The door of the living room opened, and Xiaodan and Xiaoyu flew out as happily as a bird. The two little guys didn't know the ups and downs between her and Ke Hezhe, let alone that their grandmother had slapped their mommy in the face.

Gu Yaner stood up from the sofa in the living room and went to the kitchen with Xiaoyu in her arms. Wu Ma also borrowed to help the kitchen. Bursts of fragrance floated out. The kitchen was preparing a big reunion dinner in the evening. It was very rich.

"Madam, why are you here? The smoke in the kitchen is heavy. Don't smoke the little lady." Wu Ma warmly welcomed her. She said hello to Wu Ma just when she came. They haven't seen each other for a few days. To tell the truth, Gu Yaner has long been used to the food cooked by Wu Ma.

"It's all right. Come and see if you need my help."

"That's great. My wife will cook these two favorite dishes of Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, sweet and sour spareribs and sliced meat." Wu's mother assigned Gu Yaner a task impolitely.

"The third wife's cooking must be delicious. Xiaodan and Xiaoyu boast that the third wife's cooking is delicious every day." aside, the swallow who also came to help cook also participated.

This is Gu Yaner's second time to see a swallow. She is still wearing two braids, clean and fresh, and her eyebrows are still hung with a curved smile. It's very pleasant, "hehe, I don't cook very delicious, but Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are used to my cooking. Those two little guys have bothered you these days." in fact, it's not the way for the children to stay in Yanran all the time, She always had to take them home, but for a moment she didn't know how to explain to Xiaodan and Xiaoyu that she and Ke Hezhe had lived separately.

She really doesn't want the children to participate in the disharmony before the adults.

The child's heart is like a piece of white paper. She doesn't want to stain it. She just wants to give them a happy childhood.

"No, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu are good. They are not picky about food. They are also very polite. The third wife has a good education. They are not as spoiled and unruly as some other people's children."

"That's not her education, but he Zhe's education." but before Gu Yaner responded, there was another person at the door of the kitchen. Peng Qing came.

Gu Yaner stood still. She didn't turn her head to see Peng Qing. The reason why she came into the kitchen was to avoid Peng Qing, but she didn't want to. Peng Qing actually followed her. However, at this time, she really didn't know how to say hello to Peng Qing. For this mother-in-law, if it wasn't for Ke Hezhe's face, she thought she wouldn't want to see her all her life.

When several people in the kitchen were embarrassed and no one knew how to answer, a cat "meow" ran to Gu Yaner's feet and rubbed her trouser corners, intimately alleviating Gu Yaner's embarrassment.

Small eyes, she likes the cat very much.

It was only at this time that I remembered that she had taken the little eye to the rental house. Now aunt Meng has left her job. She actually forgot the little eye there alone. Ke Hezhe must have picked it up. Thinking about him, I felt a familiar masculine atmosphere. Before she turned her head and looked over, I heard Ke Hezhe say: "Mom, Xiaodan and Xiaoyu were brought up by Yan'er since childhood. They have only lived with me for more than a year. I am often busy with my work. Yan'er taught these two children well. Mom, Grandpa asked you to go and say hello."

"Ah Zhe, you..." Peng Qing was wronged. "Did his son forget his mother when he married his daughter-in-law?"

"Mom, my son married his daughter-in-law, but now my son lives with you, not with his daughter-in-law."

Although Ke Hezhe's low voice was still a little hoarse, the man with special magnetic flavor made Gu Yaner turn her head involuntarily, just because the man's words moved her, "he zhe..." I saw it in the morning, but at this moment, she didn't see it for only a few hours, and she had a feeling of being separated from the world.

"Do you want to help in the kitchen?" he heard her call him, turned his head and looked down on her. That look made her feel crispy. He could always confuse her with just a smile.

"Well," she said softly. No matter how many grievances he had, as long as he whispered, she could always forgive him involuntarily. At least, she wouldn't be uncomfortable with him at such a time.

"Then give me Xiaoyu. I'll hug our junior. Mom, the old man told you to go there, and aunt Shi came too."

Peng Qing glared at Ke Hezhe. Without talking, he turned and went back to the living room. Ke Hezhe came over to Gu Yaner, reached out his hand and hugged Xiaoyu, and then bowed down to kiss the little guy's face. "The child has to see one side every day, otherwise, he will have a feeling that one day's absence is like three autumn."

Looking at his pitiful appearance, Wu Ma winked at Gu Yan'er, and then said in a small voice, "madam, sir, it's boring to go home every night these days. Drinking too much wine is bad and hurts your body. If the little lady goes home, sir will have no time to drink."

"Then don't drink." he agreed that she didn't have to go home, and she couldn't wait. She didn't want to share a room with Peng Qing for a minute.

"Hehe, OK, I won't drink today. I'll take Xiaoyu to see Aunt Shi." Ke Hezhe's thin lips pursed into a straight line. His always cold face only gives people an indescribable feeling of tenderness when facing Gu Yaner.

"Let's go." the little guy was naturally happy when he came to his arms. Sahuan waved his hands and feet and was happy to be held by his father.

Therefore, Gu Yaner stayed in the kitchen to help. However, she was willing to make soup for her family. In fact, it was a very happy thing. She would cook in person as long as she had time before.

There are so many people. Gu Yan'er used to like the excitement most, but now she is afraid of the excitement, or the only person in the excitement.

However, only she, Ke Hezhe and Wu Ma Peng Qing knew it, and the others didn't know it. Therefore, they hid it very well.

However, if you want to escape, you still have to sit together for dinner.

It's dark and dinner is ready.

On the long table, the old man naturally sits in the main seat. On the left side next to the old man is Ke Qingyu, and then there should be three women.

"Qing, come and sit down." Ke Qingyu turned to greet murongqing. He married Steven, Peng Qing and Xing Ruzhen. In fact, it was all because of murongqing. At this moment, he naturally wanted to sit next to murongqing.

However, the scene was a little chaotic at this time. Peng Qing impolitely went directly to the position next to Ke Qingyu. Murongqing, who was about to sit in the past, stopped awkwardly. It was not in the past, not in the past, just because Ke Qingyu only asked her to sit in the past, and there was no special designation for her to sit next to him.

"Mom..." Ke he zhejunyan was cold and whispered Peng Qing. Although Ke Qing didn't say it clearly, it was to let murongqing sit beside him, and he didn't want to help murongqing. Although he also felt that his mother had been unhappy for so many years, it was not easy, but he had experienced everything with Gu Yaner, He finally knew that only being happy with each other was happy, so for more than a year, he tried to introduce his mother to men her age, but they were all rejected by Peng Qing.

Peng Qingbai glanced at Ke Hezhen, "what's wrong with me?"

Her voice was so loud that Xiaoyu in Ke Hezhe's arms burst into tears. The child always cried less, which made people feel uncomfortable. Therefore, Gu Yaner hurried to pick up Xiaoyu and coaxed him in her arms. The little guy stopped crying, but her mouth was still tilted, As if she had been greatly wronged, she was free. She looked up and saw that murongqing had actually gone to help carry the meal. Ke Qingyu had no objection to Peng Qing sitting next to him. Seeing that murongqing was embarrassed and didn't know where to sit, Gu Yaner said, "Mom, come and sit next to me."

"OK." Murong Qing smiled and walked to Gu Yan'er.

Don't want to, but Peng Qing spoke again at this time, "Murong Qing, the rule of returning to the old house is always to sit with the old and the young. Don't you mess up your generation when you go to Yan'er?"

She was right, because Gu Yaner used to sit according to her generation when she went back to the old house with Ke Hezhe, which made Gu Yaner don't know how to respond for a moment.

The old man was also stunned. For his several daughter-in-law, he also knew that his son had only Murong Qing in his heart, but it was not Murong Qing who gave birth to his grandson, but the other three daughter-in-law. The three widows who had been guarding for so many years. Now he is old, he also feels that his son is sorry for others. His lips are open. He didn't say anything.

Murongqing had to walk over, but Stephen was a winker. He came over and took her to sit down. He smiled and said, "it's the same everywhere. Now the times have changed, the atmosphere has changed, and those old rites are also changing. If I say, I'll sit at will next time. Why not? I'll sit next to my own son, sir, do you say so?"

The old man gave a low cough, but his eyes fell on his son. In fact, his son Ke Qingyu was the best to deal with everything.

He never understood why Ke Qingyu only had murongqing in his heart, and there was no real husband and wife for Peng Qing and Steven, but Peng Qing and Steven never remarried. They have been sticking to him for years. When they can't see people, they are supported by the belief that they want to see people in life and dead bodies, but later they met people, Ke Qingyu also said that he can only be with murongqing, but they still haven't changed.

That heart is still all in Keqing language.

Or, there is a love cup in this world.

It is an invisible love cup. As long as the cup enters the heart, it will be difficult to peel it away.

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