To leave, although it was only temporary, Gu Yan'er in the car was still thinking about this and that, and even her little eyes were not at ease.

But what she cares about most is Ke Hezhe.

The car sped all the way to the airport. The flight didn't wait. If she was late, she was late, so Xizheng drove south very fast. After the car, as usual, it was his two men. With their cover, she could leave safely.

If it weren't for Xi Zhengnan, she wanted to find Ke Hezhe. I'm afraid it would be more difficult than going to heaven.

She doesn't even know where he is. How can she find him?

Sitting quietly in the back of the car, Gu Yaner felt out her mobile phone and dialed Xiaodan. Because she didn't live with her recently, she equipped the children with mobile phones to facilitate mobile phone communication.

"Mommy, miss me?" soft RuRu's voice said that everything was fine for the child. When she was worried about them, she forgot the child's new mobile phone.

"Think about it, are you not good?" she smiled gently. She was so relieved every time she heard her daughter's voice. She said that her daughter was her mother's sweet little cotton padded jacket. Xiaodan was it. It was absolutely right.

"No, Xiaodan is good!"

"Is your brother there?" she listened to Xiaodan's voice and wanted to hear Xiaoyu's. she wanted to hear everything. It was as if she had entrusted Xiaoyu to Ke Hexi. She had only left for a while. At the moment, she missed that little thing again.

"Yes, right beside you, Xiaoyu, Mommy wants to talk to you."

Xiaoyu answered, "Mommy, what time will you be back in the evening?"

Gu Yaner was silent.

"Mommy, are you talking?"

Gu Yaner took a deep breath and adjusted her disordered thoughts. Then she whispered, "I'm not sure. Go back and call my aunt."

"OK, Mommy should go back early. Grandpa said he would have a reunion dinner in the evening. Mommy, will you go back with daddy?"

Will it?

The answer is No. neither she nor Ke Hezhe returned.

"Xiaoyu, take good care of your sister and listen to your aunt."

"Uh huh."

"Listen to grandma and grandpa."

"I see."

Listening to Xiaoyu's voice, she clearly had a lot to say, but to the child, she couldn't say anything at once. After a moment of silence, she had to whisper, "Mommy is still busy. See you later."

"Bye, Mommy."

Finally, Gu Yaner hung up. Gu Yaner's eyes were moist. She couldn't give up. She couldn't give up any one.

"If you regret it, it's not too late." the washing Zheng Nantou rearview mirror in front of her glanced at her, with a low tone, depressing the atmosphere in the car to the lowest point.

"Where are we going?" she was at a loss about the road ahead. She didn't know where Ke Hezhe was. At this time, she reacted. She had nothing in her hand except her ID card and a little cash. She had to rely on xizhengnan wherever she went. This feeling was not good at all.


Gu Yaner was stunned. It was not the place where drugs were produced and sold. She thought she was going to yn. Unexpectedly, she went there. "When was it there?"

"Yes." Xi Zhengnan answered her without hesitation. It seems that he knows very well when to go.

The car arrived soon. Xi Zhengnan took her on the flight to HN. She just arrived. It was too late. She got on the plane and turned on the mobile phone. The mobile phone was quiet without half a caller ID or half a text message. Looking at such a mobile phone, she suddenly felt uneasy. She left. The relatives in T city didn't know. She went, Ke Hezhen didn't know how much she should leave a message to them, but she just wanted to edit a text message to thin wine and ask her to take good care of Gu Xiaoyu. The stewardess came and held a sign asking to turn off. On one side, Xi Zhengnan had turned off quickly and put it away. Then she picked up a newspaper bought in front of the plane and read it.

The ticket was booked in a hurry, not first class, but the location was good. She was near the window. She turned around and looked out. The maintenance personnel at the airport were busy directing the rise and fall of the plane. She was leaving t city. She knew she could come back in a short time, but she was still very reluctant to give up looking at t city at this moment.

"The last time I ask you, if you regret it, we'll get off the plane." the man looking at the newspaper asked carelessly. Her low voice stirred Gu Yaner's heart into confusion, "I have nothing to regret." for Ke Hezhe, no matter what she did, she didn't regret it. There was no resentment in her heart. She could do anything for him.

"Hehe, that's what you said." Xi Zhengnan smiled gently, took a magazine and handed it to her, "come on, look through it, it'll be here soon."

She took it casually, but she didn't want to read a magazine. She still looked outside the cabin. The plane was about to take off. The sky was blue in the distance and near. The weather was very good. She looked down at her shirt and jeans. She walked in a hurry. She didn't even bring her clothes to change. At this time, she suddenly remembered the infusion, "what about my infusion?"

Xizheng pointed south to the top of his finger, "take it with you and find someone to inject medicine anytime and anywhere."

"Didn't you say you couldn't take it away from the hospital?"

"That's for you."

So, not to him. If he wants to take it, he can do it in seconds. Oh, he is the shareholder of that hospital. Can it be the same?

She's so stupid.

From T city to HN, it only takes more than an hour. She has been quietly looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the cabin. On such a good weather and such a beautiful day, her mood is not good at all. The way ahead is uncertain and worried. The stewardess brought drinks, and she was lazy to order everything. He ordered a cup of coffee for her. He was also refreshing.

She drank slowly and wanted to get to HN at once. However, when she really got there, she knew that there was still a long way to go. Some didn't expect that xizhengnan had such a wide network of contacts. When he got to HN, he got a private SUV and drove to their final destination, QH.

The navigation made driving simple. It soon became dark. Xizheng didn't ask her if she wanted to find a hotel to rest. She just kept on driving. Fortunately, she stopped when there was a place to eat on the highway.

She didn't know how to eat the two buffet meals. She only took a few bites and put them down.

Xi Zhengnan looked up at her and said, "eat it up."

"I don't want to."

"If you don't eat, let's get off the highway at the next exit and I'll find a restaurant you like to eat."

Gu Yan'er looked up at him, "Xi Zhengnan, do you really like me?" she didn't believe what he said before. If she believed it, she would be a fool.

"Hehe, you say yes, you say no, you don't."

His words made her ponder again, which clearly implied that everything depended on her.

"I don't like you, so you can't like me."

"What's the logic?" he smiled faintly. "Whether you like me or not has no essential connection with whether I like you or not."

"Of course, do you like a woman who can't like you?"

"Yes." no, he gave her a word without hesitation.

"Cut." she snorted coldly, took a mouthful of food, and murmured vaguely, "the devil believes it."

However, at his strong request, Gu Yaner really finished the buffet, came out of the restaurant and got on the bus again. She remembered that she had forgotten to turn on her mobile phone when she came out of the airport, but she just touched it and Xi Zhengnan said faintly: "I have informed Zhang Zhu to tell the Ke family that you are with Ke Hezhe. You are very safe. If you call back at this time, it is inevitable that they will not doubt it."

Yes, according to Zhang Zhu's notice, no one in the family will be suspicious, because Zhang Zhu is Ke Hezhe's person. If she calls now, the family will question whether Zhang Zhu's notice is true or false. Her mobile phone slides down. She turns to look at him and says faintly, "you even bought his people?"

"No, I just told him that if he didn't do it, I wouldn't return Mrs. Ke."

"Er, you are telling Zhang Zhu you kidnapped me in disguise?" Gu Yan'er was slightly flustered. Although she thought the idea was absurd, why did she feel so close to herself at the moment.

"Yes." no, what Xi Zhengnan showed was a certain and positive expression, without half a minute of hesitation, but Gu Yaner was confused, "you... Didn't you take me to see Ke Hezhe?"

"See you, why not?"

"Then, after I saw him?" Gu Yaner's hand automatically hanged the corner of her clothes, and her mind was full of xizhengnan's words. She chewed word by word. At this meeting, she felt that he was like the head of a drug lord. When was he more than ever, he actually made her have a sense of fear. Was it really that she saw the wrong person? Was it true what Ke Hezhe said before? He really had bad intentions for her? Yes Intentional?

At this moment, Gu Yaner was confused and confused. She just forcibly suppressed herself. Don't panic.

"I'll take you away."

"No." she screamed, reached out and pressed the handle of the car, even though the car was driving fast on the highway.

However, no matter how she pressed it, it was useless. The door couldn't be opened at all. "You don't have to work in vain."

Gu Yan'er put down her hand in vain and looked at Xi Zhengnan's side face inexplicably. She still didn't believe that the dialogue between them was true, "you lied to me, didn't you?"

"Ha ha..." he smiled softly. "When you see him, everything is up to you."

Gu Yaner felt more flustered because the man's voice was too confident. She was not sure about anything, but the more uncertain she was, it was easier to think, "how long will it take to arrive?"

"About twenty minutes." he turned his head and looked at the kilometers, and Xi Zhengnan smiled quietly.

"How long will I see him?"

"Tonight." did not want her to ask anxiously, he returned to her such a time that she was happy to look forward to, but he felt uneasy inexplicably after hearing it.

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