The car finally stopped. Gu Yaner didn't wait for the car to stop. She pushed open the door and got out of the car and trotted to the villa.

Ke Hezhe pulled out the car key and got out of the car. He walked behind Gu Yan'er with a slender and tall body. He was not surprised at all.

"Jing Xu..." Gu Yaner pushed open the door of the living room and heard Jing Xu's cry. At a glance, Ke Hexi was holding in her arms and shaking, "Jing Xu doesn't cry, good." his voice was a little stiff, not soft at all. Zhang Junyan was red because of Jing Xu's cry. The picture was more awkward. Ke Hexi was really not suitable for taking children, He is a big man and has never brought such a small child. He hasn't had a full moon yet.

"He Xi, give it to me." Gu Yaner rushed over and was about to snatch Jing Xu from Ke He Xi's arms. However, Ke He Xi moved his body and skilfully avoided Gu Yaner.

"I got used to the existence of this child from this moment. I want to take her away." in a cold voice, Ke Hexi was shaking the villain in his arms and looked up at Ke Hezhe who was coming, as if he was provoking him. "No one can persuade me to keep Jing Xu. He is my child."

"But it's also the child of red sorrow." I don't want to, Ke Hezhe doesn't open the pot, which provokes Ke Hezhi's sight as if it suddenly quenched with ice and shot at Ke Hezhe.

"She is gone, and I has the final say of the child's leave, Kaga Tetsu, who can bring up the red worries, only you can't." Ke Hexi began to agitated, and gently shook Jing Xu's arm. The little man seemed to drop from his arms at any moment, and let Gu Yan look at the special worry.

"Although she's not here, she had a last word before she died, asking you to give the child to Yan'er, didn't she?" Ke Hezhe was not in a hurry. He picked up the coffee that Wu Ma had just put down on the tea table and sipped it.

"You... Who told you?" Ke Hexi was in a hurry.

"If you want people to know, unless you have mo Wei and Kuang he, it's not your business. It's what Hong you said. The hospital has audio and video recordings of the whole operation. Do you want me to take it and broadcast it to you?"

"No, I don't want to listen." Ke Hexi shook his head and thought as if he had suddenly returned to that day. When lenghongyou gave birth in the hospital, he never knew that it would be so dangerous to have a child. Obviously, Gu Yan'er gave birth to Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu and Xiaodan are not so dangerous, but why did they fall on Hongyou?

So he blamed himself.

He is not good enough to her, he does not love her enough, and he does not care about her enough.

"Do you also want to disobey the meaning of Hongyou? Do you want her to be uneasy in another world? You can't take care of the children. How can she be willing to give Jingxu to a person who doesn't even hold the right position? Well, the child should hold like this." Ke Hezhe said, holding Jingxu in Ke Hexi's arms with both hands naturally, and then made a demonstration seriously, "Do you understand?"

Not without saying, the man's occasional role as a father has not been in vain these days. He holds a good-looking posture. As soon as Jing Xu arrives in his arms, he doesn't cry. He looks at him curiously with a pair of big eyes with tears. What he spits out in his small mouth is no longer crying, but babbling alien texts.

Ke Hexi stared at Jing Xu in Ke Hezhe's arms. The little thing didn't cry. He waved a pair of small arms as if he were greeting Ke Hezhe, "give me a try." he was the child's father. Why did he cry when he held a small thing, Ke Hezhe didn't cry when he held it, and Ke Hexi quit.

Ke Hezhe's black eyes narrowed slightly, and his slender and clean hands handed Jing Xu to Ke Hexi. "Do you think I love to hold him? I have to hold our little princess, Xiaoyu, come on, daddy." Ke Hezhe picked up Xiao Yu, who has been neglected for a long time. Xiao Yu is not a few days older than Jing Xu.

Therefore, a very warm scene appeared in the living room. The two dads held their children respectively. Gu Yaner winked at Wu's mother. Wu's mother went to pour coffee again. Ke Hexi also sat down. Now Jing Xu stopped crying and his face looked better. He gently pointed his finger on the little guy's small face, stroked the tender skin, and looked at Jing Xu with a fixed smile As for the beginning not to believe that this is his son, but the child is like red sorrow and him. It's his, "Jingxu, give daddy a smile."

He said softly, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Although it was very light, at least she could smile. This was the first time Gu Yaner had seen Ke Hexi smiling in so many days. It was also a progress.

"Giggle..." unexpectedly, Jing Xu laughed very cooperatively. He didn't sound like a child like him at all.

It's amazing.

Is this the power of father son affection?

The villain smiled at his father.

Ke Hexi's mood was happy and didn't want to give up. "Shall I take it back for a few days?"

"No, he's too young."

"I hired a nanny."

"The nanny can't take it 24 hours a day. Do you take it when the nanny is resting? I deeply doubt it. Second brother, don't say it's you. I can't be trained by Xiaoyu. You can't take it back until he's older. At that time, if you want to take it away, I won't stop you."

Ke Hexi looked up for help and looked at Gu Yaner, "Yaner..."

However, before he finished, the finger that accidentally fell on the little thing's lip was sucked in by the little mouth, sucking, which was particularly powerful, attracting Ke Hexi to look down, but the little guy frowned, and soon, when he vomited his finger, he was in tears, "Yan'er, he's going to cry. Come and see what's going on?"

Yu se has been looking at it not far or near. "I'm hungry. Sucking my fingers is hungry. He hasn't waited for milk for a long time. Of course he's not happy. Come on, give me Jing Xu and I'll feed him some milk."

"I'll feed you." the more Ke Hexi teased the little things, the more he liked them. It was a kind of innate family affection.

"I just came to the milk. Let me feed it. It's better to eat fresh than fresh in the bottle, isn't it?"

"OK." although Ke Hexi doesn't want to, Gu Yaner has a point. For Jing Xu, he has to give the child to Gu Yaner. Gu Yaner habitually sits on the sofa. At home, she sits in this position every time to nurse the child.

But she was about to carry Ke Hexi to feed Jingxu. Ke Hezhe stood up and stood in the middle of her and Ke Hexi. "Yan'er, go to Aunt Meng's room and feed. It's quiet, otherwise the TV is too noisy, and the child is not good to eat. Xiaoyu is still waiting in line." Ke Hezhe said very wrongly. His own baby girl hasn't eaten yet, This is to feed Jing Xu first, so Jing Xu should eat quickly.

Gu Yaner turned her eyes. The man was lying. She used to feed Jingxu and Xiaoyu on the sofa in the living room, and the TV was on, which didn't affect anything. So now, Ke Hezhe obviously didn't want her to feed the child in front of Ke Hezi, "be careful." she whispered to him, but she went to Aunt Meng's room, Ke Hexi is here. It's really bad for her to milk the children directly.

In fact, she will be uncomfortable.

In aunt Meng's room, Gu Yaner hugged Jing Xu with her arms, and the little guy's little hand also climbed onto her arm. Although the child belongs to Hong Yu and Ke Hexi, she has been adopted since she was born. Therefore, sometimes it is more like her own child.

The room is very quiet. Aunt Meng is in the living room. Although Xiaoyu is coaxed by Ke Hezhe, where is aunt Meng's major? The man with children is a pediatrician and can only cheat Ke Hexi.

Gu Yaner's mobile phone rang. She held Jing Xu in one hand and took it in one hand. It was actually the number of xizhengnan. She held the mobile phone around her neck. She picked it up. "How's it? Is it done?" the other asked directly. Her voice was deep and warm. She expected a special result.

Gu Yaner thought of Ke Hezhe's trouble in the car before. She didn't have a chance to use that move at all. She sighed and said in a low voice: "later, there was a traffic jam, so I came back late. He Xi arrived earlier than me."


"He zhe has finished it, but I still want to thank you. If you use your method, it will work." Gu Yaner doesn't mean to thank a man who has helped herself at a critical moment. At that meeting, Xi Zhengnan is much more reliable than Ke Hezhe who can't be contacted.

"Let's go to aunt on the weekend the day after tomorrow. How about it?"

Gu Yaner thought that Xiaodan and Xiaoyu were taken by Chen Jian, so she nodded, "OK." since she promised, she should do it, otherwise, she should not promise. This is the minimum criterion of being a man.

"Go to bed early and good night."

"Evening..." before she finished the word "an", the mobile phone in her hand was robbed. Ke Hezhe glanced at the nickname of the phone in the live broadcast, and then said coldly to the mobile phone: "it's so late. Isn't it bad for Mr. Xi to call my wife? Later, please pay attention not to call in the evening." after that, he didn't wait for a response from the other side, Just hang up.

"Hey, why are you doing this?" Gu Yan'er was annoyed.

"Jing Xu has finished eating. Look at you. You just chat with strange men and forget all the children. Well, it's Xiaoyu's turn now?"

Gu Yaner exchanged two children with him. Xiaoyu immediately danced and danced. The child knew that there was milk to eat with his sense of smell. He grabbed Gu Yaner's and sucked hard, "he Zhe, where's He Xi?"

"Let's go. Well, I've finished your task. I must cash in the benefits tonight." he sat on Gu Yaner's side with a big bracelet on her waist.

The strength of the finger belly made her tremble gently. "Come on, aunt Meng will come in at any time." this is aunt Meng's room. She doesn't discount her words and doesn't lie.

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