"I'm your little apple, sour, sweet and happy..." Gu Yaner just took a bath and was wiping her hair to go to bed when her mobile phone rang.

She turned to look at the mobile phone screen. It was actually Ke Hexi's. when she looked at the time, she frowned. It was already more than 10 p.m.

But she was about to pick it up and her cell phone was gone.

"Ah Zhe, what are you doing? Give it back to me." Gu Yaner lost her towel and was about to rob it. Ke Hezhe moved too fast. She was about to pick it up, but he robbed her.

"From now on, no one is allowed to answer the phone." Ke Hezhe scooped up his long arm and directly hugged Gu Yaner in his arms. "Sleep." he is much better now. He can finally get rid of the embarrassment of five girls or him. He doesn't allow Gu Yaner to have any other situation.

"Don't make trouble." Gu Yaner refused the man with her small hand, and her small mouth pouted, "give it to me quickly."

Ke Hezhe's dark eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the woman's beautiful appearance. His mind suddenly said, "don't give it."

"Ke Hezhe, you villain, give it to me." she earned his grip and always had a feeling that Ke Hexi's phone must be something, otherwise, Ke Hexi won't call for no reason when it's so late.

"I want welfare. I'll talk about other things after welfare." Ke Hezhe raised his mobile phone higher and higher, and Gu Yaner couldn't grab it at all.

"Ah Zhe, give it to me quickly..."

"No, come back tomorrow." Ke Hezhe said, and threw his cell phone on the bedside table on his side. He took Gu Yaner and fell on the big bed together. Every time Gu Yaner climbed up, he had a feeling that ten people could sleep.

"Ah Zhe, that's..."

Gu Yaner just wanted to say that it was Ke Hexi's phone, and her mobile phone rang again, "I'm your little apple, sour, sweet and happy..."

Ke Hezhe is about to hang up. Seeing his action, Gu Yaner is more anxious. "It's He Xi's phone."

"Oh?" Ke he zhejun, Yan Yilin, picked it up, "second brother, what's up?" the evil spirit retreated and replaced with seriousness and solemnity.

"He Zhe, can you let Yan'er come and take care of Jing Xu?"

Gu Yaner grabbed it, "where's the thin wine?"

"I hurt my foot. I want to take her to the hospital, but Jing Xu told him..."

"How did you get hurt? Is it serious?" Gu Yan'er was worried and the whole person sat upright.

"I don't know yet. Go to the hospital first."

"How did you hurt me? I'll be there right away." before Ke Hexi answered, she came again in a hurry, and began to go to bed in a hurry.

"I don't know."

"Well, is there an employer like you? How did thin wine hurt? Find out for me."


"Oh, no, you take thin wine to the hospital now."

"She said that Jing Xu was small. It was not good to take him to a place like the hospital and refused to go." Ke Hexi paid a helpless tone.

"Well, I'll try to get there as soon as possible."

"I'll take you." Gu Yaner was about to change her clothes. Ke Hezhe's tall and straight body came towards her.

"OK." Gu Yaner looked up at Ke Hezhe. She always knew he was very good-looking and handsome, but at this moment, she looked at him very pleasing to the eye, "go."

The two men went out of the villa. Ke Hezhe drove to Ke Hezi's residence. "Is Bo Jiu the new nanny of the second brother?"


"That's a good name. The second brother seems very nervous about her, isn't he?"

"Er..." Gu Yaner turned her head and looked at Ke Hezhe like a monster. The man was on March 8 for the first time, "what do you think..."

"It's not good for the second brother to be alone. Moreover, Jing Xu also needs to be taken care of."

Therefore, the implication is that Ke Hexi and Bo wine are very suitable.

It was late at night, and all the way was unimpeded. When the Royal Blue Rambo arrived at kehexi villa, it was already more than 11 p.m.

Before the car stopped steadily, Gu Yaner got out of the car. The wall lights in the living room were on, and the weak light was especially suitable for sleep.

Sure enough, Jing Xu fell asleep.

At the moment, thin wine is sitting on the sofa, and the little guy is sleeping soundly in her arms.

Hearing the door open, the girl raised her head gracefully. When she saw Gu Yaner, a shallow smile overflowed on her quiet little face. It was very beautiful. "Thank you, third young grandma. It's all my carelessness."

Gu Yan'er rushed over a few steps and looked at her feet. Sure enough, one was wearing slippers and the other was naked. The original white big toe should have been treated, but there was still a little blood left at the moment, "how did you get it?"

"Oh, when I was shopping in the supermarket, I was accidentally smashed by an oil bucket."

"Little fool, give me Jingxu quickly." Gu Yaner stretched out her hand and was about to hold it. "He Xi quickly took some thin wine to the hospital for a good examination." the toenail was congested. I was afraid the whole thing would fall off. How careless and painful it was. They all said that the fingers were connected, and the toenail was the same.

"Grandma, I don't want to go." however, Bo Jiu hugged Jing Xu but didn't give up.

"Thin wine, just call me sister Yan, and why don't you want to go to the hospital?"

"My injury is really fine. Pay attention not to get wet and grow foot armor again."

"Well, don't you hurt?"

"It's all right. The most painful time has passed."

This is even more distressing.

Gu Yaner stood upright, raised her head and looked at Ke Hexi. "Weren't you there?"

"I......" obviously Gu Yan'er is younger than Ke Hexi, but when she asks him, Ke Hexi is embarrassed.

"Bo Jiu went alone?" Ke Hexi's reaction made Gu Yaner guess right at once.

"Sister Yan, it's none of your business. I'm determined to go." Bo Jiu gathered Jing Xu in her arms. Her gentle movement seemed as if she was the child's mother. She felt completely different from the feeling when other nannies held Jing Xu. Yes, she was young and more like the child's mother. At this moment, Ke Hexi looked at her stunned, and her thoughts were a little erratic.

Gu Yan'er hated that iron was no longer steel. She sighed low, "you'd better go to the hospital and take some medicine. Otherwise, she won't have the energy to take care of Jing Xu, right?" then she looked at Ke Hexi again.

The man looked in a trance since Hongyu left. When she saw it, she finally reacted, "OK, I'll take her. Jingxu, take it back first, and I'll bring it back tomorrow."

"No, he Zhe and I are here waiting for you to come back." Gu Yan'er turned her mind and said that she couldn't take Jing Xu away. What did she do when she took Bo Jiu back? That thin wine doesn't need to stay here. Looking at the girl, how do you like it? It's very congenial.

"OK." Ke Hexi said faintly and went to Bo Jiu, "let's go." he seemed to want to help her, but he stopped halfway through his hand, and his eyes dropped on her feet.

"All right." see Ao, but Bo Jiu had to carefully give Jing Xu to Gu Yan'er, and then began to get up.

In the living room, all three pairs of eyes subconsciously fell on her.

Xu Shi sat for a long time and couldn't move with Jing Xu sleeping. In addition, she didn't move at all because of her foot pain. When she was together, her body shook up, "be careful..." Gu Yan'er whispered.

But it's too late.

As soon as she tilted her body, she couldn't help falling to one side. It was Gu Yaner's direction. Seeing that she was about to bump into Gu Yaner, she hugged Jing Xu. Ke Hexi subconsciously stretched out her hand and pulled the thin wine to herself. In an instant, the girl's unique fragrance came into her nose. Her soft body was close to his chest. Her body was shocked at first. His intuition was wrong, so he gently gave it away , she returned to the sofa with thin wine, but this time, the girl was a little embarrassed. Instead of sitting gracefully, she fell askew on the sofa, "ah..." she lost her voice and screamed, her face turned white, then hurried to sit straight, looked up at Jing Xu with embarrassment, "sorry, I almost bumped into Jing Xu."

"It's all right, he Zhe. Here's Jingxu. I'll help Bo Jiu get on the bus." Gu Yaner was uneasy when seeing Ke Hexi and Bo Jiu's awkward appearance.

"OK, but I don't care if I wake up and cry." Ke Hezhe, who has been silent, looked at Ke Hexi faintly.

Ke Hexi turned his head slightly, looked at Ke Hezhe and then at Jing Xu. He said, "I'd better come. Just take care of Jing Xu and we'll be back soon." after that, he moved forward a little. This time, instead of helping thin wine, he whispered, "in order to save time, let me hold you, OK?" The polite male voice, although a little cold, but the smell of male hormones that suddenly came close to thin wine made thin wine lose his mind and said involuntarily, "OK."

Ke Hexi did not hesitate any more. One hand fell on her shoulder and the other on her waist. With a gentle hug, he held the thin wine in his arms.

The girl's body was stiff. She didn't completely lean on him. It was a little hard for him to hold her. Fortunately, it didn't affect her walking.

Ke Hexi opened his long legs and walked to the glass door of the living room. Ignoring Ke Hezhe's eyes, "come back soon. It won't affect you and Yan'er."

"You know it affects us." Ke Hezhe's lips curled up and smiled.

Ke Hexi ignored him and went out of the glass door and out of the living room.

The night was quiet.

The neon in the distance and near flickered with dreamlike camouflage. Ke Hexi was walking towards the car, but the woman in her arms earned a profit. "Sir, what I can walk is to walk slowly. Let me go by myself."

"It's good to know that it's slow, go early and return early." Ke Hexi made a slight effort with his hands, clasped the woman's petite body and had to lean against his arms. He just wanted to hurry up. After all, he saw Ke Hezhe's white eyes with his own eyes just now. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable it was.

Thin wine flushed with a small face. When she looked at the car, she obediently didn't break away from Ke Hexi. She narrowed her black grape like eyes. In the quiet night, the clear smell of the man mixed with wine floated around her, "are you drinking again?" At this time, she realized that he must have drunk alone in the room before he went to the supermarket to pick her up.

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