"Probably not." xizhengnan flashed what aunt Meng said to him when he left. Maybe what aunt Meng is doing now is just to complete the tasks assigned by others. In addition, Ke Hezhe will carefully check aunt Meng's background when inviting people.

"OK, I'll go out right away." Gu Yaner hung up the phone, sorted out Xiaoyu's things to take out of the house.

"Madam, are you going out?" aunt Meng looked at her carefully. "Madam, you haven't eaten a mouthful tonight."

"I'm in a bad mood. I don't want to eat. I want to go out and relax. Go to sleep first." Gu Yaner said, holding Xiaoyu and leaving.

"Madam, give me Xiaoyu. You can go out as long as you want."

"No, I just want to be with the children." she tried to maintain the smile on her face. She didn't want to be found by Aunt Meng. She was already doubting aunt Meng.

"Well, it's too late, madam. Be careful and come back early." aunt Meng sent it to the door and looked at her with concern, so that Gu Yaner couldn't see any difference, but what Xi Zhengnan said didn't seem to be made out of nothing.

Anyway, it's better to check it so that you can rest assured.

Originally, Xi Zhengnan wanted to pick her up, but Gu Yaner really couldn't wait for him to drive over and go to the hospital together. In that way, it would delay time for nothing. Now, as long as she wasn't sure, her heart couldn't let go.

All the way.

It's not very long, but it's so long. The car hasn't stopped yet. Xizhengnan came up and said, "follow me."

Xiaoyu went to sleep. Her quiet sleeping face overflowed with a shallow smile. The child didn't know anything. In fact, it was lucky to not know. If she knew, she was as anxious as a burning heart.

This is a private hospital newly opened in T City, with the latest and most advanced equipment. Xizhengnan has already arranged everything. Gu Yaner is only responsible for drawing blood and extracting some body fluids. She soon completed her task, and the next is a long wait.

"Yan'er, you go out to eat first, and then go back. I'll watch here. I'll call you when the result comes out."

Gu Yaner shakes her head. She doesn't know if there is a problem with her body, but it doesn't matter. It's really a problem. Just cooperate with the treatment. What she's worried about now is her milk. If there is a problem with her milk, it's bad, so Jing Xu and Xiaoyu have nothing to eat.

Looking at her depressed appearance, Xi Zhengnan shook his head, "I haven't had dinner either. I'm really hungry at this meeting. Why don't we go and eat together? When we're ready, we'll probably have a report."

Gu Yaner's eyes fell on the busy hospital staff in the laboratory department, "how did you choose this hospital? Are you familiar with it?"

"Oh, of course, I should rest assured. I'm a shareholder of this hospital."

Gu Yaner knew this, so even if it was so late, Xi Zhengnan could call all the people from the laboratory department.

In fact, such a thing should have been done by Ke Hezhe, but he hasn't called her since he left. If he doesn't call, she won't call him.

Gu Yan'er felt uncomfortable at the thought of this.

But in retrospect, she really didn't do anything wrong.

If Ke Hezhe really let Xi Zhengnan fight, she would regret it.

Gu Yan'er ordered a corn juice and a fresh milk and slowly fed it to Xiaoyu in a Chinese western restaurant next to the private hospital. The little guy ate very delicious. She thought that if her milk could not be eaten for the time being, she would suffer such a little child.

Breast milk is the most nutritious. What will Xiaoyu and Jingxu do in the future?

"Yan'er, Xiaoyu, give it to me. Maybe you don't eat as bad as we thought." Xi Zhengnan advised her low.

"Can you feed?"

"Try it. No one is born with everything."

"OK." she is really hungry, and the most taboo of nursing mothers is hunger. There is also a bad mood. When a mother is in a bad mood, she will have anger, which will be transmitted to her children through milk. She knows all these, but understanding is one thing, doing it is another thing, and she can't put it all down.

So she ate him and fed Xiaoyu. The picture looked very warm, but it was not him who should feed Xiaoyu, but Ke Hezhe.

Pressing down the desolation in her heart, Gu Yaner forced herself not to think about the man.

In this world, whoever leaves, the earth turns the same.

Gu Yan'er eats very fast. That's how she takes her children. She eats in turn, so what she eats first should be eaten faster to replace what she eats later.

When he was full, he hugged Xiaoyu. The little thing ate all over his face with corn juice. He looked very cute. "Xi Zhengnan, did you do it on purpose?" unexpectedly, he turned her baby Xiaosan's little face into a flower butterfly.

"How nice it is." while eating, Xi Zhengnan watched Gu Yaner finally have a smiling face. It seems that it is luxury for her to smile now.

"Well, Xiaoyu met a bad uncle. Come on, Mommy will wipe it for you." so, while feeding and wiping, Xiaoyu has been obediently cooperating, taking it as a game, making Gu Yaner speechless. The little guy used to like to be tortured.

After eating a meal for more than half an hour, both adults are fast. Xi Zhengnan is cooperating with Gu Yaner. He knows that she has been worried about the inspection results.

Out of the box, Gu Yaner holds Xiaoyu and Xi Zhengnan and walks to the exit side by side.

One tall, one thin, one handsome, one beautiful, and the pink Xiaoyu attracted people from the restaurant all the way, but Gu Yaner didn't care about it. Now she just wants to go back to the hospital to get the results, which is her most urgent desire at the moment.

In the distance and near, she ignored all the eyes.

She was about to go to the hospital. Her heart was beating violently. Gu Yaner felt as if something big was going to happen.

"Don't be nervous. It won't be a big deal."

Maybe so. There was no uncomfortable reaction in her body.

Finally, when he entered the glass door of the hospital hall, xizhengnan's mobile phone rang. He suddenly picked it up. He was more eager than Gu Yaner, "what's the result? What's the result?"

"Hands free..." Gu Yan'er was worried and urged him to press hands-free.

Xizhengnan did as he did, and there came the doctor's voice, "it may take infusion for at least three days."

"The most?"

"Maybe a week."

"Will it affect the children?" Gu Yaner asked before washing Zhengnan.

"It shouldn't have a big impact. In fact, Miss Gu's body doesn't matter. It's just a small amount of ingredients. It's only for safety that I suggest infusion."

Gu Yaner couldn't listen any more. It was poisonous. It was poisonous after all.

Aunt Meng, who she once believed, came to harm her. If Xi Zhengnan hadn't found it in time, I'm afraid the children would have something to do.

"Zhengnan, how did you find it?" hung up. Gu Yaner was most concerned about the answer to this question.

Xi Zhengnan was about to speak, and the doctors and nurses greeted her. Soon, Gu Yaner was taken into the VIP super ward. It was brand-new, clean and tidy. It was not like a hospital at all. It was like a small home. Xiao Yu slept and the infusion was hung up. When the ward finally calmed down, she found that Xi Zhengnan was gone, It occurred to me that he said he wanted to talk to the doctor and find out the details.

The TV was on, but she couldn't see it at all. She prepared milk powder for Xiaoyu at night. The little guy had to eat or not. Looking at the child, her heart hurt.

The mobile phone in her hand was tossed and turned. There was always a feeling that the mobile phone seemed to ring, but when she picked it up, it was clearly quiet. No one called and no one sent in information.

Kehezhe, the man forgot her.

I don't know if it was because of the liquid medicine, Gu Yaner fell asleep with her mobile phone in her hand.

In the doctor's office, Xi Zhengnan carefully read the test report. Although she was worried about Gu Yaner, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you sure those trace ingredients will not be absorbed by the baby through the milk?"

"No, 100% sure."

Listening to the doctor's determined tone, Xi Zhengnan was relieved. When he came out of the doctor's office, he didn't go to Gu Yaner's ward immediately. When he came out, he told the nurse to take care of her, so he was very relieved.

On the chair outside the ward, he thought about it and edited a text message, "Ke Hezhe, Gu Yaner is in XXX ward of XXX hospital, slightly poisoned and needs infusion." after sending it, he sat in the chair and waited for the man to call angrily. However, a minute passed and two minutes passed, and his mobile phone didn't respond at all.

Did kehezhe think he was joking?

But today is not April Fool's day.

Speechless shook his head. Xi Zhengnan sent another text message to Bo Jiu, "if you don't come back tonight, Jing Xu will continue to give it to you."

Wash the apartment due south.

Thin wine coaxed Ke Jingxu to sleep. When he walked out of the room, Ke Hexi sat motionless on the sofa in the living room. His straight figure was like a statue. As soon as Xi Zhengnan left, he came. Because he was Jingxu's father, she didn't shut him out.

But he didn't leave so late. He was washing Zhengnan's apartment again. It felt strange. When she was about to speak, her mobile phone rang "Ding", which was a text message prompt tone.

"What?" the man who kept still finally had a voice and looked up at her.

"Mr. Xi said he wouldn't come back tonight. You don't have to wait."

"Oh." Ke Hexi's thin lips pursed into a straight line. He glanced at her faintly, but he didn't mean to get up and leave.

"Sir, you..."

"Jingxu is my son, or you take him to me, or I will stay here." in a low and magnetic voice, Ke Hexi fought with her.

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