The night was silent.

The window is open.

Baby sleep.

Gu Yaner on the sofa doesn't know how many times she has tried, but she still can't beat the men's means.

His lips, his teeth, his hands, everything about him had already turned her into a paralyzed water, but she dared not make any sound.

The feeling of scratching her heart and liver was thoroughly appreciated by Gu Yaner.

There was no strength to struggle, only the blending of water and water. Therefore, Gu Yaner planned the kneeling durian event for a long time that night, which completely evolved into a man's natural "rogue" event. Gu Yaner suffered a tragic defeat in the tenderness of a man who was tired of death. When she woke up, it was the next day.

Last night, Gu Yaner was woken up by Jing Xu's cry twice. Both times Ke Hezhe took her to the bed and fed Jing Xu first and then Xiaoyu. When she fed Jing Xu, he changed Xiaoyu's diapers. When she fed Xiaoyu, he changed Jingxu's diapers. At night, Gu Yaner yawned to do such work. However, She still thinks it's best for children to breastfeed. Therefore, whether Xiaoyu or Jingxu, she has done it herself, but tonight there is another man to take care of it, so her heart is very warm.

Yes, the picture of a man's clumsy big hands fiddling with a baby and diapers doesn't feel any conflict. On the contrary, it's very beautiful.

Well, she just fell down to sleep. Ke Hezhe picked her up. With her eyes closed, she didn't care about anything and just slept. Therefore, twice in a row, the man took her to the bed to wait on the two little ones, and then took her back to the sofa to sleep together.

The sofa in the bedroom is not big, but it falls into the eyes of men. It's just right when you sleep with a woman in your arms.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man close at hand. Maybe he had been quarreled twice in the middle of the night, and he didn't sleep well. At this time, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as if she had been wronged by him last night.

She stared at him, and then moved slightly. She wanted to get up from his arms and go to bed again, because Xiaoyu woke up, but didn't cry. She was playing with her little arms and legs alone in bed. She just took aim.

No, when she moved, the wolf's hand on her waist suddenly tightened, which made her frown and stunned. She stretched out her hand and pulled his hand, "Xiaoyu wakes up, good boy, let go." she coaxed him like a child, just want him to loosen his hand and sleep more for a while, and she's going to take care of the children. The children will sleep during the day. When the children sleep, she can take the opportunity to make up for their sleep, However, if Ke Hezhe wants to make up his sleep during the day, it will be difficult. He has been busy recently. Look, things have happened that he hasn't been home for three days and nights. Can it not prove that he is busy?

The man's eyes slowly opened, and the deep color of her eyes stunned her on the spot, "you... Are you awake?" or, maybe she woke up early.

As soon as he hugged her with a big hand, he hugged her in his arms again, hard and heavy, "coax the child into addiction?" so he coaxed him as a child?

"No, I'm so tired." but I'm willing to enjoy it.

"In the future, you are not allowed to only think about the children." you should also think about him. His overbearing lips stick to her ears, and the male breath spits out on her auricles, which makes her heart jump. "Ke Hexi, are you jealous of the children?"

"No, I'm not so boring. Well, go and see Xiaoyu. I've been awake for a long time." he didn't admit it. He loosened her waist and pushed her to stand up with a big hand. This move is very considerate. She's lazy.

"He Zhe, are you going to the company or working in the study today?" she walked towards the big bed. At this time, Xiaoyu and Jingxu woke up and kicked off their quilts. Seeing her coming, she immediately waved her hands and feet.


Gu Yan'er immediately lifted her lips, "Hey, you can go after kneeling durian."

Ke Hezhe got up with a smile, pulled off his morning jacket and put it on his body. The beard on the man's chin in the morning had not been dealt with. He walked to the bed lazily like a leopard, looked down at two little villains who were very troublesome last night, and then bowed his head and dropped a kiss on the woman's little face, "I'll come back early to accompany you in the evening, huh?"

His hoarse and magnetic voice has the flavor of endless cup confusion. Every time he makes such a tune, she can't help nodding in response to him. However, today is different from the past. Although it is said that husband and wife quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, the men who should and shouldn't have done last night have done it to her, but she just resented those three days and nights, "unless you give me an explanation." Every time he changes the subject, it means that there must be a problem in those three days and nights.

"Oh, I'm really busy with work. I'm on a business trip. Here, I'll find you a ticket." he said, really walking to the door to get a ticket from the study.

"No." that thing can be fake, right? At the moment, she can't stop remembering Ke Hexi's words. There must be ghosts in this man's three days and three nights. Forget it. Since he doesn't want to say, it's useless for her to ask. No one knows him better than her. It's better to wait until he puts down his guard. She'll pay more attention to what happened. Anyway, she's worried about what Ke Hexi said.

Women should know how to think of danger in peace. Uh huh, this is a normal psychological reaction. After all, it is definitely an abnormal phenomenon not to go home for three days and nights. This unhealthy trend doesn't stop for a moment. In the future, he may give you missing for three weeks and three months. At that time, it will become normal, and she will want to cry without tears.

"Oh, it's rare for my wife to trust me so much. I'll come back early in the evening and take you to Zhenbin restaurant. I heard that there are several new dishes there, which are very distinctive."

Seeing that he was sincere, she was slightly in a good mood. "I'll spare you one time, but don't have another time. From now on, I'll prepare durian at home, one a day, to ensure that you can call and take it to serve you when you need it."

"Wife, a little of that stuff is a tonic. If you eat too much, it will get angry." Ke Hezhe looked scared, as if she would really ask him to kneel durian.

"It's all right. I'll drink more water and get angry." she fed Jingxu and looked at Jingxu. She couldn't help but recall the night Jingxu was born. Her heart sank and said, "you should also advise him over He Xi. It may be that Hongyu's departure has hit him too hard, but the child is always his. Although I like Jingxu, it will make him feel better if the child comes to his hand." People can't come back to life after death. What the living think is still alive. Life must continue.


Ke Hezhe turns to wash. Gu Yaner sits quietly on the bed and looks at Jing Xu in a daze. She still doesn't understand what the death of Hong you has to do with Ke Hezhe.

When Gu Yaner took her four children to breakfast, Ke Hezhe had already gone to work. She was pregnant with Xiaoyu for a while. He never worked overtime on Saturday and Sunday, but he often worked overtime in recent weeks. Sure enough, the child gave birth to him, so she didn't matter.

Anyway, women think like this when they are in a bad mood.

The videophone in the porch rang. Wu Ma put down her work before she went to open the door. Xiaoyu jumped off the dining chair, "I'll go, I'll go."

Gu Yaner didn't care. She thought it was a newspaper delivery. She didn't want to. As soon as Xiaoyu answered the videophone, she said to Gu Yaner, "Mommy, she's a very beautiful aunt."

"Oh, don't know?" Xiaoyu didn't say his name. He should not know him.

"No, I haven't seen it."

"Let's hang up. It should be selling cosmetics." she doesn't have time to deal with those salesmen. Four children are enough for her.

But Xiaoyu hung up and the videophone rang again.

Gu Yan'er frowned. "Go and ask what you want to do? If you sell cosmetics, you can pull out the line directly." she was a little upset. Although she spared Ke Hezhe, the little lump in her heart had not been solved. Or, as long as she didn't know where he went for three days and nights, she would have a lump in her heart all day.

"OK, Mommy." Xiaoyu ran over again. This time, he cleverly pressed the hands-free button, "Hello, who is the beautiful aunt looking for?"

"Oh, Xiaoyu, isn't it? I'm so polite. Uh huh, I'll find you."

Hearing that the other party suddenly called out Xiaoyu's name, Gu Yaner was stunned and turned to look at it. Xiaoyu had asked wisely, "do you know me? What do you want me to do?"

"Yes, I know you. I'm looking for you for a job. From today on, I apply to be the bodyguard of you and Xiaodan children."

"Boom", Gu Yaner's brain flashed a strong current. First, the electricity made her scalp numb. Then, she held Xiaoyu in her arms and went to the porch. There was indeed a beautiful woman in the videophone. Xiaoyu was right. It was a beautiful woman who even wanted to see her more. She had long hair and a shawl, A typical classic beauty has a melon seed face, big eyes, small nose and small mouth. Tut Tut, she takes all the skin appearance that a beauty should have anyway.

"He zhe asked you to come to work?" Gu Yaner finally remembered. Last night, she promised Ke Hezhe to provide Xiaoyu and Xiaodan with a bodyguard, but in her understanding, the bodyguard was a first-class man with five big and three rough fights. She never thought that the bodyguard Ke Hezhe found for Xiaodan and Xiaoyu would be a first-class beauty.

"Well, Mrs. Ke, yes. By the way, I'm still the tutor of Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. Well, I'll use this identity in the future."

It's a good idea to be a tutor and bodyguard. However, I agree with you. It's strange for Ke Hezhen to find such a beautiful bodyguard to keep her at home.

There are so many people who can do this business. Why did he choose this one?

However, it was obviously inhumane to talk about these on the videophone. Gu Yaner smiled faintly, "come first."

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