"Is that your mobile phone..." Xie Zhengnan looked down at the mobile phone in Gu Yaner's hand.

Gu Yaner then realized that there might be a problem with her mobile phone. She quickly opened her fingertip and checked the address book. Her small face changed slightly. The original number of xizhengnan had been moved to the blacklist. She was very sure that she had never done such a thing. There was only one person besides her.

That's kehezhe.

The man, is this intentional?

Although she felt that men were stingy, she was still her own man. Anyway, she had to protect her man's face. "Maybe her hand slipped accidentally. Apologize."

Xizhengnan's eyes are dim. She knows what's going on, but she doesn't go to expose Gu Yaner. Sure enough, she is still Ke Hezhe's heaviest in her heart. Even if Ke Hezhe moves her mobile phone, she still wants to protect Ke Hezhe, "Yan'er, I'll take your hand as slipping."

"Apologize." Gu Yaner still said these two words. Anyway, she just couldn't admit that Ke Hezhe did it. The man was stingy because he loved her, and she loved her most.

"Yan'er, can I ask you something?" Xi Zhengnan grabbed her hand and prayed to Gu Yan'er. "What's the matter?"

"He's injured. It's very serious. Can you let him go temporarily..." who does he mean? Even if they don't say anything, they are like mirrors in their hearts. How many people can Xi Zhengnan care about? Except when it won't be anyone else.

When was he injured? No wonder Ke Hezhe came back from QH. However, when did he deserve it.

When she thought of having someone poison her, even if she was a nursing mother, she was angry. Anyway, when to die, she supported Ke Hezhe very much.

Gu Yan'er blinked. "Oh, Mr. Xi is really strange. No matter who is injured, just send him to the hospital. If he can get medical treatment, but if he can't, the doctor is powerless. It's the life of the injured. No one can do anything else. You don't have to find me about this matter. It has nothing to do with me."

"But Yan'er, he is my brother. I can't watch him die and be indifferent. Ning Xi is pregnant with his child again. Can't his child become a child without a father before he is born? That's too cruel."

"He sold drugs, but I don't know how many families he broke up. The children in those families didn't have their parents without their father, or even their parents. Who did those children go to talk to?" Gu Yaner looked at Xi Zhengnan faintly. When he was alone, how many people were hurt.

"But Ning Xi is too poor and the children are too poor. After all, they are innocent..."

"What about me? What about my Xiaoyu and Jingxu? Aren't the two children innocent? Now, both children are drinking milk powder. If it weren't for him, I still have breast milk." during the toss to QH, her milk has completely disappeared. Who should she make up for these?

"Yan'er, I'm sorry. I'll say sorry for him." after that, Xi Zhengnan turned sadly and left lonely.

Gu Yan'er looked at his lonely back and flashed in her mind that night. If it weren't for his appearance, she would be poisoned deeper behind her. When she thought of condensate Xi, she suddenly couldn't help, "stop."

"Yan'er, are you happy?" Xi Zhengnan turned around and his eyes lit up.

Gu Yan'er glanced. "No, I don't care whether he is dead or alive. I just miss Ning Xi. Where is she now?" Ke Hezhen was also true. It's just that he didn't tell her when he was hurt, but Ning Xi should really tell her.

"She has been in T city for several days. She has been unhappy. In addition, she knows that he is injured. She worries all day and is very depressed."

"Ning Xi has been here for several days? Why didn't you tell me earlier." Gu Yan'er was slightly annoyed and her small mouth tooted up.

"Hehe, your mobile phone..."

Gu Yaner really wanted to knock her head. The number of xizhengnan in her mobile phone had long been moved to the blacklist by Ke Hezhe. Xizhengnan couldn't get through her mobile phone before she found her in person, "where does she live?"

"Live with me."

"Is it convenient for me to go and see her now?" to tell the truth, she was really a little worried about condensate Xi. She remembered that if condensate Xi hadn't acted with her in QH last time, she couldn't get out of her hands, and Ke Hezhen didn't hurt when so quickly, That's all because the watch she lost in the car played a key role, allowing Ke Hezhe to locate when he was in his base camp in the mountain, and then he was injured by a sudden attack.

In fact, it was condensate Xi who helped her and Ke Hezhe, and it was condensate Xi who indirectly saved her life.

In this way, if she doesn't care about condensate Xi, it is to cross the river and tear down the bridge. Moreover, condensate Xi is now in T City, so she has to visit condensate Xi all the more.

"OK, I'll take you." Xi Zhengnan nodded gently. He could not wait. Maybe Gu Yan'er would soften her heart when she saw condensate Xi and would try to convince Ke Hezhen.

There are many things in the world. If you don't do anything, there is absolutely no possibility of change. But if you do something, no one may have any variables.

Moreover, as long as you seriously strive for it, no matter what the consequences are, you won't regret it.

Gu Yan'er hurriedly inspected the land, had a number in her heart, and walked south with Xizheng to the place where they parked.

When he arrived, Xi Zhengnan whispered, "take my car, will you?" the voice with a gentle prayer was not like Xi Zhengnan in his memory. Why had he been so careful to her, and his heart hurt. When she thought of meeting him at the beginning, she never thought that she would come to this result with him.

But many things happen when they happen. They are doomed to be the opposite side, "no, I drove here."

Xi Zhengnan knew it, but she knew she couldn't promise him. She still wanted to have a try, "I'll send someone to drive it back for you."

"No, I don't know how to drive." Gu Yaner refused faintly.

Xi Zhengnan suddenly remembered when she first got in his car. At that time, he only said a few words, and she got in his car without hesitation. Now, maybe no matter how much he said, she won't get in his car again.

Two people's cars, one in front of the other, drove downtown.

When she was about to enter the city, Gu Yaner's cell phone rang. It was a text message.

She glanced casually. It was Ke Hezhe's. seeing a red light not far away, she just touched her mobile phone. She didn't open it until she stopped at the red light.

"Wife, I made your favorite red stuffy prawns and tiger skin green pepper at noon. I promise it's not very spicy and delicious. I'll wait for you to go home."

The sweet and warm message was sent to her by Ke Hezhe.

The wife's cry made her heart sweet, but when she looked at the time, she immediately felt that she might regret him. It was already ten o'clock. When she drove to xizhengnan, it would be more than eleven o'clock. Then she sat down and had a good talk with condensate Xi. Seconds was the meal point for dinner. At that time, if she forcibly left home, it was estimated that condensate Xi would not let people go.

But she didn't go back. Ke Hezhen cooked her favorite food and waited for her at home.

Gu Yaner was tangled. The car passed the traffic light. She looked at the car in Zhengnan, who led the way in front. After thinking and thinking, she decided to pay more attention to sex than friends. Don't blame her. She went to see her in the afternoon. Let condensate Xi have a good meal and have a good sleep at noon.

Gu Yan'er dialed Xi Zhengnan, "Xi Zhengnan, Xiaoyu has some trouble at home. I have to go back quickly. Why don't I go directly to you at two o'clock in the afternoon?" when she gets home and finishes dinner, she will go over and talk to condensate Xi as long as she wants. That's good. That's more time. She doesn't have to tangle between condensate Xi and Ke Hezhe.

"Yan'er, I'm flying at 3:00 p.m., so..." Xi Zhengnan hesitated a little, and then said in a low voice.

"Where are you going for the three o'clock plane?" if the three o'clock plane is a domestic flight, it should arrive at the airport at two o'clock at the latest, otherwise it is likely to miss the flight.

"I want to see him."

Gu Yan'er narrowed her eyes. She understood that Xi Zhengnan was going to see when. At this time, her mind was full of Ke Hezhe. She suddenly felt that this man was really stingy.

He must know that she is going to xizhengnan's home with xizhengnan one after another at the moment, because since he came back, although he cooked and took Xiaoyu to send Xiaodan and Xiaoyu to the kindergarten every day, this is the first time he sent such a text message at noon to lure her back. If she said she wouldn't go back, what would Ke Hezhe look like?

She suddenly wanted to know.

Gu Yan'er smiled and first responded to Xi Zhengnan, "it's right for you to see him from your position. However, if you go to you and I go to see Ning Xi, it doesn't matter whether you are or not? Is it difficult? If you are not, I won't be allowed to see her?"

"Yan'er......" Xi Zhengnan's eyes darkened again. "You know I don't mean that, I just......"

"That's it. If you want to go, I said you must go to see Ning Xi in the afternoon. Let her have a good meal and sleep at noon. Don't you think it's better for her?"

Finally, Xi Zhengnan had no reason to object.

Finally, Gu Yan'er agreed to see Xi Zhengnan at two o'clock in the afternoon. At that point, Xi Zhengnan was already at the airport.

The car of two people separated at the fork of the road just entering the urban area, one back to the villa and the other back to their own small home.

At another traffic light, Gu Yaner hurried back to Ke Hezhe and sent a text message: "I'm busy at noon. If I don't go back, you can eat more for me." after clicking the send, Gu Yaner narrowed her eyes and smiled. Her mind was full of the way YY man looked when he saw this text message. He was angry.

PS: do you want to see Ke Hezhe blow up^_^

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