Early in the morning, Gu Yaner drove to Yiren service trade. When she woke up, Ke Hezhe had left for the company.

God knows how busy this man is. He should have left before dawn. Yes, it wasn't long before dawn when she woke up.

I wanted to call him, but I thought he was busy and didn't bother him.

During the rush hour of work, there are many cars and people on the road. When it comes to Yiren service trade, the time is just right.

Gu Yaner got out of the car and went to the lobby. The security guard respectfully nodded at her. Bo Jiu was not there, and Ke Hexi was not there. However, the staff of the company did not change. They were busy working step by step. It seems that Ke Hezhe blocked Ke Hexi's news too successfully, so the service trade according to people was not disordered at all.

"Manager Gu, this way, please." Gu Yaner was about to go to the elevator. The manager of the human management department greeted her. It should be Ke Hezhe who had informed her.

As the manager went into the special elevator to an office upstairs, she had a headache when she saw a lot of documents on her desk. "Do you have to deal with these?"

"Well, Mr. Ke has already told him. If manager Gu doesn't understand what he can't decide, he can call him."

Gu Yan'er tilted her lips. Ke Hezhe was really not afraid that she was tired. He was afraid that she was not tired. Later, her husband took a good look at the pile of documents. She wanted to beat people.

Bo Jiu didn't come to the company much before Ke Hexi's accident. He was busy taking care of Jiang yubai's mother. The manager of the company can decide the small things, but the big things can't be. It's against the rules, so he has accumulated a lot since he started working at that time.

Gu Yaner began to get busy. Although she didn't really take care of the company, she directly participated in the preparation of Qingyan chain florist. Although the florist hasn't opened yet, she still accumulated some experience and dared to analyze and decide important things.

Looking at the documents one by one, she made a decision directly if she felt she could. If she felt she couldn't, she put them aside and finally asked Ke Hezhe together. Otherwise, she was afraid to disturb Ke Hezhe's normal work in Ke. After all, he was very busy, otherwise she wouldn't go to work at dawn.

How busy it is.

After working for more than two hours, Gu Yaner's arm was sore. She got up and went outside, "a cup of coffee." she asked the Secretary for a cup of coffee, and she went to the bathroom.

"Hey, have you sold the shares of keshao company?" a woman's voice came from the bathroom.

"No, I always think that company is Ke Shao, so I can't bear to sell it these days."

"Then you're rich. Today, the stock of keshao company has soared, and it's about to rise by the limit."

"Really? I've been busy since I went to work. I didn't want to sell anyway. I really didn't pay attention."

"Looking at the performance of the disk, it seems that someone is buying a large number of shares. It's really a big deal."

"Really? Blessed are our retail investors, ha ha, great."

"I think not only the shares of keshao company are being purchased, but also the shares of Rongjia."

"Mom, is that true or false?"

"Don't you know if you go and have a look?"

"OK, I'll have a look. Hey, it's my treat tonight."

The people in the bathroom came out and Gu Yaner flashed aside. Otherwise, she would definitely hit it directly.

"Good morning, manager Gu." people in Yiren service trade naturally know Gu Yaner. Ke Hezhe's woman, the real backstage boss of Yiren service trade, Ke Hexi's favorite woman, a woman, can attract the deep love of the two sons of the Ke family. That's also capable. Therefore, Gu Yaner has long been famous, and no enterprise related to Ke doesn't know her.

"Good morning." it's almost noon, but Gu Yaner doesn't expose it. It's probably that she just discussed her husband's previous company in the bathroom, so the female employee looked nervous at the first sight of her, and she didn't care.

After going to the bathroom, the coffee was ready, took a comfortable drink, and then looked at the documents piled up like a hill on the table. Gu Yaner decided to take a break first. She opened Rong's Fuzhuang a share in the computer. Sure enough, it has turned red from the previous daily limit.

Daily limit.

Just more than two hours after the opening, the limit rose.

Look at the stock of the company robbed by Rong Qingya, which is also the daily limit.

Gu Yaner frowned slightly. After thinking about it, she still called Ke Hezhe. There should be some busy there, so she rang a few times to pick it up. "Yan'er, why don't you understand?" Ke Hezhe looked very busy.

"Someone is helping Rong Qingya?"

"Why do you think it's help?"

"Rong's stock has risen. It must be that Rong's family raised funds and bought its own stock to raise the stock price."

"Er, why don't you want someone else to buy Rong's? Many wrongs will kill themselves. Do you think with the current strength of Rong's family, any financial institutions are willing to lend them?"

Yes, Gu Yaner suddenly realized what she meant by her man. It seems that this time it is Ke Hezhe's big pen, "you really have money."


"It's not easy for me to raise a few children when I go home at night. There's another one crying for food." she needs to search for such a rich husband, otherwise thanks.

"Yes, do you want to send it to you for your husband now?" Ke Hezhe smiled low and couldn't help teasing Gu Yaner.

"No, you're not serious."

"The husband is very serious. His serious head even eclipses the sun."

"Get out."

"I'll roll over? If you don't feel bad, I'll roll over."

Gu Yan'er listened to Ke Hezhe's deliberately low voice. It's probably that there are people over there. He doesn't want to be heard about the level of flirtation.

"OK, when you roll over."

"Hungry, you have to eat."

"No matter." Gu Yaner blushed across the phone.

"Well, it's just a lunch. I don't care?"


"Wife, do you think it's wrong? Do you want me to eat you?"

"Ke Hezhe, pay attention to the image. There are people over there." Gu Yaner's face is more red. If Ke Hezhe is around, she will definitely be attracted by her Rouge like face. If she can't do anything, she will directly throw her down.

"Well, well, I pay attention to the image. I won't say that."

Thinking he was going to hang up, Gu Yaner said anxiously, "I'll take some untreated materials home in the evening. How about you help me find out some ideas?"

"Is there any reward?"

"Well, when He Xi comes back, just ask him. The company is not mine. What's the point if I pay you out of my own pocket? We haven't shared much." she is his, his and hers. She never doubts this.

"Well, who said you wanted such a reward? Wife, would you take the initiative in the evening?"

"Go away." after saying this sentence quickly, Gu Yaner hung up the phone. Further, she was about to be cooked by the man's words. She was so ashamed.

Gu Yaner was so busy that she forgot the time. Until a fragrance floated to her nose, she suddenly woke up and looked up at the door. Xi Zhengnan was standing there with a long body and a food box in her hand. "It's more than one o'clock in the afternoon. Don't you eat yet?"

"It's so late?" Gu Yaner looked down at the lower right corner of the computer. It was really late. She remembered that the Secretary had called to inform her that she was off duty, but she was busy at that time, so she asked the Secretary to get off work first, so she was busy until now.

"Well, are you going to keep busy if I don't come?"

Gu Yan'er frowned, "did the security guard let you in?" the security guard of Yiren is too bad. At least ask her for advice. It's really bad to let people in casually. She didn't want to see Xi Zhengnan.

"Er, manager Zhang said that you have approved a case of cooperation with our company, so I came to discuss some details. Why do you want to go back?"



She approved a lot of documents in the morning. After thinking about it, she still couldn't remember, "which company?"

"Mikang yashou." Xi Zhengnan smiled faintly. Mikang yashou didn't do service trade business, but some large shopping malls he operated needed a lot of clothes, so he opened a service trade company in his own name, so that mikang yashou's profits would be higher, and he could make a small profit himself.

Gu Yaner suddenly realized that she did approve the case of a company called this name today. When approving, she was stunned to see that mikang yashou was only one word away from mikang yashou, so it also attracted her attention. Unexpectedly, it was really related to mikang yashou, "your company?"

"Yes, Ke Er Shao knows my private company. This case has been discussed with him before."

Well, Gu Yaner also saw Ke Hexi's comments in the documents. It was because there were Ke Hexi's comments, so she signed directly, but she didn't expect to provoke Xi Zhengnan.

Well, she's here to do business. She figured it out. The smell of food in her nose tempted her to drool, "what?"

"A new restaurant in T city tastes good. Try it."

Well, does the man know she didn't have lunch?

At the moment, looking at Xi Zhengnan, Gu Yaner felt that there must be someone in the Yiren service trade as an insider. Otherwise, he couldn't know that she didn't have lunch.

After smelling it, she was hungry. "Give it to me." she didn't eat for nothing. No one mentioned it. When Xi Zhengnan mentioned it, she felt very hungry.

The typical four dishes and one soup was delicious. Gu Yaner ate it. Xi Zhengnan sat on the small sofa opposite and looked at her quietly. After a long time, he whispered, "thank you for sending him the picture. He's much better."

Gu Yaner was shocked. Did he come here just to say "thank you".

PS: "uncle, it doesn't mean we're fake couples, so we don't have to hold hands. We can't kiss... We can't..." Shui qingmo can't go on. He strongly recommends haojiyou's new book, uncle Gao Leng, please let go. Beauties must support you. Love you, meimoda!

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