The pen in his hand trembled and trembled.

At the moment when the three words "Gu Yaner" were heavily signed, Gu Yaner only felt that the world was spinning. She beat manager Meng and Rong Qingya, but she couldn't fight her mother-in-law Peng Qing alone.

Or, instead of fighting, he finally chose to put it down for Ke Hezhe.

This time, even if she paid off Peng Qing's upbringing for Ke Hezhe.


This company will no longer belong to Ke Hezhe.

In the final analysis, the company seems to be broken in Peng Qing's hands, but it is actually broken in her pen. If she doesn't sign, it will still be Ke Hezhe's, but she signed.

"Qingya, you come quickly and do it. I Peng Qing did it. I promised you. I can finally drive her out of the door of the Ke family. Ke Qingyu keeps murongqing. I'm going to drive her daughter away. My Ke family doesn't want murongqing's daughter, absolutely not."

Then, a rush of excited footsteps came from far and near. The door opened and Rong Qingya rushed in as a winner, "Mom, have you signed?"

The sound of "Mom" made Peng Qing happy. "Sign it. Go quickly. The meeting is not over yet? Do you still have a chance?" Peng Qing covered her chest and pointed to the table in front of Gu Yan'er with a pale face. "There, go get it and go to the meeting. He Zhe's family will be handed over to you. You are my daughter-in-law."

Gu Yan'er's body was in a flash. She stood with her hand on the table. Rong Qingya rushed over and stared at Gu Yan'er disdainfully, "Gu Yan'er, ha ha, you have today."

Gu Yaner was silent. She just stared at Peng Qing's excited and pale face. Then, in the footsteps of Rong Qingya's eager departure, she slowly picked up the phone on the table and dialed 120.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" the 120 emergency center quickly picked it up.

Gu Yaner reported the company's address and Peng Qing's name, "she shed a lot of blood. Please hurry up." anyway, others can be righteous, but she can't be unfilial. This filial piety is for Ke Hezhe. From then on, she will never manage the relationship between Ke Hezhe and Peng Qing.

"You... The ambulance you called for me?" Peng Qing stood at the door tongue tied and looked at Gu Yan'er incredulously. Just now Gu Yan'er called, she heard it all and asked in surprise. She thought she was hearing something.

"Peng Qing, the ambulance will arrive in about 15 minutes at most. Take care of yourself." this time, what she called was not 'Mom', but 'Peng Qing'. One word was one word and the other was two words. However, the charm was thousands of miles away.

Mom is the name between relatives.

Peng Qing feels strange and alienated.

Gu Yaner then walked to the door and passed Peng Qing. Tears could no longer stop flowing. Ke Hezhe entered the police station of QH. She didn't cry until she knew Xiaodan was missing. She didn't cry when Rong Qingya was calculating her. But at the moment, tears flowed silently through the corners of her eyes, cheeks and lips like a stream, A salty heart.

Every step is heavy.

If you leave, you will never come back.

"Mrs. ke..."

"Mrs. Ke, what's going on?"

"Mrs. Ke, are you leaving?"

In the corridor, the employees of the company looked at her in panic one by one. Her silent cry frightened everyone.

Gu Yaner is still silent. She doesn't want to ignore them, but really doesn't know what to explain.

She can't explain. She can't announce to the people all over the world that her mother-in-law hurt herself with a dagger and threatened her to sign it?

It was said that family ugliness should not be publicized. Since she was doomed to the result, she gave up.

The world has always been the same as who left the earth.

But the children, she will not give it to Peng Qing. She will give it to such a person with three wrong views. It will harm the children in the future. She is reluctant to give it up.

The president's elevator, she took Ke Hezhe again for the last time.

At a super fast speed, the door opened at the moment, through the corridor and through the lobby, the outside was full of sunshine. She suddenly smiled. No matter what happened, life still needs to continue, and the road of life still needs to extend to the front and then extend.

The wealth belonging to her and Ke Hezhe has decreased, but all her relatives are safe and alive, which is enough, enough.

"Mrs. ke..."

"Mrs. ke..."

"Mrs. ke..."

Sentence by sentence greetings, she gently nodded. No matter how brilliant the flowers in other people's eyes are, they are not their own beauty.

After getting into the car, the car sped to the home where she and Ke Hezhe had been together.

Now, it has become Peng Qing's.

Many of the children's things are still there.

But she didn't want anything material.

Life of wealth and life of poverty are all life.

What life can't bring and what death can't take away are those outside her. All she wants is Xiaodan, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu, as well as the identity documents of her and Ke Hezhe. Those can't be lost.

Peng Qing was away. When she parked the car and went in, Wu Ma was cleaning. Seeing that it was her, she immediately welcomed her happily. "Madam, I haven't seen you for a long time. You can finally come back."

Gu Yaner smiled bitterly, "Wu Ma, I'll leave when I take my ID card or something." this sentence, she said quite heavily, but it's all helpless. If people like Peng Qing live with her again, she's really worried about the next Xiaodan second time.

That makes her impossible to prevent. How should her family prevent it?

Not easy to prevent, but also more difficult to prevent.

"What happened, madam?"

"Nothing, Wu Ma, take good care of yourself in the future." Ke Hezhe is now penniless. As for the children, she wants to make money to support them. The three treasures are always her treasure in her heart.

"Madam, you are..." Wu Ma realized the seriousness of the matter at once. "Did the old lady do something? You tell me, there may be room for turning around." Wu Ma stopped Gu Yan'er and was anxious.

Gu Yaner shook her head. The company transferred to Rong Qingya. How could Rong Qingya return it to her and Ke Hezhe? Unless Ke Hezhe marries Rong Qingya, her man will never compromise based on her understanding of Ke Hezhe.

He hurried into the room where he and Ke Hezhe had been together, and stood quietly in front of the door. His mind flashed like a lantern. Every bit of her and Ke Hezhe had been together. They had been so loving and happy, and even had three children.

But now, the family seems to be about to break up. She doesn't know what will happen when he comes back?

He is not wrong.

But she's not wrong.

But can they still walk together?

Kehezhe, she missed him.

Or, when he comes back, everything will be solved, but the man, he can't come back now.

She opened the drawer and found the documents she wanted to take away. Fortunately, Peng Qing didn't touch her things, which also made her breathe a sigh of relief. She put those documents in a small bag. Gu Yaner looked around the room again. The unique smell of the man was still floating in the air, which made her intoxicated.

Bang, the door opens.

"What are you doing here?" Rong Qingya stepped in and pointed to Gu Yaner. "This is already mine and he Zhe's, and it has nothing to do with you from now on."

Gu Yaner glanced at Rong Qingya lightly and smiled, "Rong Qingya, do you know what the thief looks like? Well, it's just like you. Although it looks beautiful, someone will catch you walking the street one day. At that time, it's too late to regret."

"Gu Yan'er, how dare you argue with me at this time? Ha ha, you're not worthy to lick my toes."

She wouldn't lick her toes, "take care of yourself." after that, Gu Yaner crossed Rong Qingya and walked out of the room, or she still had nostalgia, but what about nostalgia again?

It doesn't belong to her anymore.

All were accepted by Rong Qingya.

Peng Qing should have gone to the hospital, so only one Rong Qingya came back. It seems that the meeting ended soon after she left. Also, Rong Qingya won't stay another minute if she gets what she wants.

Rong Qingya can't wait to show her victory in front of her, but she doesn't want to have left, so she came here.

"Gu Yan'er, stop for me. Who let you go?" Rong Qingya chased out. She was not powerful enough, especially in front of Gu Yan'er, so she was not willing to let Gu Yan'er go like this.

"This house has nothing to do with me. Moreover, I Gu Yaner and miss Rong are not friends, so you have no right to ask me to stay or not, but I have the right to decide whether I want to see someone or not. It has nothing to do with you."

"Gu Yaner, you rascal."

Well, did you say she was a rogue without teaching her a lesson?

But why did she think Rong Qingya was the real rogue.

"Gu Yaner... Stop... Stop..." Rong Qingya chased her all the way, even to the gate.

Gu Yaner pushed the door out, and Rong Qingya wanted to block her way. Suddenly, she was stunned in the sun, "he... He Xi... You're not... Not..."

"It was your scam that made wine think he had found his parents, didn't it?" the man who had just got off at the side of the gate rushed over with an arrow. Behind him was Bo wine holding Jing Xu and got off the car, "He Xi, have something to say." Bo wine gently advised him, but the man's face was still as cold as ice.

"Say it well? Rong Qingya, why did you rob he Zhe's company?" Ke Hexi looked at Rong Qingya coldly, clenched his hands into fists, and even could clearly see the green veins jumping on the back of his hands in the sun. Obviously, he was trying to bear it.

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