

The two male voices were eager and anxious. One was Ke Hezhe and the other was Ke Hexi. She fell into the mud and felt a flash in front of her eyes. Then her four hands fell on her shoulders.

Ke Hezhe raised his head and glanced at Ke Hezhi. "She's my wife, you let go." his hoarse voice was full of warning, which made Ke Hezhi frown. The title of "wife" was like fire carbon, which made his hands tremble. Then he gently moved away. Ke Hezhe bent over and picked up Gu Yaner in the mud, "is there any pain?" The man looked down at the woman in his arms and asked with concern that every move was full of the smell of doting.

However, Gu Yaner's eyes made her more angry. "Ke Hezhe, are you guilty?" he disappeared for a few days. He didn't even return home and didn't explain when he met. He had aroused all the anger in her heart. The rain hit her face. She couldn't tell which the water droplets on her face were rain and which were tears. She looked at him, If she hadn't lost all her strength, she really wanted to hit someone.

"Go to the hospital first." Ke Hezhe didn't see any panic. He walked forward with her in his arms. His body was also wet. It was obvious that he came in such a hurry that he didn't even bring an umbrella. The rain dripped on his body, which was very uncomfortable. Gu Yaner's body struggled, "I don't need you to take me to the hospital. I won't go. You let me go. I still have something to do."

"Go to the hospital first." he said this, and his unquestionable attitude made her even more angry.

"Ke Hezhe, let me go again." xiaowa'er is still in the car. The child can't live without her. Moreover, she wants xiaowa'er to send Hongyu a ride. This is what a child must do. Hongyu left, but left him. This is Hongyu's life and Xiaowa's life.

"Go to the hospital." Ke Hezhe insisted on taking her to the hospital. If the man was stubborn, he couldn't pull ten cows away.

"I'm fine. I said I don't have to go to the hospital." in her heart, she is a little baby now. She doesn't release her hatred for Ke Hezhe's durian who let him kneel for ten days.

"Your ankle is bleeding. You must go." he said faintly, looking straight at the rain and fog in front. "There are clean clothes in the car. Change and wipe your hair, otherwise you will catch a cold."

At this meeting, he came to care about her, but what about the three days she called? Where did he go?

Gu Yan'er bit her lip, which made her lips white, but she couldn't earn it. He was real. This man was like a lion. A weak woman like her couldn't fight. She couldn't fight hard. She had to be soft. She had married him for some days. Plus she had known him for so long, she knew him better than anyone else, "The baby is still in the car. Uncle Chen won't take the child. He will have to eat milk and change his diapers later. I won't get on your car and I won't go to the hospital. I want to take care of him."

"Baby? Whose child?" he whispered, and then responded, "here's the child of red sorrow?" he stopped and swept around. Soon, his vision stopped on the body of his car, "take baby to the hospital."

"No, I haven't sent Hongyou all the way, and Xiaowa will also send it." this is her purpose to bring Xiaowa to the cemetery in the rain. How could she give up halfway.

Ke Hezhe suddenly turned his head and looked at Ke Hexi coldly. "Why did you give the child to Yan'er? Why didn't you even have a name? Why didn't he attend Hongyu's funeral?"

When a series of questions were asked, Ke Hexi's face changed again and again, and his lips moved again and again. Finally, standing in the rain and fog, he said out of control: "he is you. Yan'er killed red sorrow, so I don't want you to participate. You are not allowed to send red sorrow, No."

Before Ke Hexi's words were finished, Gu Yaner was stunned. Recalling Ke Jiaxi's dislike of herself in the hospital, he didn't even like to look at her. But when she thought of Ke Hexi's conditioned reaction like Ke Jiazhe when she just fell down, she finally understood that he still cared about her. However, he attributed part of Hong Yu's death to her, but the reason , she doesn't know.

However, he didn't like xiaowa'er. She understood that it was because Hongyu's death was mostly due to the production of xiaowa'er, "He Xi, why blame me? Why blame he zhe?" The rain began to rain heavily, and the rain hit the three people like beads. Their clothes were already wet. She stubbornly looked at Ke Hexi and had to know the answer. But at this time, the man who had been uncomfortable with her stopped talking. She just turned her head slightly and looked at the direction of red sorrow. The eyes were full of endless pain, which made people can't bear to look directly at her. Yes, even she has I can't bear to see him.

For a long time, when Gu Yan'er thought he wouldn't speak today, he suddenly turned around. However, what he faced again was not her, but Ke Hezhe. He pointed to Ke Hezhe, "what have you done these days?"

"Ke Hexi, you promised me not to say." Ke Hezhe tightened the woman in his arms. Her body was shaking and a small face raised again. At this time, it seemed that she wanted to get into his mind and generally wanted to see him clearly.

But some things, if he does not allow her to know, he will absolutely not allow her to know.

Ke Hexi's eyes darkened, his lips wriggled a little, and then he said, "go away, go away." he held his head and roared. The whole person seemed to be immersed in the death of red sorrow and didn't wake up. Such a blow, even if he didn't love the woman, she gave birth to a child for him and accompanied him through a time when he never gave her any love, She's gone. She'll blame him in another world.

Blame him for marrying her but not giving her happiness, blame him for pushing her down when she was about to give birth, blame him for her premature delivery, and blame him for her death when she gave birth.

It rained in torrential rain. Suddenly, there was a loud cry of children in the car not far away. The sound broke the patter of the rain, just like the glow suddenly breaking out of the sky in the morning, and immediately attracted three adults to look at it at the same time.

Ke Hezhi's body shook falsely. Ke Hezhe calmly held Gu Yaner and looked at Uncle Chen's head and said, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know. I don't know if he's hungry or pissed. He's been crying and crying for a long time." Uncle Chen doesn't know how to coax children. At this time, he's in a hurry.

"He Xi, let's go and have a look." Ke Hezhe glanced at Ke He Xi, then walked to his car with Gu Yaner in his arms.

His steps were steady and powerful. His tall and straight figure was like a benchmark. Even the rain curtain was torn. The long ending made Ke Hexi follow behind him involuntarily. Two men and one woman seemed to walk very slowly, but they just came in front of the car in an instant.

"Wow... Wow... Wow..." the little thing was still crying, as if to vent that his biological father ignored him.

Ke Hezhe didn't go to Uncle Chen's door, but walked around to the back seat, and then put Gu Yaner down. "You change his diapers and feed him some milk later. I'll find my clothes."

Listen to him calmly arrange everything for her, but he doesn't care about Ke Hexi at all. Gu Yaner grabs his wrist as soon as she reaches out her hand, "why did I hurt Hongyu with you, he Zhe, make it clear." I don't know. She thinks she's going crazy. How can she be the culprit who killed Hongyu? She doesn't want such a crime. She never wanted to hurt Hongyu, She always treats Hongyou like a married sister.

"Yan'er, the child will cry again." but he just broke her hand, turned and went to the trunk to find her clothes.

The rain is still falling. He is in the rain and fog, covering his figure. It's not clear, or the water vapor in her eyes is too heavy for her to see clearly. They haven't been married for a year, and Xiaoyu is only a little big. They say that marriage is usually the itch of ten years. Where does it come from that they haven't been married for a year?

However, Gu Yan'er really has a sense of crisis now, because her intuition tells her that Ke Hezhe is hiding something from her.

It seems that he can't talk today.

Xiaowa'er cried so much that she was confused and inexplicable. She turned to see the child. Xiaowa'er was still in Uncle Chen's arms. Ke Hexi stopped there for at least one minute. Unexpectedly, he didn't hold it until now. He just stood quietly in front of the door and looked at the little man. He didn't like or hate a face. He just looked at it like that and didn't move or hold it.

Gu Yaner was about to say that he was ruthless towards the child. Suddenly she remembered that he was wet and could not hold the child. She pulled a baby blanket at random, then picked up the baby from Uncle Chen's hands and put it on the blanket. She wrapped the little thing skillfully, and then held it in the direction of Ke Hexi, "Hold her. If Hongyou knows that she fought hard to give birth to her child, but you are so indifferent to him, she must be very sad. I think no one knows better than you how much she loves this child."

Her words shocked Ke Hexi, as if he remembered something. His eyes slowly softened down, reached out and took the baby, and then sat in the car.

His clothes were wet, and he also followed Gu Yan'er's example. He just held the small things in the blanket in both hands to prevent his wet body from wetting the villain.

Xiaowa'er was still crying, and even Gu Yan'er didn't have the slightest intention to stop holding her. However, at the moment Ke Hexi took over, he turned his small mouth and suddenly stopped crying. Only a pair of big eyes rolled around with water mist and looked at the man holding him.

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