In the ground parking lot in front of T3 terminal in T City, there were many cars and people. Before the car stopped steadily, Gu Yaner saw two big and four small figures waiting at the corner of the elevator in the parking lot.

The two natures are Chen Jian and Wu Yanran, and the four small natures are glory, diemeng, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner has a feeling of being separated from the world after she hasn't seen those two babies for a few days. She misses them. She gets out of the car and rushes over with Xiaoyu in her arms. Her long hair rises with the wind, and her snow colored shirt and skirt also meanders. If she hadn't held Xiaoyu in her arms, No one believes that she is the mother of three children.



Xiaodan and Xiaoyu didn't need any language communication. They shouted in a neat and consistent way, and then ran towards her in a neat and consistent way. Looking at the two villains, she smiled happily. The haze of the day disappeared at the moment. Her thigh was hugged. A villain dominated one leg. She was a little speechless, but she was used to it, "Miss Mommy?"

"Yes, but also miss her sister and daddy." Xiaodan looked up at her. Gu Yaner felt that the children had changed the most. Even if they hadn't seen each other for a few days, they had grown up. In fact, she wanted to ask Xiaodan if she wanted to go home, but she really asked. Where would she let them go back?

Is it their former home or the one she rents now?

Besides, she decided to live here in Yanran these days, so don't say it.

"Let's go and pick up grandma and grandpa." every time she said this, she felt that coke, the children's grandma and the children's Grandpa were husband and wife.

"Hello, aunt Yan." glory stood in place like a little gentleman and said hello to her politely.

"Aunt Yan is so beautiful." diemeng looked at her admiringly, "my sister is so good."

"Butterfly dream is good." Xiaodan and Xiaoyu finally let go of her thighs. They walked to the two big and small ones over there with her side. When they arrived, Gu Yaner touched the cerebellar bag melon of butterfly dream and looked at Wu Yanran, "are you used to it?"

"HMM." Wu Yanran smiled low, and there was a taste of happiness between her eyebrows. In this way, Gu Yaner knew that adopting the two children was definitely the right and the most correct choice.

"Madam." Chen Jian on one side said hello to her coyly. She turned to look at Chen Jian. Although she still didn't like the girl, she could only bear to think that her surname was Chen. She didn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. She owed Chen sir, "the children make you worry."

"Yes." Chen jianpo was a little embarrassed. "I'll take good care of them. It won't happen again like last time."

Think about the last time, everyone was terrified. Fortunately, glory was clever, "let's go." if you don't go again, the plane arrived and murongqing and Keqing will come out.

When the party got on the elevator, Gu Yaner asked Wu Yanran, "where's brother?"

"The agent came to him and said that he was invited to perform at a large-scale public welfare activity. He should arrive later." a smile was an absolute heartfelt smile. Sure enough, the environment will change a person.

"Mommy, daddy's performance, can glory and I go to see it?" butterfly dance grabbed Wu Yanran's hand, shook it gently and asked coquettishly.

"Yes, I'll ask your father to ask for some front row tickets to meet your requirements."

"Oh yeah, Mommy is the best." diemeng excitedly pasted tie Wu Yanran, just like his mother and daughter. The glory is a small suit. The gentleman said nothing, but nodded gently, which is his promise.

"Aunt, Xiaoyu and I are going too. I'm going to sit next to brother glory."

"I also want to sit next to glory." diemeng protested, aiming at Xiaodan with big eyes, a little wronged. "I proposed it first."

"Well, well, you two sit on his side and three next to each other. It's OK." Wu Yanran seemed to be used to such a bickering scene and settled the two little girls in a word.

"HMM." Xiaodan was satisfied, but diemeng still looked at her. Her small mouth was so high that Gu Yaner didn't react for a long time. She was jealous and couldn't help shaking her head with a smile.

The elevator stopped, four big and five small got out of the elevator and went straight to the exit of the airport.

There are a lot of people, but there is Ke Hexi, and such public occasions are in broad daylight. Gu Yaner is not worried. She just thinks of Ke Hezhe's reaction today and always thinks he's strange.

Chatting leisurely, his eyes glanced at the direction of the exit from time to time. Finally, Xiaoyu pointed to the crowd and said, "grandma and grandpa are out there."

Gu Yaner looked at her mother for several months. She was still so thin. She thought she would look very bad on a long trip. Unexpectedly, Murong Qing looked good. Seeing them from a distance, she quickly dragged her luggage towards this side. Naturally, Ke Qingyu was on her side. They were both old, but walking together still gave her the feeling of a good match.

"Mom... We're here." Gu Yaner couldn't help shouting. Xiaodan and Xiaoyu were also excited to shout grandma and grandpa. Wu Yanran was talking about grandma and grandpa to diemeng and glory, and even explained the origin of grandma and grandpa. Only Ke Hexi on one side kept silent, although her eyes fell directly on Ke Qingyu and murongqing, But the eyes are so deep. When he sees two old people, he can't help thinking of Xing Ruzhen. It's a family relationship with blood thicker than water. No matter what Xing Ruzhen has done, she is the mother who brought him up. This is an absolutely unchangeable fact.

The scene suddenly became lively. The old and small politely greeted them. The old looked at the small ones, hugged them one by one, and then put them down. They all said that people from different generations were the most close. The old looked at everyone from the small and liked them. Put down Xiaoyu. Murong Qing finally came to Gu Yaner's face, "come on, give me Xiaoyu."

Xiaoyu's small body came to murongqing's arms. The little guy didn't recognize him. A pair of big eyes rolled around. Look, there was a beautiful smile, as if he enjoyed the comfort in grandma's arms.

"Dad, mom, let's go and talk at home." Ke Hexi low advised, otherwise, according to the old and small look, it's not a problem to stay at the airport for another ten minutes, but here talking about where it's comfortable to go home. In addition, although the old man's appearance looks good, he can still see some slight fatigue.

The two cars were full of people. The car was chattering and lively, but Gu Yaner's heart could not calm down somehow. It was like a big stone pressing on her heart, which made her unable to breathe.

The car is parked in the yard of Ke's old house. She hasn't been here for a long time.

In front of the door, Ke Hengnan waited quietly with the help of the servant, holding a crutch in his hand. She didn't know how long he stood, but she could clearly feel that the old man had been standing for a long time.

"Grandpa..." several children ran straight towards Ke Hengnan. When Ke hechen heard the voice, he pushed the door and welcomed him out. The old man's eyes first fell on Ke Qingyu. Looking at Ke Qingyu's face, he nodded reassuringly, "come and go into the house with Grandpa."

Several small fish rushed in, but Ke Hengnan was not in a hurry. He turned to see Ke Hexi, "where's Jingxu? Why didn't he bring it."

"Oh, there's a nanny at home. I didn't bring it when I picked it up at the airport."

"Look, it's missing Jing Xu and the third, Yan'er, he Zhe and his mother? Why not?"

"Oh, I'll call and ask. It should be here soon." Ke Hezhe said he would attend in the evening. As for Peng Qing, she doesn't want to pay attention. The last thing she wants to see now is Peng Qing.

"Well, let him come with his mother right away. Dinner will be served later. He Xi, you also go and pick up Jing Xu."

"But..." Ke Hexi hesitated for a moment. It would take him a little while to take Jingxu. It would be a long time.

"By the way, bring his nanny too. Uh huh, go quickly." the old man waved to urge him. Ke Hexi had to nod, "then I'll go."

Driving away from the Ke family's old house, the house behind him was so lively, but Ke Hexi only felt lonely. He only thought of Jing Xu's eyes and finally showed a shallow smile. The child looked more and more like him.

When he drove back to the villa, he felt that the house was too big and looked deserted when it was big. When he first lived in, he was chosen by Hong you. Therefore, he never moved out and pushed the door in. It was quiet in the living room, so he had to go upstairs to order thin wine. Suddenly, he found that the big and small ones on the sofa were quiet there, and the small ones should be asleep, Thin wine was sitting on the sofa fiddling with something. Looking at her profile like a paper-cut, he didn't speak, but walked slowly over on the carpet.

The girl's hand is a piece of cloth. The light colored lattice is very suitable for children. She takes the scissors and cuts along the lines drawn on the cloth. The action is smooth and natural. She cuts it quickly. She compares it in her hand. Except that there is no sewing, it is obviously a beautiful little coat. "Where did you get the style?" is very novel and unique, Even when he saw it, his eyes lit up.

The thin wine startled the lattice, turned around and saw him slightly surprised, "Sir, you're back."

"HMM." Ke Hexi was a little embarrassed. He was too silent when he came. Obviously, he suddenly export and scared Bo Jiu.

"I designed it myself. Now the children's clothes are either too cumbersome and fancy or too simple. Jing Xu has a lot of time to sleep. I got this small shirt and sewed it for him. The size is just right." she said with a gentle smile. The original gloom on her beautiful little face has disappeared, It seems that the blow brought to her by Jiang yubai's scum has slowly disappeared.

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