"I......" Cong Xi hesitated. First, he twisted his clothes in a daze, and then said, "OK."

Gu Yaner breathed a sigh of relief. Only when she slowly untied her heart knot, could the child be saved. No matter which man's child was, it was always her own. Gu Yaner took her mobile phone and quickly dialed it. When it rang, she picked it up, "how's Ning Xi?", I've been waiting for her or condensate Xi's call.

Listen to his anxious voice and recall the picture that he wanted to come to the hospital. Gu Yaner was soft hearted. When she turned to look at condensate Xi, condensate Xi nodded at her and had to harden her head and say, "you decide whether to or not."

She thought she would tangle or hesitate when, but she didn't. the other end of the phone directly replied in the affirmative, "yes."

With only one word, the tears of condensate Xi surged more and more. She slowly raised her hand and directly took the mobile phone in Gu Yaner's hand. Just when Gu Yaner didn't know what she was going to do, she whispered to the mobile phone, "take care." then she cut off the mobile phone call.

Gu Yaner was a little confused. She didn't understand what condensate Xi meant. Feeling her eyes, condensate Xi said, "go to the hospital. I want to protect the fetus. However, sister Yan, you have to promise me one thing."

"You said." when did she commit a crime, but she didn't. from beginning to end, she was a vulnerable victim.

"I think in my current physical condition, as long as I take the medicine and lose the infusion, the fetus will be saved after lying down for two days. When I can move freely, will you take me away?"

"Leave? Leave the hospital?" in fact, she would like to ask whether she wants to "leave T city?", It seems that condensate Xi likes to leave T City, but she doesn't dare to say anything. If she feels wrong, isn't she reminding condensate Xi when to leave?

"Sister Yan, I want to leave him and give myself some private space. Since I decide to be born, I will bring him up with my own ability. He belongs to me."

Gu Yan'er nodded. She understood that condensate Xi was leaving a way for herself. If she gave birth to a child when, she might come back and reunite with when. If not, the child was her own and had nothing to do with any man.

Just in such a short time, condensate Xi made a decision. It was very difficult, but also very rational. She respected condensate Xi, "I will help you, but you can see that he sent two bodyguards to guard you. The situation is a little complicated." Gu Yaner is not sure whether she can succeed, but she will try her best. All she can do is try her best.

"Well, let everything go. I don't blame you for the result." condensing Xi smiled faintly, and her eyes fell outside the car. The sunshine outside was still good, and the two people's mood calmed down a lot. Although the fetus was still unstable, Gu Yaner believed what condensing Xi said. Condensing Xi herself was a nurse. She said she would keep it if she could keep it.

In the VIP ward of the hospital, after tossing for more than two hours, condensate Xi fell asleep quietly.

Fu is also peeling the apple skin. The beautiful dandruff droops in circles in front of her lap. Gu Yaner's hand falls on her shoulder. "Please take care of her today. I'll come back tomorrow." after this toss, Gu Yaner is also tired. In addition, He Xi can irresponsibly say to go and let go, She can't be a mother, even to Jing Xu.

Although Wu Yanran is very patient, she doesn't have so much experience in taking care of small children. As for her mother, she is old. Moreover, her physical function has begun to age rapidly in the past 20 years. She doesn't want her mother to work harder.

"OK, sister Yan, drive carefully on the road."

"Thank you."

Gu Yan'er turned to leave. "Gu Yan'er......" suddenly there was a weak voice from the hospital bed. Gu Yan'er went to the hospital bed again, "why did you only sleep for a while?"

Condensate Xi stretched out her hand to catch Gu Yan'er's, and her eyes fell quietly on her face, as if she wanted to say something, but because Fu was also present, she didn't say anything at all, just nodded at her, "see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Gu Yaner shook her hand back. It was more like a promise. Condensate Xi suddenly smiled and winked at her. The expression was so beautiful that it seemed to be the most beautiful moment of condensate Xi she had ever seen. Condensate Xi smiled very well. I just hope she can laugh often and be happy every day in the future.

When she left the hospital, Gu Yaner's heart was heavy. She always felt that she owed condensate Xi. If it hadn't been condensate Xi at the beginning, she really couldn't get out of her hands.

Look at the time. At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, I thought Wu Yanran would pick up four big ones and take the small ones with her mother. She suddenly wanted to go to Ke's for a turn first. Ke Hezhe went to Ke's help on the first day. He didn't enjoy the taste of being a big president for many days. Must that man be very worried.

Sometimes, I get used to one job and one thing. Once I change, I feel that life is strange.

In the afternoon, there were not many vehicles on the road. There was no traffic jam. Those who were familiar with the road drove in front of Koch's building and drove into the underground parking lot. The security guard saw it was her and opened his eyes. "Hello, madam."

Gu Yan'er smiled and said, "don't inform him."

"OK, madam." the security guard couldn't help laughing. Gu Yaner, who wanted to surprise Ke Hezhe, was so loving and lovely.

Gu Yaner stopped her car and went to the elevator on the lower floor. She just didn't come to Coriolis for a while. When she came back, she felt like a dream.

She likes to work in Coriolis, but she doesn't do it for a long time. She always meets such and such things on the way, and then Coriolis's work was aborted.

Take the elevator to the top floor. The top floor is the president's office. There are also two conference rooms. A large conference room is usually used for shareholders' meetings and company high-level meetings, with a larger capacity. There is also a small conference room and reception room. From the elevator to the president's Office, you have to go through two conference rooms first, and then the reception room. Gu Yaner is walking past. Suddenly, Suddenly a familiar voice came from her ear, but it was definitely something she didn't like.

Rong Qingya.

Yes, it's Rong Qingya's voice.

"He Zhe, you personally signed this cooperation project three months ago. It's written in black and white. Coriolis has no reason to refuse this cooperation. Otherwise, it's not just me but Coriolis who will lose." Rong Qingya is talking about business, but it's obviously intentional. There are others under her hand. A cooperation project can be handed over to her. She has to come forward in person, It's for Ke Hezhe.

I have to say that Rong Qingya's news is quite well informed. She came the first day Ke Hezhe came to the Ke's rescue site.

"Yes, it's clearly stated in the contract, so Ke Shi is willing to pay 5% liquidated damages. If Miss Rong has nothing else to do, please leave." without any emotional color, even the words of chasing customers full of cold meaning, if it's someone else, he must turn around and leave.

But Rong Qingya didn't, and the cheeky still sat in the reception room, "he Zhe, what if I don't agree?"

"That's your wishful thinking. Coriolis just needs to go through legal procedures. This cooperation project will be terminated immediately."

"Ke Hezhe, the project of our company is obviously yours, and the company is yours. Why don't you allow Ke to cooperate with your own company? Ke Hezhe, you are abnormal." Rong Qingya roared in the past, as if she was angry.

"My company? Where does it say it's my company, or it was not long ago, but now it's definitely not. The legal person is you and the president is you. It has nothing to do with me."

"No, this company is yours. As long as you are willing to divorce Gu Yaner, as long as you are willing to marry me, even if I take care of your three children, I will be happy. I will put the company under your name again, he Zhe. Isn't that killing three birds with one stone? I will give you happiness. You have your happiness, you have a real home, and the company is yours again, so on I can't figure out why you must oppose and refuse. Ke Hezhe, I'm all for you. Why don't you accept me at all? I'm the only one who is sincere to you. Gu Yaner is not at all. She has an affair with Xi Zhengnan. She has changed her mind long ago... "

Gu Yaner clenched her fists and just wanted to rush in to find Rong Qingya's theory. There was a loud "pa" sound in the reception room. It was the sound of patting the table. It was Ke Hezhe, "Rong Qingya, please respect yourself. Yan'er is my wife. Only with her and three children, that's my real home. Let me divorce my wife and remarry. It's not home, but the shackles you want to impose on me. As for the company, I said it's not mine. I won't intervene any more. Rong Qingya, please." Ke Hezhe's words are very fast. It seems that he doesn't want to stay with Rong Qingya for another minute. As he says, he rushes out of the reception room.

Listening to his voice and his footsteps, Gu Yan'er couldn't hide for a moment.

For a moment, four eyes were opposite. Ke Hezhe stopped his steps in time. Black eyes looked at her quietly. Gu Yaner opened her lips. She wanted to say something, but she found that she couldn't say a word. Only the moisture between her eyes and the gratitude from the bottom of her heart. She was very happy to thank him for his trust in her.

"He Zhe." Gu Yaner suddenly jumped into Ke Hezhe's arms, and her two arms tightly wrapped around his neck. The whole person hung on him. With him, she was enough.

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