The restaurant smelled of food.

I have to say, Wu Ma's craft is very good.

Half an hour later, a dozen dishes on the table were neatly placed on the table.

Mrs. Wu is setting up the dishes.

Gu Yaner put Xiaoyu sleeping in her cradle and gave it to Aunt Meng. She turned and went to the garden.

Sure enough, there are more children.

Children of different ages are more likely to play together.

Glory and diemeng have only met Xiaodan and Xiaoyu for about half an hour, but now they are familiar with each other. They are playing hide and seek in the garden. Even Chen Jian, Jing zeharmonic and Yan Ran have joined the team of hide and seek, which is very lively.

"Mr. Chen, brother Jing is not there." Xiaoyu covered his mouth and reminded Chen Jane in a low voice.

Gu Yaner was stunned and remembered that glory called Jing zehe brother Jing, so Xiaodan and Xiaoyu called with glory, but Chen Jian was their teacher. They were about the same age. It seemed that they were out of generation.

Gu Yan'er shook her head and couldn't help laughing. "Xiaodan, Xiaoyu, in the future, you can ask teacher Chen to be your sister. She is about the same age as Ze harmonic."

She just said it casually. She didn't want to. Chen Jian, who was looking for Jing zehe, stagnated, turned and looked at her. It was at this time that Gu Yaner remembered that Chen Jian was so many years younger than her. According to reason, she and Ke Hezhe were the same generation.

Yes, Chen Jian likes Ke Hezhe. How could she be happy to be a generation younger than Ke Hezhe.

Jing zehe, who was hiding behind the Bush, heard her voice sticking out his head, as if he had found Chen Jian uncomfortable. He smiled and said, "Miss Gu, just be free. We have different opinions."

Gu Yaner suddenly remembered that when she first met Jing zehe, she wanted to set him up with Chen Jian.

Forget it, Chen Jian is Chen Sir's daughter. When she thought of this, she nodded, "OK, let's talk about it. Let's go in and wash our hands and have dinner."

"Dinner is ready."

"Dinner is ready."

The children cheered and rushed to the living room.

Xiaodan ran ahead and unexpectedly left Xiaoyu behind. There was no reason for him, because Xiaoyu held a butterfly dream in his hand. The glory was still the same as before. The little adult looked steady and walked forward step by step. He would never run and jump. Compared with children of his age, this child was independent and precocious.

Big and small, eleven people sat firmly at the table.

"Let's eat." seeing diemeng's big eyes sweeping the food on the table again and again, Gu Yaner announced the meal with a smile.

"Sister, where's my brother-in-law?" but Wu Yanran didn't want to open the pot. At this time, he remembered Ke Hezhe who hadn't come downstairs.

"No matter him, let's eat and eat." Gu Yaner's mind is all on glory and butterfly dream. The two villains are still somewhat restrained. She thinks, it's necessary to adapt for a period of time.

"I'm here." suddenly, Ke Hezhe's low voice came from the entrance of the stairs, attracting all the adults and children on the table, including butterfly dream and glory. The two children didn't know Ke Hezhe.

Gu Yaner subconsciously glanced at Ke Hezhen, but she turned her head and didn't look at the man anymore.

She doesn't want to talk to him now.

Ke Hezhe walked very slowly. Although his injury improved, it was not enough to walk normally.

It's reasonable to have someone to help him downstairs.

But Gu Yaner didn't see it.

"Glory, butterfly dream, eat." smiled at the two children and said to Xiaodan Xiaoyu sitting next to them, "take good care of your brother and sister."

"Mommy, don't worry, I'll take care of brother glory." Xiaoyu patted his chest, as if he had regarded glory as his brother.

"I take care of diemeng." Xiaodan said and seriously sandwiched a sweet and sour spareribs for diemeng. "Grandma Wu's sweet and sour spareribs are delicious. Taste them quickly. I promise you like them. In the future, as long as you want to eat, let aunt Yanran take you to our house for dinner, okay?"

Diemeng listened carefully, then looked at the sweet and sour ribs put down in the bowl, and then looked at the glory. Seeing that he nodded, he said naively, "OK."

Several children started.

Over there, Ke Hezhen also went downstairs and naturally walked to the position he was used to. Listening to his footsteps, Gu Yaner pulled the chair beside her and pushed it behind her. Then she pulled the cradle of Xiaoyu aside to occupy that position, so she picked up chopsticks and ate.

At that time, Ke Hezhe just walked to her side and was about to speak. Wu Yanran said, "sister, put Xiaoyu between us. Doesn't he zhe usually sit in that position?"

"No, it's convenient for you to sit there and take care of the children." Gu Yan'er objected directly. She continued to eat a lot of food, just as the man on her side was gone.

The scene was a little awkward at once.

Chen Jian had looked over and opened her lips. She seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything.

Because the man who came downstairs didn't see her direction at all, as if he didn't know she was here.

Jing zehe also put down his chopsticks and looked at Gu Yaner inexplicably. It's not easy for outsiders to intervene in the couple's affairs.

Xiaodan, Xiaoyu and diemeng don't know the silent surging in the restaurant at this time. The three are eating happily. Only the quiet glory eyes fall on Ke Hezhe.

When all the adults were embarrassed and didn't know how to persuade Gu Yaner, who was uncomfortable with Ke Hezhe, glory stood up, "aunt Yan, I'm full. I'll watch my sister and let my uncle sit down for dinner." he said, jumped out of the chair and ran to Gu Yaner, and then gently moved away from Xiaoyu's cradle, Then he personally returned Ke Hezhe's chair to its original position. Although he was small, he didn't feel awkward when he did his actions.

If she were a different person, Gu Yaner would definitely attack and would never give face. However, seeing that it was glory, she still endured the words she was about to attack. The child was distressing and she couldn't bear it.

"Glory, you only eat two mouthfuls. You're not full at all. Your sister is asleep. You don't need to coax. You can eat more." Gu Yaner doesn't care about Ke Hezhe. She just wants to coax glory to eat more. The child's size is OK, but he's thin. At first glance, he's malnourished.

"Aunt Yan, I ate a big apple before dinner, hehe, so I'm not hungry now." glory smiled, pushed Xiaoyu's cradle to the sofa, and he sat down.

"Mommy, it's nice for brother glory to call you aunt Yan. In the future, shall I call aunt ran?" Xiaodan listened to the title and gave full play to her imagination. She wanted to change aunt Yan into aunt ran.

"OK." this is absolutely OK. Aunt Ran is very nice. She turned to look at Wu Yanran. Sure enough, she also smiled and nodded.

From this title, the atmosphere on the table became much more harmonious. Ke Hezhe sat down on the dining chair, glanced at the little boy on the sofa, and all his eyes flashed with approval.

When the child grew up, his future was limitless. He smiled and whispered, "glory is a good name. What was your last name?"

The little boy on the sofa didn't expect Ke Hezhe to ask. He couldn't help but be stunned first and then said, "thank you."

Ke Hezhe scooped a mouthful of soup and drank it slowly. He turned to Wu Yanran and said, "he's still called Xie Guangrong. I'll do it for them. They all fall under your name and brother's name. Do you think it's ok?"

"No." before Wu Yanran spoke, Gu Yaner refused.

"Sister..." for this reason, anyone who looks at the table can see that Gu Yaner is in conflict with Ke Hezhe.

"Yan Ran, you and your eldest brother are not short of hands and feet. You don't need to bother a person who doesn't even know what manners are. If you don't have time, I'll do it. The glory is brought back together with you. As long as I Gu Yan'er is in one day, no one needs to worry about him and diemeng."

Ke Hezhe's chopsticks in his hand gave a meal and turned his head slightly. Junyan shangrun caught a shallow smile. He didn't get directly angry as Gu Yaner expected. Instead, he said, "Yanran's surname is Wu, eldest brother's surname is Ke, and glory's surname is Xie. It's hard to fall down."

"It's none of your business." she almost wanted to say that since she didn't want to see her before, she didn't need any hospitality when she came downstairs again.

Gu Yaner's tone and words were totally angry, but Ke Hezhe still didn't attack and said with a faint smile: "Oh, good."

Such a small episode made the atmosphere on the later table no longer harmonious. After hastily eating, Gu Yaner went to the sofa to pick up the cradle and guard Xiaoyu.

In addition to the children, other adults naturally put down their chopsticks after a few mouthfuls. Ke Hezhe was the only one who had a good appetite and ate slowly.

Because of the injury, his movement was very slow, but he didn't lose grace at all. The slower he was, the more he looked expensive and pressing.

"Daddy, take your time. Xiaodan and I are going to play."

"Uncle, I'm going too." diemeng integrates Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. When he is full, he jumps off the dining chair. The three little things are about to run to the toy room to play.

Ke Hezhe glanced at the little girl who was running away and whispered, "wait."

"Hmm?" diemeng stopped and turned around. The whole action was like a small model on the catwalk, which was very stylish.

"Come here." Ke Hezhe waved to her.

Diemeng's big eyes blinked. He subconsciously looked at glory. Seeing him nod, he walked over to Ke Hezhe, "Hello, uncle."

"Ask your brother to come with you." Ke Hezhe smiled. The child was very lovable.

"OK." diemeng turned and ran to glory, holding his hand and ran back, "does my uncle tell us something?"

Ke Hezhe nodded seriously. Then he reached out and touched his pocket. In the twinkling of an eye, there were two more red envelopes in his hand, "well, this is for you."

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