Fortunately, Joe and Zhang help worked together to carry Ke Hezhe and his wheelchair into the ambulance, and then turned and sat in the co driver's position. Otherwise, Ke Hezhe's face is definitely darker than ink.

"Ke Hezhe, can't you just lie down?" Gu Yaner also blackened her face. The man's clothes were red everywhere. Obviously, he was hurt badly and refused to lie down.

"No need." Ke Hezhe pulled Gu Yaner to sit beside him. "Just sit down and the nurse will handle it." if he can only lie down and can't sit in front of his rival, he's too bad. He doesn't want it.

"You..." Gu Yan'er gritted her teeth and wanted to strangle him. However, when she saw the nurse lift his clothes and start to deal with his wounds, she kept silent.

I don't understand why he fought with others. It's too hurt.

When there is no one, she must ask the man how old he is. She has three children and still learns from young gangsters to fight?

The equipment on the ambulance is limited, and the nurse can only do simple wound treatment.

However, no matter how simple, such treatment is absolutely painful for an injured person.

Gu Yaner believed Ke Hezhe must be in pain, but the man didn't frown and hum all the way.

However, Ke Hezhe did one thing in the whole process, that is, he always held Gu Yaner's hand and refused to release it.

She earned it, but he wouldn't let her go.

Thinking of his injury, she didn't refuse him. She was held by him. After all, he was in pain.

The ambulance went to the hospital.

The doctors and nurses all greeted him. Seven or eight people looked at Ke Hezhe who was carried down with a black face. "Mr. Ke, are you dying?"

"Mr. Ke, if the wound is repeated and scabs again, it's your own consequence."

"If the bone tissue is damaged, I'm afraid you can't get out of bed for a month and a half. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's more difficult to get better."


It was all warning words, and everyone was angry.

However, Ke Hezhe didn't seem to hear it. He only whispered to Gu Yaner, "Yaner, push me back to the ward."

"But..." Gu Yaner hesitated. She had sent him to the hospital. It was really cheap for her to stay.

"If you dare to go, believe it or not, you can't see any of Xiaodan, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu in T city again." he roared fiercely. Ke Hezhe paid you if you want to go, I'll definitely make you regret it.

Gu Yan'er shook her head, "how dare you?"

"If you dare to try, I will definitely dare to do it."

"Ke Hezhe, you are forcing."

"You're my woman. I'm hurt. It's natural for you to take care of me."

"Er..." Gu Yan'er really wanted to say, what about Chen Jian? But then he thought that Ke Hezhe had no intention of Chen Jian. Forget it, she took him to the ward and left.

Gu Yaner silently pushed Ke Hezhe's wheelchair into the medical elevator with the doctor and nurse. The elevator door was about to close. Joe followed, "wait for me." knowing that there were two people who knew German in the elevator, Joe used German.

"What did he say?" the nurse at the door blushed at the sight of the handsome blonde.

"Wait for him to come up." Gu Yaner naturally translated. Joe looks very sunny. He is not the kind of man who feels very obscene at first sight. People only feel friendly and not annoying. Anyway, she doesn't hate Joe.

However, she doesn't hate it. Some people hate it. "He's saying goodbye to us, Xiao Zhang. Close the door and let's go upstairs. I'm in pain."

"No." Gu Yaner suddenly looked at Ke Hezhe strangely. He was obviously lying with his eyes open. Joe was going to follow up the elevator. Where was he saying goodbye and leaving.

However, it was Xiao Zhang at the door. She always followed Ke Hezhe's instructions to do things. Without thinking about it, she closed the door of the elevator.

"Hey, wait for me." Joe shouted anxiously. It was only three steps away from the elevator, but the elevator door closed forcibly in front of him.

"Ke Hezhe, what are you doing?" others can't understand German, but she can understand. What is Ke Hezhe doing?

"People you don't know are not patients and are not qualified to take the medical elevator." naturally, Ke Hezhe didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Gu Yaner looked at him like a monster. When did the man become so thick skinned and wanted to ask him, "is this the rhythm of jealousy?", But think about it and forget it. She asked so many people in the elevator. I'm afraid the man will give her a cold eye. I can't say anything at that time.

When the elevator stopped, as soon as Ke Hezhe entered the ward, the doctors and nurses were ready in all directions. Check that, check that, and then deal with it again. After checking Ke Hezhe's whole body, it was an hour later.

Gu Yaner always wanted to go, but Ke Hezhe still held her hand all the way and didn't allow her to release. Gu Yaner was really speechless because of her injuries.

Finally, everything was handled properly, and it was also determined that he only stretched the wound and the flesh wound became worse. Gu Yaner breathed a sigh of relief. If he became worse, she was really embarrassed. In the final analysis, he went to the airport because of her.

Both the doctor and the nurse withdrew, and Zhang Zhu immediately came in. "How about it? Will it hurt? Do you want the doctor to add more painkillers?"

Before the end of Zhang Zhu's speech, Joe came in with a bunch of red roses in his hand behind him. He was embarrassed and walked to the hospital bed, "Mr. Ke, I wish you a speedy recovery." the only flower sold at the door of the hospital was the red rose, so he had no choice but to buy the rose and a basket of fruit.

"For me?" Ke Hezhe frowned and stared at Joe with black eyes, eager to gouge a hole in him.

"Well, I wish you a speedy recovery," said Joe, a little embarrassed and a little shy.

"No, take the flowers away. I'm a man or a normal man. I always like women rather than men. If Mr. is interested in men, you've gone to the wrong place and don't send them away." fluent German, Ke Hezhe said it with a smile this time, so that everyone in the ward thought his words were very friendly except Gu Yaner.

Zhang Zhu also thought that Ke Hezhe had received Joe's flowers. He stretched out his hand to pick it up, "let me plug it in."

"Zhang Qitian..." seeing that Zhang Zhu took the flowers from Joe's hand and was about to put them in the vase, Ke Hezhe shouted coldly, which surprised Zhang Zhu, "what... What?"

"He went to the wrong ward. Give him back the flowers."

"Oh, OK." Zhang Zhu faintly glanced at his president, so he had to put the flowers back into Joe's arms, and then said to Joe in a low voice, "I'm sorry, he's a patient, you understand." his voice was so low that he didn't dare to let Ke Hezhe hear anything. However, he understood. Ke Hezhe was obviously jealous.

"Oh." Joe looked back at Zhang Zhu angrily. "Did I say the wrong thing?"

Zhang Zhu shook his head. "I don't understand German."

Joe immediately gave a hard knock on his head, which seriously explained: "I just bought flowers in the downstairs hall. This is the only one. I just want to improve Mr. Ke's mood. There is no other meaning. That is, I like women, not men. I didn't go to the wrong room to send the wrong flowers."

"Joe means you're going to give this flower to Zhang nurse?" he said, and Ke Hezhe's eyes fell on Zhang nurse.

"No... No." Joe's handsome face has been red with anxiety. He has made it clear that he is going to give it to Ke Hezhe. "Aren't you proficient in German?"

"If it's not Zhang, it's for my wife Gu Yaner?" "Gu Yaner" was clearly accentuated by Ke Hezhe.

"This... This is not true." no matter how low the EQ is, Joe can feel Ke Hezhe's hostility to him at this time. "Miss Gu and I are just friends. Just ask her to be my interpreter for a few days here, just a few hours during the day, okay?" Joe understood as Ke Hezhe kept holding Gu Yaner's hand, If he wants Gu Yaner to be his interpreter, as long as Ke Hezhe doesn't nod, he's afraid he won't be able to do it.

"No, I'm so ill that she'll stay and take care of me."

"Ke Hezhe, I haven't agreed yet." Gu Yaner grinned, which was too overbearing.

"How can you agree?" there are not many people in the ward, but there are also many. In this way, the two people started the low talk back mode. They all know that such a dialogue is not suitable for others to hear.

"During the day, I'll be Joe's interpreter. At other times, I'll come back to take care of you. If you agree, I'll come to the hospital. If you don't agree, I'll go straight back to T city. Ke Hezhe, if you dare not let me see the children, we'll divorce." Gu Yaner's heart shook when the word "divorce" came out for the first time. It is said that this word had better not appear in the marriage of two people, otherwise, Once there was a serious emotional rift between the two people, but the man warned her that if she returned to T City, he would not let her see the children.

She still knows more about Ke Hezhen. She is cruel and can really do what she says.

So Gu Yaner was nervous.

"You are what you say?" Ke Hezhe's long eyebrow was light, and Junyan cage was hazy. It was a feeling that no one could understand, but Gu Yaner understood that he was warning her. If she didn't count, he had some ways to deal with her.

The bad man always bullies him.

But she didn't trust his injury. Since she didn't trust him, why did she have to leave hypocritically? She always walked with her heart, "well, count the words."

"Deal, but you are not allowed to hold hands with him or eat with him except as his interpreter. Come back to the hospital after the interpreter is finished."

"Ke Hezhe, can't I have dinner with him when I'm hungry? You're starving me."

"No, I send someone to take care of you every day. If you are hungry, I'll let someone buy it for you."

Gu Yaner: "

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