"Didn't you say, talk." Ke Hezhe smiled faintly and didn't feel sorry for just escaping, just as nothing had happened in the restaurant before, and he didn't know Xiaoya.

"I don't object if you want to talk to Zhengnan, but not today." the two men want to talk. She must be present, otherwise, she really can't guarantee that Ke Hezhe will beat Xi Zhengnan, but Ke Hexi is going to go home to take Jing Xu tonight. Now she must hurry back immediately.

"Why?" Ke Hezhe asked, not changing his original intention.

"He Xi is coming to our house soon. Don't you think you should go home and entertain your second brother?"

"My second brother and I don't see each other. We can see each other at any time. What can we say?"

"He's going to take Jing Xu away. Don't you have to say hello?" Gu Yaner's voice became cold. It's no small matter. You know, Jing Xu hasn't reached the full moon yet. The little thing is so small that it can't stand tossing.

"When did he say he would take Jing Xu away?" Ke Hezhe's face suddenly became serious and asked Gu Yan'er with worry.


"What's the matter?" Ke Hezhe strode to her, stopped and waited for her answer seriously.

"I said Yanran wanted to take Jing Xu with me, so he said that since Yanran could take Jing Xu with him, he would take it back."

Ke Hezhe narrowed his eyes, pondered a little, and said in a deep voice, "he is Jing Xu's father. If he wants to take Jing Xu away, then take him away. Well, go back and tidy up Jing Xu's things first. Mr. Xi and I have something to talk about." the things hidden in the three carts of durian are not ordinary things. If he is not an undercover at the police station, he would really sell so many things, That's a capital crime. For such a big case, he must personally talk to Xi Zhengnan. It's better to hit the sun when he chooses a day. Since he meets, he should ask all the questions.

"Ke Hezhe, He Xi is a big man. He doesn't even hold the child in the right position. Aren't you kidding him to take care of Jing Xu's daily life? No, I don't agree." Gu Yaner was annoyed.

Brother has the final say. What decision will be made by his brother what decision to make?

"OK, I see. I'll go back first, and you'll go back with me. I'll talk to Mr. Xi with you tomorrow. Is that all right?"

"No, we must talk about it today." so many durians are placed in the yard and loaded with that kind of thing, which is equivalent to a lot of time bombs. He must deal with it early.

"Ke Hezhe..." Gu Yaner yelled. She didn't want to save face for Ke Hezhe in front of outsiders for the first time. Didn't he and Xiaoya save face for her, whatever the reason? In short, it's a fact that he has a new love.

Ke he zhezhunlang's face was slightly cold, "Yan'er, I have business."

Seeing that the two husband and wife were going to quarrel, Xi Zhengnan, who remained silent, smiled, "ha ha..."

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Yaner turned her head and was still angry.

"I'm thinking of the saying everywhere that entering marriage is like entering a grave. Uh huh, how many years have you known each other? I heard there's a seven-year itch. What about you?"

After listening to his teasing inquiry, Gu Yaner's fire became more and more prosperous, "wash Zhengnan, you can't control it." it's been more than a year since she got the license, but the wedding has only been held for a few months. How miserable she is.

"I'm sorry. The quarrel between you husband and wife seems to be about me. Do you think I can manage it?" when he said this, he turned to look at Ke Hezhe. The teasing smell was even stronger. "Moreover, Mr. Ke, did I promise to talk to you? Well, I won't accompany you if I have something to do tonight. If you like this place, go on, but I'll go."

The man said, very impolitely. He took off his long legs and walked towards his own car.

"Wash Zhengnan..."

"Mrs. Ke, what else do you have to advise?" Xi Zhengnan stopped, but his eyes fell on Ke Hezhe with admiration. He thought it was Ke Hezhe who wanted to stop him, but Gu Yaner didn't want to.

"No... nothing, you go."

"Well, let's go home too." Ke Hezhe still didn't respond to Xi Zhengnan's departure and refusal. He took Gu Yaner's hand and walked to his car.

Gu Yaner shook hard. "Mr. Ke, you want me to take your car again? Do you think it's appropriate?"

Ke Hezhe was stunned. He suddenly remembered that he had left her alone on the road in the morning, but his hand still didn't loosen, "not this time."

"But I don't want to take your car." Gu Yaner shook hard and walked to her car.

She didn't want to experience the experience of being dumped out of the car again in her life, "a sneeze..." but she sneezed after only two steps.

"OK, then don't take my car." after a pause, Ke Hezhe strode around and followed Gu Yaner.

When she arrived, Gu Yaner opened the door and was about to get on the bus. She didn't want to. Ke Hezhe, the co driver opposite, had already sat in, "are you..."

"If you don't take my car, I'll just take your car." the evil spirit smiled, and Ke Hezhe didn't feel how embarrassing it was.

"You..." Gu Yaner grinned, but she was about to blame him. Another sneeze came out, "a sneeze..." she seemed to have a real cold. If it was true, it was all thanks to Ke Hezhe. "But I don't like it. You get out of the car." she roared. He threw her out of the car and caught a cold in the rain. He was the culprit.

"But I like it. What should I do?" the man smiled and had no intention of getting out of her car.

"Please me." Gu Yaner was still angry. It didn't matter if she caught a cold. She didn't dare to give Jingxu and Xiaoyu milk. When she thought of this, she wanted to bite Ke Hezhe's meat.

"Yes, I beg you, I beg you." Ke Hezhe smiled faintly, and the evil begged Gu Yaner. Although he looked very serious, the evil appearance made Gu Yaner grind his teeth, "insincere."

"How can we be sincere?" Ke Hezhe, contrary to his usual male chauvinist style, was as clever as a cat and didn't feel ashamed to ask, but when he asked, he greeted Wu Chu's ancestors 100 times in the bottom of his heart.

"Kneel durian at night. Don't kneel for you with your kneepad. I want you to kneel in person." Gu Yaner shouted impolitely. The queen was full of style. He deserved to provoke her.

Ke Hexi turned his black eyes gently, looked at the angry little woman and smiled, "OK, I will kneel myself."

Gu Yaner was a little more successful. She started the car and rushed home. She had a meal. It was past the peak of work. The car drove very smoothly. Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. I don't know whether Ke Hexi had arrived at home? Or on the road?

Thinking of this, Gu Yaner pressed Bluetooth and dialed out.

Soon, the other end picked up, "where is it?" she asked in a low voice. In fact, she wanted to drive Ke Hexi back on the phone and didn't want him to come.

"Just about to start." Ke Hexi looked at the dishes on the table. In fact, he didn't eat a few bites. One night, the most he poured into his stomach was not food, but wine.

Just want to drink.

It was he who was sorry for Hongyu. If it weren't for him, Hongyu wouldn't die of dystocia.

"OK, see you later." Gu Yaner hung up with a sigh of relief. Ke Hexi hasn't arrived yet, so she has time to go back and do her homework.

The car continued to drive forward, but Ke Hezhe, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "Yan'er, what's the matter with Xi Zhengnan?" the durian of the third car was not surprised. Only Gu Yaner foolishly regarded the man as a friend, but obviously, Xi Zhengnan's contact with Gu Yaner was purposeful and absolutely abnormal.

Gu Yaner smiled coldly, "Ke Hezhe, tell me what's going on between you and Xiaoya. Don't tell me you don't know her. You're dining alone today. Don't you want to give her an apartment? Well, I'll see if you have the courage to give it, hum." if he dares to give it to Yang Jingya, she won't finish with him, This matter is not like other things. There is no room for discussion, even if it is a dead order given to him by the head of the Bureau.

There are some things, she also has a bottom line.

"It's just a show. Do you believe it?" Ke Hezhe slightly picked up his eyebrows. He was surprised that Gu Yaner heard all of it. It seems that he wants to find a way to solve the trouble bug Xiaoya.

"Braised pork is very sweet? Well, I've eaten all my saliva. Do you believe it or not? Ke Hezhe, I warn you, although we have three children at home, divorce is not impossible if you annoy me." she was annoyed. She couldn't stand him anymore. She remembered Xiaoya's name, and she subconsciously thought of Rong Qingya, How come all the women who have a relationship with Ke Hezhe have a word "Ya" in their names? With this word, she hates it.

"Dare you..." the cold voice was like ice. Gu Yan'er shivered, but still said fiercely, "I don't dare."

He dared to threaten her. She really didn't believe that.

Why should he.

"Be careful..." I don't know if it was because she was too angry. Her hand slipped and suddenly the car drove towards the roadside.

Although the crosswalk was very smooth at this time, there were still a lot of people, "bang". The car first hit the roadside horse teeth, and then rushed directly into the crosswalk. Gu Yaner's hands shook. Fortunately, the man on her side had leaned over, pulled his big hand hard and stopped in time, so as not to hit the roadside people.

With sweat on her head and face, Gu Yaner was frightened. Her startled hand covered her chest. She was careless. Two people were in the car. She actually made such a low-level mistake.

As soon as Jiao's body was warm, she was picked up. Ke Hezhe put her in his arms and hugged her like that, as if to embed her into his body, for a long time, for a long time, motionless.

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