"I'm afraid Jingxu will wake up." the girl seemed to be more nervous. Her hand wringing her clothes was faster and faster, as if she couldn't stop any more.

"Five minutes, I'll come down together after smoking, and he won't wake up." he still smiled, his eyes shining on the small face of thin wine. Somehow, seeing her cramped appearance, he couldn't help teasing her.

The girl hesitated first, then nodded and said, "OK."

The villa is a single family villa. The space on the roof is completely private. Although it is not particularly high, the night shadow of T city has a unique charm from here. At the end of the night, thousands of lights are quietly going out, and only neon is still flashing, making people seem to be in a dream.

Ke Hexi lit a cigarette and the light of the fire flickered in the quiet night. Bo Jiu stood beside him. They stood side by side and looked at the night in front of him. He smoked and she stood still. Suddenly, Bo Jiu coughed. Jiang yubai didn't smoke, but Ke Hexi never smoked in front of Jing Xu. This was the first time she met him smoking, Men's smoking gives people a sense of decadence. Of course, it has the smell of a mature man. She chokes with her hands covering her nose.

Ke Hexi frowned and snuffed out his cigarette. "There was just a wind, apologize." it was the wind that blew the smoke to her side, otherwise, he always paid attention to it.

Bo Jiu was a little embarrassed. He was about to speak, but Ke Hexi's cell phone rang. The ring was particularly clear in the dark night. "Hello." he just looked at the caller ID, and he quickly picked it up.

Seeing that his expression was very serious, Bo Jiu nodded at him and went downstairs. He should be talking about business. As a nanny, she is not suitable to continue listening. She still has the consciousness of this idea.

Ke Hexi watched the woman's back disappear in the door of the roof. Then he whispered, "continue."

A few minutes later, he got off the roof. The light in the thin wine room had turned off. Obviously, the woman was asleep. Ke Hexi couldn't help but feel a move when he thought of Jingxu sleeping next to her. If he hadn't been forced to suppress it, he would like to go into her room to see the picture of Wen Xin sleeping together.

Gu Yaner woke up early in the morning. Somehow, she could not rest well every time she rested in the Ke family's old house. She always dreamed of all kinds of dreams. The dreams seemed very clear, but when she woke up, they were blurred. She only knew it was a bad dream. She tilted her head and looked at Xiaoyu around her. The little guy had woken up. Her milk rose sharply, but she couldn't feed Xiaoyu. It was awkward to think about it, When is it? If he hadn't used aunt Meng, she wouldn't be able to feed her own children now. The breast pump sucks milk and then feeds Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner packed up her things to go to the hospital and needs an infusion for a few days, so as to remove the toxins in her body.

At the thought of toxins in her body, she felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to eat breakfast. She went out of the room directly with her backpack. She was about to go downstairs. She listened to Chen JianZheng and Wu Yanran talking in the downstairs living room, "sister Yanran, please help me take Xiaodan and Xiaoyu these days. There's too little time to go to the hospital. Although they are naughty, they are very sensible."

"Chen Jian, how many days are you leaving?"

"I'm not sure. At least three or five days, more than half a month. Well, I'll go first. The car is waiting for me outside."

"OK, you go." Wu Yanran stood up and politely sent Chen Jian away. Chen Jian came early in the morning, woke her up and entrusted Xiaodan and Xiaoyu. She also felt a little strange, but people will have such and such things. Chen Jian has urgent things to deal with, and she should be considerate.

Chen Jian left. It was still early at more than five o'clock. She turned around and wanted to go upstairs and sleep again. Suddenly she found Gu Yaner standing on the stairs, "sister, you got up."

"Well, I'm going to the hospital." Gu Yaner looked at Wu Yanran calmly and wanted to know something from Wu Yanran, but obviously, her own sister didn't mean to tell her anything, and didn't even mention Chen Jian.

"Can you go alone?" Wu Yanran asked with some worry.

"OK, Xiaoyu doesn't make trouble." his child knows how to bring it.

"Then you go first. I'll sleep for another half an hour. I'll get up and take some big ones for breakfast. When I send them to the kindergarten, my mother and I will go to the hospital to see you." Gu Yaner's hospitalization is almost known at home now. Although I don't know the specific details, they are tacit. No one asks about the cause of the matter, After all, asking Gu Yaner is like sprinkling salt on her wound. No one wants to be mentioned about those sad and uncomfortable things.

"No, you see, my physical condition is really nothing. I'm fine. Going to the infusion is just to get rid of my doubts." Gu Yaner smiled gently. "You tell mom not to worry about me. I'll come back with her when the infusion is ready." anyway, I can't go to the hospital every day. She plans to ask for leave. I don't know why, As long as she thought that she would be with Xi Zhengnan after work, and it was arranged by Ke Hezhe, she felt uncomfortable.

"But mom has to go? I can't be the master then."

Gu Yaner shook her head. "It's up to you. I'll go first." Wu Yanran didn't mention Chen Jian, but she wanted to catch up. No matter how slow it was, she was afraid she couldn't catch up.

"Bye, sister."

Gu Yaner almost rushed out of the Ke family's old house. However, her car just left the yard and was stopped by a man. Gu Yaner slowly stopped the car and rolled down the window impatiently, "wash Zhengnan, what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Accompany you to the hospital."

"Er, it's not Kirschner's, and I don't have any work contact with you personally. I asked for leave and you got up." she annoyed her. Now she doesn't like anyone, and it's not good to wash Zhengnan.

No, Xi Zhengnan sneered, "have you forgotten that I have shares in that hospital, and I'm still a major shareholder. It's normal for me to care about such a special patient as you? I don't want anything to happen on your way to the hospital. Otherwise, losing such a patient with academic research value is definitely the loss of our hospital."

"But I don't need it." she tried to call Ke Hezhe before driving. When she couldn't get through, the whole person was wrong. She couldn't wait to drive everyone away. Now she doesn't want to talk to anyone.

Kehezhe is gone.

Chen Jian also left.

Such a situation will be subconsciously connected even if she is stupid.

She's a little worried.

No matter how she quarrels with that man because of Peng Qing, his life and death are very important in her life.

What's more, because she was poisoned, she thought Ke Hezhe was absolutely unbearable about when. She even wondered if he would take any extreme measures about when.

The more you think, the more upset you are, and the more you don't want to pay attention to anyone.

"But I need it." however, Xi Zhengnan doesn't care about her worries at the bottom of her heart. The iron heart is to entangle her. He doesn't get out of the way. She really can't drive. She can't play hide and seek on the road.

"Xi Zhengnan, what ecstasy did you give Ke Hezhe?" otherwise, why did Ke Hezhe, who has always opposed her getting close to Xi Zhengnan, suddenly hand her over to Xi Zhengnan?

She couldn't understand it.

It's even less like his style of Ke Hezhe.

Will he compromise because of one person?

Still a man.

Although she has always regarded Xi Zhengnan as a friend, it is obvious that Ke Hezhe does not regard Xi Zhengnan as a friend.

With a faint smile, Xi Zhengnan opened the door. He sat in the car and picked up Xiaoyu, "drive to the hospital."

He was like this, as if he were her master. She had to listen to him.

"Don't go." the Mou color swept around. Gu Yaner knew that she couldn't catch up with Chen Jian at all. She simply sat in the car and spent time with Xi Zhengnan. He delayed her business, and she wanted to cut him.

"Don't you want Xiaoyu and Jingxu to eat your milk before a hundred days?" Xi Zhengnan in the car was not in a hurry, and there came such a sentence.

Sure enough, Xi Zhengnan knew her weakness best. With this sentence, she could only gnash her teeth and start the car, and then drive to the hospital. The toxin was not clear and clean. She really had no way to milk Xiaoyu and Jing Xu. These two children were her baby even if Jing Xu was not her own.

Although you can ask a wet nurse to feed the child with goat's milk, it can't be compared with her own nursing the child.

Seeing her driving angrily, Xi Zhengnan was not angry. "Yan'er, do you think I'm very bad for you as your bodyguard? But why do I think I'm the one who lost? In addition, I have to swear to your man that I can't touch you. If I touch you, I'll have a son and hang up directly. Look, how cruel your man is."

This is like Ke Hezhe. She knew he wouldn't give himself to Xi Zhengnan so easily. "What deal did you make?"

"There's no deal. I'm just bored and idle recently. I want to be a bodyguard and get a part-time salary. As you know, although I'm the executive director of mikang Yaan, I always get a monthly salary. The company's dividend has nothing to do with me. I'm short of money. I naturally want to earn money. I'm in business, and so do you men, right?"

Gu Yaner really doesn't know which of his words is true or false. However, with her ability to wash Zhengnan, she is definitely not short of money, and she doesn't need to work part-time as a bodyguard to earn a salary. However, at this time, she can't find Ke Hezhe at all, and she can't prove anything, so she has to let it go.

Just looking at Xi Zhengnan, I felt uncomfortable, which was completely different from his mood when he found that she was poisoned and took her to the hospital. At that time, he was grateful, but now there is a feeling of being kidnapped by him, and she can't get rid of him.

And everyone has such a rebellious psychology. The more they are forced, the more they want to resist

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