman? Would you please tell me?"

Ke Hengnan rubbed his sour forehead and whispered, "I'm not quite sure, but I think your mother should be Murong Qing."

"Mu... Rong... Qing..." Gu Yaner murmured the name. It was clearly a strange name, but when she read it at the moment, it filled her heart with a sense of kindness. Is this her mother's name? "Grandpa, where is she now?"

"She disappeared long ago. She disappeared when you were very young."

Gu Yaner's mind roared, and she remembered Ke Hengnan's words at night: if it weren't for her, your father, you can't go missing.

"Grandpa, if she is my mother, does her disappearance have anything to do with the disappearance of he Zhe's father?" I asked when I thought of it. Otherwise, it would be more painful to hold it in my heart.

Ke Hengnan shook his head gently, "Gu Yaner, I can't be very sure about these things, but according to the investigation of he Chen, the result is that Qing Yu is missing, and Murong Qing is also missing."

All this sounds like a coincidence, but when you carefully aftertaste it, you feel that there must be some man-made factors injected to make everything happen.

But no outsider can accurately guess what happened at that time.

It turned out that Ke Hengnan never gave up looking for his only son.

After analyzing one news after another, Gu Yaner's face changed, "Grandpa, can my father be..." she whispered more and more. If her father is Ke Qingyu, then she and Ke Hezhe are brothers and sisters.

When thinking of this possibility, Gu Yaner's face not only changed suddenly, but even panicked.

Ke Hengnan smiled, "don't worry, it's impossible, because Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are really healthy."

This seems to explain something, but it is not enough to make people fully believe. Gu Yaner decided that she would have a DNA test in the afternoon. In this way, if she was fast, she could know the results in 15 hours. At that time, if she compared it with Ke Hezhe's DNA, she would not know the answer much.

"Grandpa, I'll go this afternoon." she began to feel heavy. She finally knew that her possible mother's name was murongqing, but what about her father?

Who the father is is a hanging answer. She wants to know the answer, but she is afraid to know the answer.

After a few random bites of rice, Gu Yaner left her ancestral house. Before she reached the gate, she followed a car behind her. "Madam, the second young master said you'd better go in and out and take my car now. Don't take a taxi."

Ke Hexi is careful. It's safe. Moreover, she will be more efficient. Today, she has too many things to do. She wants to go to the scene of Ke's murder and do DNA testing. Finally, she wants to find Ke Hezhe. That guy, he can't avoid her again. She has to find him when he goes to the earth.

Gu Yaner first went to do DNA test. Ke Hengnan had already ordered the test department, so Gu Yaner took a blood sample and sent it for test as soon as she arrived. After collecting the blood, Gu Yaner hurried to Ke's house.

Compared with the usual, today's Coriolis building is a little dull. Everyone in and out has a serious face. At the door of the building, the car of the public security bureau is parked there.

Gu Yaner frowned. The bus of the Public Security Bureau came a little slowly. In fact, the people of the public security bureau should have been at the scene of the incident last night, so that they can protect the scene at the first time and get the most valuable clues at the first hand.

When the security guard at the door and the front desk lady in the hall saw her, they naturally didn't stop her and let her go straight to the elevator.

In the elevator, a female employee was whispering. Naturally, the content of the discussion was the death of manager Zhang.

Although she was very quiet, Gu Yaner could hear clearly.

"I think he killed him."

"Yes, manager Zhang is very optimistic. How can he commit suicide?"

"Do you think she has offended anyone?"

"I think it should be. Otherwise, the man couldn't have killed her so cruelly. She was stabbed more than ten times in the mouth of Yue Xiong."

"I think it should have been killed by a man. Women don't have such a cruel heart."

"I'm not sure. I see that manager Zhang is conscientious and doesn't seem to be a person who will offend others, but hasn't she been killed? Therefore, everything is possible. It's also possible for a woman to kill her."

"Shh, keep your voice down." suddenly, the talking woman tilted her head and saw Gu Yaner. Thinking of the relationship between Gu Yaner and the Ke family, the woman kept silent.

Gu Yaner didn't care. She thought she didn't hear anything. When she saw that the elevator reached the floor of the personnel department, she waited for the elevator to stop. Then she flashed off the elevator. Behind her, the two girls who had just discussed on the elevator vomited. They were frightened.

Gu Yaner walked very fast. In fact, she wanted to see the scene of the incident last night, but she didn't come here because it was too late. But now, the whole floor where the personnel department is located is shrouded in an unspeakable dull atmosphere. The police have blocked manager Zhang's office and saw the sign "stay away from idlers" in front of manager Zhang's office, Gu Yan'er frowned, but she didn't care. She was going to break in directly.

"Miss, please stay."

"I want to go in and have a look."

"Miss, this is the scene of the murder. Please don't enter without the permission of the above."

"This man's death concerns some of my secrets, so I must go in and have a look." he flew in and even avoided the policeman.

In fact, the police couldn't stop her, but they didn't dare to come hard because she was a woman. "Director Wu, a young lady is going in." seeing Gu Yaner go in, the police hurried to report to Director Wu, who is busy in manager Zhang's office.

A policeman immediately flashed out of the door. When he saw that it was Gu Yaner, he said, "it's Miss Gu. You can come in and have a look. However, please follow our police's instructions and walk in the designated area. You must not destroy anything and possible wires on the scene."

"I know." Gu Yan'er smiled. How could she destroy it? She was eager to solve the case, so the main messenger behind manager Zhang would surface.

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