Gu Yaner firmly held the car handle in one hand, and her vision focused on the rearview mirror. "When was it?"

"It should be. I remember when the car in front of me was."

"Drive carefully, it's safe. He can't imagine the consequences like that.

However, these people are prepared to drive on the road in broad daylight.

"Madam, call the president and he will lock our position."

"No, stop in front of the KFC store." Gu Yaner looked straight ahead and suddenly said.

"Madam, are you crazy? You're a sheep into a tiger's mouth. Don't you want to die?"

"The more they ran away, the more they felt that we were afraid to hide from them, so they decided that they had to catch up with us. Moreover, do you think you or my car skills could get rid of them?" if Ke Hezhe was there, she was still seven points confident that she could get rid of the cars and people behind her, but it was impossible with her and Zhang Zhu. She knew that.

"But it's too risky to get out of the car." Zhang Zhu objected.

"The more calm you are, the more they dare not do it easily. Maybe they think that we stop to face them is a trap for them. People are like this. They always want to reverse their thinking. As a result, they calculate and finally count themselves in." She smiled and wondered if her idea was safe, but she knew a truth. Only by dying could she survive.

The more flustered and fled at the moment, the worse the result must be.

Zhang Zhu didn't object any more, because he couldn't think of any other way.

And Gu Yaner is right. He is not the opponent of those professional drivers behind him. His driving skills are not as good as them. Naturally, he is not sure of winning.

Well, anyway, it's doomed to be the loser. Just as Gu Yaner said, setting up a set so that they don't dare to drill in is the final solution.

At this moment, they can only rely on themselves. Even if they call Ke Hezhe, the distant water can't save the near fire. They can only rely on Tian Ke Hezhe's worry and can't solve the problem.

The car began to slow down.

Gu Yaner's heart began to quicken.

Holding the belt of her backpack tightly in her hand, she came with only a simple backpack, which contained several simple clothes for washing, and the others were all self-defense things she had to take with her, including one


I don't know if it will work, but she just put it in her backpack before she set out.

Whether it works or not, she must try this meeting.

The speed slowed down slowly, and the car stopped steadily on the side of the road, "madam, what should I do?"

"You're in the car. I'll just go down alone. Then you always pay attention. When I get on the car, I'll drive immediately. Then we can get rid of the car behind us."

"Do you have a way?"

"Yes." her goal is small when she gets off alone. Moreover, those people will relax their guard against her and get it easier.

After all, for those people, she is a woman who has no strength to bind chickens. Before today, she has never done anything shocking, such as fighting and killing like Ke Hezhe. She has not done it, and she will not.

But today, she had to try, but by wisdom.

Fortunately, she did her best. Anyway, she was doomed to lose. She didn't regret it until she tried her best.

"Madam, be careful." Zhang Zhu's nervous palm was full of sweat. Seeing Gu Yaner get out of the car, he nervously looked at her slender figure and secretly scolded himself. He was a man, but he didn't even have half the courage of Gu Yaner.

But he's really not that material. It's OK to let him deal with things in the mall and let him participate in them. He just deals with some face matters for Ke Hezhe. All the others can't actually participate. Ke Hezhe carried them alone.

Gu Yaner just got out of the car. As soon as the door was closed, he immediately called Ke Hezhe, "president, my wife and I were chased on the way to the airport. More than a dozen cars are now in front of the KFC store on XXX road." As soon as the phone rang, he announced his position to Ke Hezhe. There was no way. Gu Yaner could ignore her own safety and didn't want Ke Hezhe to intervene, but he couldn't ignore Gu Yaner's life and death. He promised Ke Hezhe that Gu Yaner must be safe.

"I see. Send someone over right away and arrive in about ten minutes. You can hold on."

Sure enough, Ke Hezhe had strength. Bu thought of a way as soon as he answered his phone.

The phone hung up. Ke Hezhe is sending someone.

Zhang Zhu recognized the car at a glance, but he never thought that the person sitting on the car was himself.

When did you get off.

Although the big super ink on the bridge of his nose covered most of his face, he could still recognize it at a glance.

Just because he and Ke Hezhe have studied when for so long that he has printed almost all the information about when in his mind.

If Gu Yaner only faces other subordinates when, Zhang Zhu may not be so nervous, but now

"Hehe, Mr. He hasn't seen you for a long time." just when Zhang Zhu was nervous and even had difficulty breathing, on the contrary, Gu Yaner was calm and calm, just like the man getting off the bus was just an old friend of hers. Her tone was natural. It was like saying hello to her friend. There was nothing wrong.

Zhang Zhu took a deep breath. A woman can do this. If he is afraid, he will not be a man. Gu Yan'er can, so can he.

"Hello, Mr. He." politely and politely, he said "Mr. He" and said everything. At this time, all the people on the road were exposed in broad daylight, but the power of him and Gu Yaner was too small, and the power of when was too strong, and the contrast between heaven and earth was too strong.

At the same time, it also shows that it is really difficult for him and Gu Yaner to last for ten minutes.

"Mrs. Ke has bright eyes, but you found him." when he smiled low and took a step forward in a straight body, he thought Gu Yaner would be surprised to step back, but he didn't think that Gu Yaner stood in place with a slight smile and didn't avoid him like a snake and scorpion at all. On the contrary, he was not afraid of him at all. "You're not afraid of me?" he asked low, with some questions in his tone, Gu Yaner should be afraid of him.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Gu Yaner's hand, which had been hidden in her bag, moved up gently. Soon, her hand and the things in her hand showed a little, "I have this, you come here and come together. Just, if there is such a moment, I mean I don't want to lie side by side with you. Zhang Zhu, remember to pull me away from this man. I don't want to be on the same road with him in another world. The farther the better." Gu Yan'er smiled slightly. This point was taken out to stop when she approached and when she must be afraid of death. Otherwise, he would not just catch her and bring so many men. The reason is very simple. He is afraid of death.

"Madam..." Zhang Zhu's face turned white at once. "Where did you get that thing? Put it down quickly." that's a grenade. As long as you gently touch the button, all the people outside Gu Yaner's two steps will become charred corpses. Zhang Zhu knows this even if he doesn't understand the power of that thing anymore.

When he was slightly stunned, Xiao was surprised by the things in Gu Yaner's hand after he had experienced so much blood. After all, in his cognition, Gu Yaner was a woman who didn't dare to step on an ant. It was only at this time that he reacted that she got off so calmly. She was on guard. Sure enough, she had a weapon in her hand.

When did the subtle expression change all over Gu Yaner's eyes? She guessed right. When was she afraid of death.

The more people deal with death every day, the more afraid of death.

On the contrary, he did not dare to let her die at his hands.

Just for the existence of a washing south.

It was when he was his own brother, or a brother who blocked the gun for him. No matter how much Xi Zhengnan cheated her, Gu Yaner and Ke Hezhe, and even cheated Ke Hezhe's company, it was true that Xi Zhengnan blocked the gun for him. If Xi Zhengnan was just an ordinary subordinate, he should be indifferent. Unfortunately, Xi Zhengnan was his own brother who was related by blood, He doesn't know what year, month and day he can live, so he always takes into account that the only brother in the world can live well.

"What do you want?" asked low. When did her face turn black for the first time? If he stepped back at this time, his boss's face would be lost. So many people looked at him, he couldn't afford to lose his face. But if she came forward, Gu Yaner would really press the switch. She was determined to get off alone.

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