"There should be a misunderstanding. I'll explain it to he Zhe. He Xi, I'm asking for leave today. I may have to ask for a few days. I'll hang up first." she doesn't have time to say more to Ke He Xi. If she doesn't stop Ke he zhe from publishing a new version of the newspaper, I'm afraid it will really ruin Xi Zhengnan's reputation. It's her fault to affect Xi Zhengnan's looking for a girlfriend at that time. In the final analysis, Xizhengnan was misunderstood by Ke Hezhe because of her.

Ke Hexi seems to want to persuade him about something else. He can take his position. It's wrong to persuade him, "Yan'er, you and he zhe take care of themselves." he is so envious of them. They love each other and can stay with each other. I don't know it's a blessing for several generations. Many people in the world can't meet such two feelings. If he, He will cherish Gu Yaner more and will not let Gu Yaner be wronged. Unfortunately, he is not Ke Hezhe. He will never have that blessing.

Gu Yaner was about to hang up, but her cell phone suddenly cut off the signal. It turned out that there was no electricity.

Thinking that the matter of washing Zhengnan had not been handled, Gu Yaner said to the landlady of the porridge shop, "my mobile phone is dead, but I have something very important to call. Can I borrow my mobile phone? I'll pay you how much it costs."

The landlady will come, "you can call at any cost. Well, give it to you." even if you call hard in the city, you can't get a dollar. You can earn it by coming to her for a meal. She wants repeat customers.

"Thank you." Gu Yaner took it and dialed Ke Hezhe's number. However, she only rang once and refused to answer. She didn't give up trying to call again, but still refused to answer. She borrowed the fixed phone of the porridge shop and called again. The same result was the same.

It seems that the man refused to answer the stranger's phone, but her broken mobile phone was out of power. The charger was not brought with her. She had to go back and call Ke Hezhe while charging. Thinking that she would go back to the hospital for infusion later, she accelerated the speed of eating porridge and just wanted to go back quickly.

"Yan'er, so you're here." Xi Zhengnan came, smiled and sat opposite her and ordered a porridge. Gu Yan'er originally wanted to leave after eating. Now Xi Zhengnan has just eaten, so she has to wait for him to go back together.

Gu Yaner looked through the window at the busy traffic outside. At this point, there were crowds of people rushing to work on the road. "Zhengnan, I'm just in the hospital today. Go back." the newspaper reported her and Xi Zhengnan. She doesn't care. She's not afraid of being crooked, but it's wrong to involve Xi Zhengnan.

"I'll leave when you hang up the infusion." Xi Zhengnan looks at Xiaoyu in her arms while eating porridge. "The two children are good. I heard that they refused to drink milk powder in the past, but I just called Bo Jiu and said Jing Xu was willing to drink milk powder."

Gu Yan'er jumped in her heart, "Zhengnan, some children don't eat milk when they eat milk powder, and they don't eat milk powder when they eat milk. Jing Xu didn't eat milk powder before, but only milk. I'm afraid that after this time, he won't eat milk again."

The spoon in xizhengnan's hand fell, "then don't let him eat milk powder." the child should eat breast milk for at least eight months. Originally, he hired a wet nurse, but after Gu Yaner's this time, he had to check it before he could use it. He hurriedly called to tell the thin wine. Gu Yaner's eyes continued to screen in front of the window. She was in a trance, Too many things have happened recently. She was poisoned. The children broke her milk, and she separated from Ke Hezhe

Suddenly, when she thought of Ke Hezhe, she only felt that the man was coming in her direction, which made her look up. It was him, really him.

But is this true?

What happened last night, Xi Zhengnan also edited a text message and sent it to him. He didn't reply or pay attention to her, but now he came.

No, he must have come not because she was poisoned, but because of the morning paper that Xi Zhengnan mentioned.

The morning paper she hasn't read.

Thinking like this, he immediately felt the anger emitted by the man who was coming. He was really angry. He was angry between her and Xi Zhengnan, but she wanted to explain to him. However, he didn't give her a chance to explain at all. First, he didn't call her, and then she called and he refused.

"Zhengnan, be careful..." Gu Yan'er stood up with Xiaoyu in her arms. However, her warning was still late. Ke he Zhemeng punched xizhengnan on the back, which made xizhengnan unstable when he was talking on the phone without any precaution, and hit the table in front of her. "Wow", the tableware on the table slipped to the ground uncontrollably when the table tilted.

The noise startled Xiaoyu in Gu Yan'er's arms into a cry of "wow", but Ke Hezhe seemed not to hear it. He looked coldly at Xi Zhengnan, who had stood firm and turned around, and said in a deep voice, "follow me."

Ke Hezhe had only three words, low, cold and heavy. She couldn't hear any other emotions, but Gu Yaner knew that he was going to fight with him. When she remembered the fight he had with Ke Hezhe when he was Meng Xuan, she couldn't help worrying. Holding Xiaoyu, she took a step forward and stood between Xi Zhengnan and Ke Hezhe, "He Zhe, the morning post is not about Zhengnan. Just come to me." she yelled. From last night to now, Xi Zhengnan hasn't done half of the things sorry for her. On the contrary, if he hasn't washed Zhengnan, I'm afraid the children will be implicated now. If the poisonous milk is eaten again, three people will be destroyed in the end.

It's her, Jing Xu and Xiaoyu.

"Get out of the way." Ke Hezhe stood there quietly, his eyes moved coldly to Gu Yaner, and drove all the way. He even cut off several strange calls. He didn't want to answer anyone's phone or listen to anyone's advice. Now he just wanted to beat Zhengnan. He was never angry, or, The most taboo for men is to be green capped by their own women.

"Ke Hezhe, where was I last night? You know it's still so unreasonable. Do you really don't want to live with me?" Ke Hezhe's cold voice made Gu Yaner tremble. Xi Zhengnan sent a text message. He should know that she spent last night in the hospital. He didn't come to see her last night. As soon as he met today, he would fight with Xi Zhengnan, How does this embarrass her?

"Where were you last night? You ate with him, went shopping and dated with him. Gu Yaner, aren't you enough? Do you want me to say more?" Ke Hezhe was angry. He was completely angry. For the first time, his brain stopped thinking. It was all those photos seen in the morning paper, one after another, so clear and publicized. What a 'family of three', He drank wine for her all night, but she dated the man next to her all night. It was early in the morning and we were together again. It can be seen that we have not separated since last night.

Gu Yaner really couldn't bear it. She explained to him that she was in the hospital last night and had been in the hospital all the time. She didn't do anything. She didn't care about the rumors in the morning paper, but she cared about Ke Hezhe's view of her. His obvious performance was that he didn't believe her. "Brush", Gu Yaner raised her hand and made a crisp sound of "pa", He slapped Ke Hezhe in the face.

Xu was very angry. Her movements were fast and accurate. Coupled with being caught off guard, Ke Hezhen didn't feel the heat on her face until the sound shook her ears.

He stood there quietly, motionless and speechless. He just looked at Gu Yaner quietly and unbelievably. She never hit him like this, not only with all her strength, but also in such a public place.


The little restaurant was quiet.

It's quiet, as if you can hear clearly when you drop a needle.

But there were more people in the restaurant than Gu Yaner and Ke Hezhe when they first came in.

The door of the restaurant was always open. People outside saw the excitement, and all the passers-by poured in.

And those who watch the excitement are always afraid of big things, just afraid of not being lively enough.

Gu Yaner just felt that her breathing was about to stop. Even Xiaoyu stopped crying, as if she knew that if she cried again, the ups and downs among adults would only become more and more intense.

It was also at this time that Gu Yaner found that a lot of people came around. Ke Hezhe seemed to be trying his best to bear it. The green tendons on the back of his fist jumped. That was to tell her that if he wasn't suffering, he would definitely greet her with a fist.

No, really can't go on. She held Xiaoyu with one hand and pulled Ke Hezhe's arm with one hand. "Hezhe, let's go out and talk."

However, the man's feet seemed to have roots and stared at the floor. If his eyes would blink, she would regard him as a statue.

"Yan'er, it's really your sorrow that you have such a man. You go first. As for me and him, our men will solve it in our men's way." Xi Zhengnan couldn't see it. She pulled down Gu Yan'er's hand holding Ke Hezhe's arm. Although they all said that it was wrong to hit someone, she alone took her child to the hospital for infusion last night, He was also worried about the poor look when he couldn't milk the child after poisoning, or others couldn't see it, but he could see it clearly. Suddenly, he was a little distressed about Gu Yaner.

He is not the only one who has a temper. Everyone has it.

Gu Yaner has, and so does he.

"Zhengnan, don't interrupt, you leave." but how could Gu Yaner agree? She knows Ke Hezhe's skill too well. If Xi Zhengnan really fights with Ke Hezhe, he is not Ke Hezhe's opponent at all. Ke Hexi can't beat Ke Hezhe, let alone Xi Zhengnan.

Before Gu Yaner's last sound fell, there was a sound of bone joints clicking in the air. The next second, she only felt that there was a flash in front of her eyes, and Xiaoyu was pulled out of her arms. With Xiaoyu's cry, she was thrown in front of the restaurant like a parabola

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