The mailbox is open.

The weak light in the room hit the computer screen. Gu Yaner opened the first email with a slight shake of her fingers. The email she received was sent by condensate Xi. Looking at the girl's beautiful face, they met in the morning. At the moment, one is in T city and the other is in QH. She saved the photos in her mobile phone. Gu Yaner went to see other emails.

Just looking at the names of the email boxes sent to her, she knew it was spam. Everything that happened in the past made her feel the mail all the time, so she never looked at the mail sent by strangers.

One by one, the mobile phone that moves the mouse will move those spam away from its own world. Otherwise, it will feel that those emails are like a time bomb, which may blow her to pieces at any time. Sometimes, it's better not to know than to know.

Suddenly, a new e-mail arrived, and Gu Yaner wanted to delete the e-mail sent by such a stranger, but it was too late. With the subconscious inertia of her fingers, the e-mail had been opened.

The black skull was lifelike, flashing green eyes and spraying red liquid in its mouth.

Blood gushed all the time, "ah..." Gu Yan'er collapsed on the chair and hurriedly ordered several times before closing the mailbox.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she even felt it difficult to breathe.

The feeling of suffocation was so strong, "he Zhe, save me." she whispered flustered. The nightmare a few years ago hit her body and mind. Gu Yaner fainted with such intensity and stimulation.

The cell phone keeps ringing.

In the downstairs living room, Xiaoyu suddenly cried.

In the room, Xiaoyu and Xiaodan took a bath, but they didn't feel sleepy at all. The two little guys jumped out of bed together as if they had made an appointment. When they appeared at the door together, Xiaodan looked at Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu looked at Xiaodan. Xiaodan was stunned and asked, "you can't sleep?"

"Well, it seems that my sister is crying."

"Yes, it's Xiaoyu crying." the familiar little voice made people very worried. The two little ones immediately ran down the stairs to coax their sister, "Xiaoyu didn't cry." Xiaoyu coaxed like a little adult, quite dignified as a little man.

"Xiaoyu is good. Come on, sister." Xiaodan wants to hold Xiaoyu from Ke Qingyu's arms.

"The child is really strange. He was just happy and suddenly burst into tears. Fortunately, I am her own grandfather. Otherwise, I don't know. I thought my grandfather abused the little ancestor." Ke Qingyu carefully put Xiaoyu into Xiaodan's hand, "be careful."

"Baby don't cry, sister kiss." Xiaodan took Xiaoyu, bowed his head and kissed the little guy's little face. He looked like Gu Yaner.

"No saliva." Xiaoyu looked at Xiaodan to kiss. Only a little girl would play. He shouldn't kiss casually, not even his sister.

Xiaoyu stopped crying, but her big eyes were still watery. "There's no saliva. Come on, let me check my sister." after following Gu Yaner for a long time, Xiaodan began to check Xiaoyu's diapers like Gu Yaner. The little man seemed reluctant to let her touch, but he didn't cry.

After checking, he didn't pee at all. Then he stretched his little finger to Xiaoyu's lips. Xiaoyu ignored it. Xiaodan was immediately confused, "eh, it's not hungry."

"You shouldn't be hungry. Your grandmother fed Xiaoyu milk powder." murongqing went to take a bath, so Ke Qingyu continued to hold Xiaoyu.

"Eh, why did you cry so loudly?" Xiaodan turned to look at Xiaoyu. "I just couldn't sleep in my room. In a trance, it was like hearing Xiaoyu cry.

"Me too."

"That's your sister, brother and sister. What's strange." the old man looked at these grandchildren with a smile. The big one and the small one liked them.

"Eh, no, we all heard my sister cry. Can't my mother hear my sister cry?" Xiaoyu looked up at the direction upstairs. He only said this. The old man and Ke Qingyu in the living room looked nervous, "Xiaoyu, you go upstairs to see your mother." He is old and his legs are inconvenient. It is not appropriate for Ke Qingyu's father-in-law to see Gu Yaner. Xiaoyu is the most suitable person in the living room.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Xiaoyu ran quickly, taking two and three steps, and soon disappeared into the corridor on the stairs.

A few seconds later, Xiaoyu's surprised voice came, "Mommy, what's the matter with you?"

Ke Qingyu immediately got up and ran upstairs, shouting murongqing and Wu Yanran. Then, just for a moment, the whole ancestral house was in chaos, and all the people ran towards Gu Yaner's room.

"Mommy, wake up." the soft voice was in her ear, and Xiaoyu whispered Gu Yan'er.

Gu Yaner seems to have a long nightmare. In the dream, there is a female ghost with her tongue sticking out and a long bloody knife chasing after her strange man. She has been running and trying to escape those who are chasing her

"Mommy, wake up, Xiaoyu is here, Mommy is not afraid." a small hand gently brushed away the sweat on her forehead. The familiar voice softened her heart, shocked Gu Yaner's mind, broke through the misty world in an instant, and slowly opened her eyes.

There were all people in front of her, including Xiaoyu, Xiaodan, butterfly dream and glory, Wu Yanran holding Xiaoyu and Ke Qingyu holding Jing Xu. On her side, Murong Qing looked at her anxiously, "Yan'er, tell mom, what's the matter with you? Why did you faint? Is it uncomfortable?"

"Send to the hospital, do a general examination, and you can always find the cause." the old man said, it's not a small thing to faint. It's absolutely impossible to faint without disease or disaster for no reason.

Gu Yan'er pursed her lips and looked at the computer behind the little guy through Xiaoyu's small body. The blood gushing skull seemed to be right in front of her. Fortunately, with so many people, she wouldn't be so afraid, "old man, I'm fine. I don't have to go to the hospital."

"They all fainted and said they were all right. Yan'er, don't cheat your mother. Tell your mother what's wrong with you?" Murong Qing bent down and looked at his daughter with concern.

Gu Yaner tried to overcome her fear in the bottom of her heart and smiled. "I'm really fine. It's too late. Just let Xiaoyu accompany me and go to bed." she didn't intend to let the family in front of her know about the skeleton head. She told them no doubt, so she added a more worried mark to their hearts. They worried that Ke Hexi had enough. The email was a small matter, after all, The man didn't directly hurt her body, but frightened her. When Ke Hezhe came back, she told Ke Hezhe. It's OK to leave these things to Ke Hezhe.

Seeing Gu Yan'er standing up, it seemed that she was really okay. Everyone hesitated to look at the old man. The old man didn't speak, and no one was in charge.

"Qingyu's daughter-in-law is watching. Let everyone else go to bed. When he Zhe's smelly boy comes back, just give it to him." the old man gave the order, turned around and helped Ke Qingyu to walk downstairs. As he walked, he said in a low voice: "The second son is gone, and the third daughter-in-law faints again. Qingyu, you and your daughter-in-law go to Guanyin temple to have a incense one day. We don't want to be rich and noble, just want the whole family to be safe."

Gu Yaner's eyes immediately moistened with the old man's sentence. Now the old man cares about her as much as his grandson. At this step, she was really satisfied. She was glad that she didn't tell the truth just now, which worried the old man.

When the children saw that Gu Yaner was really all right, they reluctantly went to bed. Before leaving, Xiaodan gave her a hard kiss, "Mommy, be good."

"Uh huh, baby should be good too." after getting tired of it, Xiaodan went back to her room. For a time, Gu Yaner's room was only murongqing and Wu Yanran, as well as two little Xiaoyu and Jingxu.

Wu Yanran looked at murongqing. "Mom, go to bed, too. I'll accompany my sister and wait for he Zhe to come back and go back to the room. Don't worry. I promise to give a good sister back to he Zhe."

"Smelly girl, I'm not worried. I can't sleep at all. It's better to have a chat with our mother."

Wu Yanran turned her eyes. "Mom, you'd better go back to your room. Otherwise, be careful. Dad will find it later. It will be the sin of my sister and me at that time. We didn't hold you and don't allow you to leave."

"Smelly girl, you're even kidding your mother."

"I'm not kidding. I'm telling the truth. Even Xiaoyu knows that you and dad have a good relationship, so just let me hold you instead of dad."

Murong Qing punched Wu Yanran on the shoulder, "no big or small."

"Oh......" Wu Yanran bent over and cried like pain.

"Ran girl, are you all right?" Murong Qing was nervous immediately.

"Mom, don't take it seriously. Just have her with me. Go to rest and bring me two small ones tomorrow."

"Where are you going tomorrow?"

"Go and see He Xi's clothing trade according to people." He Xi and Bo wine are not here, so a big company can't really have no leader.

Murongqing nodded, "then I'll go to bed. When he zhe comes back, you two will also sleep."

Finally, there were only two big and two small four people left in the room. Wu Yanran handed Xiaoyu to Gu Yaner and picked up Jing Xu. "Sister, tell me, what happened?"

Gu Yaner felt guilty. It seemed that she couldn't hide it from Wu Yanran. After thinking about it, she had to say, "I just opened my mailbox and accidentally saw another threatening email." she was still terrified when she talked about it.

"Let me see." Wu Yanran said, walked to the computer and raised her hand to open Gu Yaner's mailbox.

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