Gu Yan'er was so stupid that she didn't know what to do for a moment. She had to move out of Ke Hezhe, "Xiaodan, what does your father usually say?"

"But this is also my aunt's house. Can't I live in my aunt's house?"

Gu yanermo.

"Sister, just keep her here. She happens to be with diemeng and has company."

Xiaodan stays, and Xiaoyu naturally stays. The two children have never separated except the day when Xiaodan was robbed.

At more than 10 p.m., Ke Hezhe drove. Gu Yaner held Xiaoyu in her arms and lay on her feet with small eyes. When she came, there were five people and a cat. When she went back, there were two little things missing.

She was more or less worried. Looking at Xiaodan who was standing outside the car and said goodbye to her excitedly, "he Zhe, isn't this girl ours before she was raised?"

"Ha ha, elder sister, don't worry, I promise you will return to the original owner." Wu Yanran laughed.

"Second young grandma, I will take care of them." the swallow also said.

"Yan Ran, tomorrow Xiaodan and Xiaoyu's tutor Chen Jian will come to pick them up to the kindergarten." Ke Hezhe is also a little worried. After all, when has he been running away? He couldn't be careless when Xiaodan was captured last time.


"He Zhe, I haven't performed recently. I'm at home." seeing Ke he Zhe, he was worried. Ke hechen gave his brother a reassurance.

The way back was very smooth. Xiaoyu fell asleep and stroked her pink face. Gu Yaner only felt at ease.

Suddenly, Gu Yaner lowered her head, and her little eyes were rubbing around with her trouser corners. "He Zhe, there's something wrong with her little eyes, you drive slowly." on the way home from work, Ke Hezhe gave her popular science, saying that small eyes are a kind of Xuan cat, which is very spiritual, so she felt the uneasiness of small eyes at this moment, and she felt uneasy.

"OK." Ke Hezhe looked straight at the front of the car. His woman and daughter were sitting on the car. Naturally, his vigilance was high.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the car all the way. Seeing that he would be home in a few minutes, Ke Hezhe's mobile phone suddenly rang. His eyes flashed over the number. After sweeping it, he casually pressed Bluetooth, "Mom, it's so late. What's up?" Peng Qing was in good health, so he rarely called him. It's this point again, Ke Hezhe didn't even think about it, so he picked it up and asked directly.

"He Zhe, sister-in-law Fu seems to be wrong, shouting a stomachache. I look wrong. I've dialed 120. Come and have a look." the old man was a little anxious and shouted incoherently.

"OK, I'll be right there." Ke Hezhe glanced through the rear view mirror at Gu Yaner, who was leaning against the back of the chair. "Yaner, go to my mother first."

Gu Yaner didn't fall asleep at first, but just closed her eyes and rested. "Go, sister-in-law Fu is suddenly ill, and mom must be flustered alone." she heard what Peng Qing said in Bluetooth, and naturally won't stop Ke Hezhe. It's his mother.

Ke Hezhe turned around and drove to Peng Qing's residence. The old man liked to be quiet and naturally lived away from the city center. However, there were many food markets and shopping malls near his residence, which were also very livable, but it was a little far from him.

Because of worry, the car was driving very fast. Gu Yaner sat up straight and looked at the night flashing outside the window. The dreamy feeling in the neon flicker hit again. Suddenly, her vision fell on the rear-view mirror on the side of the sub frame, "he Zhe, it seems that there is a car following us."

Ke Hezhe swept over while driving. Suddenly, his eyes were deep and quiet. It seemed that the car was familiar. It seemed that he had seen the car followed shortly after coming out of Wu Yanran, and then it disappeared. Just now he was in a hurry to go to Peng Qing, but he forgot to pay attention to the situation behind. Gu Yaner reminded him that his forehead was slightly sweating. If she didn't find it, I'm afraid something really happened.

At this time, he was calm and dialed Peng Qing, "Mom, what's the situation over there?"

"Sister Fu screamed with pain."

"Well, I see. I'll be there soon." he whispered, but his speed slowed down.

Gu Yaner and Xiaoyu are on the bus. He can't take risks at this time.

If only he himself, he is not afraid of anything.

In this world, every man has his own weakness, and his is his relatives.

Women, children, parents, brothers, and old men are all his weaknesses. It seems that he should guard every relative before he catches them, and the time of catching them should be as early as possible.

"He Zhe, where are we going?" she saw that his car turned the corner, which was not the way to his mother-in-law Peng Qing.

"Take you to a safe place first and pick you up when I see my mother come back."


However, she just asked and knew that the words "Public Security Bureau" not far from the window had fallen into her eyes.

"He Zhe, I won't get off." he must have sensed the danger before he sent her to such a place.

Normal ordinary people don't like to come to a place like the Public Security Bureau, just as people don't like to go to the hospital. However, for Ke Hezhe, this is the safest place. He can take risks, but his wife and daughter can't take risks. Now if you want to come, it's the right choice to leave Xiaodan and Xiaoyu in Ke Hezhen.

"Yan'er, be obedient." Ke Hezhe slowly stopped the car in front of the Public Security Bureau. At this time, he looked behind the car. The car had disappeared, but he knew that the car must be closely monitoring his every move in a place he couldn't see.

"No." Gu Yaner refused, "where are you? Where am I."

"Listen, you can take risks, but Xiaoyu can't."

Ke Hezhe's remark made Gu Yaner unable to refute, but she was really worried about letting him face the danger alone. "Leave Xiaoyu here and I'll accompany you."

"Do you think you can help me with me? Are you sure you're not my burden?" Ke Hezhe couldn't care to save her face. At this time, nothing is safe. It's important when and what kind of person he is. He knows too well, or he doesn't dare to take any action in broad daylight, but at such a night, everything is possible.

Gu Yaner was very upset, but she calmly analyzed it. Ke Hezhe was right. She really couldn't help him in the car and distracted him. It was even more unsafe, "well, I'll get out of the car. You should pay attention to safety." holding Xiaoyu, she didn't care about anything. As soon as she leaned over, she kissed the man on the cheek. Her heart was a little sour, She is so stupid that she can't accompany him through the wind and rain. If Chen Jian was there, it wouldn't be his burden.

Gu Yaner got out of the car. Ke Hezhe sat quietly in the car and looked at the back of the woman holding the child. His heart became heavy. He is really passive now, but there is no other way for safety.

Gu Yaner entered the Public Security Bureau. Ke Hezhe made a phone call and arranged it. He slowly started the car. At this moment, he was not in such a hurry to go to Peng Qing. He was in such a hurry. He just wanted to check sister-in-law Fu's problem in the past.

"Meow..." Ke Hezhe didn't react until the car started. It turned out that he was not alone. There were small eyes on the car with him. "Come here."

His voice seemed to be understood by his small eyes. He jumped gently from behind to the front row, and then nestled in Ke Hezhe's legs. The soft hair color pasted on him across the cloth, which inexplicably gave him a sense of peace of mind. He gently turned the steering wheel with one hand and fell on the head of his small eyes, "meow..." his small eyes shouted again.

Ke Hezhe's eyes fell behind the car again, but there was no shadow of the car. He didn't find the car until he drove to Peng Qing's residence. Obviously, the people on the car already knew his precautions.

"Mom, how's sister-in-law Fu?" the former nanny went back to the countryside. He asked Zhang Zhu to find this sister-in-law Fu. To tell the truth, he didn't know what was wrong with the person he was looking for, but the car on the road made him have to be careful.

"Just now the ambulance has come. The doctor checked it and said he didn't have to go to the hospital. He just had a bad stomach."

"Mom, what about you?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"I, I ate the dish of fried pork tripe with green pepper left yesterday." sister-in-law Fu rubbed her stomach and said weakly.

Ke Hezhe didn't say anything. His tall body turned quietly and went straight to the kitchen.

More than a minute later, he turned back and took a faint look at sister-in-law Fu. He didn't say anything. He just said to Peng Qing, "Mom, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu have gone to brother. It's cold at home. Why don't you go back to live with me these days."

"Young master, I..." sister-in-law Fu was stunned, as if she didn't expect him to make such a proposal, "I'll take good care of my wife."

"Take care of yourself first, my mother, I'll take it away first." Gu Qing doesn't say anything, but Ke Hezhe has made a decision for Peng Qing. His mother, good or bad, is a mother and needs to be protected. After walking around the kitchen, he also saw that there is only a little pig belly left in the plate. It doesn't seem to be broken, although he hasn't thoroughly investigated sister-in-law Fu's problem, But he didn't want to make trouble. He took his mother first.

"He Zhe, I......"

"Mom, can't you listen to your son once?" Peng Qing doesn't like Gu Yaner, but he does. Why can't the two most important women in life get along with each other? He is going to insist today.

"Oh, OK." Peng Qing was stunned. Ke Hezhe seldom lost his temper with her. It seems to be the first time.

"Then I..."

"Sister Fu, you can go home first. I'll send a car to take you back later." although he didn't doubt the use of people, and he didn't doubt sister Fu before, what happened now made him have to be cautious. He only had one life. If he hadn't been in the car with Gu Yaner's pants in his eyes, maybe something would really happen if the car behind him caught up, He couldn't imagine such consequences, because there was Gu Yaner and Xiaoyu behind the car at that time

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Heart, gradually worry.

There are too many people he can't let go.

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