Coriolis building.

Gu Yan'er wore a long Lavender dress, and her hot mother's figure was covered up. There was a clear and soft beauty from top to bottom.

High heels are treading on the floor, and the rhythm is very strong to describe the tension during working hours.

"Good morning, Miss Gu."

"Good morning, Miss Gu."

"Good morning."

One by one, Gu Yaner was in a happy mood. The only thing that was a little unhappy was that Ke Hezhe couldn't get through.

She didn't know what he was doing.

A month is neither long nor short.

He had just left early in the morning, and she missed him a little.

Women, are they all so cheap?

Fortunately, he left her a note this time.

Think about it, forget it.

When she got out of the elevator and entered the office, all the documents on a desk had to be reviewed, as well as the things on the customer's side. As soon as she got busy, Gu Yaner only felt that time passed quickly.

"Head, it's time for lunch." the assistant reminded him when he was writing with his head down.

Look at the time. Gu Yaner shakes her head. It's too fast.

However, eating is a big deal. She is the child's mother. Nothing can delay eating.

After taking the lunch box, he went to the restaurant with the people. The restaurant eats faster and doesn't have to go too far.

Gu Yaner lined up with ordinary employees to wait for dinner.

But he was stopped after waiting for a while. It was Uncle Li who managed the canteen.

"Miss Gu, your lunch is already there."

Gu Yaner was puzzled. "Who gave me a taxi?" not everyone can cook for her.

"Oh, it was the president who called and told him that the young master was eating your milk and asked the kitchen to cook some dishes for you. Well, it's over there." Uncle Li pointed to an inconspicuous position in the corner, which was obviously reserved for her.

Gu Yan'er thought about Jing Xu. Ke Hexi should take care of her food. After all, his son was eating her milk. He thought about his son. He didn't hesitate now. He walked over and ate.

The soup made of catfish is really very creamy.

But she always has plenty of milk.

There's a lot of milk.

In fact, just eat something nutritious.

However, it doesn't hurt to eat. Anyway, she still doesn't choose to have a meal at noon every day.

"Miss, is there anyone else here?" she was eating, and a warm male voice floated over quietly.

Gu Yaner looked up and saw a strange looking man in front of her. She was sure she hadn't seen the man in Ke Shi before. "Are you new?" so she had the courage to sit opposite her.

Otherwise, she has long been the owner of famous flowers. She is still Ke sanshao's woman. Even if the male staff of this company have the thief's heart, they don't have the thief's courage.

"Well, I just came to report in the morning. Please give me more advice."

Gu Yaner swept around. The dining tables and chairs in the restaurant were always tense, and it was the peak period of dining. It was normal that she couldn't find a place. She nodded, "sit down." she just ate at the same table. Besides, she still sat opposite. Boys ate boys, and she ate hers.

"Thank you." the boy sat down, two dishes and a meal in a tray, and didn't even beat the soup.

Gu Yaner looked at the big bowl of catfish soup in front of her. She ate it in a small bowl, so it wouldn't hurt others to eat it. "I have a lot of soup here. Would you like to beat some? It's not good to help me waste less."

The man politely pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and said, "no, thank you. I never eat fish."

She thought he was just a pretext. Nowadays young people don't like to accept gifts from others. Even couples sometimes have AA meals. She didn't care: "you're welcome." she just thought he ate so little that his meal was less than half of hers.

But she is a strange boy, and she can't ask anything.

The two quietly ate their own food. Gu Yaner ate first, but there was little food in the boy's tray. She finished eating and he finished eating. They stood up together. The boy said shyly, "is it disturbing you?"

"No." she nodded at him and left quickly. The rest of the food and tableware on the table were collected by the people in the restaurant. She was also lazy. She had a lot of work. She'd better go to work. When she was done, she went home early to accompany Xiaoyu and Jingxu. Thinking of those two little things, she was also motivated to work.

While opening the computer, Gu Yaner poured a cup of coffee. Recently, she likes the taste of coffee. With a little brown sugar and milk, it tastes very good.

The office is quiet. The aroma of coffee is floating all over the room, with a quiet smell. Gu Yaner likes the tranquility at this moment.

She leans comfortably on the back of the chair, takes a sip of the coffee cup, and then takes a look at the customer's information. She is most relaxed during the noon break.

"Dong Dong..." the door of the office was knocked, and the noise made her frown.

The door of her office is tightly closed. Anyone who knows a little common sense should guess that she is resting, but she has to disturb her. Isn't it annoying?

Sliding the mouse with her fingertips, she didn't hear it.

However, she gave the man a chance, but the man refused to grasp it. "Dong Dong..." knocked twice again.

Although it's not very loud, it's enough to wake up a sleeping person.

Gu Yan'er frowned and impatiently said to the outside of the door, "who?"

"Miss Gu, it's me."

Although she is not particularly familiar with the gentle male voice, this is the voice she heard at noon this afternoon, that is, not long ago. Naturally, she will not forget, "what's the matter?" she is still a little annoyed. It's just eating together on a table. In a place like the company restaurant, such a drama will be staged every day. She doesn't know this person well enough that he can come to her.

"Miss Gu, you left something in the restaurant."

"Ah? What?" Gu Yaner woke up, got up and walked to the door. She was alone in the office, not as many people as in the restaurant, so she didn't intend to let the boy in.

"Oh, that's it." the door opened and the boy handed it over.

It was her bracelet. It was a little loose when eating. She took it off and put it on the table. When she left, she was blocked by the bowl and forgot her sight. Gu Yaner stretched out her hand and said, "thank you." this is the bracelet given to her by Murong Qing. It hasn't been worth a lot of money for many years, but the meaning is different. She always wears it on her body. She thinks that as long as the bracelet is in her mother's hand, Will bless her with everything.

"You're welcome." the boy said, turned and left.

"Hello, what's your name?" people returned the things to her, but she didn't even know the other party's name. It's a little bad.

"Jing zehe, I'm also from the Ministry of foreign trade. We are colleagues."

"Oh, which language family are you from?"


"Oh, I'm German. I'm a big language family. In the future, I can communicate more about anything."

"OK, thank you." without any more words, Jing zehe left. Obviously, he seemed to feel her alienation from him.

Jing zehe is a nice name. He is a nice person. He knows how to return things to the original owner. He must have inquired about the restaurant to find her. She still feels very strange that he only played a little rice and vegetables at noon. A big man doesn't eat less than her. In her cognition, she has never heard that boys also want to lose weight, Moreover, Jing zehe is not fat at all. He is thin and slender. He gives people the feeling that he is gentle in addition to being gentle.

A nice little boy.

Forget it, it's just a one-sided relationship. Gu Yaner didn't take it seriously.


go off work.

An afternoon passed quickly. Except for lunch, Ke Hexi didn't bother her anymore, which made her feel more and more comfortable with the job.

Driving home and seeing two little babies, half the hard work of the day went away.

Chen Jian is also there. Xiaodan and Xiaoyu have sent them back.

"Chen Jian, stay for dinner."

"No, I have an appointment."

Looking at Chen Jian, Gu Yaner couldn't help thinking of Jing zehe, who met at noon. He was a very gentle boy who still studied French. He matched Chen Jian very well. After the idea suddenly came into her mind, even she was startled. How could she think of being a matchmaker? However, she asked curiously, "Chen Jian, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for the best one. Does Mrs. Ke want to introduce me?"

Looking at Chen Jian's youthful and beautiful dress, it's nice to be young. "I know a boy. It looks good, but I don't know much about it. When I know it, I'll introduce it to you later."


"Mommy, our teacher Chen's market is very high. There are always men talking to her, but teacher Chen doesn't care." Xiaodan pulled Gu Yaner's clothes and said seriously with his small face.

"That's natural. Your teacher Chen Jian is a beautiful teacher."

"Yes, it's a beauty." Xiaoyu agreed.

"Smelly boy, how old are you? You know the word beauty."

Chen Jian "puffed" with a smile, "every day when she came out of the kindergarten, several strange words would appear. The children in their kindergarten were too open to say anything."

Gu Yaner touched Xiaoyu's head and said, "son, don't give it to me. I've been in love since I was a child." she's been working these two days. She really doesn't communicate with the two big ones.

"But Xiaodan has boyfriends." no, Xiaoyu protested immediately.

"Xiaodan..." Gu Yan'er whispered coldly. How old is it? She will be friends before she goes to primary school.

"Mommy, it's just a male friend. I won't marry him in the future. Don't worry."

Chen Jian covered her mouth. Now the children have special abilities, "madam, I'll go back first."

"Oh, wait, I have something to go out tomorrow weekend. You can continue to take care of them."

"All right, Mrs. Ke. Bye."

Two older ones and two super small ones had dinner with four children, which was also a very happy moment, but there was one less person beside her, which made her heart sink slightly.

Kehezhe, she missed him.

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