Mirrors, mirrors everywhere.

Gu Yaner stood quietly in front of the toilet, staring at herself in a daze in the mirror.

It can be said that she basically didn't sleep all night. She only narrowed for a while, and it was all nightmares. In the dream, there was a picture of Ke Hezhe entangled with Chen Jian. When she opened her eyes and recalled it, she felt sick for no reason, so that she rushed into the bathroom and vomited.

At this time, her nose and tears were very haggard.

But I want to take the children to see Peng Qing later. I can't help but cheer up, wash my face and brush my teeth, and then seriously draw a light makeup. I just want to cover her dark circles under her eyes and her haggard face. Anyway, she can't be compared by Chen Jane today.

Before, she won't let this happen in the future.

She is older than Chen Jian, but what does it matter? Women want inner beauty. As long as she is not sloppy, she is not afraid of Chen Jian. After all, she is the mother of Ke Hezhe's three children.

When Xiaodan and Xiaoyu arrived downstairs for breakfast, Gu Yaner glanced at Xiaodan's small face. Fortunately, she applied it with a hot towel last night. At this moment, there seemed to be no signs of redness and swelling. This relieved her heart, "Xiaodan, Mommy apologized for what happened last night."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You're my mommy. I'll listen to my mommy and won't talk disorderly in the future." Xiaodan seems to be frightened. Gu Yaner still wants to appease the children. The door of the living room opens and Chen Jane comes in. "I'm going to start after breakfast. I've just arrived."

Chen Jian has just come. She just interrupted her move to appease her daughter and bowed her head for dinner. She doesn't want to pay attention to Chen Jian, at least for the time being. When she came back from Peng Qing today, she resigned Chen Jian directly and changed her tutor.

It may not be easy to find a teacher who knows Kung Fu and knowledge, but it's not a problem as long as she can afford the price.

Xiaoyu looked up and said, "Hello, Mr. Chen." the completely formulaic polite address, to Yu Xiaodan, directly ignored Chen Jian.

This makes Gu Yaner feel a little embarrassed. The children don't know the relationship between Chen Jian and Ke Hezhe. Did she overreact like that yesterday?

At least, the children shouldn't be involved, but now she's not willing to tell Xiaodan to be polite to the teacher.

Whatever. Anyway, she's going to change teachers for the children. The worst thing is to hire two, a bodyguard and a teacher.

Chen Jian came over with a smile. Her long horsetail fell to her waist. It was a typical classical beauty. You could see her waist long hair. Gu Yaner felt uncomfortable.

"What's the matter with Xiaoyu and Xiaodan? Didn't they sleep well last night? Why are they unhappy?"

"No." Xiaoyu answered and looked up at Gu Yaner, as if hesitating whether to talk to Chen Jian. Obviously, she hit Xiaodan last night, which had a great impact on Xiaoyu. The little guy didn't know why.

"Eat quickly, and start when you're ready." Gu Yan'er urged.

"OK, I'll take all the pictures I drew for grandma. Grandma will like them." Xiaodan finally opened his mouth. Children are children. In the world of children as big as them, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no complexity and no twists and turns.

Gu Yaner apologized.

After breakfast, Chen Jane, who had been waiting on the sofa, put down the newspaper she had read for a while and stood up, "madam, give me Xiaoyu and I'll hold one for you."

Gu Yaner said faintly, "I hold Xiaoyu and aunt Meng holds Jingxu. She also went. Well, let the driver drive and get ready to start."

"Madam..." Chen Jian seems to want to stop talking. Gu Yaner doesn't want to talk to her. When she was in the villa, Chen Jian seemed to be well behaved, as if she had a duty. However, if she could go to Maoshan park with Ke Hezhe, she wouldn't be a duty.

Such a woman, she really shouldn't stay at home.

The two small ones are too small. When they go out, they have to bring a lot of things, such as diapers, wipes, changed clothes and trousers. They all have to bring enough. The group took a business car. There are many people and four children, but they are not lively at all. Today's Xiaodan and Xiaoyu don't like to talk. As for the two small ones, they can only wave their hands and kick their feet with joy, If no one teases you, you won't make any noise.

Gu Yaner looked ahead, and Xiaoyu in her arms soon fell asleep. Aunt Meng had been a housekeeper for several years and was the best at observing words and colors. She found that the atmosphere in the car was wrong, so she naturally didn't speak.

The business car stopped in front of a villa in the suburbs. The driver honked his horn and a servant greeted him, "who are you looking for?"

Gu Yaner looked at the maid invited by Peng Qingxin. Peng Qing changed the maid very frequently. She heard that she had to change two or three a month. She pushed open the door and got out of the car. "The child came to see grandma."

"Oh, I'll tell the old lady that she must be very happy."

The gate opened, the car drove in, and the maid went happily to tell Peng Qing.

Gu Yaner walked into the villa with Xiaoyu in her arms. It was empty, but Peng Qing insisted on living here alone and refused to move in with her.

"Xiaodan is coming." Peng Qing ran from the room, happily down the stairs, eager at every step.

Gu Yaner couldn't help worrying, "Xiaoyu, go and come down with grandma."

Xiaoyu immediately rushed over and helped Peng Qing down the stairs. Peng Qing's mouth was so happy that she couldn't close. "Show me Xiaoyu." when Xiaoyu was full moon, she went to see it. Most of the month has passed.

Gu Yaner handed Xiaoyu to Peng Qing. Peng Qing held Xiaoyu firmly in her arms. "Why are you still asleep?"

"Mom, wake her up."

"Will that make people?" Peng Qing hesitated a little.

"It's all right. I'm here. It would be nice if someone made trouble to feed her milk. Besides, with her brothers and sisters making trouble, she'll be refreshed in a moment."

Peng Qing poked the little guy. He really woke up. His big eyelids opened and looked at Peng Qing curiously, as if he knew Peng Qing was an unfamiliar person.

But soon, Xiaoyu grinned happily, which made Peng Qing smile on her face. Her fingertips pointed Xiaoyu's small face, "the longer it is, the more it looks like he Zhe."

"Mom, I asked Wu Ma to get up early last night and go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables. I cooked them at noon. I ate with some children here."

"OK, give me the child. You can do whatever you want. If you don't want to cook, you can hand it over to the kitchen and let the cook cook cook." Peng Qing is naturally blissful. She wants the children to stay with her every day, but Ke Hezhen doesn't agree with her. She can't beat her son.

"I like to do it myself." it's also a very happy thing to cook a meal for my children, and the children like her cooking very much.

Gu Yaner went to the kitchen and got busy. The children were handed over to Peng Qing, aunt Meng and Chen Jian. She didn't have any worries.

I was busy with the help of people in the kitchen. A phone called, "madam, it's difficult for us to find qualified female teachers who can be both bodyguards and teachers. I haven't heard of such talents."

Gu Yaner handed her mobile phone from her left hand to her right hand. She was a little confused. "Has Chen Jian ever heard of it?"

"No, I've never heard of this man."

So where did Ke Hezhe find Chen Jian to be Xiaodan Xiaoyu's tutor?

"If not, please hire a female bodyguard and a female teacher. It must be reliable."

"OK, we'll call you when we find a good one. Bye, Mrs. Ke."


Gu Yaner took her mobile phone and was ready to continue cooking, but before she started, she found a man standing in front of her. She looked up and found that it was Chen Jian.

"Mrs. Ke, do you want to replace me?" she asked softly. The girl's face was a little embarrassed. Gu Yaner suddenly couldn't bear the look in her eyes. But when she recalled the photos Wu Yanran showed her, she said: "it's too hard for you to be on call alone without holidays, so I want to change into two people. In the future, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu won't bother you." no more trouble, Maybe one day from a teacher to a stepmother, this is absolutely possible.

Yan Ran is right. There must be a heart of harm and a heart of prevention.

"Mrs. Ke, I'm not afraid of hard work. Do you think you can stop firing me?" Chen Jian stood quietly in front of the kitchen door with her hands twisted, as if she had done something against her.

Gu Yaner is soft hearted. Or is there nothing between Chen Jian and Ke Hezhe?

But can't he go out with Chen Jian and report it to her?

Since there is no report, is that the reason why she can't know?

A thousand twists and turns in a moment, her mind was confused.

"Mrs. Ke, what did I do that wasn't good enough?" Chen Jian asked her in a low voice. Gu Yaner was completely soft hearted when she looked like a good girl. She also came from the bottom of society and knew the bitterness and hard work of being a worker.

However, she really can't be relieved about Ke Hezhe's dating Chen Jian in Maoshan park. She is a very normal woman. "Let's put it in advance and let me think about it before making a decision." with that, she turned around and began to wash and cut vegetables, directly when Chen Jian doesn't exist.

"OK... Ok..." the old elder gave a long ending. Just when Gu Yaner thought Chen Jian had left, she heard Chen Jian say: "I hope my wife will give me another chance and ask her to tell me what I did wrong and bad. I will change it in the future."

Hook her man?

Can Chen Jian change such a thing?

Gu Yaner knew that many women in T City coveted Ke Hezhe, but those women were finally ignored by Ke Hezhe, but Chen Jian was different. Chen Jian was introduced by Ke Hezhe, and even had an unusual relationship with Ke Hezhe.

Finally, she made her lunch and didn't respond.

No response means no decision. In her heart, she still strongly wants to replace the girl.

But there is another voice in the bottom of her heart. She is always too soft. How can she change herself?

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