"Mr. Ke, aren't you going to come back to your company?" another reporter asked fearlessly.

"Ha ha, it's all gone. Just let it be." he said, and he looked at Gu Yan'er again. "What if you're hungry?"

"Then eat." Gu Yan'er glanced at him. The man was obviously intentional.

"OK, let's eat here. He doesn't want to go anymore. He's so hungry." Ke Xizhe smiled faintly. No matter how many reporters around him are looking at him and Gu Yaner, it seems that this is his home. He can do whatever he likes.

Gu Yan'er could not really starve the man except nodding, although she doubted whether he was really hungry.

So Ke Hezhe got up and picked up some food, completely ignoring the reporters staring at him like flies.

"Mr. Ke, are you going to keep your wife for the rest of your life if you don't work anymore?" the reporter asked boldly when he answered the first question and didn't seem to be bothered.

I don't know if he was pleased by the word "wife". Ke Hezhe blinked and said, "yes, she is responsible for supporting the family. I am responsible for being as beautiful as grass. It's good to take three more children by the way." Ke Hezhe smiled. In the twinkling of an eye, he had filled the food and walked steadily towards Gu Yaner.

Gu Yaner looked up at the man. Ke Hezhe looked so big that she didn't even give up. It's really serious.

"Yan'er, there's a barbecue over there. Do you want to roast two fish?" although the hotel is not big, the cafeteria is good. Everything is very complete. It's safe to come. It's obvious that Gu Yan'er has lost money when he eats less. Gu Yan'er is particularly funny. When did Ke Hezhe lose money? No work, no money.

"OK." I don't know if it's because Ke Hezhe came. Gu Yaner actually had an appetite and suddenly wanted to eat more.

"Then you play mobile games and I'll bake it for you." the reporters are still looking in their direction. He is the same. They all regard it as cabbage and go to roast fish as if no one else. Waiting for a good time for the fish, he also chose two things Gu Yaner likes to eat in front of her, "eat."

"OK." what else can she do besides eating? She doesn't like playing mobile games at all. So she imitates his appearance and ignores those annoying reporters.

She was surrounded by people, but it was probably because of Ke Hezhe's appearance that Gu Yaner had an appetite again. They ate together. He whispered, "I checked. She just bought a person who is very similar to me. She just wanted to stir up our relationship."

"HMM." she knew Rong Qingya was intentional.

"Yan'er, go home in the evening."

Gu Yaner looked up at Ke Hezhe. How can she feel that the man is like a big child now, "No."

"Why, are you really angry? It's not me. Why are you angry?" Ke Hezhe raised his hand and pinched her face, which refreshed Gu Yaner's feelings about the man again. "Someone is watching."

"How about looking at it? It's natural for me to touch my wife." Ke Hezhe's evil spirit smiled. Her flat appearance made Gu Yaner turn her eyes, "you, true color."

Ke Hezhe suddenly bent over, and Junyan was close to Gu Yaner's, and gently printed a kiss on her lips, "pinch it and don't call color, it's not color. If you don't go back, I can stay."

"Asshole." Gu Yaner punched the man with a pink fist. She couldn't stand the man's virtue. So many people looked at him. How did he do this series of actions so generous and natural.

"You fight casually. Anyway, if you fall into the eyes of others, it's beating, scolding and love." Ke Hezhe continued his evil smile, and his hot eyes fell on her face, as if she wasn't dressed at this time.


So, a meal was eaten in the laughter of two people. When they came out of the restaurant, the reporters who had taken enough photos left reluctantly. Otherwise, they couldn't follow Gu Yaner's room.

The two men entered the elevator, went upstairs and opened the door of the room. Gu Yaner had not had time to insert the card to get the electricity. A powerful arm hugged her like trying to insert her into his body, and gently kissed her. Ke Hezhe seemed to have not seen her for a long time, but they clearly talked on the phone in the morning.

He kissed Gu Yaner fiercely. The tip of the man's tongue brushed every inch of Gu Yaner's mouth until the oxygen was about to run out. Ke Hezhe gently loosened her lips, looked at her eyes and whispered: "Yan'er, the boss has promised when to come to T city for treatment, but it is under the surveillance of the police. Therefore, I think you are with the children, and I will send someone to protect you 24 hours. Otherwise, I'm really worried."

"Is he serious?"

"Well, it's not so good to be shot this time. No one stopped the gun for him. In the final analysis, it's all your credit. If it weren't for the watch you left in his car, I couldn't determine his position in the mountains." Ke Hezhe was honest, his chin gently rubbed her forehead, and the intimate action made her tremble gently, "it's not serious."

"What do you want to be serious with your wife? If you are serious, there are no Xiaodan, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu." Ke Hezhe has light eyes and tail. He looks handsome and domineering. He looks like a domineering president. Unfortunately, he can't be a president now.

Gu Yaner was speechless again. "Since when did he put it forward first this time, I don't think he would mess around. In fact, if it wasn't Ning Xi last time, I didn't escape from when's hand so smoothly."

"Yes, I only promised when I saw condensate Xi's face. I promised him to come, but condensate Xi would stay in our hands."

Gu Yaner looked up. "What do you mean?"

"Otherwise, can you guarantee that once he gets better, he won't take away the condensate? Then you and the children will be in danger again." this time, he won't put his closest people in danger again.

Absolutely not.

Gu Yan'er was speechless. She understood the man's determination, so it was almost impossible to convince him, but she still wanted to try, "he Zhe, I always think Rong Qingya is not that simple, so..."

"So, you're afraid that your husband has been calculated by her, aren't you?" Ke Hezhe blinked and smiled to tell Gu Yaner that the person who really calculated and was calculated by others is Rong Qingya.

Gu Yaner looked at his expression. For a moment, she was confused at the bottom of her heart. When she wanted to go back, her sixth sense told her that Ke Hezhe must have missed something, but she couldn't think of what she missed anyway.

Thinking about the past happened these days, Ke Hezhe suddenly sank. He seemed very unhappy that she was distracted when she was with him. "Wife, since you hesitate, go home tomorrow and don't go back tonight."

The strong male breath lingered in her nose. Gu Yaner's brain crashed and she couldn't think anymore. "Hmm?" she looked up at the man in confusion, but his thin lips fell down again, and kissed her again in an instant. "Your mother came back and the child was given to her. I'm very relieved."

Therefore, he finally had a chance to live with her, so he would never miss it.

So, in the dark hotel room where she didn't even have time to insert her card, Gu Yaner was wiped clean by Ke Hezhe again. I don't know how long later, after the man's voice roared, Gu Yaner lay soft in bed. She didn't want to move. Only the boundless darkness around swallowed all her Qingming.

Gu Yaner fell asleep.

In a daze, Ke Hezhe took her into the bathroom.

In a daze, Ke Hezhe took a bath for her, then lay clean and comfortable in the soft quilt, one hand fell on her waist, and fell asleep with his arms around her.

Gu Yan'er fell asleep. The gentle sound was almost inaudible in the quiet night, but all of them were sucked into the eardrums by men. It has been a long time since there was only two people in the world like tonight.

Suddenly I miss it.

It seems that he will find a way to remove Xiaoyu from their big bed in the future, otherwise she can't have fun when there are small things

When Gu Yaner woke up leisurely, it was the next morning. The sun penetrated the thick curtains and fell into the room. Gu Yaner rubbed her eyes and tried to move. Her body was sore. At this time, everything last night jumped into her mind. She felt her body and her small hand fell on the big hand at her waist. "Don't tell me you haven't woke up." that's absolutely impossible, Ke Hezhe always sleeps lightly. Moreover, he never sleeps past seven o'clock. It looks like it's already more than ten o'clock. Gu Yaner believes he must be awake.

"Hehe, wake up, waiting for you to wake up, and then go home together." the sound of "go home together" made Gu Yaner's eyes moist in an instant.

So, in order to wait for her to wake up naturally, in order not to wake her up, he waited for her for three hours?

Gu Yaner pushed away the salty pig's hand around her waist and turned to see Ke Hezhe. It was only one night. Green beard residue had grown on his chin, setting off his special man's special interest.

"Good looking?" seeing her motionless staring at herself, Ke Hezhe smiled, stretched out his fingers and stroked her face.

"You're ugly. You're ugly."

"Whether I'm ugly or not, just like me." Ke Hezhe smiled and looked very happy.

"Go away, who likes you? You're amorous." Gu Yaner rolled her eyes and really wanted to bite the man, "I'm old."

"Well, well, you don't like me. I like you. Anyway, I like you. You are my woman."

The man's voice became smaller and smaller. Later, it became a low Nan. Seeing Ke Hezhe rise sideways and press her, Gu Yaner's subconscious little hand pushed him, "no nonsense, let's go home."

A sound of home, a 'home' word, that is a portrayal of their perseverance.

She doesn't like him, but she loves him wholeheartedly.

PS: I'm going home on the evening of the 12th. I've been on the road these days. Shibuya will update it as much as possible, but I don't guarantee the update time. I'll make it up when I get home. Thank you for your tolerance. Shibuya loves you!

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