Gu Yan'er was about to speak. Xi Zhengnan shook her head innocently. That expression made her laugh. Think about it and forget it. The more you explain some things, the more unclear they are, the darker they are.

However, she looked at Xi Zhengnan and Ke Jingxu at this time. It was really like what the salesperson said. It was really a bit like it.

But think again, there are a lot of people in the world, even if they are a little like people. It's really nothing, "I didn't buy it for him." however, Gu Yaner explained this sentence to the salesperson.

"Oh." the salesperson looked at her expression and suddenly felt that she might have said something wrong. She was with xizhengnan, but the man who wanted to buy clothes was not xizhengnan, which made people think seven or eight.

Gu Yaner conscientiously picked up her men's clothes. Over there, Xi Zhengnan went to the children's wear department with Jing Xu in his arms. Gu Yaner chose clothes, but he was very straightforward. He pointed directly, "this... That... And that..."

After a while, there were more than a dozen sets, "well, if you want this child to wear, don't be big or small. If the size is wrong, I'll return them all."

"OK, sir, don't worry. We'll buy it according to the size of a baby." the first time I saw someone buying clothes for children like this, it was very cool. The salesperson was very enthusiastic. After measuring Liang Jingxu's size, he went to pick up the clothes.

Yes, I picked it up, because xizhengnan bought more than a dozen sets at once.

After buying children's clothes, they are toys, the same and the same, as if they don't need money.

When Gu Yaner bought a coat for Ke Hezhe and clothes for his aunt to wash Zhengnan, there were already three carts in front of him, and three salesmen helped him push them. The service was absolutely considerate.

Men are so handsome that if they weren't holding a baby in their hands and there was another "wife" not far away, they must be more "enthusiastic".

"Xizhengnan, are you going to open another mall?"

"Boss?" when Gu Yan'er called out the name of Xi Zhengnan, a salesperson immediately asked in surprise.

Gu Yaner immediately covered her mouth. Xi Zhengnan has always kept a low profile and rarely appeared in public. Everyone knows that MI kangya'an's executive director is called Xi Zhengnan, but few people have seen his true face, and there are no positive photos of him in newspapers and magazines.

To sum up, he is still a very mysterious figure to the general public.

Seeing several salesmen eager to put their eyes through his body, xizhengnan laughed. "I'm just a customer now. Well, I'd better not have problems with the size of these clothes I buy."

"Boss, don't worry, it's absolutely no problem." he is such a handsome guy. His elegant handmade suit is very valuable at first sight. In addition, picking children's clothes and toys is like buying cabbage. He doesn't hesitate at all. At first glance, he is a non rich and expensive person, so several saleswomen want to perform well in front of him.

"Xizhengnan, do you buy so many for Jing Xu?" the size of clothes should be for Jing Xu, and the size of toys should also be for Jing Xu. They are all men's styles, and toys are also boys' favorite. There are absolutely no half of the cloth dolls that little girls like. He doesn't need to respond. Gu Yaner added: "At least it's a matter of buying one and a half for my daughter. It's really stingy."

"This..." when Xi Zhengnan was about to speak, the little thing in his arms wriggled and woke up.

A pair of big eyes dribbled around, looking left and right. They didn't know each other. Even Xi Zhengnan was included in it. When his mouth was turned away, he was about to cry.

Gu Yaner hurriedly accepted, "well, you buy it for my daughter and I'll take care of Jing Xu." the little guy is going to change his diapers and then feed milk. It's a bit troublesome. She can't feed in public places like shopping malls. Think about it, she stopped washing Zhengnan, "Surnamed Xi, you give me your car key. I'll feed Jing Xu in the car. I don't have to buy my daughter's things. Check out quickly and find me in the parking lot."

"Really not?"

"No, don't you see Jingxu hungry? Besides, Xiaoyu doesn't lack clothes or toys. Well, in fact, Jingxu doesn't lack. He can't wear so many clothes. He'll grow up in two days. He has to change the size again. You're a waste."

"Hehe, when we meet for the first time, just buy a few. It's nothing."

Therefore, Gu Yaner went to the parking lot, washed Zhengnan and handed the card to the salesperson to swipe the card. After swiping the card, he can leave. As for things, just carry them to aunt, and let the mall send them to Gu Yaner's villa. He is the big boss of the mall, which can be done in minutes.

Therefore, Gu Yaner in the car just changed Jing Xu's diapers, and the door was opened. The wind of "brush" came, and Gu Yaner put down her clothes quickly, "wash Zhengnan, won't you knock on the door and come in again?"

"I apologize." Xi Zhengnan hurriedly closed the door, "I didn't see anything."

Gu Yaner then fed Jing Xu. Outside the car, Xi Zhengnan leaned on it with her back to the body. "How long will it take?" there was a gap in the door, so he asked.

"Ten minutes." Jing Xu eats fast. Ten minutes is absolutely good.

"Then I'll just smoke a cigarette." Xi Zhengnan slowly touched out a cigarette and lit it. The flame flickered in the dark underground parking lot. He blew it out gently and took a smoke hard.

"Stay away from the door. The child is small and can't smoke second-hand smoke." Gu Yaner felt a gap in the door and said in a low voice.

"OK, OK, I'll close the door." Xi Zhengnan closed the door with a smile, just like a prospective father, as if Jing Xu was his child. However, he was really kind to Jing Xu. Looking down at the little guy, she thought, Xi Zhengnan must have too much money to spend.

When Jingxu finished eating, she pushed open the door. The man outside was still breathing, "how many have you sucked?"

"The second one."

"Come on, go and come back quickly. You're not afraid of tuberculosis if you smoke so much."

"Er, have I offended you? I cursed me."

"I didn't mean to let you smoke less. Drive quickly. This time I hold him, but I'm still awake and won't sleep." Jing Xu, who doesn't sleep, looks at the special fun and moving doll, cute.

"OK." Xi Zhengnan looked back at Jing Xu and drove the car seriously.

Remembering the things he bought for Jing Xu, Gu Yan'er said with a smile: "Xi Zhengnan, I think you really should become a family. Look at all the things you bought for Jing Xu, no one must help you spend money. Find a woman. If someone helps you harm money, you'll be happy."

"Well, didn't you say you wanted to introduce me? Hurry up. I'll have a blind date with her then. I don't mind if you come with Jing Xu in your arms. Give me more advice."

"Well, Jing Xu and I are two light bulbs. I'm not so free."

In fact, it's not far from the shopping mall to the printing street. It takes more than ten minutes to arrive. Xi Zhengnan carries the things he bought for his aunt. Gu Yaner walks beside him with Jing Xu in her arms. How can it feel like the young couple go back to their mother-in-law's house or their mother's house to visit their relatives.

She took something and went into aunt's house. Aunt really liked Jing Xu. She asked questions and said that the child was handsome. She always said that Jing Xu looked like Xi Zhengnan, which made Gu Yaner speechless. However, when she came, they pretended to be husband and wife.

Gu Yan'er had a feeling of being calculated, but after thinking about it, she didn't seem to have suffered any loss. Forget it and don't think about anything else.

After coming out of aunt's house, Xi Zhengnan personally sent her back to the villa.

Originally, he wanted to invite her to dinner, but Gu Yaner refused. When she was with him, everyone said that Jing Xu was his son. She didn't like it.

Jingxu is the son of Hongyou and He Xi.

On the way back, the two people were chatting without a word. The Bluetooth on xizhengnan bus suddenly rang. Seeing that it was a strange number, he thought it was a call from a supplier and so on, so he picked it up. At that time, Gu Yaner was talking, "xizhengnan, I don't think your business is very good. I've been dating you for more than two hours, and I just heard your call."

"Oh, this weekend." he ignored the other party in Bluetooth, but first responded to Gu Yaner, and then said to Bluetooth: "who?"

"Pa", the other party hung up and hung up without saying a word.

Xi Zhengnan shook his head. "People now are really strange. If they don't talk when they call, aren't they afraid to waste the phone bill? Twenty cents a minute in the city is also money."

"Sick." Gu Yaner also said casually, and then bowed her head to continue looking at Jing Xu. The little guy was waving his little hand in her arms.

Or, it's good to take him out occasionally. After all, it's not good to stay indoors all the time.

However, it took less than a minute for xizhengnan's Bluetooth to hang up, and Gu Yaner's mobile phone rang.

She picked up her cell phone and took a casual look. At first, she thought it was Wu's mother who called and asked her what she wanted to eat at night. But when her eyes scanned, she was stunned. It was Ke Hezhe. Looking at his number, at this moment, she wanted to answer or didn't want to answer.

I wanted to pick it up because she really missed him. He suddenly left and made him a breakfast. When I think about it, it's still very warm.

But at the same time she didn't want to answer. He had been away for several days before calling her. What did he think she was?

He'll just sort it out if he wants to, and ignore it if he doesn't want to?

Gu Yaner hangs up directly. She also has a temper.

He didn't just flatten and round it.

Although the last three carts of durian were finally pulled away by him, she often regretted that she was not willing to let him kneel down.

However, she hung up and Ke Hezhe dialed again.

The man has two mobile phones in his hand, one is the common mobile phone that is being dialed to Gu Yaner, and the other is the infrequent mobile phone that was just dialed to Xi Zhengnan. The woman actually dated Xi Zhengnan, or did she make an appointment for more than two hours? Did she hear what he said before?

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