"Aunt Meng, give me Jingxu." she didn't hold the little guy all morning. She really wanted to.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Yaner opened her mouth, the little thing before the full moon looked at her voice.

She really didn't raise the villain in vain. She stretched out her hand to hold it. Although she was unhappy, she kissed and kissed on Jing Xu's little face. "I'm not here this morning. Is there anyone?"

"No, the child is still young and doesn't recognize birth. He just doesn't like to use milk bottles."

"Just get used to it. I start working this afternoon. Well, it may take a few months. When they turn over and start to be bad, I'll quit my job and come back to help you." Gu Yaner said her plan while feeding Jing Xu.

"OK, I'll do whatever my wife decides. These two children are so lovely. It's my blessing to bring such a clever and lovely child."

Aunt Meng is a talker. Gu Yaner's heart suddenly brightened up. "Call me when you encounter anything. I'll call back as soon as I call."

"Does Mrs. Meng go to help her husband?" aunt Meng asked. Her eyes turned to the glass door. Outside, she mentioned that her husband arrived and was patting the glass.

"No, it's Jingxu's father. The German director of the Coriolis foreign trade department is on maternity leave. I'll take a substitute."

"Madam can also speak German? That's great." aunt Meng envied, "eh, why doesn't Mr. come in and shoot the glass all the time?"

Gu Yan'er didn't even look. "Let him shoot, or he's too energetic. Give him a chance to vent."

Aunt Meng: "

The fixed telephone on the tea table rang, and aunt Meng stretched out her hand to answer it. Gu Yaner said carelessly: "don't answer. Harass the phone. Well, just pull out the telephone line directly, so as not to disturb Xiaoyu and Jingxu."

Aunt Meng was even more confused. She guessed in her heart that this was a quarrel between the young couple?

But she has been in the villa these days. Didn't she hear the couple quarrel?

No, when the two children were handed over to her that night, the two adults were upstairs in the room and the two small ones were in the living room.

Is that a quarrel?

Afraid of disturbing the children, so

Soon, it was Gu Yaner's turn to turn off her mobile phone. She heard it and didn't look at it. She turned it off directly, and then told aunt Meng and Mrs. Wu, who was cooking in the kitchen, to turn it off.

Wu Ma was busy. She didn't think about anything and turned it off.

However, aunt Meng's eyes were full of speculation. She swept her eyes outside from time to time. The male and female owners of the villa quarreled. They were the most difficult servants. They didn't know which side to stand on. It should be wrong to stand on which side.

"Well, why is the horn so loud, madam? It seems to be outside our house."

"Ignore it." Gu Yaner thought Ke Hezhe was cheating and sent someone to drive over to disturb her to open the door.

However, the horn sounded louder and louder, shaking Jing Xu in her arms.

"Aunt Meng, go to the window and have a look."

"OK." aunt Meng wanted to fly out with wings, and then asked her husband what was going on. She couldn't understand her wife.

"Madam, there are three big trucks."

"Truck?" Gu yanerton thought it was wrong. Even if Ke Hezhe let people make trouble, he wouldn't call a giant like a truck. He walked over with Jing Xu in his arms. The little things were still eating milk and eating with relish. How happy is it? Such a small child only knows to eat, eat and eat, and some eat.

Sure enough, there were three big trucks outside the gate. Gu Yaner was stunned when she looked at the past. The tip at the top of the truck seemed to be the tip of durian.

"Aunt Meng, look at the children. I'll go out and have a look."

Kehezhe bought it? Three more trucks?

If so, he has a heart.

Gu Yaner went to the glass door and opened the door. Ke Hezhe greeted her, "wife..."

Gu Yan'er walked to the gate without hearing, "master, this is..."

"Delivery," said the driver of the leading truck without hesitation.

"Wrong delivery?"

"That's right."

"XXX street, XXX, this is it." the driver read the note in his hand and said it seriously.

Gu Yaner turned back and said to Ke Hezhe who came after her: "did you buy it?" she was too close to recognize that it was durian. She was blind. At this time, her heart was slightly sweet. It seemed that Ke Hezhe had never done such a thing.

Is this to please her and make her happy?

These three carts of durian look much better than the tulips in his hand.

Anyway, she was hypocritical because she thought the man was going to spend money. She knelt durian to coax her to be happy.

Although very two, but she likes him so two.

Ke Hezhe was slightly stunned. He thought Gu Yaner had bought it to punish him for kneeling durian, but he didn't expect a woman to ask like this.

Gu Yaner hasn't smiled at him since he left her in Lamborghini, but at this meeting, he looked at her. Although he didn't smile, there was a smile everywhere, just trying to bear it.

Turning around and looking at the three trucks of durian, he suddenly flashed the look of Xi Zhengnan talking to him with a smile in his mind.

"Ke Hezhe, don't worry. The durian off the shelf must meet your wishes and help you deliver them all to your house."

Er, at that time, he thought that Xi Zhengnan was just joking, but he didn't expect that he actually brought durian.

Although the third truck is not a sky high price, durian is very expensive, not to mention it. It has a special weight. The large one costs more than 200 yuan, the small one costs more than 100 yuan, and more than ten yuan a kilo. The third truck is not a small number. What tricks are you playing with him, the executive director of mikang Yaan?

"Ke Hezhe..." seeing that he had been silent, Gu Yaner restrained her smile and shouted angrily.

Ke Hezhe suddenly woke up, turned around and ordered the guard to open the gate. Three big trucks really drove in in one by one, "wife, naturally I bought it." he knew that Gu Yaner was reluctant to let him kneel, but it was good to laugh at his wife and eliminate his anger. He would laugh at the durian of these three trucks.

Is Xi Zhengnan helping Gu Yaner or helping him again?

Gu Yaner burst out laughing. She said that kneeling durian was just for fun. Where did she think that a man would really buy it back, "do you really want to unload it?" if it was unloaded, the garden would be full of durian. Within a week, the villa would be full of durian flavor.

"Unloading, kneeling a few times a day is up to her wife." seeing that Gu Yaner really smiled, Ke Hezhe leaned slightly, and a handsome face was close to Gu Yaner. The rustling voice reached Gu Yaner's ears and brought a trace of itching. Her original anger was wiped away by the three carts of durian.

"Ten." then she regretted again. He hasn't told her about Xiaoya. How can she forgive him? No.

"Yes." in a small voice, Ke Hezhe didn't want the unloading masters to hear. He used a voice that only himself and Gu Yaner could hear.

The couple were really unloaded by the masters. Gu Yaner was dizzy and sweet in her heart, but Ke Hezhe was beating drums in her heart, because he didn't buy the three carts of durian at all.

The tall figure followed Gu Yaner's back, but her eyes glanced coldly at the three carts of durian.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter, sir?"

"Wait a minute." it seemed that he zhe took out his cell phone and quickly dialed Chen Jian. "As teachers of Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, well, come here and check the durian one by one. I don't think of any mistakes."

"OK, Ke Shao." before the car turned far, Chen Jane turned back again.

"Ke Hezhe, you have seed. You know it's wrong, hum." Gu Yaner turned back and hummed coldly at him.

He suddenly approached and put his hand around the woman. "My wife doesn't have to count. I've always had seed. Why don't you try now?"

She listened to his magnetic and hoarse voice, tried to recall all that had happened in these days, and suddenly felt that he must be hiding something from her.

Something happened on Stamp street.

Or a gunfight.

And his car was clearly in.

But now he has nothing.

Did the police drain the water?


Meng Xuan.

These two words flashed through my mind.

Gu Yaner pondered the name and pushed the man's chest. Won't he play such a game again?

If he has always been sincere to her, then this is the only possible explanation.

Meng Xuan, he became Meng Xuan again.

Only this time, there is no change.

Smelling his breath, there was no woman's smell, but it made her feel the smell of gunpowder after cleaning the gun.

For a moment, she leaned against Ke Hezhe's arms, her mind turned a hundred times, a mess.

"Ah sneeze..." suddenly, Gu Yaner couldn't help sneezing. She was caught in the rain before. It wasn't so good to go home quickly and take a hot bath, but she took the car due south to stamp street. No, she's going to catch a cold.

The little face is cold. No matter whether Ke Hezhe has become Meng Xuan again, she can't just go through the matter of being dumped by him today, "go make ginger soup."

"OK, my wife, I'll cook it myself." Ke Hezhe obediently imagined that Gu Yaner was thrown out of the car by him, and then walked alone on the road in the rain. He was ashamed that he didn't even have the money to take a taxi.

Today, he was really thoughtless, and he really wronged her.

A corner of durian in the yard has been unloading. Aunt Meng is a little confused. "Madam, there is no warehouse for this durian. Do you want to deposit it in our house?" that taste is too big. Moreover, what aunt Meng doesn't love most is durian.

Yes, the polarization of people in this world is particularly serious. Some people love durian best, but some people have chicken skin as soon as they smell that smell.

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