All day today, he didn't call except for the dishes he sent in the morning.

"Miss him?" the man asked with a sneer. He stretched out his hand and took Jing Xu from her arms. Then he walked into the building without waiting for her response.

Gu Yan'er caught up with Xi Zhengnan's footsteps and punched him on the back, "you can't control it."

"Well, I didn't want to take care of it, but just ask casually. You are the mother of three children. You will still be shy?" the man suddenly stopped and turned three-dimensional. "Bang", Gu Yaner bumped into Xi Zhengnan. She looked up at him. The man must have been intentional. Fortunately, he mastered the angle of turning, The micro side of her body made her not bump into Xiao Jingxu in his arms although she bumped into him.

"Xi Zhengnan, are you sick?" she rubbed her head and Gu Yan'er glared at the man in front of her.

Don't want to, wash the front and smile, "I don't have eyes behind me, but you have eyes on your face."

"You..." she would have bitten him if it wasn't for the public.

"I'm hungry, as if Jing Xu was hungry." the man was not angry at all. The smiling Junyan looked down at Jing Xu, and his fingertips tried to pass towards his small mouth. Jing Xu's small mouth immediately chased his fingers in circles, which was an unspeakable warmth.

"Xi Zhengnan, how can I find that you seem particularly interested in Jing Xu?" Gu Yaner was stunned and said casually.

Xizheng's southern face was heavy and sluggish, but he smiled for a moment. "I'm the same with Xiaoyu. Maybe it's because I'm not married and have no children. I especially like children recently."

"I've never seen you tease Xiaoyu so much. Moreover, you don't seem to have hugged Xiaoyu. At most, I just hold you for a few eyes."

"Yes? I remember I held it. Gu Yaner, you must have remembered wrong." he smiled and refused to admit it.

"That's right." Gu Yaner grinds her teeth. She has a good memory. "Give me Jingxu." reach out and grab Jingxu. "If you like children, have one yourself. Don't always grab the arms of others."

"Ha ha, OK. I'll go upstairs and just hold Xiaoyu. Is that all right? Jealous woman."

"You love to be jealous. Xiaoyu and Jingxu have the same status in my heart." she won't be jealous that he only holds Jingxu instead of Xiaoyu, but suddenly she felt that he was a little too concerned about Jingxu. Xi Zhengnan always held Jingxu and didn't say it. She bought a lot of clothes and toys last time, Even the toys played by older children that Jing Xu can't play at all have been bought.

"Well, you're not jealous. I prefer boys, so I hold too many when I'm not careful." Xi Zhengnan smiled. As Gu Yaner walked to the elevator, her eyes continued to fall on Jing Xu's small face. "This child is more congenial with me. Every time she sees me, she smiles, and what she doesn't like has become like."

Gu Yaner turned her head and stared at him, but this time, she didn't say anything.

Her family Xiaoyu also smiled at him, and Xiaoyu, like Jing Xu, never cried and always loved to laugh as long as he was full and changed his diapers.

When she arrived, Gu Yaner walked in front, and the figure of the man behind her was reflected on the corridor floor in front of her. When she walked, she also walked. In a trance, she thought he was Ke Hezhe. Yes, if she didn't look back and didn't know it was Xi Zhengnan, she would think it was Ke Hezhe.

After ringing the doorbell, aunt Meng opened the door, and bursts of fragrance floated out. Maybe she was hungry, but she felt very fragrant.

"It's still good to have home." Xi Zhengnan sniffed the aroma in the air and said with emotion.

"Aren't your parents still alive? You don't have a home?" Gu Yaner glanced at him, hugged Jing Xu and began to change slippers.

"Meow......" her little eyes shook her body and ran over. Her red and black fur reflected a little luster under the indoor light. "Little eyes......" Gu Yaner liked the cat very much. However, she called her. Her little eyes ignored her at all. Instead, she ran straight to the south, pulled his trouser legs and began to turn in circles.

Gu Yan'er looked at her and laughed. "Xizhengnan, birds of a feather flock together."

The man narrowed his eyes and smiled, "do you want to say that I am a subject with small eyes, right?"

"No, I didn't say anything." Jingxu handed it to Aunt Meng. Gu Yaner went to the shaking table, bowed her head and kissed Xiaoyu, then directly picked it up and went into the kitchen. "Aunt Meng, do you want me to help you?"

"OK, I'll leave the ribs and green pepper to my wife. My wife's cooking is better than mine."

"Well, go and pour a cup of tea for Mr. Xi." Gu Yaner returns to the living room again, puts Xiaoyu in the shaking table, and puts on an apron. The apron with broken flowers on a white background is tied on her body, lined with her special good wife and mother. Xi Zhengnan bends over and picks up her little eyes and follows Gu Yaner as she walks in front of the sofa. Or, it's good to have a woman who has a home, at least, He doesn't hate it now.

For many years, the feeling of home has changed a little for the first time.

The ribs are already cooked. Gu Yaner just needs to take a spoon back. She can finish two dishes in ten minutes, eight dishes and one soup. Although aunt Meng's cooking taste is not as good as that of Wu Ma, it's not bad. In addition, she's hungry. She puts it on the table and has a special appetite.

"Wash Zhengnan, what are you doing?" the food and dishes and chopsticks were all set, but the man stood on the balcony and didn't come in. If he didn't serve, she was embarrassed to eat first.


"Can you smoke?" Gu Yaner walked towards the balcony. She had never seen him smoke with Xi Zhengnan before. She pushed open the door of the balcony. Sure enough, a strong smell of smoke floated over. She avoided, "choking."

"That's why I don't dare to go in. If I choke Xiaoyu and Jingxu, it's estimated that you will cut me down."

"You know, just go in and have dinner. Didn't you say you were hungry long ago?"

"Well, good." Xi Zhengnan snuffed out the cigarette, and then threw a beautiful parabola into a dustbin aside. Seeing Gu Yaner turn around to go back, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her hand, "Yaner, ask you a question."

"Er, why are you so serious? Also, don't hold my hand." Gu Yaner shook hard and glared back at him, "don't you know whether men and women give or receive?"

Xi Zhengnan smiled, "it's not ancient. What are you nervous about?"

"I'm a man with a husband." Gu Yaner stepped back and looked at him. "If you have any questions, ask them quickly."

Xizhengnan's body was close to Gu Yaner. Just when she didn't know what he was going to do and began to be nervous, he suddenly stretched out his arm and closed the door of the balcony behind her.

The night was quiet, and the night wind gently brushed her cheek. Gu Yaner was slightly stunned. "What's the matter?" if he didn't need it very much, he wouldn't close the door behind her. She hasn't known Xi Zhengnan for two days. She didn't think he was going to behave against her. If he wanted to do something wrong, he could have done it when they were alone, But when there were only two of them, he never had any improper behavior towards her, which was the reason why she did not exclude her association with him.

"You said, do you like to eat the dishes made by Wu Ma or aunt Meng?" Xi Zhengnan asked. When the question came out, he stared at her straight, as if he was afraid that he would miss her reaction if he was distracted.

"This......" Gu Yan'er paused and said, "it should be Wu Ma."

"You hesitated for a moment. Do you recall that although you like to eat the dishes cooked by Wu Ma, you eat a lot every time you eat the dishes cooked by Aunt Meng?"

"How do you know?" Gu Yan'er was stunned and looked up at Xi Zhengnan, as if he was a man who could calculate.

"I'll go out to answer the phone later, and then let's go out to eat." Xi Zhengnan still looked serious and serious.

"Oh, good." intuition told Gu Yaner that there must be something wrong with aunt Meng's cooking. She was worried. This time, she didn't hold her hand, but she grabbed her hand and asked nervously, "will Jingxu and Xiaoyu be eating my milk..." no matter how stupid she was, she also reacted at this time.

It turned out that the man had to come to her for a reason.



However, Xi Zhengnan only said no, and the door of the balcony was pushed open and hit the wall on one side. The sound of "bang" surprised Gu Yaner to release Xi Zhengnan's hand in an instant.

But it's still late.

Ke Hezhe's tall and straight figure stood quietly in front of the door, but his eyes first fell directly on the hands released by the two talents. He didn't speak, but just looked at it silently, but the line of sight stabbed Gu Yaner's heart like an invisible knife. For a moment, her heart was so painful, "he Zhe, it's not what you want..."

"Come out." Ke Hezhe finally opened his mouth. This time, he said to Xi Zhengnan.

There was a woman between the two men, so they were cold.

Gu Yaner looked at Ke Hezhe and then at Xi Zhengnan. She knew that Ke Hezhe had misunderstood, but the time was so clever that she even thought that Xi Zhengnan was intentional, but she immediately reacted that this time she held Xi Zhengnan's hand, not Xi Zhengnan's, "he Zhe, no..." if it was wrong, it was her fault, not Xi Zhengnan's fault.

"Shut up, you go in for dinner. Things between men have nothing to do with you." Ke Hezhe roared. His eyes were dark, as if they were the precursor of the storm.

"He Zhe, don't you..."

The next second, Gu Yaner's petite body was suddenly lifted up. Then, with a man's effort, she was carried into the door and thrown down heavily, "go to dinner."

The feet on the ground were numb. Gu Yaner gritted her teeth and turned around. She couldn't just let the two men fight, otherwise it would be her sin.

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