"Xiaodan, why don't you go to the rooftop with aunt Fuyi for a while?" Gu Yaner knows what it means to wash Zhengnan. He doesn't want to talk about when in front of Fuyi, because he doesn't know whether Fuyi knows when, as if that means.

"OK." Xiaodan answered skillfully, then slid down the ground and took Fuyi's hand. "Aunt, let's go to the rooftop to play for a while. Are there any flowers in it?"

"Yes." the little thing's small voice was too soft and sweet. Fu also didn't hesitate. He led Xiaodan to the outside of the ward.

There were only Gu Yaner and Xi Zhengnan in the ward soon. The room was quiet. Xi Zhengnan's eyes were shining on Gu Yaner's small face. He was waiting for Gu Yaner to give him an answer.

However, just when he thought Gu Yaner would tell Xiaodan when she left, the woman chose to keep quiet and just looked at his beautiful face silently.

Breathing, deep and quiet, long and continuous, is becoming more and more clear in this quiet space.

"Yan'er, what's the matter?" it seemed that she couldn't help being so quiet anymore. She washed Zhengnan's thin lips and asked low.

"What a coincidence." Gu Yaner casually said two words, and the corners of her lips had aroused a smile. "Or, you've been waiting for this time for a long time."

"Yan'er, what are you talking about? What do you mean?" Xi Zhengnan's face suddenly became deep, and her eyes were as straight as a secluded pool on her small face, as if she was going to sprinkle a net to catch her whole body and never loosen it again.

"You know." Gu Yan'er suddenly smiled, and her pretty and delicate face was as beautiful as flowers, but the faint tone was like quenched ice, which made Xi Zhengnan feel cold all around in an instant. Unexpectedly, she hit an exciting lattice and held her hand involuntarily, "Yan'er, what do you mean?"

"It means literally, and let go of your hand."

Her tone was too alienated. It seemed that he was her enemy. Xi Zhengnan's face suddenly changed and changed, "Yan'er, I don't understand."

Gu Yaner closed her eyes. The man's hand still held her hand tightly. A strong male breath was transmitted to her hand through the skin. Take a deep breath and then take a deep breath. She slowly opened her eyes, "Xi Zhengnan, since you first appeared in front of me, I have been your prey and a springboard for you to retaliate against Ke Hezhe, haven't you?" asked, She was very calm, and her calm tone didn't make any waves.

"Yan'er, don't think about it. I treat you..."

"You have no malice towards me, but you have malice towards Ke Hezhe. Hehe, I'm really stupid. I didn't react until this time. You always know when and how. You may even know better than I know. I think you may even know where he is now. Why should you ask me hypocritically? If you don't ask, maybe I won't be pregnant Doubt, your question is clearly trying to cover up and make it clear. "

The hand holding her hand was getting tighter and tighter, as if to insert her hand into his hand, "Yan'er, don't think about it. No, what you said is wrong."

"Hehe, isn't it right? No, it's not right. I know you know. Well, xizhengnan, I should go. Please let go." she drank him again in a cold voice. His voice was cold to the extreme, and people were angry to the extreme. He must be in a hurry when he waited to wake up. Therefore, as soon as Ke Hezhe's company Bu fell into Rong Qingya's hand, he couldn't wait to be "hit by a branch to wake up", How coincidental is this?

The man continued to hold her hand and didn't mean to loosen it at all, "Yan'er, listen to me, I really..."

The next second, the woman's hand got up, along with the one of xizhengnan. Gu Yaner bited on the back of xizhengnan's hand without leaving any room. For a moment, the man's body stiffened, but he still didn't earn his hand. She just let her continue biting, as if the bitten hand was not his hand at all.

Five seconds later, Xi Zhengnan was still as straight as a statue.

Ten seconds later, Gu Yaner was tired of biting. When you meet a man who doesn't respond when you bite hard, you will have a feeling that you haven't bitten at all. You can't bite again without a sense of achievement.

The feeling of fist hitting the marshmallow is probably like this.

Loose teeth.

Loose lips.

Loose hands.

The woman's handbrake fell, and her face was thick and pale.

Xi Zhengnan didn't even look at the back of the hand bitten with a row of tooth marks and blood stains. His voice became dumb, "he killed Hongyu." these seven words, his voice was very low, but it hit Gu Yaner's chest like a bolt from the blue, shaking her with pain. He finally admitted it.

His appearance is to avenge Hongyou.

Yes, Hong you did die partly because of Ke Hezhe, but how could it all be added to Ke Hezhe?

If Hongyou can think about it, everything will not be the result.

It's a pity that everything has happened.

People can't come back to life after death. Xi Zhengnan attributes everything to Ke Hezhe, so he wants to revenge Ke Hezhe.

Hong you's life was exchanged for Ke Hezhe's company, so Ke Hexi went to a place without mobile phone signal because of thin wine, so Ke Hezhe's shares went to Rong Qingya's hands. All this was secretly planned by him. He pretended to be the IQ of a few-year-old child, but he was planning Ke Hezhe's company.

I have to say, he succeeded.

Very successful.

"Congratulations." if a company can withstand Hongyou's life, then at this moment, Xi Zhengnan's revenge can come to an end, and she and he will never meet again.

She finally used up the chess piece. Hehe, she figured out everything and unloaded everything. Before washing Zhengnan's response, she turned and walked to the door.

She will never see this man again in her life.


"Yan'er, don't go." Xi Zhengnan caught up with her with a big step, and caught her arm again. The speed was so fast that she had no time to escape.

"Is there anything else for Mr. Xi to leave me?" Gu Yaner was faint, and there was a strong sense of alienation all over her body. She didn't feel any kind to Xi Zhengnan anymore.

The man was silent. For a moment, the air in the ward became dull again. Just when Gu Yaner couldn't bear to bite him again, the man said, "Hong you is dead. He is still alive. If it weren't for me, would he still live? Gu Yaner, the debt he owes must be repaid." he won't let go of those who offended him. This is his consistent purpose. For Hong you, He can do anything.

"Yes, you're right, but hasn't he paid it back now? Or do you think it's not enough to lose his company? What else do you want? Kill him?"

"I didn't. If I wanted to, he would have died a hundred and one thousand times."

"I know you have this ability, and I believe in your ability. If you don't want his life, is there anything else you want?"

"No... it's gone."

"Since it's gone, it proves that you have settled with him. Since then, you take your Yangguan road and he takes his single wooden bridge. You have nothing to do with each other and don't go back and forth anymore."

"But you and I..." Xi Zhengnan's hand tightened again.

"Me and you? Hehe, what does Mr. Xi mean? I really don't understand. I have a husband and children. I used to be just friends with you. In the future, it's good to meet as a stranger, or don't meet again from now on, okay?"

"Not good." the man's arm made a sudden effort, and a sudden son hugged her from behind Gu Yaner. Moreover, the hugging became tighter and tighter. Gu Yaner looked down at the man's hands on her lower abdomen. They were slender and bony. In addition to the row of tooth marks she had just bitten off, these hands could be regarded as beautiful.

"Mr. Xi crossed the line."

"Yan'er, if there were no red worries, there would be no today for me."

"I understand."

"Therefore, her death is not clear. I can't ignore it. If I really ignore it, I will be in vain as a man. If I don't even understand gratitude, I don't have to be called a man."

"I understand."

"Yan'er, do you understand me? Forgive me?"

"You did the right thing, but he zhe didn't make any mistakes. He just wanted to catch a drug dealer. Why did he ever make mistakes? Those who made mistakes were those who wronged him. Now, I don't want to investigate anyone. I just want to go through everything and never go back. Therefore, when there is no way back, I think I've never met Mr. Xi. Let go."

"Don't let go." Xi Zhengnan's low and deep male voice resounded through the ward. It was clearly magnetic and pleasant, but it was so harsh in Gu Yaner's ear.

Gu Yan'er pursed her lips. She had just tried. The man's arm was like a pair of pliers, which made her unable to shake at all, but she was very uncomfortable when she fell in xizhengnan's arms. "I'll give you another chance, will you let it go?"

"Don't let go." without any hesitation, Xi Zhengnan blurted out.

"Do you like me?" Gu Yan'er smiled coldly, with a taste of total disbelief.


Sure enough, he answered without any hesitation.

"If you really like me, what you want is my happiness. I'm happy is the most important thing. It can be seen that you don't want me to be happy. What you want is just to meet your own domineering possessiveness." with a smile, "therefore, your liking is selfish and not really like."

"I don't care, I don't allow you to go." Xi Zhengnan hugged her childishly, as if he just let go. From then on, they really became strangers.

"OK." she had given him a chance. He didn't cherish it and didn't let go of her hand. The next second, Gu Yaner raised her legs and fell down again. She was impartial and crushed on the tip of the man's slippers. She was cruel and almost exerted all her strength.

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