"Why? Isn't Aunt good?" Gu Yaner looked at her small appearance and thought of Xiaodan. How distressed she would be if her daughter was abandoned in the orphanage.

Diemeng pouted and tears flowed more happily, "I want glory, I just want glory."

Gu Yaner looked at President Lin with Wu Yanran. President Lin rubbed his forehead and had to say to a mentor who came over: "go and call the glory."

"OK, Dean."

A minute later, Wu Yanran and Gu Yaner were still coaxing Xiaodie dream, but the little girl didn't give face at all. Her big eyes looked at the door with tears, "I just want glory... I just want glory..." she didn't know how many times she had repeated these five words.

"Butterfly dream, don't cry." suddenly, a crisp and tender male voice rang in front of the door, attracting Gu Yaner and Wu Yanran to see it together.

Between the lintels, two boys, one tall and one short, stood there clean and refreshing.

Gu Yaner was stunned. Some didn't expect to meet acquaintances here. "Zehe, rest today?" but today is clearly a working day.

Jing zehe scratched his head. He probably didn't expect that the person who wanted to adopt the child would be her. Therefore, he said slightly embarrassed: "I'm a volunteer here. I come here for voluntary service every weekend. However, I came here today to work."

"Work? What work?" Gu Yaner was stunned. How could Ke's work be done in the welfare home.

"President Ke decided to build a new canteen in the welfare home, so let me plan the site in advance."

"Brother Jing, do you know them?" the little boy standing beside Jing zehe listened to Gu Yaner and Jing zehe talk for two rounds, then raised his small face and asked seriously.

"HMM." Jing zehe took her little hand. "They like diemeng. Go and persuade her. You can't stay here for a lifetime. It's good to have a home."

"They will like diemeng and be good to diemeng, won't they?" glory raised his small face and continued to ask, in a particularly serious tone.


"OK, then I'll persuade." glory said, and her two legs moved towards Wu Yanran. At that time, diemeng was struggling to go down in Wu Yanran's arms. "Glory, I don't want to go anywhere. I'll stay here. I want to be with you." the little girl blinked her big eyes. When she saw the glory, she had long forgotten to cry, There was only the message of being firm with him on his little face.

The glory is here.

The little figure stopped in front of diemeng and Wu Yanran. The fleshy little hand gently stretched out and held diemeng's hand. "Diemeng, brother Jing said they were good people and that they would be good to you. That must be true. You should believe brother Jing and diemeng and go with your aunt." the little adult advised and quietly swept Gu Yaner and Wu Yanran at the same time, It's like judging whether they really like butterfly dream by their appearance.

Gu Yaner didn't mind looking at her like this.

At the same time, I have a deep understanding of the little boy's aura.

Obviously, he is just an orphan. He is only half a head taller than diemeng, but he is completely an adult.

It's so stylish.

"No, I only want you." xiaodiemeng suddenly didn't know where the strength came from. Suddenly, she broke free from Wu Yanran. Her small body slid down, and then gave it a brush. She fell into Xiaorong's arms.

"Puchi", Gu Yan'er was happy. She turned to see President Lin, "they came in together?"

"No, diemeng came only this year. The glory was sent here before the full moon."

Gu Yaner calculated slightly. Hasn't the child stayed here for several years?

But he's still so young.

Just looking at the little guy like this, my heart hurts again for no reason.

Compared with diemeng, the glory is more obvious. He is a little man with a square face, big eyes and a strong nose. He is particularly stylish. If he is a few yards larger, he can be attributed to Xiaogong.

Absolute little girl's dream idol, dream lover.

Yes, now xiaodiemeng regards him as an idol.

"Diemeng, be obedient. Go with your aunt. In the future, I'll see you as long as I have a chance." patting the little girl on the back, glory continued to advise diemeng with his mature style of not belonging to this age.

Yes, he has lived here since he was born. He knows more about the ups and downs and loneliness here. For children like them, there is no better choice than being adopted.

Yes, they don't even have the skills to survive.

"Really? If I follow my aunt, will you go to see me?" butterfly dream asked glory with his little hand on his back and his eyes.

"Well, I will."

"But I still don't want to go, I just want to be with you." the little girl rubbed her eyes, but refused to compromise.

Gu Yaner winked at Wu Yanran, and the two walked out of the reception room together. They kept glory, continued to persuade diemeng, and kept jingzehe as a spectator.

"Elder sister, what's the matter?" as soon as she left the door, Wu Yanran couldn't wait to ask.

"I think the glory is good. Why don't you adopt them together? They are partners. It's also good. Brother doesn't need money."

"This......" Wu Yanran hesitated, "but he Chen only said he wanted a girl."

"Then he didn't say he didn't want a boy. Why don't you call and ask big brother." Gu Yaner continued to advise. How can she think that the two children are distressed and reluctant to separate them.

"OK." Wu Yanran said. She really picked up the phone and called Ke hechen. She couldn't live, so she always felt indebted to Ke hechen. Therefore, she always obeyed Ke hechen and discussed everything with Ke hechen about children.

A minute later, Wu Yanran hung up.

"How's it going?" Gu Yaner asked.

"He Chen said I'm the master." Wu Yanran smiled and felt better. "I also like glory. Like a little adult, I can take care of diemeng in the future."

Half an hour later, Gu Yaner and Wu Yanran went through the adoption procedures for the two little guys and adopted glory. Diemeng was no longer uncomfortable. She took glory's hand and got into Gu Yaner's car. She was full of joy. Xiao Guangrong looked serious and serious, imitating Buddha. As soon as he came out of the welfare home, he just went back for a stroll. There was no joy or excitement, I don't look happy at all.

Recalling the reaction of the child when Wu Yanran proposed to adopt him, Gu Yaner couldn't help feeling more painful.

"Aunt, are you sure you want to adopt me?"


"But I'm a boy. I'm very naughty."

"Not afraid, aunt likes naughty."

"I know I'm not your own, is that ok?"

It must be that many people who came to adopt disliked him. Therefore, glory asked and asked indefinitely.

Of course, he finally chose to be adopted.

There is no child who does not desire a home.

"Sister, I'd like to take them to your house for a night and let them get to know Xiaodan and Xiaoyu first." compared with Gu Yaner, Wu Yanran took two little guys to the car. Her eyes were all on the two little people. She liked it very much.

Yes, butterfly dream is beautiful and glorious. I don't like it. It's a fool.

What's more, she likes children so much.

"OK." Gu Yaner is naturally happy. Cultivating feelings should start with the children, which is better to integrate into the situation. Thinking of this, Gu Yaner glanced at Wu Yanran's decision.

"Zehe, why don't you go to me too." Gu Yaner turned and looked at Jing zehe sitting on her side. He wanted to go back to the company, so she invited him to leave together.

"This..." hesitated for a moment, but Jing zehe refused. "I'm at work."

"Let me talk to He Xi. This is tolerance. Is that right?"

"No." I don't think so. Jing zehe refused, "I'd better ask for leave myself."

"That's OK." he only asked for leave. Gu Yaner understood the big boy's mind. He didn't want to be special because of her.

That's good. She likes such a self-reliance boy.

The party went to the villa and imagined the lively scene of glory and diemeng playing with Xiaodan Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner couldn't help looking forward to it. She simply called Chen Jian and asked her to take the children home early.

Then he called Ke Hezhe and told him that there would be two more small guests and one big guest at home.

But the man didn't respond at all, "just be happy, you decide."

She remembered that it was difficult for him to walk down the ground. She deserved it. Who let him fight for Chen Jian? Although she knew that Chen Jian was Chen Sir's daughter, she was not relieved at the bottom of a woman's heart, but she couldn't get rid of it.

She is still vaguely hostile to Chen Jian.

here we are.

Pushing open the door, Wu Yanran took the lead in getting off the car. Her loving eyes swept glory and butterfly dream. "Come, this is aunt's home. In the future, I will often bring you here to play. Aunt's home has three children."

"Really? Older or younger than me?" glory didn't hum, but focused on scanning Ke Hezhe's mansion, with no reaction from head to tail.

"Older than you, almost as big as glory."

"Yeah, I have brothers and sisters, and I also have Mommy. Can I call you mommy?" diemeng smiles. In her world, it seems that everything is beautiful as long as there is glory around her.

"OK." the corners of Wu Yanran's eyes were suddenly wet. She had to be a mother for too long, but she couldn't come true.

"Mommy." the butterfly dream was crisp and soft. It was very natural. It seemed that Wu Yanran had been her Mommy for a long time.

"Hey." she whispered. Wu Yanran suddenly hugged diemeng. She was only happy with the sound of Mommy. Sure enough, being a mommy is a very beautiful thing.

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