The gate of Broadway is particularly beautiful, decorated with countless colorful light bulbs. The constantly changing neon lights make it more strange against the night, just like being in a dream.

My heart is a little sad.

Gu Yaner doesn't want to go home.

But in such a big T City, she has no place to go except home.

got it.

I know everything.

He seems to like Xiaoya.

She kept guessing the reason. Was it because he couldn't hold it when she was in confinement, so she went to Xiaoya like her to solve her physical problems?

"Mr. Ke, do you need a lady?" when she was standing in front of the Broadway gate and didn't know where she was going, the welcoming guest asked respectfully a few steps away.

Gu Yaner's long big wave made a beautiful rotation, and her eyes fell on the man a few steps away, Ke Hexi.

She hasn't seen him for days.

These days, he only occasionally called her to ask about Jing Xu. He just asked. He still didn't mean to take Jing Xu away.

Seeing him, Gu Yaner remembered that when she was in the cemetery that day, his desire to speak stopped.


"Cut, I don't want to. Now Xiaoya's value has been raised, and it's private, and it's all lined up until next month." another female welcome shook her head in a small voice.

Ke Hezhe's footsteps suddenly stagnated and turned to look at the welcoming guest who was just talking. His cold eyes seemed to quench the ice. "If you want to wrap her, you'll wrap it long ago. It's just that you don't want to wrap her. In the future, don't mention Xiaoya's name in front of me."

His voice was too cold, and his cold and solemn tone seemed to freeze people into ice, which frightened the female greeting guest into a ball. "Mr. Ke, please forgive me. I was just kidding. It's lucky for everyone in your noble identity."

The woman's tone suddenly softened, but Ke Hexi's face was still cold. It seemed that Gu Yaner had such a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles every time she saw Ke Hexi since the night of Jingxu's production.

He is still tall and straight, but he has lost a lot of weight, but it does not change the natural aura of President Koch. However, he used to have a smile on his face, and he has never been as cold as now. Therefore, at first glance, Gu Yan'er is a little uncomfortable.

She was going to leave. As a result, Gu Yaner turned back because of Ke Hexi.

Anyway, Ke Hezhe will go back very late if she says "overtime". Simply, she will stay a little longer.

Ke Hexi went in.

In the lobby on the second floor, he didn't book a private room. He sat in front of the bar casually and lazily, "the strongest whisky, a dozen."

"Well, Mr. Cohen." he seems to be a regular customer here. Almost everyone knows him, orders the wine, he drinks it up, and the strong Baijiu, he drinks a cup like a cold drink, drinks all at a drained time, and she sits for a few minutes, he has already finished two cups. After drinking one cup, he sat there quietly, holding the next glass of wine to drink and playing it gently. Then, just when you were confused in his picture, another cup went into his throat.

No one advised him.

No one paid attention to him.

He sat alone in the black-and-white bar, one person, one chair, but there were cups of wine.

Such a figure, lonely, lonely.

Gu Yaner can't watch anymore.

Get up and leave.

As soon as I got out of the gate, I took a taxi and went straight back to the villa.

After the taxi opened for a few minutes, she took out her mobile phone and quickly pressed Ke Hexi's phone number. She knew he was drinking, but drinking didn't affect answering the phone. She called the phone for five times. When Gu Yaner felt that the fifth time was hopeless, what sounded at the end of the phone was not a mechanical female voice, but a man's drunken hoarse voice, "Yan'er, are you looking for me so late? Do you have the wrong number?"

Gu Yaner apologized. Yes, since she married Ke Hezhe, she almost didn't take the initiative to call him. Everything was said through Hong you, but now Hong you is gone. "He Xi, Jing Xu is ill and has been crying. Look, do you want to come and see him?"

"Sick? Crying?" Ke Hexi repeated as if he didn't understand, and then said after a slight pause: "when you're sick, you'll be sick. Hongyou misses him."

"Kehexi, are you crazy? He's your son. I'll only give you half an hour. If you don't come, I won't take Jingxu for you anymore. You can take it back by yourself." after yelling, she hung up the phone directly, regardless of how kehexi felt.

However, the sixth sense was telling her that he would come.

In fact, she always wanted to know what happened on the night of Hongyou's production. However, she was worried that mentioning the party would make Ke Hexi sad, but she didn't expect that Jing Xu had been born for more than half a month, and he was still not free from Hongyou's death.

When the taxi arrived, Gu Yaner got out of the car and entered the villa. Ke Hezhe's car was not found in the garage. She guessed right. He didn't come back.

Hehe, this class is really busy.

However, the object of overtime has changed from customer to Xiaoya.

A woman like her.

When Gu Yaner entered the living room, she lit hot water, took tea and made tea.

It is said that the more tea she drinks at night, the more she can't sleep. She thinks she can't sleep even if she doesn't drink tea tonight. Then, drink if you want.

The doorbell rang. She went to pick up the videophone. Sure enough, Ke Hexi stood there with wine and steam outside the gate, "Yan'er, I've come to see Jingxu. Open the door."

She asked him to come. Naturally, she would open the door and press the switch with her finger. Ke Hexi entered the small corner door and walked towards the villa.

He staggered and Gu Yaner began to guess that the man must have drunk a dozen drinks after she left Broadway.

It was Baijiu orange juice, which was not her fresh orange juice. The man made her speechless.

"Are you looking for me?" the glass door opened, and Ke Hexi staggered in, but he saw Gu Yaner on the sofa at a glance.

The fragrance of tea overflowed everywhere. She sat in the smoke, as if her whole body was filled with the fragrance of tea. At one glance, he was crazy. He stood quietly in front of the door, like a statue, as if he wanted to see her all his life.

Gu Yaner was embarrassed. She stood up and waved to him, "He Xi, come and have tea. I made tea." she knew he would come, so she made all the tea for him.

He thought he would be obedient when he was drunk. However, the man seemed to think carefully before saying, "where's Jing Xu?"

She couldn't believe he was drunk with such questions.

"Just to sleep, aunt Meng is watching. Ke Xi, sit down." she invited again and forgive her. She really used Jing Xu today. If she didn't use it, I'm afraid she couldn't find a reason to let him come.

Hearing that Jingxu was asleep, Ke Hexi took a long breath, "if he's okay, I'll go first."

The man said, he really turned and left. He had no nostalgia for the light behind him, which was really different from him in the past.

"He Xi, don't go. Let's talk, OK?" Gu Yaner chased after him. He had opened the door. She pulled his sleeve with her small hand. "He Xi, don't go."

Her gentle words, with a slight meaning of prayer, gave the man a meal, "did Jing Xu cry again?"

When she heard him ask, she heard the cry from upstairs. With her understanding of Xiaoyu and Jingxu, the cry was indeed Jingxu's.

Father and son nature, she suddenly stunned.

But he saw that Ke Hexi, who was going to leave, had turned around. His steps were vain, but every step went straight upstairs.

What did Ren Jingxu say? He went to find Hongyou. It turned out to be false.

He cares more about Jing Xu than she does.

When Gu Yaner rushed upstairs, Ke Hexi had rushed into the room. Aunt Meng didn't know Ke Hexi, so she couldn't help but panic, "are you..."

"Aunt Meng, go and have a rest." Gu Yaner winked at Aunt Meng. When Aunt Meng saw Ke Hexi holding Jing Xu again, she knew that the young master was not Gu Yaner's flesh and blood.

"Xuxu, don't cry, don't cry, do you miss Mommy?" Ke Hexi clumsily held the little baby and shook it gently, and his eyes became gentle.

Gu Yan'er greeted him. "He Xi, give it to me. Just change your diapers and feed some milk. He won't cry."

"Well, here you are. Don't let him cry." Ke Hexi obediently handed Jing Xu to Gu Yaner. His tall body formed a strong contrast with Jing Xu's small body. Looking at Gu Yaner's quick change of diapers, he suddenly whispered, "didn't you say that Xu Xu was ill?"

Gu Yaner's heart stagnated. She wanted to say something, but she found that there was no way to explain. She couldn't explain half a word. She lied to him.

After changing his diapers, he wrapped the little guy up and waved his hands on her chest. He wanted milk. Gu Yaner was embarrassed. Ke Hexi was a brother and she was a sister-in-law. Even if the child was his, she couldn't feed Jingxu milk in front of him, but if she didn't, the little guy kept crying, She suddenly thought that the milk she squeezed out was still frozen in the refrigerator downstairs, so she changed her hand and handed the crying Jing Xu to him, "you hold him, I hold Xiaoyu, let's go downstairs."

"Xuxu is crying." the man carefully holds the child and spits out syllables in a small voice. Every move shows endless pity. It is the father and son. When he comes, he falls in love with the child. This is a good thing.

The two went downstairs one after another. Gu Yaner held Xiaoyu because she was worried about leaving her little man upstairs. When she woke up, no one looked after her.

I took milk from the refrigerator and fed it when it was hot. As soon as the little thing sucked the nipple, it drank it. It looked as cute as it should be. Most importantly, the little guy didn't cry.

The villain was in Ke Hexi's arms. He held the bottle and looked at it seriously. This scene was warm and warm, but she said cruelly, "Hexi, you tell me, why did Hongyu give birth prematurely?" the day Jingxu was born was not Hongyu's due date, she knew.

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